Ruins of the past

Chapter 596 Luck Hedging


Seeing Zhou Yujiao lying quietly on the bed, Chu Qiguang sighed softly: "Oh, I blame me for being too harsh on you..."

"If you wake up, I will never let you do something like this again."

Zhou Yujiao was overjoyed when she heard this, and secretly thought: 'Hey, it seems that he already knows how to blame himself and feel guilty. ’

Chu Qiguang sat down in the direction of the bed, as if he wanted to sit next to his sister.

But the next moment, he heard a soft bang and he slid directly to the ground, making a small crater.

Chu Qiguang seemed to be stunned for two seconds.

Then he sat on the ground so naturally, leaning against the bed and continued: "...Now think about it, as long as you live happily, it doesn't matter whether you learn or not...knowledge or not..."

Zhou Yujiao, who had her eyes closed, heard a bang and was slightly startled: 'This sound... is it the sound of a body hitting the ground? ’

Jiaojiao understands how high Chu Qiguang’s martial arts level is.

‘Brother, it’s impossible for him to lose control of his body and make meaningless movements. ’

‘And the sound just now was clearly the sound of a body hitting the ground. ’

Why did Chu Qiguang suddenly hit the ground with his body?

‘Did he kneel down? ’

At this moment, Jiaojiao was suddenly moved: 'It's so nice to be like this. ’

‘As expected, my brother still loves his sister. ’

‘Then next… I’m going to find an opportunity to wake up. ’

Just as Zhou Yujiao was brewing in her heart, she heard Chu Qiguang continue: "But the matter has come to this, and your sacrifice cannot be wasted."

Zhou Yujiao was slightly startled: ‘? ’

Chu Qiguang continued: "Everyone has tried your new ability. It is a very useful power."

"Although you have left us, your strength and spirit can still be passed on and you can continue to fight side by side with everyone."

Zhou Yujiao shouted in her heart: 'I'm obviously just in a coma! It sounds like I'm dead. ’

Chu Qiguang added: "However, the power of this oath cannot be given away in vain. I decided to receive 10,000 taels of silver per person at a time."

Zhou Yujiao was shocked: ‘You can still collect cash! ’

Chu Qiguang said: "I will keep the money collected for you and give it to you when you wake up..."

Just when Chu Qiguang was halfway through speaking, he suddenly heard a noise coming from the bed.

Zhou Yujiao had already sat up and showed a weak smile towards Chu Qiguang: "Brother...where is this? Why am I here?"

Chu Qiguang immediately explained to Jiaojiao what had happened recently, and asked with concern: "How do you feel now?"

Jiaojiao smiled slightly and said calmly: "I just feel so tired. I can't exert any energy. Maybe it's a serious illness. I might have to stay in bed for the rest of my life..."

Chu Qiguang sat on the bed, then reached out to touch his sister's head, but his eyes were filled with solemnity.

Zhou Yujiao didn't know why, but she seemed happy after seeing Chu Qiguang successfully touch her head.

Chu Qiguang thought to himself: 'It was successful, no accidents happened. It seems that Jiaojiao's good luck can indeed counteract my bad luck. ’

Zhou Yujiao thought in her mind: 'Why did you touch it for so long...Why did you smile so strangely...Did I pretend to be too excitable to him? ’

But at the next moment, with a loud bang, the big bed beneath the two of them collapsed.

Chu Qiguang, who sensed this scene, sighed secretly in his heart. Because he was worried about worse consequences, he did not dare to make any unnecessary movements, and just watched the big bed collapse toward the ground.

Jiaojiao on the other side was startled and thought someone was attacking them.

She instinctively jumped out of the bed, rolled several times and stood more than ten meters away.

The brother and sister looked at each other for a while, and Jiaojiao was surprised: "Have I returned to the light?"

Chu Qiguang said calmly: "Lie back."

After a while, Chu Qiguang made an oath to Jiaojiao who lay down again. Although he failed several times due to various mistakes, he succeeded in the end.

The reason why Jiaojiao was asked to lie back down was because when the vows and rituals were activated, Jiaojiao had to be lying on the bed.

Chu Qiguang immediately tried to see how much better his situation was after his luck was enhanced.

After destroying half of the hall, Chu Qiguang roughly understood his current state.

‘You shouldn’t accidentally kill someone by accident. ’

'But vandalism, self-injury and even getting lost can still happen and it's still not a good situation. ’

Chu Qiguang thought in his mind: 'But in this case, it should be okay to go out to do errands. ’

Although he can still use the skill of complementing humans and cats with Jiaojiao, the two of them become one person to hedge their luck.

But Chu Qiguang didn't intend to use this Taoist skill casually.

He is also afraid that if he is too closely connected with Jiaojiao, his bad luck will directly affect him and all the people who have made an oath with Jiaojiao.

Zhou Yujiao on the bed looked at Chu Qiguang who was deep in thought, and thought to herself: 'Did he notice it? Wouldn't he notice that I was pretending to sleep? ’

Thinking of this, Zhou Yujiao became excited: 'If this person finds out, I will be doomed! ! ’

As if sensing something strange about Zhou Yujiao, Chu Qiguang turned his head and looked at the 11-year-old girl on the bed, who immediately looked weak again.

Chu Qiguang thought to himself: 'Oh... I originally wanted to wait until she pretended to be more ruthless so that she couldn't get down the stairs... and then I used her inner self-blame and guilt to turn her from a lazy dog ​​into a diligent sweetheart. Jiao. ’

‘In the end, this guy exposed himself. ’

‘Do you want to continue? Or... another way? ’

Looking at the innocent little girl on the bed, Chu Qiguang thought that it was because he usually cared less about her that he made the child behave like this.

‘You should pay more attention to each other. ’

Thinking of this, Chu Qiguang said with a concerned look: "Your body has just recovered and you still need a good rest. Let me have someone check you out first."

'Huh? ’ Zhou Yujiao was shocked: ‘Didn’t he notice it? ’

A moment later, under Zhou Yujiao's nervous eyes, Li Yaofeng, who was called by Chu Qiguang, pinched her head, glanced at her casually and said, "It's hopeless."

Zhou Yujiao: "!"

Li Yaofeng turned to look at Chu Qiguang and said, "How can you let such an ordinary little girl receive the impact of the knowledge of the manifest realm?"

"Now that Mo Ran is attacking her brain, it is only a matter of time before she is completely demonized."

Chu Qiguang's body trembled and he murmured: "How much time does she have?"

Li Yaofeng touched his chin and said: "It can take anywhere from three months to half a year, and your head will explode."

Zhou Yujiao: "!"

Although she heard what Li Yaofeng said, Zhou Yujiao still didn't believe it. She was obviously in good health and was just pretending to sleep.

Chu Qiguang patted Zhou Yujiao on the shoulder: "It's okay Jiaojiao, I will definitely cure you."

'I'm fine! ’ Zhou Yujiao was about to say this, but she spat out a large mouthful of blood.

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