Ruins of the past

Chapter 597 Diligent Jiaojiao

Blood instantly soaked most of the bed, dyeing large pieces of silk red.

And looking at the bed of blood she spit out, Jiaojiao's head went blank for a moment.

Li Yaofeng on the side quickly walked up, and with a shake of his right hand, it turned into streaks of blood and pierced Jiaojiao's throat and lungs.

As a master of magic, a master of human body transformation, and a cross-species shapeshifter, Li Yaofeng can be regarded as one of Chu Qiguang's employees...except for the son of Emperor Tian, ​​who has the best understanding and familiarity with the human body and has mastered powerful healing abilities.

Most of the injuries can be directly repaired in his hands, healing the injured flesh... To him it is like rebuilding a collapsed house.

But after checking Jiaojiao's injuries at this moment, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and looked at Chu Qiguang with a look of 'you are so cruel'.

Chu Qiguang felt Li Yaofeng's gaze and silently retracted his palm, but there was a flash of embarrassment in his eyes.

'It can't be said that my hand slipped and injured Jiaojiao, and she was just beaten and vomited blood because she was lucky...'

‘I must not let anyone know about my current bad luck, especially a collaborator like Li Yaofeng. ’

Chu Qiguang knew very well that the key foundation of this huge force under his command lay in himself.

This is not only because of his own talent and prestige, but also the habits of this world.

Whether it is the martial arts culture of human dynasties from ancient times to the present, or the various Taoist people who fly to the sky and escape from the earth, people in this world are accustomed to obeying the strong.

Once a huge problem arises in Chu Qiguang's own situation, it will inevitably lead to instability of the entire organization.

Therefore, Chu Qiguang will never reveal his situation to anyone unless necessary.

He met Li Yaofeng's gaze and asked, "What happened? How is Jiaojiao doing?"

Li Yaofeng shook his head: "The situation is not good."

"The evil stain has spread to the internal organs."

"The whole person is ruined."

"It's worse than I thought."

Zhou Yujiao: "!"

Chu Qiguang asked: "What should we do? Is there any way to treat it?"

"I have temporarily cured her injury, but it is only a matter of time before it gets worse." Li Yaofeng shook his head: "In the last days, just stay with her and eat whatever you want."

After hearing what the two of them said, Zhou Yujiao suddenly panicked.

Especially the pain coming from her internal organs and the large mouthful of blood on the bed made her vaguely believe Li Yaofeng's words.

Recalling that the other person had just said that her brain would explode in the end, she felt that her head was already starting to hurt.

Zhou Yujiao immediately grabbed Li Yaofeng and Chu Qiguang and shouted loudly: "Don't... don't give up so early, I think I can still be saved!"

Chu Qiguang looked at Li Yaofeng: "Is there really nothing we can do?"

Li Yaofeng thought for a while and said, "It's not completely impossible. If she can practice the "Shadowless Tribulation", there will be no problem in suppressing some of the demonic dye in her body."

Chu Qiguang shook his head: "No, with her talent, she won't be able to master the "Shadowless Tribulation" even if she practices for another hundred years."

Zhou Yujiao on the side kept nodding: "Yes, how can I enter Taoism! Is there any other way?"

Li Yaofeng and Chu Qiguang both fell silent. Seeing their appearance, Zhou Yujiao gradually felt despair in her heart: 'Am I just becoming a child from a rich family and am about to die young? ’

Chu Qiguang seemed to have made a difficult decision. He looked at Li Yaofeng and said, "Can you try that one?"

Li Yaofeng's eyes flashed: "That? There is a slight chance...but is it too hard? And you might die."

Chu Qiguang sighed: "It is indeed too hard for an 11-year-old girl."

Zhou Yujiao said quickly: "I'm not afraid of hard work! As long as I can be cured, I'm willing to do anything!"

Chu Qiguang's eyes moved slightly: "This is what you said."

Half a day later.

In Night City.

The body of the demon Buddha Hercules lies in the huge underground palace.

The delicate body lay on the overlapping palms of the demon Buddha Hercules.

Blood vessels pierced from Hercules' body to Jiaojiao's body, opening up the blood circulation between both parties.

The back of Hercules is constantly undulating with flesh and blood, forming various vague human shapes.

Chu Qiguang looked at the changes and said, "No, it's still too slow."

"You have to feel the blood and power of Hercules with your heart."

"I know that it is difficult for you to directly control the energy and blood power of the Taoist realm."

"But this is all to cure the demon stain in your body."

A delicate voice came from the changing flesh and blood: "It's so... so difficult to control. Hercules' energy and blood are too strong, I can't control it."

Chu Qiguang said: "After you were impacted by the knowledge of the divine realm, your spirit and will have been greatly strengthened, and you have also gained a transformation beyond that of a mortal."

"In addition to the ability to swear, your monitoring ability in the Buddhist world has also been greatly enhanced."

"As long as you are willing, you can completely communicate with the oath taker."

"Hercules has completed his oath in front of you, and it is a hundred times easier for you to control him now than before."

"All you need is to practice diligently, and you can use Hercules to suppress the evil in your body.\

,"Jiaojiao couldn't help but ask: "How long will it take to practice?"

Chu Qiguang said: "Practice at least ten hours a day until you are cured."

Jiaojiao: "..."

Seeing Jiaojiao practicing diligently, Chu Qiguang showed a happy smile on his face.

‘The greater the ability, the more work you can do. ’

‘Under the impact of the sacred knowledge, Jiaojiao has undergone transformation, and her unique abilities have made great progress. ’

‘Now that we are so diligent in contacting each other, we will definitely be able to take on big responsibilities in the future. ’

‘When the time comes, I will pass on my unparalleled bad luck to her, and she will be able to handle it. ’

Although Chu Qiguang's luck has been slightly blessed after completing the oath with Jiaojiao, it is only to the extent that he can go out and do errands.

If he wanted to solve this problem better and fight without any worries, Chu Qiguang needed a more powerful Jiaojiao.

At least when she and she maintain a human-cat relationship, the other person won't be killed by bad luck.

Leaving Jiaojiao to continue practicing alone, Chu Qiguang returned to his room and prepared to complete the next thing.

‘The plans for Night City must continue to be accelerated. ’

‘The Indestructible Buddha must be thinking of ways to collect Buddha Fire now. If he collects too much Buddha Fire and refines it, his strength will definitely be closer to his previous peak state. ’

Chu Qiguang is not sure how high the Indestructible Buddha was before he was killed by the seven holy Buddhas, but it is likely that he was still above the manifested spirit.

Now that he is reincarnated as a monster and wakes up, his strength will definitely improve faster than other powerful people who have entered the Tao.

Chu Qiguang is determined to get ahead of the opponent and collect more Buddha Fire. On the one hand, he can weaken the Indestructible Buddha, and on the other hand, he can strengthen himself.

Just when he returned to his room, he found an invitation on his desk.


Chu Qiguang's eyes instantly focused. His room in Night City was theoretically well-defended, and there were various living corpses, monsters, and monsters guarding it both inside and outside day and night. Who could send an invitation here?

Chu Qiguang did not open the invitation rashly, but after checking inside and outside the room, he mobilized the living corpses around to check the logs of the underlying orders one by one.

‘There is only one entrance to this house, but no living corpse has seen anyone except me come in. ’

'The person who sent this invitation can either escape from the earth or travel through space, and has an ability similar to the Sumeru Seal...'

Chu Qiguang asked a living corpse to step forward, opened the invitation, and saw the four characters "Zhou Tian Daji" written on it.

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