Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 871: Big Five G era

Yang Jiangang immediately raised his head, and then angrily said, "I rely on me to be down-to-earth, okay? How tired is walking with my head raised?"

"Wrong, you are talking about being a human being. The field of entrepreneurship is different. You have to fly when you start a business. At least you must have the heart to fly when the wind comes." Chu Yuanxi said, projecting the screen on the laptop. On the wall, above is the project brain map, with a few bubbles added on the original basis, with questions and answers written in it.

In the 5G era, is the demand for video more vigorous than in the past?

The answer is correct.

Are all three-dimensional platforms that can provide UGC video services in the market?

The answer is also correct.

How big is the market gap left for the two-dimensional UGC?

The answer is not knowing. However, the three-dimensional UGC video continues to be popular, occupying a half of the total network traffic of the Tianchao and a half of the user time, and the proportion has been increasing. What if the scope is expanded from UGC to all videos? Counting the video playback of several major webcasting platforms is not necessarily a fraction. The flow of the entire video field is extremely large.

Why is no one doing the UGC two-dimensional circuit?

The answer is the threshold of UGC. The lowest threshold of all UGC content is the code word, so the UGC in the text category is the most. Whether it is an original novel or a public account explosion, it has long occupied the mainstream. However, the popularity of 4G has led to the rise of video, especially short videos shot by UGC, which has the second lowest threshold. Original comics have a higher threshold than short videos. Even rough original comics have a higher threshold than exquisite live-action videos, but the highest is undoubtedly animation.

So several bubbles point to the same question: If the peak visual effects are done well, why can't it monopolize an emerging track? Even if the 2D circuit may be narrower than the 3D, it is empty. Besides, who knows who is wide and who is narrow now? Maybe 5G has come to the peak visual effects, and maybe it is found that the second dimension is more lively than the third dimension.

Of course, this possibility is relatively low, because the content is more time-consuming to produce after all.

There is actually a misunderstanding here, that is, there are many animations in short videos? But those are not original animations, they are editing other people's material, making wonderful compilations, or playing tricks, and use re-matched subtitles to reflect their own highlights. Although they are considered UGC, they are not original. The so-called original animation is as rough as the first season of "My name is MT". The artistry is extremely simple, but it is original. Original animation of this level has been difficult for individual users to complete so far.

Therefore, the original videos originating from individual users are all three-dimensional, including the so-called two-dimensional base camp of station B, and UGC original submissions can only be three-dimensional. Hand-made Geng is so awesome, you let him try to draw an inverted shampoo or brain collapse into an animation? The head is broken for you.

After reading these questions and answers, Yuan Mu and Yang Jiangang didn't speak for a long time. Yuan Mu had something to say, but Yang Jiangang had something to say, so Chu Yuanxi simply told him to go back first, and think about it before speaking.

Soon, Yang Jiangang left in the state of contemplation and anxiety, and Yuan Mu took a look and saw that Yang Jiangang had gone away, and immediately asked: "Why don't Pakistani people with such a good prospect make additional investment? You can get one dollar for round A. What's the situation when you didn't vote? Don't use the Babes to vote for the angel round, which already accounts for a large share of the **** to bluff me."

Chu Yuanxi laughed loudly: "Yuan Lu, what is the most important thing to start a business? It is an entrepreneur, a founding team, right? The prospects are indeed good, but I have doubts about Yang Jiangang. If there is a prospect, he can't do it well. Is it useless? If I do the peak visual effects myself, I will be the leader, then there will be nothing wrong with the financing below the 10 billion valuation. This kind of pure Internet project does not need any other cross-border resources, nor does it need to be like a well-off. It’s like using shares to bind some powerful investors."

"I rely on it!" Yuan Mu was shocked. She didn't expect Chu Yuanxi to be so optimistic about Yang Jiangang.

"It's not that I'm not optimistic, but I have no reason to be too optimistic." Chu Yuanxi was very surprised: "Why are you more optimistic about Yang Jiangang than me? Did I influence your judgment?"

"Of course it was influenced by you. Do you think he is unreliable and you still support his incubation? I thought you thought he was very reliable, so you supported him."

"Your idea is the slave owner's idea. He is not reliable. If he has enough DKP and I want to start a business, I will support it. This is my promise to employees. Of course I will honor it. It doesn't matter whether he is reliable. I burned all the money. As long as I didn't wash it in my pocket, I was still my brother."

Yuan Mu was in awe.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi continue to say: "In fact, the prospect of peak visual effects may be greater than I said, but the road has to be taken step by step, I will not add confusion to Yang Jiangang."

With that said, he took out a piece of paper from under the coffee table, which he wrote down while paying attention to peak visual effects these days.

Yuan Mu took it over and took a look. The title read-Virtual Reality Social.

This idea has actually been a long, long time. Someone proposed it in 2014, but it was about augmented reality social networking. The so-called augmented reality social interaction is just like in a science fiction movie, using mobile phone cameras to directly project the other person into reality across the Internet, just like face to face.

However, Chu Yuanxi thinks it is rather mysterious, because both camera and transmission can be solved, but how to project is a problem. I am afraid that it still has to be projected on the wall. The effect is similar to that of a projector. This effect is more bleak when socializing, and it is better to be direct. Open the video.

But virtual reality socializing is much easier. In fact, in 2017, a free massively multiplayer online virtual reality game such as VRchat appeared on the external network. Players have no other way to play online, just play a cool role of their choice. Move and chat in the game map.

Although this form is more cool, players can play a sausage, a stickman or some other monsters in the game to sing, find people to strike up a conversation or even give a speech, but as a social interaction is still in a relatively primitive stage.

But what about after the advent of 5G? A variety of distinctive virtual reality social models can definitely be developed. Such as VR animation social? Users can create a VR-mode animation and publish it on social platforms, allowing other users to enter the animation in an immersive way.

This can be solved technically, as long as an audience area is delineated in each animation scene, and then the sound is processed into surround 3D. Of course, if you want to have social functions, the production of animation must be standardized and process-oriented, it must be easy, and it is best to achieve visual production instead of tabulation.

This requires Pinnacle Visual Effects to upgrade its engine and iterate its own technology. Although this kind of development will definitely require a lot of funds and a large number of advanced siege lions, the prospects for development are also great, and the user's social experience will be more unique.

You can also make virtual reality maps, similar to the online content that Xiaokang is already developing.

The "Urban Treasure" function to be produced by Xiaokang Milestone 6 is a VR game based on a virtual reality map. The map is laid out completely imitating reality, but it appears to be virtual. In it, users buy land and build houses on the map like a monopoly game, and build high-rise buildings.

The difference from Monopoly is that users cannot collect tolls from others, but obtain benefits through mobile payment dividends in the same position in reality.

This kind of promotion model is both interesting and dynamic, something that the well-off in the original world did not have.

Xiaokang in the original world also made a map game, but it is not a virtual reality game, not for adapting to 5G, but for socializing in the community. For example, if a certain group of users are united to build a badminton hall somewhere on the virtual map, these users can get free tickets for the badminton hall. And the reason why they were able to build a badminton hall there is because there is a badminton court in reality.

This is equivalent to spending health coins and getting tickets. It is an equivalent exchange, but it is given social attributes, which also allows users who have accumulated health coins to have an exit for cashing out. After a period of time, the badminton hall on the virtual map will disappear, and users can re-shovel the ground to build a house.

In fact, this operation can be thought of as someone in the group sending a link and other people giving likes, but likes cost health coins. If the number of likes is enough, the group will be completed. But it is very different from Pinduoduo Chop, because this group has geographical restrictions. The essence of the virtual map lies in positioning and exclusion. It is not that people here can not enter this group at all, so there will be no "chopping". The user's home-like harassment feeling.

This is the characteristic of a certain stage of well-off society in the original world. When it came time to start this business, Chu Yuanxi wanted to show Xiaokang the mobile payment skill, so he retained the original essence from the design, and then added support for mobile payment.

When a company pushes its own mobile payment, it must first make the merchant willing to put his code, the common form is turnover rebate; the second is to make users willing to scan, the usual way is to subsidize users.

Of course, the well-off society also needs to adopt conventional operations, but in addition to conventional means, Urban Treasure directly combines the two. In reality, a store is bought and built by users on a virtual map. The user who bought the land and built a house will be divided into the rebate of mobile payment. The number of floors in the virtual building determines the overall rebate ratio. The higher the building, the bigger the cake, and merchants and building users benefit together.

This is a general principle. In the specific production, various numerical gameplays should be added, and then social attributes should be developed, and different architectural styles should be added.

With this mechanism, Chu Yuanxi believes that after players have figured out the rules, those who have capital to build a building will actively persuade them to be impressed by the merchants in reality, because no matter how large the rebate ratio is, it is also a ratio. Flow without mobile payment is meaningless. Even the businessmen themselves will participate in the activities of buying land and building buildings, and the fertilizer will not flow out of the field.

In this way, as long as all real estate properties are set in the life cycle, there will be no solidification. The ownership of all shops on the virtual map is likely to change. For high-value shops, the right to build a building and land will be auctioned. When building a building, how long the life of the material is purchased is the so-called numerical game.

This gameplay is difficult to deal with large shopping malls and individual mobile operators, both of which cannot be represented on the map, so conventional mobile payment promotion methods are indispensable, and teams need to be sent out.

Then take this mechanism a step further, and it is possible to develop a massively multiplayer online virtual reality social network that is several versions more advanced than VRchat, which is equivalent to a feeling similar to the earth online, at least a fully realistic map is a bright spot.

Yuan Mu slowly looked at these essays of Chu Yuanxi, without speaking for a long time, and he didn't know if he didn't understand it or couldn't imagine what kind of application scenario it was.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said: "The thing that interests me about peak visual effects is that I have half of my energy to operate overseas, which is really great."

"What's the good thing?"

"Fortunately, um, fortunately, if they develop well overseas, well-off can consider bringing in the peak visual effects."


Yuan Mu expresses his feelings with a silent mouth, cooperating with Yang Jiangang, hasn't escaped the fate of being annexed in the end?

I saw Chu Yuanxi excitedly said: "Xiaokang plans to burn a lot of money on the map. This money can't be burned for nothing, right? The peak visual effects have the basis of virtual reality, there are overseas markets and users, and Xiaokang has maps. There is also virtual reality and social foundation. After receiving the peak visual effects, the advantages complement each other. Wouldn’t it be very beautiful to go directly overseas to socialize? Maps provide social scenes and can use 5G to expand new social models around the world, and even have the opportunity to talk to Facebook Twitter is competing asymmetrically. Oh, I don’t dare to think about it anymore. This imagination is too big!"

Yuan Mu sounded stupid. Suddenly, she thought of something. Zheng De invested in both Pakistani and Pinnacle Visual Effects. As an investor representative, she had seen the angel round investment agreement of Pakistani Investment Pinnacle Visual Effects.

In her opinion, this agreement is simply oppressive and does not impose any restrictions on Pakistani people. Of course, considering that it is an incubation investment, no one can say anything. But now that it has been successful from the perspective of incubation, Pinnacle Visual Effects has been able to independently finance and operate independently. These terms are particularly dazzling, making Yang Jiangang particularly inexperienced.

If Xiaokang wants to achieve peak visual effects by then, without even doing mergers and acquisitions, directly invest in it, or buy shares of other investors, and then set up a holding company with Pakistani Group each holding their own stocks, you can directly control the peak The visual effect is now, and the actual controller of these two companies is Chu Yuanxi!

Yang Jiangang has almost no resistance to this operation. The key is that a well-off society does not have to pay much. He is extremely afraid of thinking carefully!

Yuan Mu's lips were a little dry, and he asked in a astringent voice, "Well, Chu Yuanxi, I have an immature idea, do you think so..."

Chu Yuanxi laughed at Yuan Mu's bold guess, "Oh, your imagination is too rich, right? I and Yang Jiangang are brothers!"

Soon, Yuan Mu left the room. She had just returned from Yangcheng and she was squeezing a lot of work to do. Chu Yuanxi looked at her beautiful back, and said to her heart that she hadn't expected that after going out, her mind became alive. But the ideas she provided are very useful for reference, because if there is one day, it will not be a bad thing for Yang Jiangang, because that is just going to Facebook and Twitter.

At that time, Yang Jian had the talent and was able to fight Facebook and Twitter, so he could continue to lead the way. If he didn’t have that talent, how could he lead the army to attack the most powerful social barrier in the world? ? Of course, it should give way, and even this step has been extremely successful.

This is the true essence of a startup company. The company is not owned by a single person. Has someone made an important contribution to the founding stage? Then he should have obtained the corresponding shares. Ultimately, what he looks at is equity and control, and what he looks at is ability.

Therefore, Yuan Mu's incredible expression actually reveals that her understanding of entrepreneurship is still relatively shallow, and she still stays in the human society. She is no better than Dangdangwang's Lao Li.

In order for the brothers to succeed in their careers, Chu Yuanxi immediately launched Pakistani information to warm up the new platform of Pinnacle Visual Effects.

In fact, "Animal Company" has been broadcast on Youtu. The popularity is average but the response is quite good. Many users ridiculed that the script was delayed by the low-end picture quality, but when the animation related information about the production platform was released, it caused a lot of trouble. s concern.

However, this degree of spread is still small, incomparable with the preheating of the entire network. The whole network preheating also uses the finished film of "Animal Company" as the material, but the production content is added, and the material is mixed and cut into the material of the promotion platform for distribution and then open Weibo for fan collection and production Warm-up activity. When the peak visual effects platform is actually launched and the official website is launched, it is necessary for Yang Jiangang to personally invest in advertising.

As a result, when the "Animal Company" was being redistributed, the person who had intentionally taken away the copyright of this animation at the time was the Disney's Defoe met with Chu Yuanxi.

It stands to reason that this matter should be the sole responsibility of the uncle Sheng, who is the boss of the Pakistani copyright company. But Chu Yuanxi finally decided to meet with Uncle Sheng. During this meeting, Defoe really brought the business here. Uncle Sheng had already recruited a business manager. The two sides were full of people and sat in a row. The soldiers and soldiers will meet each other, Monica and Elizabeth. A high level of translation is sufficient to ensure smooth communication.

Chu Yuanxi had agreed with Uncle Sheng in advance, it was mainly him who played the battle, and it was him who made the decision. This copyright negotiation is also important and not important. Considering that even Zhu Yan has signed a heavyweight contract, Uncle Sheng also needs to lead a heavyweight copyright negotiation, so Chu Yuanxi is mainly responsible for watching

As a result, the uncle Bababala was happily talking, and by chance, she turned her head and found that Chu Yuanxi lowered her head and pressed the phone and was also very happy. This is a bit of a drama, he took the empty elbow of the business manager to put Chu Yuanxi's elbow; "Hey, you listen to what we are talking about."

Unexpectedly, Chu Yuanxi snorted; "Don't talk, what I said is more important."

"Ah? What are you talking about?" Uncle Sheng said as I swept away, I saw Chu Yuanxi raised Yang's phone, and the other party's nickname was Zhang Ming written on the WeChat.

"Do you have any business cooperation with Douyin?"

"No, Zhang Ming also wants to buy Pakistani games." Chu Yuanxi took back the phone and sighed in a low voice, "Oh, it's too difficult for me..."


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