Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 878: Strategic rejection

Uchida didn't understand this simple truth among entrepreneurs. He felt that the bend had been around for long enough. If all of these were understood as greetings, the foreplay was long enough.

However, people from island nations like to use lingo and are very patient, and Uchida is no exception, so he first asked a very professional question. "Chu Jun, I found a phenomenon. When you are doing promotion, you don't seem to want users to use WeChat mini programs at all? Why is that? You have developed mini programs, but you don't want people to use them? Let users download and use apps. The cost is much higher than that of a small program, right?"

"That's the case, your observation is very nuanced." Instead of talking to others, Chu Yuanxi may have to install a Bility, but in front of 724 Zhuangbility will have to pay the price, so he only said: "The applet is just a The product of compromise. We spent so much effort and spent so much money on the membership system for promotion, and we couldn't end up being promoted to WeChat users, and WeChat won't give me money."

Mini Programs are an important scenario for WeChat to acquire user activity and one of the most important links in the WeChat ecosystem. The WeChat ecosystem is the best ecosystem in the world. For mobile Internet companies that are not strong enough, the direction of least resistance is Hang itself in the WeChat ecosystem.

This is a mutually beneficial link with WeChat. Some are deeply involved and even allowed to put their own coupons through WeChat Pay. The user uses WeChat Pay to pay merchant A, and then gets a coupon from merchant B that is completely unrelated, enabling merchant B to receive user bonuses.

But companies that are strong enough to cross the threshold have to make plans, because this mutual benefit is that the WeChat ecosystem provides a good environment, and small programs provide users and activity. Entrepreneurs gain convenience, and they can deceive themselves by saying how many users the mini program has acquired, just like how many Douyin users Baren Entertainment has acquired, but the users are the platform, not their own.

For those who want to be subversive in the future like Xiaokang, they can't parasitize themselves in the WeChat ecology. That is to put their heads on the knife, they will die anytime and anywhere.

But in the early stage, it was impossible without a mini program, and the promotion was too difficult. So he adopted the method that the mini program does not have some of the discounts in the APP, so that users can enjoy the convenience of the mini program first, but the price factor will save The user dragged away.

However, Shinji Uchida has no concept of the WeChat ecology, and he has no personal feelings about the scruples of true entrepreneurs who love and hate the WeChat ecology. After all, 724 has no corresponding system for anxiety before this. What he cares about is Xiaokang's business model and growth data, and what he cares about is Xiaokang's purchasing power and SKU turnover. This is his business.

Models can be analyzed by observation, data can be measured without commercial spies. The bottom-level data of Xiaokang cannot be seen by outsiders. For example, how many people are full members? But payment, activity, single-store revenue, etc. can be fully measured.

Especially in terms of supply chain and logistics, this is 724's strengths. Shinji Uchida has run his life. However, a new company that started a cross-industry business was extremely professional and experienced, which really shocked the relevant departments of 724.

The layman is watching the excitement and the expert is watching the door. You should know that let alone a novice, even if you are a veteran, with a little experience, or not so meticulous in your work, it is easy to "excessively" in the logistics and supply chain. Yes, but where is the "degree"? Not everyone knows.

But Xiaokang didn't, and the state of exertion was just right. This surprised Uchida, a true expert, that's why he began to be curious about Xiaokang.

In fact, this is why Chu Yuanxi said earlier that Milestone 4 is more difficult as it goes to the back. At the beginning, he can control all kinds of intensity, because the shop route is the route paved in the original world, the pit that should be stepped on has already been stepped on again, and the data of the error and error can be turned out and high-pressure command is enough.

In the middle and late stages of development, there will definitely be situations that are different from the original world. For example, Wang Yinyu’s assets are leased. This is not in the original world. It must be adjusted on-site. It requires the cooperation of logistics and supply chain teams and continuous corrections. Chu Yuan Xi can no longer guarantee accuracy.

But Uchida can't see it for the time being, he can only see Xiaokang's control like a precision instrument. The expert reached out to know if there was any. Xiaokang was called a magic trick, which made him conduct a lot of research and calculations, and then found that Xiaokang’s membership system is extremely complicated, but also very advanced, at least advanced than the system currently used in 724, especially in processing "Offer" products.

This is a company that is very worth acquiring, especially when Xiaokang has not yet become bigger and the data has not yet exploded.

As for the promotion and operation, there are many things Uchida did not understand, including the free bicycles and the huge cost for it, but this is not the point. The point is now to acquire, and Xiaokang’s completed user system can fully access the 724 huge store system. If you don’t acquire it now, I’m afraid Xiaokang will have a huge store system on its own, so how can it be collected?

If this is in an island country, and what you want to buy is an island country enterprise, the chairman of 724 has no time to chat after his visit, and he must say bluntly: I want to buy you.

But this is not an island country. Chairman Uchida has tolerated such an old age for a long time. At this time, when Chu Yuanxi finished blowing up his membership system, he finally said the long-planned words: "Chu Jun, I am very interested in your membership system. No, I am very interested in the entire Xiaokang, I want to buy Xiaokang."

Chu Yuanxi had some psychological preparations, but he really didn't expect him to be as direct as Shinji Uchida.

But there is nothing polite about this kind of thing. He raised his head and happily said, "Mr. Uchida, do you know that my target is 300 billion valuation? I will not consider selling until this value is reached."

Uchida said that you don't even want to listen to the offer? In fact, he also knows that it is not that easy, unless a very exciting price is offered. Therefore, the M&A template he prepared was a tactical M&A with management incentives. However, during Chu Yuanxi’s short-term rise in his head, he found that he didn’t need to say it. This is for the management or Chu Yuanxi himself. Good conditions, it is impossible to impress the other party.

With this understanding, Shinji Uchida was also a little unhappy, but still maintained his etiquette: "I understand your mood, but Chu Jun, according to my research, you call the milestone 4 plan. The data is very solid. , But it’s not particularly bright. It’s a long way from the 300 billion scale. How long do you plan to achieve this goal? Icarus uses wax to make wings and fly to the sun. I’m afraid I’ll never fly. of."

"It's okay." Chu Yuanxi continued to hehe, "I can't fly up, capital will push me up."

In a sense, Uchida is right. Milestone 4 cannot be the same as Milestone 6. The fireworks will be bright as soon as it opens. Many users didn't even feel the difference between the beginning of Milestone 4 and before, except for the large-scale gift of cycling tickets. Repeated dullness is not a problem for front-line employees, because bonuses motivate them, but it is a big test for those who read the data.

But it is precisely because of this, now you come to me to talk about the psychology of mergers and acquisitions? Chu Yuanxi looked at Uchida and seemed unswerving, especially when he talked about capital. He didn't know whether he thought he had despised capital or was uncomfortable with his abuse of capital to blow bubbles.

This made him feel the existence of a generation gap. It is not the generation gap between the three-year generation, but the generation gap between entrepreneurs. He glanced at Xiao Li, who hadn't spoken for a long time, Xiao Li Qiqing expressed his surprise on his face. He doesn't seem to know that Uchida will propose to buy Xiaokang?

Come to think of it, Xiao Li and himself must be a generation of cognition of capital. Thinking of this, Chu Yuanxi said: "What does Mr. Li think?"

Xiao Li held back for a long time and immediately opened the chatterbox: "Capital? Capital is the foam agent for entrepreneurship. Without capital to blow bubbles, it is difficult for any entrepreneurial venture to go to the verification step, and it will fail regardless of good or bad."

"But there are also many bad companies that pack themselves in bubbles, and in the end it is nothing more than capital drumming and spreading flowers." Uchida continued to disagree.

"You are giving up food because of choking, Mr. Uchida. And even for these bad companies, the corpses left behind are the nourishment for the new company. The Internet bubble gave birth to our country’s BAT Big Three, and the bubble of the Hundred Regiment War gave birth to Meituan. The evolution of business is also the survival of the fittest.” Chu Yuanxi said with joy again, “but when it comes to membership system, Xiaokang can provide services for other convenience store companies and provide one-stop membership system solutions, Mr. Uchida Do you want to think about it?"

"No." Shinji Uchida waved his hand. "We are already developing our own membership system and mobile application. In this regard, our 724 is also professional."

There seems to be a line written on his face-as if who doesn't know how to develop an app?

But Chu Yuanxi felt that he was pedantic, pedantic shared by all islanders. Because in the era of mobile Internet, the number of apps developed by islanders is completely unsatisfactory. Compared with India and the universe, the number of APP developments is not good. The younger brother of the whole era, how can you be confident that you can do it?

At this time, Xiao Li became eager, "Chu, I was actually inspired by Xiaokang, and I also plan to develop a membership system for my hotel system."

"Ah? You should have a ready-made one?" Chu Yuanxi was stunned, because he remembered that OTO Group had already engaged in OTA in India, that is, online travel. Ups and downs in this field must have a very powerful APP, otherwise Can't play.

Xiao Li looked helpless, "This system is ok in India, but in your country, I feel that it is not good enough to meet the requirements of users in your country. Xiaokang APP has given me a lot of inspiration and shock. I think it is quite powerful. Many users Unexpectedly, APP thought of it for users first. If OTO has such a powerful membership system, it will definitely make the data go up."

Xiao Li's sudden compliment made Chu Yuanxi a little surprised. He replied: "It's just to inspire each other. In fact, I also borrowed from the OTO method of selling hotels. I had never thought of this before, but I saw it later. You buy out the price of the hotel and standardize the output management before I tried to sell some small supermarket chains."

This is really not nonsense. OTO's strategy is to talk to the hotels, and then use the method of guaranteeing the bottom of the hotel, decorate it by yourself, manage it by yourself, make its own revenue, use standardization to reduce costs and improve efficiency. Revenue minus the minimum guarantee and expenses is the gross profit.

This method is certainly not a way to maximize profits, but it is extremely efficient. As soon as the hotel has a guarantee, I loved it at that time, the communication was very simple, and the contract was signed. Due to the improvement of the hotel decoration and the improvement of the service level, the willingness of customers to stay will also increase, so a virtuous circle can be formed. It's just that compared to the sharing model, it earns less and has a higher risk. For Xiao Li, who is professional and confident in the field of hotel management, he is completely successful.

When OTO was in full swing in the original world, OTO had just entered the celestial dynasty, and then Xiao Li slammed his head into the bag, and the division model couldn't work, and he didn't use the later high-risk and high-efficiency whole bag play. Chu Yuanxi had no goals to learn from, and he was not a god. The key was money. The well-off in the original world was too tight on funds. How could it be possible to play a game with higher risk and lower profit? Can't even think about it.

But now Chu Yuanxi not only dared to think about it, but had already done it, because he had money in his hand, and Xiao Li had already run through in the hotel field, proving for everyone that this style of play was feasible. So he directly worked on Wang Yinyu. Now the decoration has been completed and the room is drying. It will be opened in a few days, and then the north and south will move in, and try to find out how efficient this method of output standardization management and processes is.

A dumb has been silent, and at this moment I want to laugh a little, because based on his understanding of Chu Yuanxi, this explanation seems to be telling Xiao Li: Suppressed, I understand all of yours, isn't it a standardized management? ?

And when Xiao Li heard it, he was just a **** at the time. He said that you are too fast to copycats? what--

After adjusting his mood, he took a deep breath, filled his lungs, and said emotionally: "In fact, the biggest problem I encountered in your country is not myself, but OTAs beggar my neighbors and they are all blocking me."

Chu Yuanxi nodded deeply, saying that they had blocked it in time! We must know that OTO itself has completed the counterattack from hotel management to OTA in India. With the help of huge hotel resources to develop members to erode the OTAs' territory, the car is overturned after learning from the past, let alone the car driven by the same driver?

This is not a question of improving the bargaining power of OTAs after the hotel group has formed a scale, but a matter of survival. OTO Group operates physical stores, and OTAs simply do not have this advantage. For example, what if OTO Group wants to switch to online travel and lacks UGC user reviews as the underlying asset? Others have no choice but to go to the crawler, but the OTO Group can openly launch the hotel entity, inviting guests to register for the APP, write reviews, score three consecutive times, and then give gifts.

If not blocked, how can Ctrip have room for survival when OTO's power rises? Such disruptors must be resolutely blocked!

After nodding, Chu Yuanxi said slowly: "In fact, Mr. Li's only problem is the lack of direct access to potential users. This entrance is now controlled by OTAs. I think you should fight head-on and fight with them. ! You are right to redo the user system. Not only do you have to be an APP, but you also have to be a platform, advertising, robbing users of the minds of users with OTAs, and showcasing their carts and horses. These OTAs are doing very badly now, but users don’t have it. Election, you make a good user experience very easy to get users."

Xiao Li was so excited that he wanted to rush forward and hold Chu Yuanxi's hand, his face turned ruddy, and he said, "Chu, you are so accurate! Can you help me?"

"You need... Ba people invest in you?" Chu Yuan Xixin said how should I refuse? You shouldn't hold Xiao Li just now, just a little hold. Advantages belong to advantages. The problem is that OTAs also have their advantages. This advantage has become a barrier. It's not too much to watch the excitement, and it's impossible to end in person!

I saw Xiao Li look embarrassed, "Uh, no, no, investing in OTO is a very complicated issue. I think...I hope you can accept my or Sun Dasheng's strategic investment, and we will give Xiaokang a very good valuation. ."

"the reason?"

"In this way, you have obtained valuable funds, and I can use the best self-media resources. I originally wanted to directly acquire Pakistani information, but I also know that you will definitely not sell it. You said it. I don’t expect to buy it with gold and silver."

Chu Yuanxi said that it was so! I rely on! You are too wild! Maybe I’ll believe it for another person!

He asked with a very confused expression: "Why don't you advertise? Now that big data is so developed, the effect of smart recommendations is pretty good."

"I have voted before, and the promotion effect is very average." Xiao Lixin said that if the most unskilled operation like special advertising, you can easily set up a national-level app. Don't have too many national-level apps! You guys have exploded long ago!

"Moreover, the effect of advertising is different from what I want. The promotion effect I hope to achieve is to repeatedly output advertisements for a certain group of people, change their perceptions, achieve strong penetration, and then let them become seed users to achieve mouth Oral communication. Rather than traditional advertising covering the entire domain but the penetration is not good. Especially those large-scale advertisements, the data must be flashy when it says how many people are covered."

As soon as this demand was mentioned, Aya understood why Chu Yuanxi had to be obsessed with creating variety shows on her own, and the reason must be the same. It's just that Chu Yuanxi was not satisfied with the information of the Ba people in his hand, and had to get through the second coverage, and it was also the Ba people who shot.

I rely on! A huge **** exploded in Ah Mu's stomach. What did Chu Yuanxi be a Nabarian? A well-off scrub towel? Use the Pakistani people to rub off any mud?

Just listen to Xiao Li emotionally said: "I have basically seen the head of your country from the media, and very few have strong commercial attributes, entertainment attributes, and key opinion leaders. Even if there are, they are concentrated in the field of official accounts. , There are almost no short videos. Only Baren entertains, which perfectly meets all my needs. Chu, can you help me?"


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