Humans are a very extreme race, and some of them are terrifyingly ignorant. Even if the truth and facts are presented to them, they will firmly believe those wrong decisions.

However, at the same time, there are some individuals among human beings who are often smart and terrible, and can even smell the breath of their existence when something that affects the direction of the world has just happened. Although many times they are not voluntary.

"The Guard is Here"

Diggles, the Ultramarines' Librarian, is one of them.

He 'saw' everything, and the price he paid was a coma on the spot. Had the pharmacist not been there, he would have bitten off his tongue due to an uncontrollable generalized seizure. The pharmacist had to give him three sedatives to relax his muscles. No one could tell exactly what he saw to make such a shocked expression.

The specific situation, naturally, can't explain a thing or two to Guilliman until he wakes up.

As for the initiator...he's drifting in the warp.

Flesh drifting.

Few people know that there are not only the Four Chaos Gods and their volumes in the warp, and it is definitely not only the size of a galaxy.

The Emperor once said that this place should be boundless. The Four Chaos Gods are not the masters of the warp, they are just residents. In addition to their genus, there are even many naturally formed demons.

Constructed of sheer malice, without any reason - even the demons of Khorne don't want to deal with these things.

The reason is simple, they have no concept of 'fight' at all, no rationality, nothing that any living creature should have when alive. There is only endless hatred for life.

Perhaps this is the truth of the warp, it is the reflection of the world, and the meaning of existence is to hate.

He Shenyan didn't know if the warp really had no boundaries. In fact, he didn't want to think much at this time - human beings are always tormented by emotions. We are emotionally driven and, in turn, must be tormented by this thing. He directly blew up Nurgle's garden out of anger, and even forced Nurgle's time to stand still, of course, he had to pay the corresponding price.

At this time, the magic power that he used to be instructed by his arm became no longer gentle, and the spiritual energy in his body began to be restless. The two energies have no self-awareness, but instinctively sense the master's condition and want to do something to remedy it. He Shenyan knew what the truth of this illusion was. It wasn't that his magic and psychic energy gave birth to self-consciousness, but that his body was 'calling for help'.

His body wanted to live.

So, the energy began to run wild, and so the demons that roamed the warp suffered. This broken curtain was supposed to reflect the same appearance in the real universe, but now it has become very different.

Some planets with life became shattered in an instant, the afterimage of the mage swept across them, the thick blue magic tentacles and golden flames flickered in the dark starry sky, the demons were taken away in an instant, Not even the soul was left behind, it was all turned into pure energy, which was swallowed whole by He Shenyan.

Not only that, he hadn't let go of the planets—their lives had also been taken away, and tentacles seemed to bind them gently, then gently. The entire planet was crushed into pieces, the star core was taken away, and even the life force remaining in the pieces was not left behind.

Just passing by, He Shenyan turned the dark nebula of this pool of stagnant water into a barren land full of planetary fragments, without the slightest vitality. There was no life left in the places he passed, and he ate them cleanly.

...... Barely recovered 70%.

He exhaled softly, opened a portal and left. Things aren't over yet on Terra.

He needs a finishing touch—close all portals, kill all demons, and clean up the unpleasant Chaos pollution. And then throw Angron and Fulgrim, the two **** who get together and start making a fuss, into his boat...

Long, long after his departure, the galaxies he passed along the way began to flow slowly, though now they were no longer planets but their corpses.


Jiva Toronto glanced at this uninvited custodian. The other party was obviously a shield guard - and his level would not be very low. From the details of his gorgeous armor, Jiva Toronto could not find some clues. He ignored the embargo and proceeded to start replacing the barrels.

The Custodian was sitting beside him familiarly, without the arrogance and arrogance of the rumored ten thousand men, but spoke to Jiva Doren in a very close voice, and the eyepiece on the conical helmet was flickering.

"You hit it right."

"Not more accurate than you."

The Imperial Guard let out a snort from his throat. Givaudan thought he was laughing at him, but two seconds later he realized that the Imperial Guard was laughing at himself.

"No, we've failed. We've failed since the filth brought their bodies to the palace that should have been incinerated to ashes. The accuracy of our shots means nothing." The Imperial Guard sat beside him and took off his helmet, revealing a face that could not tell his age.

He was young and old, weathered and passionate. Three long and narrow scars spread from the left side of his face to the slightly exposed neck: "My name is Valyrian, Astarte, what is your name?"

"Givadolen," he replied, pulling the trigger. Flames spewed from the muzzle, and a blaster swirled out, carrying Jiva Doren's rage and his determination.

Valyrian nodded thoughtfully, and whispered before the bullet hit the demon, "Well shot."

Astarte glanced at the custodial soldier who was familiar and unwilling to directly state his purpose, and said bluntly: "If you have anything, just say it directly, I don't believe a custodial soldier crosses the line when his comrades are fighting to death. Came across the battlefield to find me just to make a home with me."

"You're mean and direct, yes." Valyrian nodded again. "I need you to come with me. There are some hidden paths between the thrones that lead to a mezzanine."

He raised his hand and pointed to the ceiling covered with luxurious golden ornaments. The uncomfortably huge ceiling contained many giant murals that could be called masterpieces of art, by one hundred and sixty-nine different painters. Some of them even spent their entire lives here. Below the fresco hangs one hundred and sixty-nine exquisite chandeliers.

Givaudan looked in the direction he pointed, and keenly caught the small hole in the middle of the fresco.

The Custodian said with satisfaction: "Now you should understand that it will give you a better view. I will take you there. We must end this group of filthy creatures here in one fell swoop."

"You mean you want me to use the enchanted bomb again?"

"Enchanted bomb? Nice name." Valyrian put on his helmet, and his voice became dull for a moment. That's because the air filter in his visor was working. "Yes, that way you don't need to move your position. Don't snipers like this situation the most?"

"other people-"

Givaudoren pulled the trigger again between words, and the bullet hit the head of a Nurgle demon trying to stir the cauldron to concoct the plague with unparalleled precision. A forbidden soldier standing beside it took a step forward and used his halberd to make up the knife. Then, he waved his halberd in the direction of Jiva Doren, as if to express his gratitude.

"-How to do?"

"Don't worry about them, our comms haven't been affected. Also, Marshal Trajan has returned. Well, I hope he doesn't bother me with leaving AWOL later." Valyrian pointed to a Nurgle Surrounded by demons, the forbidden army became more and more brave. He was not wearing a helmet, covered in blood, and his eyes were wide open.

"it is good."

Givaudan stood up, took up his armed belt, and inserted the barrel and magazine of the bolter into it, then silently followed behind the banned soldier who also stood up: "You lead the way."


The Imperial Fists' troops followed closely behind Angron, and they marched silently through the ruins of the palace. The place has become a huge ruin, with bodies everywhere, mostly civilians. The bodies of those guards were deeper, and they sacrificed themselves in order to cover the civilians from running out, but they still did not accomplish this purpose.

Angron's breathing was steady, his helmet covering his face. The Lightning Axe was resisted by him on his shoulders, and some lightning flashed from time to time. But he wasn't quite at peace in his heart - the Emperor is above... I'm actually fighting alongside a bunch of Imperial Fists.

It's hell.

But he didn't say it. In fact, if the mage hadn't asked him to support the palace with them, Angron would not even be willing to interact with this group of people even a little bit.

Behind him, the silent Imperial Fist cultivators actually kept their distance from the eccentric warrior too, and they did so on purpose. The reason is very simple, from the direct order of Chapter Master Maximus.

Wearing Terminator armor, the Chapter Master walked among the crowd. His third company commander, Galaton, followed him, and from time to time there were some very low noises in the communication channel from the helmet. After a while, he turned his head slightly and reported something to Maximus.

"Lai Shande was on his way, and he and the first company met a group of Khorne demons who were avoiding acid rain on the way, and it took some time."

"I hope you will tell me some good news next time, such as the death of Lasander," Maximus said calmly. "This **** who doesn't follow orders to support everywhere, when we get back to the Mountain Array, I'll hang him from the church."

Garadon almost laughed, he turned his head away, and stopped talking.

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