Givaudoren followed Valyrian on a brisk walk, hunched over between the intact thrones, if it weren't for the fear of attracting the attention of the Nurgle demons, they might have simply chosen to run.

The Imperial Army was obviously not familiar with the terrain here. He led the way very fast, and after a while, he and Jiva Doren walked out of the throne room and came to the corridor outside. With the halberd in his hand, the Imperial Army shoved away the corpse of a Nurgle demon that was blocking the way. Then, he raised his shield like a prophet, and blocked the gravel falling from the top of his head just right.

Timing is perfect.

The rubble clacked against his one-handed shield, and Jivaldoren raised his bolter vigilantly, the muzzle of which was always aimed at Valyrian's blind spot.

"The next part of the road won't be easy."

The forbidden army said from the front, with some inexplicable emotions in his tone, very weak. But still caught by Givaudan. "We're going to go around this corridor ... through the Military Department to finally get to that secret passage."

"Are you worried?"

"Yes." The Imperial Guard admitted quickly, and he didn't find any reason for his emotions. "You may not be aware of the current state of the Military Department. There are no living people there. In fact, the Nurgle demons began to infiltrate from there."

"Then we should probably call in some more support."

In a cautious sense, Givaudoren calmly suggested: "I don't think there are no demons left there, maybe there will be Nurgle's walking dead or something. There are huge numbers, and we need to quickly Pass, otherwise the fighter plane will be delayed."

"No, no need."

Valyrian erected his shield, with absolute confidence in his tone: "You just shoot in the back, no demons can get past me and interfere with you - watch out, the Ministry of War is ahead."

Although he was mentally prepared, Givaudoren was still somewhat aroused by the tragic scene in front of him. One of the characteristics of Nurgle's contamination is that thick creeps are creeping slowly throughout the corridor. The long corridor in front of them was blown up from the middle, and the creeping trend stopped there.

Hundreds of green 'bags' wrapped in human corpses were hung from the ceiling, slowly rising and falling. At first glance it seemed as if those people were still alive.

But it's not, it's the rotting things rooted in them that are absorbing the flesh and blood of the victims within. They will spit out victims that turn into a puddle of bones after a few hours, and then grow stronger.

Jiva Doren raised his hand and aimed at one of them, pulled the trigger, and the bomb left the gun chamber, but the thick mushroom crept stood up in an instant, capturing the bomb in it, and there was no sound. Creep lay down slowly, and along with it, Givaudan's face sank. He tapped on his helmet, and the eyepieces turned to magnify.

He began to observe and asked Valyrian at the same time: "How are we going to get there? I am afraid that the enchanted bombs are not a big threat to these creeps. They absorb too much flesh. They can ignore the power of the bombs."

"Simple." Valyrian raised his right hand, and his gauntlet opened in an instant, revealing a control panel inside. This should not belong to the technical category of the power armor of the Imperial Army, obviously he modified it himself.

"The Ministry of Military Affairs had a serious fire at the beginning of its design, and after that, the entire Ministry of Military Affairs was installed with a fire suppression system."

As he explained, he put down his shield and tapped it a few times. With a light click, the fungus began to slowly expand.

"The system hasn't been repaired for three hundred years, but it still works. A lot of water will come out through the pre-set pipes, the creeps will be filled with water, and their response speed will be greatly delayed. All you need to do is get one more Frozen Bomb of the kind you fired earlier to get this stuff out of the way."

Good strategy.

Givaudoren secretly admired that the Custodian probably thought of this trick when he appeared to support them with enchanted bombs.

If he can really go through the military affairs department to the upper level between the thrones, so that he can start the strategy of naming names without hesitation, the situation on the battlefield will undoubtedly be reversed in an instant. At that time, the guards who have freed up their hands can directly clean up the palace, so as to contact the entire Terra's troops again.

With command, the twisted army can easily strangle those demons who no longer have support.

Jivaldoren took off an enchanted magazine from the belt around his waist, and held it in his hand with a heavy feeling, and the freezing cold even spread to the palm of his hand through his gauntlet. He skillfully changed the magazine and then began to wait patiently.

Three minutes later, the creeps were full of water—they began to swell, the ups and downs like human breathing became incredibly slow, but the water kept gushing out. Valyrian nodded at him, and Givaudron pulled the trigger. Frozen bombs flew out of the gun chamber and exploded at the first moment of contact with the creep. This time, the creep didn't respond.

As always, the pre-set runes lighted up, and the dangerous blue light became brighter and brighter after a humming sound, and finally, the icy magic power that had been compressed to the extreme exploded. The ice-cold spread, and it even had a greater effect when it encountered water, and the lethality range with a radius of 20 meters at least doubled.

"Now, we just need to move forward. I hope you have enough ammunition, Givadolen."

"rest assured."

They started to move on, slowly making their way across the ice. Givaudron sometimes looked down at the creeps that had been sealed in the ice, and he had a feeling—they were watching them.

And he knew it wasn't an illusion.

After repeatedly firing the bombs four times, they finally left the long corridor and turned to a hall with long stairs on both sides, with a total of three floors.

This is similar to a transit station, allowing the officials of the Ministry of Military Affairs to freely go to where they should go. The Emperor's withered statue stood in the center of the hall, already covered with green vines. What angered the Custodians and Jivaldoren even more was that a group of Nurglings had been built on top of the Emperor's head out of dead branches from somewhere. A small nest was built, and Zheng Xiang was sleeping in it at this time.

The weird thing is - there is no creep here.

Givaudron gritted his teeth, and Valyrian didn't respond much better. But he still stopped Jivaldoren from pulling the trigger at those Nurglings, and silently pointed to a fat figure sleeping soundly on the second floor. Jiva Doren immediately understood, turned his gun, and a common bomb hit the demon's back.

Flesh and blood flew, and the thing screamed in pain. Immediately stood up and wanted to know who was attacking it, but it had no chance to fight back, because a halberd had already flown and hit its head precisely. The disintegration stand completely disintegrates its filthy brain into scum.

The sound of gunfire echoed in the empty hall like some kind of announcement, and the Nurglings were awakened in an instant. Chatting and noisy, and looking at the two from time to time, neither of them has the heart to take care of these noisy little demons. Valyrian erected his shield and stood in front of Jivaldoron, whispering, "We need to go to the third floor."

"What about your weapon?"

"I can recall it. There is a magnetic device at the end of the halberd that connects to my gauntlet." The Imperial Guard explained briefly as he stepped cautiously up the stairs with the tattered red carpet. His weight made the stairs make a noise. Muffled. Jivaldoren nodded, and at the same time, some kind of roar came from above their heads.

"Prepare to fight." The Imperial Guard said succinctly, and at the same time stretched out his right hand, and the halberd flew back. He glanced at Givaudan, and suddenly there was a slight smile in his voice. "I hope you don't disappoint me."

Givaudoren didn't answer, he just raised the muzzle and pulled the trigger at a Plague Walker who was trying to pounce on them, smashing it into a puddle of mud.


"Steel Snakes? I've heard of it, but I didn't expect you to be able to support Terra on that Vengeance by accident. What a surprise."

Guilliman smiled and said to Insel. The latter had a tense face and a straight body. He was extremely nervous, even worse than meeting He Shenyan that time.

"Ultimate Chaos"

After hearing Guilliman's words, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Father of Gene, we originally went to Cadia to support, and the casualties were not serious due to the retreat before it exploded, and we later defended it on a hive planet. Traitor, it was also at that time that we met the Lord. He saved us and the survivors on the hive."

"It's a day to remember, Insel. It's a pity I can't talk to you for long."

The transport vehicle was moving fast, and in the unbearable turbulence, Guilliman said calmly: "We are heading to the palace. It is no longer as safe as it used to be, and she has moved from the safest place to Terra. The land has been transformed into the most dangerous place, and you may not know it yet—"

Insel interrupted his Primarch bluntly: "—actually, Father Gene, we know. The scanning function on the Vengeance is very accurate, and we can know everything around the battlefield in real time. From the number of enemies to friendly forces The number and location are all clear, and it shows up in our eyepieces."

Guilliman was stunned.

At this moment, the broken 'high-precision real-time tactical deduction sand table' flashed in front of his eyes, the servitor who kept sending him information, and even the face of the overworked military officer. Then he lowered his head and smiled softly.

"What's the matter, Father of Gene?" At this time, Insel realized that he had robbed the Primarch. He began to regret why he had acted unsteadily in front of him like a child, almost showing off a new toy to his father.

"Nothing, I was just thinking that this kind of thing must be extended to the entire empire..." Guilliman shook his head. "Since this thing is so useful, Insel, tell me, how far are we from the palace?"

"Four hundred meters, the father of genes."

"Very good." Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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