Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1532: (?_?;) Has anyone said that?

On March 19 of the 17th year of Chongzhen, King Chuang Li Zicheng captured the capital of the Ming Dynasty. Emperor Chongzhen ordered all his concubines in the harem to commit suicide, Queen Yi'an Zhang and Queen Zhou of Xiaojie killed themselves, and then Emperor Chongzhen personally hacked and killed two of his own. The daughter, Princess Zhaoren, was killed on the spot. The eldest daughter, Princess Changping, was chopped off with a sword arm. She was lucky enough to get her life. She also ordered the close **** to take the three princes to escape, and hanged herself to death in Meishan.

Immediately afterwards, the **** Wang Chengen, the academician Fan Jingwen, the capital Yushi Li Banghua, the Hubu Shangshu Ni Yuanlu and other officials died, and the Ming Dynasty was destroyed.

On April 21, Li Zicheng's army, who was enthroned and proclaimed Dashun, and thousands of cavalry marched under the city of Xiluo in Shanhaiguan. A Ming army in the north wing of the city revolted to Shun Li Zicheng, but Wu Sangui refused Li Zicheng's invitation to surrender. Fierce battle.

On April 22, the slave-building army outside the customs galloped to Shanhaiguan, Wu Sangui switched in to welcome him, and under the joint efforts of Wu Sangui and the Qing army, Li Zicheng's army was outnumbered and had to retreat temporarily.

In May of the same year, under the leadership of Wu Sangui, the slave-building army that defeated the Li Zicheng uprising army led by Dorgon into the capital of the Ming Empire through the Donghua Gate.

And now, here is also the Donghua Gate, the capital of the Ming Empire, which has changed hands twice, once again fell to the more than 10,000 famous people holding the Da Ming Dragon Banner and the Li Family Banner, all equipped with flintlock rifled Minnie. The hands of Li family sailors with rifles.


Looking at the Donghua Gate that was accurately blasted by the artillery in the distance, watching the densely packed slave cavalry and archers outside the city and on the top of the city, and looking at those once again facing the Daming Dragon Banner like a wall of grass. Kneeling on the ground, please come down. Even the "Ming Army" who has not changed even the armor, Li Da Huo, the admiral of the navy and the admiral of the East China Sea, can't help but feel a little bit emotional.

I don’t know if the enemy is too weak or the sailors of their Daming Li family are indeed too strong. Anyway, the slave cavalry who assisted Donghuamen here did not have time to attack or outflank their infantry, so they were all beaten by their musketeers by a few hundred. Meters away was accurately beaten down, and there were no two thousand cavalry who could escape alive with the mighty and mighty, at least ten to twenty thousand cavalry.

And the defenders above Donghuamen City, let alone...

It’s very dramatic. None of the city’s red cannons on the opponent’s city have a longer range than the Miner rifles in the hands of their Li family navy. The artillery on the front of the city were basically blown up before they had time to fire any shells.

Not to mention the poor crossbowmen.

Those guys holding backward weapons with a range of only a few dozen steps, whoever dared to show their heads, were killed by headshots, and waited until the bombardment extended to Urn City, and waited until the beard ordered a few solid shells to smash the east. Behind the gate of Huamen, the slave-building armies that were said to be'invincible' inside rushed away, not knowing where they had fled.

The remaining ones who didn’t escape were all those wall-grass wearing Ming army-style armor. They saw the bearded army with powerful quick guns and sharp cannons, and saw the invincible Eight Banners Iron Cavalry for a long time. After being unable to resist it, he simply met his head and dropped again, without thinking of continuing to resist.

Perhaps, in their view, surrendering to the thieves, then surrendering to the establishment of slaves, and now continuing to abandon the dark and cast the Ming, re-submitting under the banner of the Ming, does not seem to be too unacceptable?


Through the binoculars, I saw that there was no more figure on the head of Donghuamen City. I saw the descending army kneeling in the city, and then I looked at the defenders who built slaves. As he fled, the beard as the commander frowned, suddenly a little at a loss, wondering whether he should directly order the chase in the city, or continue to wait and see for a while?

After all, the enemy was defeated too miserably and too quickly. They just defeated the 20,000 cavalrymen, and then used intensive rifles and artillery to blast the Donghua Gate for a while. Now they have lost even one casualty without the enemy. , This makes the beard always feel a little unreal.

To be honest, since they were resurrected with supreme power by their Grand Admiral Anne, he has never had too much perception of the Migne rifles in their hands, because their boats are strong and the weapons are almost There is no chance to use it before, but now, it is only the first time to use it on a large scale, and it has obtained this kind of magical effect that is almost crushed...

Not to mention the enemy in the city. In fact, Beard himself was taken aback. It really subverted his cognition, so that for a while, he didn’t know how to get it right. Command the army.


"Admiral Sir?"

Seeing the beard was a little dazed, seeing that the battlefield had gradually calmed down and his artillery positions were no longer firing, and then looking at the coach, he was still a little stunned. A lieutenant who felt that the fighter could not be missed ran over and faced the rider on the horse. Bearded reminded:


"It's time for us to enter the city. If we don't chase, Jianu will definitely have time to burn, kill, and looting in the capital!"

That's right, this is what the lieutenant is worried about.

Now that the enemy knows that Donghua Gate has been breached, and knows that the cavalry squadrons rushing here have been defeated and killed and wounded, it is estimated that they must know that the city cannot be defended. If they leave it alone and give those who are ready to escape or are fleeing for their lives. If you build slaves and rebels, God knows what the other party will do.

After all, they came to attack here, but what they wanted was a complete Ming Capital City, and to welcome the princess who was protected by them in the Tamsui Fortress back here. They didn't make a special trip to receive a ruin.


"you are right!"

"Pass the order, beat the drums!"

"The former army enters the city!"

"The Chinese army will follow!"

"The rear army camped outside the city to guard against the enemy's cavalry attack!"

After finally reacting, he looked at the front of Wengcheng in the distance and looked at each other. Even a little at a loss, please drop the'Ming Army'. The beard did not hesitate and gave the order directly.

Immediately afterwards, behind the Jiannu Manmeng soldiers who ran away with their heads and howling and howling, under the suspicious gaze of the large army of descendants kneeling on the ground, those on both sides of the Daming Jingcheng Street were first poisoned by thieves and then built. Under the numb gazes of the elders of the capital who were persecuted by slaves, the sailors of the Li family of Daming held high the dragon and Li flags of the Ming imperial family to the beat of the drummer, carrying rifles, and lined up with 500 men. The long phalanx formed, stepping on a neat pace, drove into the Donghua Gate arrogantly, and began to attack and clean up the remaining enemies in the city, the inner gate, and the imperial palace.

In mid-June of the 17th year of Chongzhen, after a day and night of fierce fighting, the musketeers of the Li's naval division of the Ming Dynasty, at a very low price, achieved the victory of annihilating nearly 40,000 enemies and surrendering more than 30,000, and now they have completely recovered. The capital of Ming Dynasty.

At almost the same time, the other division of the Lijia Navy Division of the Ming Dynasty, which was composed of five thousand musketeers and hundreds of artillery, plus two thousand civilians, also easily captured the Shanhaiguan Xiluo City and captured it in one fell swoop. Going to Shanhaiguan Pass directly arbitrarily cut off the way of retreat for the army to build slaves in the pass.


And while the sailors of Daming Li’s family were working hard to expel the Tartars and recover Daming, a sad little girl in Mogadishu, Africa, was busy preparing to clean up the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce and the one who wanted to steal her home. Where is the female pirate of the big ship, Azhisha Nurinahar!

After inquiring and interrogating the prisoners from various sources, they obtained a piece of news:

The female pirate Azhisha Nurinahar and her fleet are currently entrenched near the island of ‘Comoros’ north of Madagascar, and it is said that there is a stronghold in the water village?

So, of course, Admiral Anne, who was doing his best to eliminate evil and not giving any thoughts to the bad guys who wanted to hit her ship, did not wait for some dead fat Nagopur to send someone to take over Mogadishu. The merchant station set sail in the afternoon of the next day, aggressively heading towards the islands to the south, preparing to wipe out the hateful pirates who dared to attack her family ship, let them know that they provoke her. What is the end of the Admiralty Council!



"Are we looking for the archipelago in front?"


On the bow of the flagship "Xiang Feihu", after using a telescope to find several large islands appeared in the front, Annie turned her head and asked the second admiral Song Yifeng next to her.


"How do I know?"

Song Yifeng, who hid in the shadow of the sails to avoid being directly exposed to the sun, was immediately taken aback. Then, while putting down the binoculars in her own hands, she subconsciously looked at the first mate, and said nonchalantly.

"I haven't been here again..."

"Go ask him!"

After all, she basically didn’t care about it on the ship, she gave orders to have Anne, and went to execute the first mate. Song Yifeng, the so-called second admiral, was just a mascot who sailed with the ship and wanted to sail around the world, she was sure I don't know the specific position of the fleet at present.

But anyway, she only knew that this was Africa, because it was still very hot and hot, and the sun in the sky was still very venomous, and their fleet went all the way south to here for only three or four days, and the speed has not risen fast, presumably. There must be no way to go too far.



No way, she found out that she was really asking the wrong person, and she had to look at the chief mate over there who was discussing something with the surveyor just now.


"Grand Admiral!"

"We have just conducted a survey. At present, the approximate azimuth of our fleet should be about 12o south latitude and about 43o east longitude."


"What you just said is correct, the Comoros islands we are looking for should be in front of you."

After looking at the data calculated by the surveyor in hand, and then looking at the islands in front, after considering and comparing them, the chief officer, who felt that there was nothing wrong, nodded firmly.



"Go! Ask the two prisoners, where is the stronghold of the villain pirate named Azhisha?"


The pirates must be attacked, not for anything else, just because they dare to hit her Grand Admiral Anne's ship!

You know, this time she sailed from Daming's side to the west, and she only took a total of five poor ships, which can only be regarded as a small fleet, but the badass pirates still want to fight that kind of stealing. The ship's crooked idea, if it were not for the large number of people on board and the higher deck of the ship, they might have given it to them that night.

Therefore, the more I thought about this matter, the more angry I became, and the more I thought about it, the more I thought Admiral Anne could not tolerate it, and decided: We must kill a hundred!

Those who commit her crimes with the Grand Admiral of Anne will be punishable even though they are far away!

She wanted the pirates to know that once she provokes her Grand Admiral Anne, she will definitely retaliate, and she will retaliate if she retaliates, and set sail the next day to wait for an opportunity to retaliate, absolutely not. Nonsense, there is absolutely no room for negotiation!



"The captive seems to know the location of the pirate's stronghold!"

But Song Yifeng definitely didn't know where the prisoners were, so she had to look at the first officer again.


"Grand Admiral, didn't you think they were too noisy last night and ordered them to be tied to abandoned gun barrels and sank into the bottom of the sea?"

However, the first officer did not pay attention to Song Yifeng's eyes, but asked the chief admiral who was slightly embarrassed.



"Has anyone ever issued such an order?"


Annie couldn't remember, so, subconsciously, she looked at Song Yifeng, who had been living with her in the captain's room and sleeping on the same bed, with her eyes again, wanting to confirm.


"Don't look at me, I didn't wake up last night..."

In the blink of an eye, Song Yifeng didn't have any impression, but she did indeed find that the two prisoners who were supposed to be tied under the mast were no longer there. She thought it was in which cabin or cell she was taken.


"Did something happen last night?"

No way, she had to look at the first officer again.

"Report the chief admiral and the second admiral!"

"Last night, the two pirate captives didn't know why they kept yelling, and then you mumbled that you were going to sink them into the sea, so we executed it on the spot!"

The first officer said innocently.

Speaking of it, they went to the warehouse to find the abandoned gun barrels for a long time. The last group of people took a lot of effort to finally find a section of the gun barrels from the scrap piles that were originally intended to be used to ballast the bilge. He moved it up, and then sank the two unlucky pirates who were gagged with smelly socks into the sea.

"Is that so?"


"I don't remember saying that..."


"Forget it, don't care! People don't remember it anyway!"



(● ̄? ̄●)


"The captive was sunk to the bottom of the sea, then how are we going to find the pirate Azhisha's lair?"

Song Yifeng didn’t feel that there was anything wrong with dealing with the two pirates, because according to the other side’s account, they robbed the Indian Ocean and the African coast over the years, raped and looted them all. It was not wrong to sink them into the sea. of!


ε=(′ο`*))) alas

"Then only find it slowly."


"Anyway, the boat is so spicy, those pirates must not be able to hide, let's go slowly around the islands and look around."

(? ̄? ̄?)

No way, since they are here, they definitely can't make a trip in vain.

Therefore, under the instruction of the Grand Admiral Anne, the Li's fleet slowly continued forward and sailed into the Comoros Islands, ready to find the Azhisha pirate fleet hiding in it, and then carried out revenge operations to fight for All the pirate ships sank to the bottom of the sea.



"Ahead! There is an unknown fleet on the left and on the right!"

"not good!"

"They are the armed merchant ships and battleships of the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce!"


"Grand Admiral!"

"A semaphore came from the ship The pirate Aziza's fleet was found behind, it is a few Arab medium-sized clippers!"

However, not long after entering the waters inside the Comoros Islands, the watchmen and messengers on the mast soon heard bad news one by one.


Their Li family fleet was trapped by the pirates Aziza and Espinosha Chamber of Commerce. They plunged into this area. There are hidden reefs everywhere. Ships cannot sail at will, and the exits of the surrounding waterways are blocked by enemy ships. In the trap?



???????? Ask for a monthly pass????????


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