Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1531: ("? ヘ? Is there really something terrible?

The fleet of Basrali in the Persian Gulf, Abraham Yiwen Wooding of the Wooding Chamber of Commerce and the giant Arabian ships under his command have been waiting in the port for a long time.

In fact, since the third day that a little girl’s Grand Admiral led her Li’s development fleet southward, they have gathered in the port of Basra. It is a giant Arab ship with fifteen huge Arab ships and several oars. The large fleet composed of sails and ships has already been replenished and ready to go.

And they are a full half a month.

Today, half a month later, the Wooding Chamber of Commerce finally received the latest news from Mogadishu, the port city closest to the Arabian Sea on the east coast of Africa.


"What did you say?"

"They defeated the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce fleet off Mogadishu. They sunk all the 12 large Spanish square sailboats?"

"They then bombarded the port of Mogadishu, made the port succumb, and expelled the people from the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce?!"

"This is impossible!"

"Impossible! Never possible!!"

Hearing Hashim finished reading the information sent from the intelligence station arranged by the Wooding Chamber of Commerce in Mogadishu, some Woodin who couldn't believe it just rubbed his seat and stood up, and then Walking to Hashim, he snatched the document in the opponent's hand, and began to scan it by himself.



However, after reading it by myself, Abraham Yiwen Woodin was a little bad.

He originally thought that the little girl and her five big ships would definitely not be the opponents of Gianronimo de Espinosha. After all, the evil chamber of commerce is the strongest European in East Africa. The power of, is an opponent that even their Wooding Chamber of Commerce has to treat with caution!

But what do you think...

The Li family’s fleet was actually stronger than that of Li Huamei’s fleet. They didn’t just damage or sink a few enemy ships, but directly and simply wiped out Espy. An entire fleet of Nossa, and also attacked the port?

That kind of thing, in his opinion, even their Wooding Chamber of Commerce can hardly handle it.


"What's wrong, is there any problem?"

Seeing Wooding sluggish for a long time, Denia Itihad was obviously worried. Then she looked at her two sisters, and finally stepped forward with her scalp and gently caressed Wooding’s. Asked his back and caringly.

"Do not……"


"It's just that I didn't expect them to be so strong..."

"never mind!"

"My dear birds, I'm fine, you go to the back swimming pool and wait for me first, don't worry, I will come soon."

I looked at Denya, and looked at Amina and Fahoma, who were looking at him from the side. They were obviously worried. Wooding, who didn’t want them to know about some things, reluctantly smiled and calmed down. They talked, and then directly sent them to leave this hall first.


"This information, is it true?"

"The fleet of those two little girls, did they really defeat the fleet of Espinosha and still occupy Mogadishu?"

Seeing his three'birds' a little bit of resentment, but in the end they left thoughtfully, and after seeing their figures completely disappeared at the end of the corridor, Abraham Yiwen Wooding had just turned around and faced him. Asked the tall man in front of him.

"Yes Master!"

"I have confirmed it many times, and even specifically asked an Arab ship at the pier that also came back from Africa. What the captain said is similar to the letter in this letter, or even more bizarre?"

"However, they did not directly occupy Mogadishu. They just defeated the Europeans who were hostile to them and expelled the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce. They didn't seem to have much force to occupy the port."

"But I can't guarantee that they will eventually send people from the Indian Ocean or the South Ocean, or from Daming to open up business stations."

Having said that, Hashim told him about the magical aspects of the Li family's development fleet that he had inquired from the Arab captain.

It is said that a passing merchant ship saw it with his own eyes?

Anyway, the other party said that the Li’s fleet’s naval guns were very precise and had a super long range and great power. Only two rounds of artillery shots sank nearly half of the Espinosha fleet, and then the enemy fled directly and outrageously. Using the four guns at the bow of the ship to chase down, in the end, they used those bow guns to sink the escaping enemy ships one by one?

The next thing is even more terrible.

The Li family fleet arrived in Mogadishu on the second day after the engagement and blocked the port of Mogadishu. A series of destructions damaged several merchant ships of the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce and shelling deterred the port’s After the fort, they successfully entered the port, and also captured at least seven to eight medium-sized merchant ships of the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce and seized a large number of gold and gemstones. The specific amount is incalculable.

"It shouldn't be..."

"How can they be so strong?"

After listening to the narration of his servant Hashim, Abraham Yiwen Woodin couldn't help but accept it for a while.

Because according to his original vision, it should be like this:

Their Li family fleet plunged into the sphere of influence of the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce without preparation. Then, they would definitely be beaten to the blood by the hostile forces, and finally had to flee back to the Arabian Sea in disgrace. Finally, Then I came forward to appease, and led the main force of the Wooding Chamber of Commerce to go south with their Li family fleet, directly defeating or deterring the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce and the Europeans. Is that a normal and reasonable script?

But now it’s better. The opponent directly destroyed a fleet of the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce. The important East African city of Mogadishu, which is closest to the Arabian Sea, has stood still, and if their battle really has Other people's dictation and letters say such powerful words, I am afraid that the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce may not be able to resist it, right?

"Could it be..."

"Is it true that the rumors in India and South Asia are true?"

Suddenly, Wooding thought of the Chamenlin Afmad Nagopur in the Indian Ocean. The strength of the opponent is no worse than that of the Wooding Chamber of Commerce, which has been entrenched in the Persian Gulf for generations!

Then, there are Malay Governor Doyle Lopez Di Preira and Governor Antonio Van Kuhn of the Guava Islands. They will die and fall, if those are true. Doesn’t that mean that Africa will also soon fall into the hands of the Li’s Chamber of Commerce?


Thinking about it, Wooding couldn't help taking a breath.

Of course, the situation in Africa is more complicated, and there are many European countries there. Even if the Li family fleet defeated the strongest Espinosha Chamber of Commerce, it would be impossible to occupy it in a short time. After all, there It is too far away from Da Qing. They want to drive away the European forces that have been entrenched for many years, but they can't do it with the few people on those ships, even if there may be thousands of people on their ships, it is useless.


"What should we do now?"

"Does the fleet need to go south to Africa immediately?"

Seeing his owner Wooding was a little surprised, and at the same time knowing that Wooding had originally planned Hashim to wait for a while, seeing that the other party was still unable to make up his mind, he couldn't help but ask carefully.


"Do not!"

"They must be lucky, let's wait..."

"hold on……"

However, Woodin, whose face was uncertain, reached out and interrupted Hashim, rejecting the servant's suggestion.


"Send the Clippers to pretend to be a caravan to collect intelligence in the Indian Ocean and the Guava Islands in the South Ocean. I need to know as soon as possible what the Li family's fleet did in there, so that they can easily take the two good places. Trading rights, especially on the Java side!"

"Going right now!"

Abraham Yiwen Woodin's face was a little ugly.

Because, he suddenly discovered that things seemed a little beyond his expectations, and were developing in a direction that he couldn't imagine and control. That feeling was for such a man who has always controlled the Arabian Sea and the Persian Gulf. Unforgivable, he has to do something, he can't be inferior to a little girl, that's what he would never admit.


"My master."

He bowed, and Hashim didn’t say much. He just saw that his master Wooding hadn’t given any more instructions. He took two steps back, then turned and walked quickly out of the hall, ready to arrange someone. Take a trip to the Indian Ocean and the South Ocean, and strive to investigate clearly and return within a month.


And when Abraham Yiwen Wooding in Basra was suspicious and suspicious of his life, a sad little girl Grand Admiral far away on the east coast of South Africa was already staying in a large building in the port of Mogadishu. In the house, she was eating and drinking with her little attendant and second admiral Song Yifeng.

This place was originally the property of the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce, but now it has become the merchant station and resident of the Li family fleet.

However, Annie did not intend to send her own fleet of people who were not sufficient to occupy this place. Instead, she sent a letter to the fat man Nagopur on the Indian Ocean side and asked him to send someone to host the business. Anyway, the other party is crowded. This is the case for the time being. After the merchant ships of Li's family and Daming come and go, slowly let the people of Daming occupy this place and even the entire port. That's no big deal.

Of course, Annie doesn't care about the above-mentioned chores. Everything is arranged by the first mate. She doesn't bother to take care of those bad things!

"Annie, don't you know?"

"It is said that this is the legendary'Wooden Bone Bundle'. It is the place where the Three Treasure Eunuch Zheng He visited twice, and the farthest place their fleet reached!"

"Unexpectedly, I, Song Yifeng, came here today..."

In this beautiful house, Song Yifeng sighed while eating and drinking. She never expected that she would be able to come to the farthest place that the Sanbao **** had ever visited, as if it were the end of the world.

If one day you go back to Seoul and let the master and brother know about it, they will definitely be very envious or even jealous, right?

"But it's still too hot here, even the sea breeze is hot..."

"Annie, look!"

"This skirt is still made of light gauze, but it's all soaked now!!"

Just after sighing, Song Yifeng ran to Annie again and complained, pulling her collar unceasingly, so that Annie could see her wet skin and the same wet, almost transparent skirt. .

"No way!"


"This city is at 2o north latitude, very close to the equator, can it not be hot?"


"But don't worry!"


"When the warship is finished supplying gunpowder and shells, we will go south, and we will definitely cool off when we leave the equator."




"Can't we go quickly?"

"I think I have been tanned recently... the Kunlun slaves outside must be because of the frequent tanning. I don't want to be tanned like them!"

"In that case, Master and Senior Brother will definitely dislike me..."

Seeing the healthy skin color on her arm that had indeed become a little dark, Song Yifeng's face collapsed. She didn't want to become the dark ghost look of the local aboriginals at all, not even the least.



"That's impossible. Do you want to be so spicy? At least you have to roast them slowly with fire..."


"And don't think people don't know. You guys haven't been out during the day. You either hide in the cabin or hide in the house like you do now. How could you get tanned?"



∑(′△`)? !

At this moment, Annie just wanted to continue to say something when she suddenly saw someone walk in outside the door, and then she had to stop, and Song Yifeng tidyed up her clothes for the first time, not wanting outsiders to see her. Kind of disheveled appearance.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


"Grand Admiral! Second Admiral!"

"Last night, someone tried to rob our ship, but it was repelled. We also captured a few prisoners. We have probably asked about the situation."

After the sailor finished his salute, he slowly explained in detail what the first officer of the fleet flagship asked him to report.



"What did you say?"


"There is a pirate leader named Azhisha. She saw that our ship easily defeated Nagopur's fat man and Espinosha's fleet, so she wanted to take the ship, and then you only caught a few. Hello?"

!? (?\'\'??)?

Annie was shocked. Didn't she expect that there would be such a bold pirate who would dare to hit her big ship?

"But happened last night, why did you report it now?"


After listening to the other party's report, Annie was startled at first, but soon followed up with questions.

"Because you just woke up, you still have the face to say!"

"Let's go!"

"Let's go see those pirates!"

Angrily glared at the big admiral of a disgusting little girl, and after clearing the besieged sailor, Song Yifeng patted his **** and stood up.

Although Song Yifeng herself just woke up, but she felt that she was infected by Xiao Anni, and things like laziness and snooze weren't what she was good at at first?


(?ω?) o Monthly pass o


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