Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1682: (((┏(; ̄? ̄)┛ Sang in a desperate situation…



"Sweet and sweet!"


"It's useless, little girl, don't wink at me, the old man."

"You're afraid you don't know?"

"I'm a bad old man. I usually only like drinking and don't like women. I've already passed that age."



Kiss the gun!

Captive Arrow! !

Whoosh~! Whoosh~! Whoosh~!

"Why bother?"

"Said, it's useless..."

"Little girl, you and I have both seen and seen domineering. You should know that this move is useless. If it is too slow, it will be easily avoided."

In this corner of Nine Snakes Island, under the watch of a group of Amazonian warriors, Empress Boya Hancock was fighting with Sylbaz Reilly, the underworld king. The two sides fought back and forth for nearly half an hour. , but still no winner.


It is not difficult to see from the empress's anger and the performance of the Hades Rayleigh's leisurely walks. Now it must be the Hades Rayleigh who has the absolute upper hand, because the opponent has a sword in his hand, but he has never taken the initiative to attack. , has been just passive defense.

On the other hand, the female emperor has been using various long-distance means, such as the 'sweet sweet wind' that can petrify people, the 'kiss gun' that is as sharp as a bullet, and the 'captive arrows' that shoot a lot of forced petrification effects. 'The skills were bombarded indiscriminately, but the results were not satisfactory. Instead, he was constantly ridiculed and ridiculed by that Hades Rayleigh.


Finally, after that Hades Rayleigh easily avoided the last captive arrow and saw that all her long-range attacks had no effect, the Empress stopped and stared coldly at the other party with a straight face.


"Finally not going to continue, are you going to admit defeat?"

"It's long overdue, little girl, I didn't come to embarrass you, I actually did it for your own good, just think about it, in case one day, Luffy knew that you were deliberately misleading him like that, deliberately not going. Seriously teach him to be domineering, what will he think then?"


"Luffy is still young, so he must not be enlightened, right?"

"So, there are some things you really can't rush, you have to take your time..."

Seeing that the Empress was no longer attacking, Rayleigh, who thought that the other party had already confessed and was ready to admit defeat, began to persuade him earnestly.




Before he could finish speaking, the Empress suddenly accelerated, turned into a phantom and rushed over.

Then, a burgundy high-heeled shoe, accompanied by that slender, snow-white long leg with amazing lines and luster, slammed towards Rayleigh's head and kicked it fiercely.

Swish! !


"Good, good risk!!"

Fortunately, Rayleigh is really old, and he prefers good wine to women's sex, so the 'scented feet' that the Empress's trick has the slightest charm and the amazing arc of the buttocks are not there. He was able to attract him, but was narrowly avoided by him.



A small sound rang out.

Then, Pluto Rayleigh was shocked to see: just now, a strand of his silver hair was touched by the fragrant feet of the empress, so the strands of silver hair were instantly petrified, and at the same time, he was quickly retreated. Broken abruptly and dropped in front of your eyes?


not good! !

Seeing that Empress Boya Hancock missed a kick, and at the moment when she retracted to the ground, the other foot turned into a phantom and was about to kick at his chest, Leleigh froze, and then quickly became serious And he retreated with force under his feet, narrowly avoiding the opponent's kick, just let the opponent's shoe upper touch a button of the front shirt and petrify it.

puff! !


With the light sound of the landing, Pluto Rayleigh jumped back and landed on the beach more than 30 meters away, opening a relatively safe distance from the Empress.


"Why did your speed suddenly become so fast?"

"My reaction, I almost couldn't keep up..."

Subconsciously, he reached out and touched the petrified hairs on his head, and then looked down at the button that had been petrified on his chest, Pluto Rayleigh asked in a puzzled way.

Just now, the opponent's speed suddenly increased by about half, and that kind of strange speed is undoubtedly very fatal for a duel of masters like them, but if it is not for his domineering and his own ability, he can barely pass the test. If so, I'm afraid he'll be kicked hard just now.


"It's easy!"

"These shoes, but Annie used magic to enchant her concubine. Its name is 'Berserker Greaves', which can greatly increase the attack speed and movement speed!"

"What, do you want to admit defeat now?"

Seeing that her previous long-range attacks were ineffective, and once she used melee attacks to attack the opponent, she was forced to retreat again and again.

"I see!"

"I understand, that king under the Seven Martial Seas, and the world's largest swordsman, Hawkeye Joracol Mihawk, was attacked by your sudden speed just now, am I right?"

He glanced at Empress Boya Hancock's burgundy high-heeled shoes in surprise, and then Rayleigh nodded knowingly, finally knowing why the world's greatest swordsman was planted in front of him. Young girl in hand.

Thinking about it too, with the speed of the other party just now, even Rayleigh couldn't help but secretly say a fluke.

If it wasn't for his quick-witted eyes and feet and he narrowly avoided it, once he was kicked, he would definitely be instantly petrified, and then, in the end, he would definitely be reduced to the same fate as that Hawkeye?

"What a sneak attack!"


"The concubine went to defeat him in an open and honest way!"

"These shoes are just one of the concubine's weapons, just like the sword in your hands!"

The Empress did not feel that there was anything wrong with relying on Annie's enchantment to gain an advantage in battle, and she believed that the current Hades Rayleigh would definitely be petrified by her, just like the Hawkeye who used to be on Marinfando. And then turned into a stone statue!

Because her fragrant feet can petrify or even smash part of the opponent's body at the moment of kicking, so, next, whether the opponent is dodging a hundred or a thousand, and she only needs to hit the opponent once. enough.

After speaking, the Empress walked forward step by step on the beach with a smile and arrogance, closely watching the opponent's every move, ready to attack or evade at any time.

After a while, she just needs to be careful about the long sword in the opponent's hand, and think of a way to kick it to petrify and smash it once, and then she will win!


Staring at the Empress who stepped forward, Pluto Rayleigh couldn't help frowning slightly.


"Boyahan Cook, you like Luffy, but you can't trap him forever."

"I advise you to give up?"

After pondering for a while, Rayleigh, who did not see any flaws in the other party, could only try to persuade him again.

In the half hour of the battle just now, he has roughly figured out the opponent's path and strength. If he is fighting for his life, he is confident that he can kill the opponent in a short time, but he obviously can't do that. .

Not to mention fighting for life, he didn't dare to hurt each other easily. After all, that girl might be Luffy's future wife, how could he dare to kill her?

But if he can't be ruthless, he will be a little constrained to deal with the opponent's extremely fast attack, especially the opponent's fruit ability that will be petrified when he hits, which really makes him feel a little helpless.

"give up?"

"whispering sound!"

"If you don't try it, how do you know if it will work?"

The Empress did not pay attention to the other party's words, she still said with a smile, and walked forward step by step, preparing to reach a suitable distance before launching an attack.


"Then I have to be serious!"

Seeing that he couldn't persuade him, and then looked at the sea behind him and the reefs out of the corner of his eyes, Rayleigh suddenly thought of a good idea.

Since the other party, like him, has domineering, armed, and knowledgeable domineering, he cannot rely on domineering to shock or stun the opponent, so he can only try to set up some obstacles for the opponent first.



Fragrant feet! !

Seeing that Pluto Rayleigh had been forced to a corner of the beach by herself, the empress who felt that she would not come again when the opportunity was not lost suddenly turned into a phantom, and then raised her leg unceremoniously, letting her flying foot attack. It turned into a phantom in the sky and shrouded the other side.


It's a pity that the Hades Rayleigh groaned and avoided it easily. At the same time, he retreated to a reef at sea.

"Where to run!?"

Seeing this, the Empress did not hesitate, and immediately chased after her.

She guessed the other party's mind at a glance, it was nothing more than trying to use seawater to make her incapacitated, but that was doomed to be futile.

Because, in addition to being a fruit person, she is also the emperor of the Amazon and Lily Kingdom of Nine Snake Island. The reason why their Amazons are so frightening to people outside is that they never rely on the ability of that kind of devil fruit!

Soon, the two hit the sea in the fight between you and me, and then countless sea water and waves began to fall on the two of them.

However, the Empress's offensive is still fierce, just like the sea really can't affect her at all.

"it's useless!"

"Pluto Rayleigh, hurry up and admit defeat!"

"My concubine, the emperor of the Amazon is different from ordinary capable people. The sea water can't affect me too much!"

While quickly chasing the rocks, the Empress did not forget to sneer at the opponent.

The sea water can only make the fruit capable person so weak that he cannot swim and actively use his abilities, but it cannot make the capable person incapacitate, nor can he control the abilities of the capable person. Just see through.


"Of course I know, but..."

"You're still fooled!"

As the voice of Pluto Rayleigh just fell, he who had just retreated while resisting, jumped onto another rock and forced the Empress to land on the rock he had just stood on, and suddenly said with a smile like this.

boom! !

As his voice just fell, I don't know what he just did. When the Empress just ran out of strength and landed on the rock he was standing on, it suddenly collapsed in an instant, and then as a matter of course, the Empress Being caught off guard and having nowhere to borrow, he lost his balance and fell into the sea.

After all, she must have no way to step on her right foot with her left foot, then lift Newton's coffin board and jump to the other side herself.

Pfft! !

Soon, with the exclamations of Raleigh, the king of Hades and the Amazon warriors on the coast, the Empress fell into the sea and began to struggle in panic.

Devil fruit can give the eater a powerful ability, but it also brings a significant side effect, that is: unable to swim!

Regardless of whether the person with the ability can swim or not, the person with ability will be cast aside by the sea after eating the devil fruit, and will only be a 'landland duck' for the rest of his life. If the immersion time is too long, the capable person will become weak. Although the empress is not afraid of ordinary sea water or splashing waves, she still suffers a very serious impact if she wants to be directly dropped into the sea by Pluto Rayleigh.


"you lose!"

Seeing that the other party was really in the game, Pluto Rayleigh was overjoyed, and he raised his long sword and rushed towards the empress who was fluttering in the sea.

Of course, he didn't want to kill the other party, he just wanted to subdue the other party and make the other party admit defeat.


However, at this time, under the exclamations of the Amazon female warriors on the shore, a long arm flew towards this side with a loud shout not far away.

clang! !

The fist slammed into the long sword of Hades Rayleigh, who was defending the sword back, and hit him backwards.


"It's my own, Uncle Rayleigh, don't fight again!"

It turned out that Luffy arrived just in time.

At the same time he threw a punch and stopped Rayleigh's 'wicked act', the other outstretched arm grabbed the Empress' outstretched hand and pulled her with ease. to the shore.



After coughing twice, after seeing who was coming, the weak female emperor was overjoyed, and fell on Luffy's body, and directly pressed the other party to the beach.

"Hey! Hey!"

"Hancock, don't do this!!"

"You are full of sea water, and I will have no strength..."

Luffy was directly pressed by the wet empress, but he couldn't use any strength to push him away, because he was also wet with sea water at this time.


"Is Luffy here?"

Pluto Rayleigh did not continue to pursue, but just teased leisurely on the reef in the distance, and slowly put away the long sword in his hand.

After all, now that the outcome has been decided, there is no need for him to continue.


And when Pluto Rayleigh and Empress Boya Hancock just decided the winner, far away on the other side of the red earth continent, the Sonny was being attacked by a ferocious and violent G-5 shrouded in a cloud of smoke. The fleet chased and bombarded indiscriminately.



The shells exploded in scattered sprays dozens of meters behind the Sonny, and it was clear that the Navy's fleet would soon force the Sonny within range.



At this time, a certain bear child, who was taking a bath just now and was very comfortable, didn't want to come out at all, but finally had to put on his clothes again and walked to the deck.

Although, as early as when she first entered the cabin, she heard the noise outside and knew that there was a naval warship attacking, but she never took it too seriously, thinking that Dibalu and the others could handle it well , but don't think...

I didn't expect things to develop to this point. I didn't expect that the Sonny would be chased by less than ten warships into such a reef sea area and she was about to be shelled, and finally she had to come out. Get ready to take charge.

"What's the matter?"


"It's just a few broken warships, and you are like this?"


Seeing that she was jumping off Feiyu, her body was extremely embarrassed, and some people and Feiyu were injured, Annie angrily asked Dibalu who was leading the attack.

I think back then, when Her Lady Queen Anne was in command of the battle, the fleet of hundreds of warships was beaten to pieces by her, and finally had to retreat honestly, now it's good, it's not long since I came to the new world, Di This guy, Baloo, was chased by several warships and ran all over the ground. That would be a shame for her Queen Anne, right?


"Your Majesty, he he he he, they are cheating!!!"

Dibalu, who didn't know how many times he flew back to replenish the ammunition, said with grief and indignation, and sat directly on the deck, not wanting to continue to lead the flying fish to attack.



Annie was a little baffled and didn't know what the other party meant by 'cheating'.

"They put smoke, we can't blow it up!"


"There's a guy on their flagship who can emit smoke and cover the entire fleet. If we fly too high, we won't be able to see the enemy ships at all. If we fly too low, we will be easily attacked by muskets and their generals. There is no way..."

Dibalu touched the black smoke traces on his face, and then threw his gloves fiercely, like a child, so angry that he didn't want to stand up.

At the beginning, their Queen Anne led the team to attack and won an epic victory easily, but now, he, Dibalu, the real leader of the Flying Fish Knights, personally led the team to attack several waves, but in the end he He flew back in despair, and was so exhausted that the Sonny was driven into a reef area and had to slow down. He didn't know what to say.



"Smoke bombs? Then you won't blow up a barrel?"


Annie also saw that there was indeed a circle of smoke on the other party's flagship, but now the other party has gathered up, it seems that it is for the convenience of bombarding them?

"Blowed up and wasted more than half of the ammunition stock!"

"In the end, only two shots were hit. Everyone was so tired that they had no choice but to run back first..."

Without waiting for Dibalu to speak, the fish-man Little Eight helped and added.



"All right!"

ε=(ο`*))) alas

"Then this time, they will lead a team to attack, and let those flying fish who are not injured go with them!"


"Hurry up and prepare, take off in five minutes!"


Seeing that Dibalu and others were so useless, there was no way, Annie had to prepare to go on her own.



"Go get ready!"

"You guys! And get ready!"

Hearing that Lady Queen Anne was going to lead the team in person, the members of the Flying Fish Knights who had just been demoralized immediately became energized, and then hurriedly ran on the deck and arranged.

"Really! Isn't it just a smoke bomb, what's so great about it?"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

It is indeed a good way to use smoke bombs to create interference and evasion when fighter jets are bombing, but who is Queen Anne, how can those little problems fail her?

Just wait and see, after a while, she can definitely blow up those bad guys all over the place! !


(● ̄ ̄●)


*. (ˊωˋ*)*.

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