Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1683: ?(?︶`) Caught a female prisoner!


"Sonny is trying to turn!"

"My subordinates guessed that they must have discovered the reef waters. Are we really not trying to take the opportunity to rush over and capture them?"

"If you can take the opportunity to capture them, the subordinates believe that the Navy headquarters will treat our G-5 differently!"

At this time, the female colonel officer of the G-5 branch of the Navy, the navy pink 'Justice' coat and glasses, Dasqi, held her white sheathed long knife and walked to their commander Smoker's. Behind him and loudly suggested.

"Do not!"

"Dasqi, don't be impulsive..."


"You know, that's a bear child. It's absolutely not without reason that she can defeat the three admirals of the Navy and carry a bounty of 1 billion Baileys. We must not act rashly."

However, before the female officer could continue to speak, the Smoker reached out his hand to stop him.

"We can only outsmart a guy like that!"

"As a matter of fact, this time, if we can get away with sinking her ship and sinking the Sonny, it will be a great achievement, but we can't be greedy!"

With a grin, Smaller remembered the various magical abilities of the bear child in the Navy's internal report, such as the kind of arson, shock waves, polymorphism, flight, and teleportation.

So, this time, he actually made the worst preparations in his heart from the beginning, and only planned to bombard the enemy from a distance. Any opportunity your child can take!

And if things don't go well...

That is also to leave immediately, absolutely without rushing for quick success, absolutely without hesitation, without making jokes about his own G-5 fleet.



"Sir! This subordinate understands!"

Looking at the poor performance of the Sonny in the distance, and seeing that the enemy was about to enter the effective range of his own battleship, Dusqi frowned, and finally did not dare to continue, just put his legs together, After a beautiful military salute, he turned around and left, twisting his slender waist.

In fact, she also knew how terrible the bear child was, and she never dared to question the authenticity of the opponent's defeat of the three admirals of the Navy.


Today, the Sonny's performance is just too botched!

Whether it is the operation of the ship or the attacks of those flying fish, they are very clumsy, and even far worse than ordinary pirates? So much so that she had thought more than once just now, was it because the terrifying bear child was not on the boat?

And that is the main reason and confidence why she now dares to suggest that her superior order to capture the Sonny.

After all, if the bear child is really not on the ship, it is obviously more valuable to directly capture the Sonny than sinking the other party, and it will also be more appreciated by the Navy headquarters, and at the same time, it can also deter the pirates who have become more and more reckless recently. Let people all over the world know how powerful their navy is!

Of course, that's just her wishful thinking. She doesn't know if the bear child is on board or not, and since the proposal has been rejected by their Chief Smoker, then she has never said it.


"They stopped turning, slowed down, and wanted to force their way through the reef waters?!"


"This is a great opportunity!"

At this time, Smog, who was standing on the bow, found that the Sonny did not choose to turn around and use the weird high speed to risk being bombarded by artillery. The best choice, but once again turned into the reef waters And slowed the boat down again?

Seeing this, he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"The order!"

"The main guns of each ship are ready. Once they enter the best range, they will sink them in one go!!"

So, he turned his head directly and ordered loudly to the messenger, and changed the order that he had just decided to fire when he entered the range.

Because they probably only have one or two salvos. Once the Sonny goes deep into the reef waters, these large ships of G-5 can only turn around and leave. Therefore, they must cherish every round of salvos and make sure to do By the end of the first battle, he had succeeded in taking down the abominable pirate ship that shamed the navy!


After receiving the new order, the messenger didn't say much, and quickly ran to convey and change the order, so that the ships could coordinate the actions of the flagship.




"Their flying fish is flying again!"

"Eighteen this time!!"

At this time, on the watchtower of the G-5 flagship, a thin naval soldier leaned down and shouted loudly towards Smoker on the deck.


"It's okay!"

"Let them come!"

Smog apparently also saw the flying fish gliding from the surrounding sea on the Sonny in the distance, but he didn't care, just took a cold look and activated his The ability of the smoke fruit makes the white smoke that spreads out like a thick fog, directly enveloping his fleet completely.

That is his fruit ability, which can turn his body into smoke, and can also produce a large amount of milky white smoke from any part of his body, just like it is now.

The stupid Sonny had launched those troublesome flying fish bombings many times before, but they were all blocked and defused by him with smoke.

Because his smoke itself can be elongated or materialized according to his wishes, and it can also transform the smoke into different shapes to carry out various attacks, such as white snake-like or vine-like, etc., that is enough Let those weak flying fish dare not venture into the low altitude.

After all, his materialized smoke can touch matter, energy, or use it to hit the target. Although the attack power is not very strong, it is more than enough to deal with those flying fish and the pirates on the flying fish.


In a sneering sneer, the white smoke soon completely wrapped Smog's G-5 fleet and moved with the fleet at the same time, so that people outside could not see the situation inside, even the huge The battleships are also missing.



"Not good! It's that nasty smoke again!"

"Lord Queen Anne, what should we do now?"


"The smoke can't get close, or it will be attacked. Just now, the boss of Dibalu was almost shot down!"

"Yes, Her Majesty, how do you fight now?"

"Otherwise, let's try our luck by littering in the sky?"

"No, the hit rate is too low..."

"That's right!"

"There are also many officers at the general level on the ship of the key enemy. If they are thrown around, not only will the hit rate be low, but even if they are lucky enough to fall, their officers will knock the powder keg into the air or detonate it in advance, which will not work at all. What's the use!"

"That's right, we don't have many powder kegs on the ship. Lord Dibalu just consumed more than half of them!"

"Lord Queen Anne?"

I saw that the enemy fleet in the distance was once again completely shrouded in that **** white smoke, and I saw that the sails of the enemy battleship's original eye-catching masts began to disappear little by little and couldn't be seen at all. Those flying fish knights who were riding on the flying fish. The members of the group couldn't help but be a little anxious, not knowing what to do.

As a result, they could only look at the leader of the flying fish who was leading the flight in front of the team with two pairs of hopeful and helpless eyes, and behind the flying fish was also tied with two large barrels of gunpowder.

That is their bear child captain, and also the life mentor who taught them to fly fish and dive bombing, and is worthy of their trust, support and worship.

"Noisy, what's the noise?!"


Annie turned her head back angrily and gave those guys a stern look, and reprimanded coquettishly.

"They're not blind, of course they know they have smoke!"




"Did you know? In this situation, magic can only be defeated with magic!"


Yes, the other party used the ability of the devil fruit to create smoke to protect the entire fleet. In Annie's opinion, that was magic. Therefore, based on the principle of reciprocity, she must also use the same level of magic to counter it.




The members of the Flying Fish Knights did not dare to speak, they just followed the flight and raised their heights, while staring at the bear boy captain in front of them, waiting to see how the other party responded.





As the flying fish gradually approached and flew high enough to start hovering above the enemy's cloud of white smoke, Annie stretched out her hand and blasted a fireball downward.

boom! ! !

Soon, when the fireball was about to hit the smoke, it suddenly exploded by itself, and then countless small flames spread over the entire enemy fleet in an instant and slowly fell.

Immediately afterwards, everyone riding on the flying fish saw in amazement: as the embers of the exploding fireball fell, except for those instantly extinguished when they fell on the sea, those ships or ships that fell on the enemy The sparks on the sails actually started to burn, and then they could clearly see the 'Hokage' of the huge ships hidden in the smoke in the air?

"Why are you still stunned, hurry up and drop bombs in groups of five!!"


After reprimanding the idiots who were still circling, Annie restrained the flying fish under her and made it dive directly towards the largest ship.


"I saw the enemy!"

"Long live the Queen!"

"Long live the bear child!!"

"Flying Fish Knights, attack!"

"Come on!"

"Blow him up!!"

"Wow ha ha ha ha!"

"Yo hoo~!!"

Seeing that the enemy had been exposed to nowhere to hide, the members of the Flying Fish Knights first expressed their admiration for their bear boy captain, and then they formed groups of three and five to find their own targets to bomb. He swooped down fiercely.


"not good!"

"Quickly put out the fire!!"


At this time, the crew of the G-5 naval fleet also discovered the abnormality, and then, without waiting for the officer's order, they began to beat the flames on the deck, sails and guardrails with water guns, buckets or clothes. Most of them were wiped out in no time.

However, their speed is still a little slower.

Whoosh~! Whoosh~!


At this time, the flying fish knights had already locked their target. As the flying fish knights speeding up and diving cut off the ropes of the powder keg tied behind their flying fish, the wooden barrels spun and moved towards the one below. The 'Hokage' ship smashed down precisely.

boom! boom!

boom! ! !

There are two powder kegs on each flying fish, so soon, except for a few powder kegs that were lost or destroyed, most of the powder kegs were successfully blown up on the three locked naval ships, and Smoothly let their decks burst into flames.



At this time, Anne had already rushed into the smoke alone and silently reached the sky above the flagship of the enemy fleet.

Then, she cut off the two powder kegs tied to the back of her flying fish, and then pulled the fish's head to make the two huge powder kegs hit the middle of the enemy ship's deck with precision. .


"Don't think about it!!"

White fist! !

In the smoke, someone suddenly yelled angrily, and then, countless arms made of smoke appeared out of nowhere, and before the two gunpowder kegs were about to fall on the deck, they suddenly exerted force and pushed them horizontally. flew into the sea.

boom! boom!

Then two explosions sounded, and countless splashes of water splashed, but the flagship of the G-5 fleet was unscathed.



"Damn! You wait!!"


Seeing that her precise dive bombing was destroyed, although Annie was annoyed, she didn't think about using her hard power to forcibly act and beat the opponent. After all, she was just here to play. Of course, I don't want to use too much power over the enemy to retaliate.

So, angry to be angry, she just quickly pulled up her flying fish, intending to leave the enemy's smoke range first, and then go back to replenish the ammunition before coming to trouble the other party.


"Come on, don't leave!"

At this time, when Annie was about to rush out of the smoke range, a figure suddenly jumped up from the top of the mast of the flagship just now. Then, the other party raised his weapon and headed towards Annie and the flying fish under Annie.

"Cut the rain!"

With a coquettish shout from the person who came, the samurai sword's attack power was strengthened by the domineering aura of armament, and the sword slashed towards Annie with lightning speed.


!? (\'\')

"Don't even think about it!!"


Fortunately, the opponent was facing Annie, but if it were someone else, he might have been cut into two pieces by a knife.

So, without waiting for the other party to react, Annie grabbed the white blade with her bare hands, grabbed the other party's long knife and grabbed the other party's long knife. on the saddle.

"Ha ha!"


"Come on, don't even think about leaving!"


Annie replied to what the other party had just said, and while holding back the other's hands with brute force, she also slapped the other's big buttocks with a slap.

Snapped! !

It was a wonderful touch and the meat was tight and springy.

But in fact, Annie didn't know why she caught this female officer by magic, but she caught it anyway, so let's just leave it like this!

Maybe, she can capture the other party back, and then feed Tibbers as a late-night snack?


(● ̄ ̄●)


"Not good!"

"Colonel Dusky was captured by the enemy!!"

Of course, the sailors on the Navy's G-5 flagship also discovered the fact that an officer in a pink coat jumped up and attacked but failed to come back.

But unfortunately, at this time, Annie and Annie's flying fish had already rushed out of the range of smoke with the acceleration of diving and turning and flew away, even if they wanted to do something, it was too late.


After discovering the enemy's bombing was over and hearing the cries of his own men, G-5's commander, Smoker, instantly withdrew the smoke.

Sure enough, he saw at a glance that there was a naval officer on the back of one of the flying fish, and when he looked closely, who was that person if it wasn't Da Siqi?

Moreover, he also saw that it seems that he was caught by the black hand of the bear child himself? !


"How to do?"

"Sir, sir!"

"Do you want to rush to rescue Colonel Dusky at full speed?"


When they found out that Colonel Dusky was captured, the officers and soldiers on the flagship gathered in front of their commander, Smog, and asked for instructions in indignation, eager to rescue their beautiful colonel officer as soon as possible.


"To shut up!!"

Seeing that the flying fish were quickly approaching the Sonny and circling to lower the altitude to land, Smoker gritted his teeth, and then, after reprimanding the officers and soldiers viciously, turned his head to the herald and ordered:

"The order!"

"Let the immobile ship immediately abandon the ship, and the officers and soldiers will immediately be transferred to other ships, and we will withdraw before the next wave of enemy bombardment arrives!!"

Smog categorically rejected the suggestion to go to save people, and gave an order with a grim face.

Just now, three ships were successfully bombed. Two of them were slightly injured. Now they are just billowing black smoke, but the other one is still burning. It is not difficult to know from the performance of the officers and soldiers on that ship. There must be no way to save it, so I had to abandon the ship.


"Sir, sir?"


"Don't care about Colonel Dusky?"


Hearing Smog's order, the surrounding soldiers began to roar again, apparently not understanding the order to retreat.

"Shut up all!!"

"See for yourself!"

Smoker first pointed at the little fire marks and holes that had just been put out on the deck and sails of the ship, the traces left by the little boy who had just been burned to guide his way and shatter his smoke.

"Now my method of covering the fleet with smoke has been destroyed by the bear If I don't leave, it will not be as simple as blowing up a ship later!"

"It takes about twenty minutes for them to land and replenish their ammunition and take off again, so we must evacuate within five minutes!"

"Otherwise, we all have to die here!"

"The order!"


Smog roared with a ferocious and unquestionable face, causing the doubting sailors to shrink their necks and scattered, daring to disobey his orders again.

Soon, the highly mobile G-5 fleet completed the abandon ship and merge orders, and with the wounded sailors successfully turned to accelerate before the arrival of the next wave of airstrikes from the Sonny, heading towards and the Sonny. Speeding in the exact opposite direction and running away.


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