Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1699: ?(ψ'?')o Golden game middle game (1)





"Big sister, who are you, aren't you here to sell flowers?"


Annie can't figure it out. It's okay to be surrounded by a group of little kids on the bridge just now. Why is she blocked by such a big **** sister when she is about to enter this big hotel?

This makes her a little strange, because it seems that she hasn't provoked anyone recently...


"My name is Baccarat!"

"You should be the legendary bear boy, Captain Anne Hastur who defeated the three admirals of the Navy several times, right?"

The woman in black dress with curly red hair didn't care about Annie's teasing, just squatted down with a smile, and stretched out her right hand wearing black silk gloves towards Annie.





However, Annie just glanced at the other party's face with a hypocritical smile for a while, then looked up and down the other party's figure and the long white legs, and then she turned away her face arrogantly. I don't want to touch the other's hand.


Seeing this, the woman who claimed to be Baccarat was slightly startled, the smile on her face gradually stiffened, and she didn't know what she had done wrong.



"You got the wrong guy!"


Unlike the other party's gradually stiff smile, Annie just raised her eyebrows and glared fiercely at the other party several times.


"I got the wrong guy?"


The red-haired woman Baccarat opened her mouth, feeling embarrassed and hesitant for a while.

Then, biting her lip and frowning, she carefully looked at Annie's small round face that looked a little baby fat, and then looked at the hideous plush toy in the other's hand. The bear and the little red hooded skirt.

In the end, Baccarat was very sure that whether it was based on the information they obtained or the appearance of the little girl in front of her, the other party must be the bear child she was looking for. There must be nothing wrong with this!



“People are actually the most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most Most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most Most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most The most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most powerful, the most powerful Arcane Archmage, Anne Hastur, is not a 'bear child'!"

ε=(??ˇεˇ????))) Bah! !

With her waist tucked in, Annie introduced herself angrily, and swore at the other party angrily. While expressing her protest, she did not forget to express her solemn stance.

Anyway, Her Lady Queen Anne has never officially admitted to the public that she is a bear child. It was all arranged randomly by these navy **** who like to publish newspapers, and it has nothing to do with her!

In short, she would absolutely absolutely absolutely absolutely absolutely never admit it to a bear child or something.


(● ̄?? ̄●)



The red-haired woman Baccara couldn't help being a little stunned after hearing the words of the 'bear boy' and knowing that it was the case.

To be honest, she never thought that the bear child would be so disgusted by the title of 'bear child'...

This was indeed something she didn't expect. After all, in her opinion, the three words 'bear child' represent absolute power and supreme glory in this world. If she can have the strength and fame of a bear child, she is afraid that it will be too late to be happy, right?


"All right!"

Then, Baccara, the woman who knew why she was met with scornful eyes, first wiped the cold sweat that did not exist on her forehead embarrassedly, and then embarrassedly showed a big smile again and continued:


"You can come here to play, it will undoubtedly make us all very happy and honored on the Grand Desolo!"


"For a super VIP like you, I will personally guide and serve you throughout the whole process, and provide you with the best super VIP VIP service!"

"Your Excellency Anne Hastur, what do you think?"

The red-haired woman Baccarat once again stretched out her hand towards Annie, and at the same time secretly remembered one thing, that is: never mention the three words 'bear child' in front of the bear child himself!

"Is that so?"


Looking at the other party's hand with black silk gloves again, Annie finally did not choose to hold it.

Because, when they were on Earth before, Coleson and Aunt Melinda told her about the boring etiquette rules, saying that it was very, very impolite to shake hands with people with gloves, and the other party Since she wanted to be rude to her and called her 'bear boy' just now, then she would definitely not give her any good looks.

"Then come and lead the way!"


As she said that, Annie ignored the other party directly, passed the other party carelessly, and then jumped in first towards the luxurious gate of the King of Gold Hotel.





"It's so big and beautiful here..."


As soon as I entered, I saw the splendid and huge hotel lobby, and looked at the various high-end and atmospheric gold decorations, pure gold sailboats, pure gold statues, pure gold domes, corridors and the golden light that radiated almost shaking. The huge chandelier with blind eyes, Annie couldn't help but be slightly surprised.

Then, for this huge golden ship, for this glorious golden city, she was even more satisfied.

"Of course it's beautiful!"

"This is the only eight-star international hotel in the world. Even in the holy land of the Tianlong people, Mary Joaly, there is almost no place that can compare to ours!"

Seeing the bear boy who had a little bit of disgust towards himself for some reason, he was finally shocked by the appearance in the King of Gold Hotel, and the red-haired woman Baccarat who came in behind walked over, not at the same time. Forgot to proudly introduce:


"Here and there..."

"We have all kinds of and rides in this casino. Whether it's an adult or a guest like you, you can find something you like here."

"Also, this is just the lobby on the first floor."

"On top of that, we also have all kinds of super services that VIPs can enjoy, such as VIP casinos, food halls, luxury accommodation suites and a series of other services imaginable!"

"If you don't understand anything, just ask me..."


"Wait, Bear... Your Excellency Anne?"

The red-haired woman originally wanted to show off, but seeing that the abominable bear child was actually listening carefully to what she said, and just walked forward on her own, she had no choice but to He stomped his feet angrily, and then bit his head and quickly chased after him.


"Your Excellency Annie, because you are our super VIP guest, so..."

"There is a chip worth 100 million Bailey, which is lent to you by our hotel temporarily. You can take it and play first, and then return it to us when you win?"

At this time, a strong man in a black suit carrying a suitcase came over. Baccarat reached out and took the suitcase from the other party's hand, and then opened the suitcase, revealing the blue, black and gold inside. of chips and explained patiently to an impatient bear child.



"that is real good?"


"But, you don't have to be so polite, do you?"


Looking at the rows of chips in the suitcase, Annie felt a little embarrassed.

Because ah, if the other party is too kind to her, when she finds a way to grab the beautiful golden ship of the other party later, she will not be able to be confident.

You know, ever since she came here, she has been thinking about how to create a conflict, and let these bad guys beat her or bully her, and then she is justified and confident Going for trouble, and retaliating ten times and a hundred times, and finally grabbing the big ship in one go.

But now, the other party is so courteous to her, how can she kill her later?



"Do not worry about it!"

"You are our super VIP VIP, it's a matter of course to enjoy these treatments!"

Seeing the slight hesitation on Annie's face, before she could open her mouth to refuse, the red-haired woman Baccarat, who seemed to be very observant, hurriedly stuffed the box into Annie's arms.

"All right!"

ε=(??ο`*))) alas

Since these guys are so interesting, Annie decided that she should try her best to restrain Tibbs when they grab the boat later, or it would be better not to kill these people easily.





"Big sister, how did that play over there?"


At this time, Annie saw the entrance to a place not far away. It was very lively inside, and it seemed to be more interesting than those boring card tables or turntables outside.


"That's a turtle car race that guests can also participate in!"

Seeing that the bear child didn't even look at other fun or more suitable entertainment facilities for children, but instead walked to the entrance of the unruly turtle car race, Baccara had to catch up and introduce it on his behalf.

"Turtle car race?"


"Is it a race with a rabbit car?"


Annie thought of the tortoise and the hare. If that was the case, then she would be all-in on the rabbit. Anyway, she wouldn't believe that the tortoise can outperform the rabbit.

"No, no..."

"It's just an ordinary turtle car..."

Recalling the fact that he drove a luxury 'Turtle' car to pick up the other party but ran empty, Baccarat paused, and decided not to explain what a turtle car is for the time being. After all, it was really a bit troublesome. And she didn't know where to explain it.

"Anyway, it's racing!"

"The entry fee is one million Bailey. If you can win the game, the entry fee will be returned tenfold!"


"There are no rules for that hot-blooded turtle shell contest! If you want to participate, Your Excellency Annie, you can also pay the handling fee and rent a car!"

Since the bear child was interested, of course Baccara explained it with great effort.

"There are no rules?"




"If someone directly pays 100 million Bailey's handling fee, will it be tenfolded directly after winning?"


Of course Annie knows what it means to have no rules. It means she can do whatever she wants. She likes that kind of thing the most!

Therefore, she quickly thought of a good way to easily return those Baileys that the other party insisted on lending her back in an instant!

Although, Her Lady Queen Anne has gold jewelry in her own pocket, but she really doesn't have any Bailey or something. Perhaps, she can only borrow the other party's 100 million first.


"It should be fine!"


After hesitating for a while, he first looked at the little round face of the bear boy with an expectant face, and then glanced at the waiter not far away. Then, Baccara nodded reluctantly, and then handed over the box of chips. In the hand of the waiter, he motioned for the other party to take the bear child to go through the formalities for the competition.

"Guest, please come this way, you don't have a car yet, do you?"

"We'll prepare one for you right now!"

"That's our best car!"

Seeing the look in Baccarat's eyes, the waiter nodded without a trace, then walked over to Annie's side and smiled attentively, holding the chips in the box, and motioned Annie to go through the formalities with her.

Of course, whether they offer the best car is a matter of opinion.



Watching the bear child leave, Baccarat didn't leave either, just stood in front of the gate of the arena, and then suddenly chuckled.

Because she knew that it was absolutely impossible for that brat to win the game, their people would definitely play tricks on the car, and then the other party would lose the 100 million very quickly, and then, she would lend the other party more Chips until the opponent is fully in the suit.


When a certain bear child was tossing around in the bustling turtle car race in the lobby on the first floor of the Golden King Hotel, in a room on the top floor of the hotel, Gild Tezzolo, the 'Golden Emperor', was at a loss. Here he is drinking a small wine with a handsome singer with short purple hair.

At the same time, his hands are also dishonestly moving unconsciously on the singer's back, front, lower abdomen and other parts.

And judging from the fact that the singer didn't resist, and even followed his situation with a smile, it was definitely not the first time that he did that kind of thing or something more.


Suddenly, a strange man wearing a black guard uniform and a green bow tie, but with a huge and funny devil head, suddenly jumped out of the floor, interrupting the two people who were brewing very delicately. The ambiguous atmosphere of a heart-to-heart war is about to come.

"Lord Tezzolo..."

"Baccara has successfully received the bear child at the gate of the hotel, and now she should be almost in the trap."

Then, the monster with the huge and funny demon head walked up to Gild Tezzolo and gave a funny salute with a sinister smile before reporting back like this.


"Have you finally received a bear child?"


"I just hope, this time, she won't screw up again."


Otherwise, Gild Tezzolo didn't say, just sneered and shook the golden wine in the slim goblet in his hand, not knowing what he was thinking.


"One more thing."

"We found that some members of the revolutionary army seem to have sneaked into the city in disguise and are asking how to contact you. Do we need to do something about it?"

After talking about the bear child, the guard with a huge head and a disproportionate size to his body then talked about another matter.

"Revolutionary Army?"


"You don't need to worry about those guys, we are now going to solve the problem of the bear children first!"

"As for them..."


"Everyone who enters this city is a doll in my hand. No matter how they jump, they must obey my rules."

"I don't think they can play any tricks!"

Gilder Tezzolo smiled, obviously not paying attention to the second thing reported by his big boss.

Compared with the revolutionary army, the bear boy is obviously more interesting to him. After all, he is the guy who even Don Quixote Doflamingo voluntarily bowed his head!


"My subordinate understands."

Nodding, the eccentric man with the huge and funny demon head agreed and planned to retreat.

Benedict! Benedict!

However, at this moment, there were two knocks on the door, and then, a beautiful maid in a bunny costume pushed open the door of the room and walked in quickly with a sad face.



"What's up?"

"Ty, Mr. Tezzolo..."


"Bear boy's chips have now turned to one billion!"


"Tell me, what's going on?"

Although one billion Bailey is a lot for ordinary people, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a terrifying huge sum of money, but to Gilder Tezzolo, it is nothing, and it is only a drop in the bucket.

Now, he is even more curious about what method the bear child used, how did it turn ten times so quickly?

"Is such that……"

Then, under the watchful eyes of the big-headed weirdo and Gilder Tezzolo and others, the bunny girl used the 100 million bailey chips to participate in the unruly racing car, and then, at the beginning of the game, she used fireballs to kill all the The contestants were blown let the competition come to an abrupt end and end before it could start.

Anyway, now, the hot-blooded turtle shell competition has come to a complete standstill, because no one else dares to participate in the situation that the terrifying bear child still wants to participate ten times more.

At the same time, Baccarat didn't have the right to let the bear child really use one billion Bailey to participate in that competition, which is why the bunny girl waiter hurriedly came up to report.


"Not urgent."

"Go, let Baccarat give her another round."


"Go get ready too!"

After listening to this, Gilder Tezzolo didn't say anything, just waved his hand and told the bunny girl to leave to give the order, while not forgetting to instruct the man with a particularly big head.


The big-headed geek didn't talk too much, and disappeared into the floor in an instant, making this equally splendid room quiet in an instant.


"The famous bear boy?"

"I think it's going to be a fun show!"

After speaking, Gilder Tezzolo drank the wine in his hand, and at the same time he hugged the woman beside him tighter, and the hand that was hugging the other party began to become more dishonest.

Now is not the best time for him to meet the bear children, so before that, he plans to relax with the women around him.


"Mr. Tezzolo..."

"no, do not want!!"


(??????) New Year's Day is still so diligent in updating, do you have the heart to not give monthly passes?


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