Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1700: ?(ψ'?')o Golden game middle game (2)

Annie hadn't waited for the second round of the unruly turtle car race. Baccara, the big red curly-haired sister who had kindly accepted her money, came to find her, and arrogantly called an emergency stop and stopped her again. contest.



"Really can't keep playing that turtle racing?"


Annie, who was having a good time, must be a little dissatisfied when she was called to stop. Of course, she didn't know if others were having fun. Anyway, she was quite happy just now, because it was really easy to make money.

"This is..."

Looking at the ten silver boxes of chips neatly stacked beside the little girl, Baccarat opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word for a long time.

It was just won by the bear boy. It was a full one billion yuan. Almost at once, the profits of the project for more than two months were swept away, and the manager of the project was at the registration office of the track at this time. glared at her.

Because, just now, she Baccarat authorized and allowed the bear child in front of her to directly use 100 million to participate.

"Cough cough!"

"Your Excellency Annie, the money coming from Turtle Racing is too slow. Otherwise, should I take you to the VIP room upstairs now?"

But now is not the time to think about those things, so Baccarat came back to his senses quickly, and leaned down with a stiff smile and began to persuade.



"It's quite fast for the turtle racing car to double ten times at a time!"


"People's arithmetic is very good. If you don't believe it, they will show you the calculation... The first one billion, the second one hundred billion, the third one hundred billion, the fourth one trillion, the fifth one is ten Trillions..."


The other party dared to say that winning a ten-fold turtle racing game is slow, and Annie must be a little unconvinced, and she directly counted it with her fingers.



"As long as you do this a few more times, at most ten times, people will have enough money to buy your boat, which is very fast!"


Yes, that kind of messy VIP room is fast or not. Annie doesn't know, and she doesn't want to know. Anyway, she only knows now: that turtle racing is very good. After winning once, add a zero, maybe it will cost In a few minutes, she can win the ship seriously, and she doesn't need to think of other violent methods at all.


"No! No way!"

"It was a special case just now. Generally speaking, the registration fee for each participant in Turtle Racing is an extra 1 million Bailey. Just now you are allowed to raise 100 million, which is already an exception."

"I really can't go on!"

Hearing the bear boy say that and calculating that shocking number, Baccarat had to hurriedly waved his hand to stop it while taking a deep breath.

"That's not right for you!"

"Besides, if there are players like you, other players will not dare to continue to participate, then the competition will definitely not go on!"

"You just gave everyone a fright."

Baccarat explained with some embarrassment.

Originally, she thought that the other party would lose the 100 million yuan soon. After all, their people must have already moved their hands and feet on the car in advance. With that car, the other party would definitely not be able to run to the first place.

But what do you think...

The arrogant child in front of her didn't play cards according to the routine, and eliminated all the competitors from the beginning, and made them lose 900 million in vain. Now she still has some regrets, and she really shouldn't decide to let the opponent use it That 100 million will be used as the registration fee.


(ˉ▽ ̄~)~~

"It's obvious that you said that there are no rules for that kind of game and you can play it casually. In order to save trouble, of course, they will directly eliminate all opponents!"


"Anyway, they didn't cheat!"


In racing or something, although Annie is confident that she can easily run to the first place, within the scope of the rules, she certainly doesn't mind using simpler methods that are less troublesome. Are they all knocked down or something?

"I didn't say you cheated..."


"Your Excellency Annie, you have also seen that now the supervisor does not allow you to directly bet one billion more directly, each time you can only bet one million, but with you there, other players dare not participate, what can you do? ?"

"Your group may not be able to get together for a few days, and even if someone dares to challenge you, there are only 10 million Baileys at a time. Are you still planning to continue here?"

Seeing that the bear child was still a little unfinished, Baccara had no choice but to persuade him again.

"Is that so..."




"okay then!"

ε=(??ο`*))) alas

"Then let's go to the VIP room with you!"


Seeing that my name is appearing alone in that group list, there are no other challengers joining, and the amount of the game has indeed changed from the original random raise to the extra 1 million baileys. Annie, who seemed to be entangled here, had no choice but to reluctantly nodded, agreeing to the suggestion of the big red-haired sister, and preparing to go to the VIP room, which was said to be able to win faster, to see the situation.

If it is true as the other party said, if she can win enough chips faster in the VIP room, maybe she can really buy the whole ship directly at that time?

"Lead the way!"


"Let's make money!"


With that said, Annie jumped forward with a cheer.

Now she has a temporary plan, that is: set a small goal and make it a trillion Bailey first!

Then, she used the one trillion Bailey as a bargaining chip to earn more directly, and even win the ship directly!

At that point, she could reasonably and legally get it, and the plan was nothing short of perfect.

As for whether the other party will cheat or cheat, or whether the other party will be beaten to death without recognizing the account, she doesn't need to worry at all!

Because ah, if the other party cheats, then she cheats too!

And if the other party cheated or beat him to death and refused to acknowledge the account, then she would be even less worried, because what she lacked right now was just a reasonable excuse for going mad.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

"This way, please!"

"Your Excellency Annie, we have an exclusive VIP elevator to serve you!"


"Those chips will be sent to you by someone!"

Baccarat just finished speaking, and sure enough, five men in black appeared. Then, each of them took two boxes of chips and followed behind them without saying a word.

"that is real good?"


"Let's go then!"


Annie doesn't mind anyway, the VIP room is the VIP room, and she can go anywhere.



"Big sister, do you have anything delicious here? People seem to be a little hungry now."


In the evening, I sailed to the Grand Desolo, and then spent half the night in the city outside. Annie is really hungry now, and she urgently needs a delicious late-night snack to fill her empty and fragile body. Heart...the stomach below!

"Of course there is!"

"This is a city that never sleeps, what would you like to eat?"

Baccarat said without looking back, of course she didn't mean to refuse such trivial things.



"People seem to have seen a big restaurant called 'Wild Steak' on their way here?"


Annie didn't know whether that wild steak was delicious, but she only knew that she remembered the name at that time, and now she just remembered it.

"no problem!"

"Now we'll send you all the specialty steaks from that restaurant right now!"

"at the same time!"

"Our eight-star hotel will also prepare a super VIP VIP package for you, what do you think?"

Waving their hands, at this moment, one of the bunny girls who followed them hurriedly turned around after bowing to the two of them, as if to do what Baccarat just said.



"Really? So good?"


"of course can!"

"After all, you are our honored guest here, and you should enjoy this service."

The woman who led the way, Baccarat, didn't think there was anything wrong with doing that. In her opinion, it was a great achievement for her to be able to trick the bear child into the VIP room.


ヾ( ̄□ ̄;)??

"Really, in fact, you don't need to be so good, otherwise, people may be a little embarrassed later..."

ε=(??ο`*))) alas

After hesitating for a while, Annie sighed hesitantly and muttered to herself in a low voice.



So, while following the other party forward, she began to struggle in her heart.

She originally came here with the intention of grabbing the ship, but now it's alright, these guys treat her so well, then, will she continue to grab the ship, or will she continue to grab the ship?

If you really manage to grab the boat, no matter which method is used, presumably these big sisters will be very sad, right?

However, if she doesn't grab it, Queen Anne herself will be sad. After all, the Sonny is indeed a bit outrageous compared to this beautiful big ship. It's a small, ugly and frustrating wooden ship. Where can I find this? A big ship like a mobile city?

(Master, if you can't do it, just leave it to the little one, and the little one promises to do it beautifully...)

(● ̄?? ̄●)

(Tibbers said that Uncle Bear has no conscience, and he will not feel bad about it. Even if he wants to kill, burn, and eat everyone on the entire ship, he can do it! )



However, some bad boy didn't pay attention to it, and just followed the red-haired long-legged big sister Baccarat to the solid elevator, which was also made of pure gold.


At this moment, right next to a golden turntable on the first floor of the Golden King Hotel, Annie's blind crewman, Fujitora, was happily participating in the kind of ball game he was familiar with.

After all, he is a blind man, and there are not many games that make money with money that he can choose.

In front of him was a large pile of chips, and the dealer was watching the guests who were constantly gathering and wiping cold sweat, so he had to bite the bullet and slowly push another pile of chips to him.


"Great! Fujitora! You guessed it again!"


"This time, our chips have doubled again. How much is it now?"

"one two Three……"

"A full 3.55 million Bailey!!!"

"Then, that many?!"

"Get rich!"

"Then tell me, this time, which one should we bet on?"

And behind Fujitora, of course, is the murloc Hachi and the merman Kemi sitting on Hachi's shoulders.

Thanks to Fujitora, the two also put some chips in for Fujitora to help bet. Therefore, at least a quarter of the stack of chips belonged to the two of them at this time, which is nearly one million Baileys. huge sums of money, that's a lot of money for them.

Of course, they certainly won't know that their bear child captain just won a full and will not know that their bear child captain has abandoned Sonny in his heart. No., now heading to the VIP lounge, and ready to buy this entire golden ship?

Therefore, their ambitions are not big, and they just want to win tens of millions. They are still excitedly huddled in front of the golden turntable, waiting for Fujitora to help them win more chips.

But the two of them never thought that not far away, there was a group of people pretending to gather together to drink, but in fact they were staring at them with bad intentions.

"Lookie, look!"

"It's them, right?"


"Murloc Little Eight, Mermaid Kemi, that's right, it's them!"

"Then what are you going to do?"

"How to do what?"


"We're not going to do anything, but what are you going to do?"


"You're thinking……"

"Recently, because of the strength of Fishman Island, now a mermaid slave, especially a young female mermaid slave, has been fired to a sky-high price of 500 million Bailey."

"And Gilder Tezzolo's subordinates are mixed, and there are always some people who have certain ideas, aren't they?"


"You mean..."


"I understand, I'll arrange it now..."

Soon, after the group of people negotiated, one of them said goodbye to the 'Lucci' who was wearing a white dress, put down the wine glass in his hand, and hurriedly walked towards the door of the hotel. The meeting disappeared into the still brilliant and charming night outside the door.


☆⌒(*^-゜)v Remember the monthly pass!!


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