Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1813: ?(*?)? Migrant worker, worker soul, worker Harry is...

Ron is very happy today.

Because, as a 'problem' student who is about to graduate from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, yesterday, in a competition where countless strong people participated, he was inexplicably entered the top 100 list and became one of the few. One of the strong'?

Therefore, he was very generous and invited his friends Hermione and his best friend Harry to celebrate the victory in this pandaren restaurant, and spent a lot of gold Galleons to eat a good meal.

"This Silver Moon City is really amazing..."

"do you know?"

"I heard people say that this is the prototype that the fire demons squeezed out in less than a day. Then, the high elves of Quel'Thalas enchanted and decorated, and they came up with this luxurious magic in less than half a month. city."

"This place is at least 10,000 times stronger than Diagon Alley!!"

After staying here for so many days and getting more and more familiar with the city, Ron liked it more and more, and while eating, he excitedly discussed loudly with his two friends.

What he saw, there are luxurious hotels, delicious food, magical cities, and those beautiful high elf girls. This is the Eden that Ron has dreamed of, and he doesn't even want to leave here.

"Do not!"


"I'm going to correct you two..."


"Although this place was indeed created by the fire demons in a short period of time, but at that time, many fire elements were used, hundreds of thousands, but not only fire demons, those fire demons were just because they did not It will spill lava and set fires everywhere, so it can appear in our sight in large numbers?"


"In addition to the main high elves of Quel'Thalas, there are also high elves, tauren and night elves druids, goblins, dwarves, gnomes, and pandaren who participated in the renovation of this city?"

"Although the time they spent is a little shorter than what you just said, the degree of hardship and the consumption of human and material resources are beyond what you and I can imagine."

"Especially the new sun well, the sun at the top of Anne's Palace, it is made from the magic spring water of the well of eternity, and it has a huge energy that you and I can't imagine, like a controllable permanent nucleus Like the fusion device, it played a decisive role in the construction of this magical floating island city!"


"You're right in your last sentence. Whether it's size or other aspects, it can indeed be said to be 10,000 times more than Diagon Alley?"

The lop-shouldered, young, beautiful, and confident Hermione ate the food on her plate while chatting, directly telling a lot of secrets that Harry and Ron didn't know.

Of course, as for whether Ron, who was born in a pure blood family, knows what nuclear fusion is, then she doesn't care. Anyway, Hermione thinks that Harry should understand, after all, Harry has more than ten years of experience. Time lived in a Muggle world, and in some common sense better than Ron.

"Is that so?"


Harry nodded, then held on to his glasses with a sigh and then stopped, and continued to look down and eat his own without expressing too much of what Hermione said.


"Hermione, you know so much..."

"As expected of Wan... It's the lady Bai who can live in the palace. She's just different from the rest of us."

Staring at Hermione, who was talking eloquently, for a while, Ron said sourly, and then his face that had been promoted and elated because of his own promotion gradually became dark.



"What I just said, as long as you make good relationships with the elves in the city, the pandaren, or any other race in the world of Azeroth, they will tell you that it is no secret, is it me? What does it matter to live in the palace?"

Hermione froze for a moment, then put down the tableware called chopsticks in her hand, raised her eyebrows directly, and refuted Ron.


"Why, why doesn't it matter?"


"We were invited together, why is it only you who can live in the palace, while Harry and I need to find a hotel by ourselves?"

"That Professor Anne is so kind to you!"

"Harry, are you right?"

It's okay not to talk about it, Ron gets angry when he talks about it, and sneers yin and yang, and at the same time wants to pull Harry to help him.

That huge palace, which is located in the middle of the city and has a royal garden, Ron wanted to go in and see it for a long time, but unfortunately, they have not been invited until today, so the fire demon royal guards Bing did not allow them to approach, so that every time he could only watch Hermione chatting and laughing with others and go in, not to mention how sour his heart was.


"This is..."

"I think it's good to live outside..."

Harry was startled, then he looked at Ron next to him, and then across the table at Hermione, who was frowning, looking fierce, and looking a little terrifying, then, after hesitating for a moment, only To be able to say so cautiously.


"The reason why I can live in the palace is not only because I am a student of Professor Anne, but also because I am an apprentice of Professor Anne, which means 'closed disciple'."

"At the same time, we are still very good friends. We have known her since before she went to teach at Hogwarts. I even invited her to live at my house for a while, and my parents also knew her. , don't you know?"


"Professor Anne didn't actually invite you, she just invited me, and the reason why you can come here is because of my relationship. I ask Professor Anne to let her agree to bring you here!"

"And then..."

"If you were willing to take the time to develop a good relationship with Professor Anne, I think she might invite you to the palace, even if it's just a bunch of girls?"

Seemingly really angry, Hermione raised her brows like that, showing a very dignified expression, and began to preach to Ron and Harry, who was lying innocently on the side.


"Hermione, I didn't say I wanted to live in that palace. I'm very grateful to be able to come and learn with you, really!"

Seeing that Hermione's firepower was ready to be used on him at any time, Harry hurriedly raised his hands in surrender.

Then, he also kicked Ron with the same foot under the table at the same time, indicating that the other party should stop humiliating himself, because whether they were reasoning or using force, the two of them together would not be Hermione. one's opponent.

Of course, except for the rude and unreasonable defenses?


After getting Harry's reminder, Ron stopped, but he didn't mean to give in, so he confronted Hermione as if he didn't give in.

Ron's meaning is already clear, that is: although what he just said may indeed be unreasonable, he just doesn't admit defeat, he doesn't admit his mistakes, he loves it.

The company's main chain is the largest and the most powerful chain in the world.


Hermione didn't speak in a hurry, just stared at Ron with a sullen face. Although she was already familiar with Ron, everyone had been in contact with him since the first grade, but after so many years, the other party Just like before, there are always various ways to provoke her!

Compared to Harry, he really sucks, still like a kid?


"There's something I need to tell you."


After hesitating for a while, Hermione, whose expression on her face slowed down a little, decided that she would now talk about something that had made her think about it for two days, and then, after speaking, she hurried back to prepare for the next one. Games do targeted training, not wasting time here.

"What, what?"

Ron was a little surprised to see Hermione willingly relented.

"It's about the game!"

"Ron, you shouldn't abuse the Unforgivable Curse!"

"You know what I mean..."

"It's the 'Avada Suomin' spell!"

At this time, Hermione's face gradually became solemn again, and she used that kind of preaching tone in a serious and subconscious manner.


"Why, why not?"

"It's a duel, it's a competition, there are no restrictions! Besides, weren't those people rescued, what's the point?"

Hermione didn't say it, but when he said it, Ron was like a cat whose tail had been trampled, and instantly frowned and jumped up to protest.

Especially Hermione's didactic tone made Ron very, very unhappy. From the first grade to the present, every time he heard the other party speak to him in that tone, there was always a feeling that he wanted to overturn the table. The urge to beat people.


"Trust me!"

"The reason why it is the 'Unforgivable Curse' is not just because it is 'instant death magic', it has a deeper factor!"

Hermione paused, and then, regardless of whether Ron and Harry could understand it, continued to add:

"It's the soul!"

"That spell, it can take away people's souls, right?"

"And because of that, it's hard to defend against."

"Of course, that doesn't matter!"

"The key is……"

"Ron, while you take away the souls of others, the souls of those people will also affect you!"

"Trust me!"

"Soul is a very mysterious existence. You should protect it as much as possible. Whether it is missing or extra, it is not a good thing for you!"

Hermione persuaded bitterly, and she was very sincere.


"But you've used it before, I saw it!"

"And Harry!"

"He's used it before, just like you!"

Hearing such a thing, Ron instantly widened his eyes and gasped for a loud quibble, so much so that the guests around the hotel threw their attention one after another, and he couldn't even care about it.

"I know!"

"It is because I have used it that I will advise you!"

"Did you see that during the game, and all these years, Harry and I used it?"

Looking at the guests around her, Hermione couldn't help feeling a little annoyed, but she held back and continued to persuade in a low voice.

There are some taboo and secret contents that Hermione learned only after she came into contact with them. She also knew why the Ministry of Magic listed them as unforgivable curses. It was not only a punitive factor, but also a kind of punishment for wizards. Protect!

However, the secrets in it cannot be understood without systematic study and research. It is a hazy feeling and profound experience that can only be understood and inexpressible, and cannot be explained in words at all.

And Hermione herself had seen some clues and introductions in Annie's magic book at the beginning. Then, when she couldn't understand it, when she discussed it with Headmaster Dumbledore, she was able to learn from that cunning old man. There was a little vague reminder in his mouth.

And now, seeing her friend Ron in danger of going astray, she had to bring it up at this inopportune time.


Ron suddenly stopped talking, and his expression clearly expressed what he meant, which was probably: 'Although what you said may be reasonable, but I just don't accept it'?



"I think you'd better listen to her?"

At this time, Harry thought for a while, and then carefully persuaded Ron with a serious face.

In Harry's opinion, Hermione is the strongest and youngest white wizard in the wizarding world, and Harry himself felt the same way about the Unforgivable Curse, and his faint intuition told him that Hermione was right!


"I know……"

"You are jealous of me!"

"Extremely, I got promoted, right?"

Unfortunately, after frowning for a while, Ron suddenly raised his brows, then laughed savagely, and looked at the stunned Hermione and Harry with that extremely disappointed expression.

"Do not!"

"I do not!"

Hermione's face flushed with a rub, then her expression became angry again.

"I do not have either!"

Harry hurriedly waved his hands to explain.

"You have it!"

Ron looked a little excited and interrupted the two directly.


"It's all of you who are in the limelight!"

"Harry was the focus of everyone's attention from the start, from the first year onwards."

"And Hermione, you are a genius, a scholar, and the know-it-all lady!"

"and I?"

"I am nothing!"

"I'm just in the eyes of others, a little follower behind you!!"

As he spoke, Ron began to growl.

"You are better than me in everything!"

"Whether it's grades, popularity, or being in the limelight?"

While laughing miserably, Ron, who had exploded completely, continued to scan back and forth between the stunned Hermione and Harry with those very disappointed, jealous, hateful and sarcastic eyes.

"three years ago……"

"At the time of the Goblet of Fire Triwizard Tournament, both of you guys were selected, everyone was watching you, and you could be in the Prophet newspaper every day!"

"Especially you!"

"Hermione, you finally captured the black mask head alive, and you also participated in Harry. You are all heroes, the savior of the magic world, and the strongest white wizard lady?"

"and I?"

"I am nothing!"

Ron continued to growl, ignoring Harry, who was trying to explain, and Hermione, who was growing disappointed in shame.

"Look now, relying on my own strength, I managed to reach the top 100, but you are starting to be jealous of me,"

"Especially you!"

"Harry, you were eliminated in the third game, what, are you unbalanced!?"

Ron grinned and turned suddenly to ask Harry.

Since Hermione was also promoted, Ron couldn't use this to run against the opponent, so he had to use it to run on Harry beside him.

"Do not!"

"I didn't, Ron, I'm happy for you, really!"

Harry's face was also a little red, and the blue veins on his neck became thick. He wanted to explain, but he didn't know what to say.

"To shut up!"

"You just can't see that I'm better than you. You're just like Fred and George. You like to look at me like a fool, and you want to beat me up for anything, don't you?"

"I tell you, this time, I won!"

"I will win the championship and become the king of this world, you will see!"

"I promise!"

After speaking, Ron turned around and left the table angrily. He didn't even want to deal with the promised treat. He didn't even settle the account, so he hurriedly slammed the door and walked away.


"Hermione, to be honest, you shouldn't have mentioned that to him at this time, you see, he's angry."

"You are the least, and should you wait until he is eliminated before mentioning it?"

Looking at Ron's back, knowing that it's useless to say anything now, Harry, who was still a little frustrated, had to sit back and said helplessly at Hermione with a wry smile.

"Do not……"


"He may have already been affected. If it goes on like this, I don't know what he will become..."

Hermione frowned, staring in the direction Ron was leaving, speechless for a long time.

"I know!"

"But he won't win a few games anyway, so why can't you wait any longer?"

Harry was also somewhat complaining about Hermione.

They came out happily today, but after talking, they broke up unhappily. If he knew this was the case, he would not propose to call Hermione out. In that case, at least no matter what Ron said , he himself will certainly not refute it **** for tat like Hermione.

After all, that guy's temperament is like that. He only talks when he is happy or following the other party's wishes, and preaching like Hermione is definitely useless.

"I'm not equal!!"


"Voldemort's soul fragments have had such a great impact on you. Don't you know what would happen if Ron abused the Unforgivable Curse?"

"Think about the Death Eaters and why it's called the Unforgivable Curse!"

Hearing that Harry even mentioned himself, Hermione was so angry that she directly refuted it.

"I know!"

"But Ron certainly won't listen!"


"It's useless!"

Spreading his hands, Harry motioned Hermione to look at the vacant seat next to him, which was the consequence of her refusing to listen to his advice and insisting on suddenly bringing up the matter.


"The soul in Ron's wand was taken back by the paladins and priests after the game, wasn't it?"

"It should be okay for now, right?"

Then Harry began to comfort Hermione.

"it's useless……"

"You just saw it too."

From Hermione's point of view, according to Ron's temperament, even for a short period of time, the other party would not be able to resist, and maybe his soul would be polluted.


Harry was silent, there was nothing he could do anyway.

"never mind!"

"I'm going back."

"If there is a chance, I will go and ask Professor Anne. She should have a solution."

Hermione herself had no choice but to ask for help from the omnipotent Professor Anne. Of course, it was definitely not now, she had to find a suitable time to mention that kind of thing.

"I'll go as well!"

Harry, who had nowhere to go for the time being, also stood up, and then wanted to follow Hermione to the palace to gain insight.

"Do not!"

"You go to Ron, follow him, even if you can't persuade him, at least don't let him do stupid things."

"Besides, Professor Anne doesn't like seeing you!"

With that said, Hermione picked up her things, waved her hands, and left the hotel in a hurry.


He opened his mouth, but in the end Harry didn't say anything.


Watching Hermione leave, Harry sat for a while before getting up to leave.

However, at this time, seeing that he was going to leave, a pandaren maid with a wide body and a fat body, a full and round body, and a plump body, of course, stepped forward and stopped him very rudely.


"This is the bill, how will you pay it?"

"We accept gold coins and silver coins here, no matter which country it is!"

The pandaren maid said with a smile, and handed a bill to Harry.



"This is bad..."

He was startled for a moment, and then remembering something, Harry hurriedly reached out to his pocket while accepting the bill.

However, the two pockets were empty, and then he remembered that Ron said he wanted to treat guests when he went out today, so he didn't seem to remember to bring anything?


"Any questions?"

Seeing Harry's expression, of course the pandaren maid's big, smiling face slowly cooled down, and she looked at him motionlessly with those big eyes with dark circles.



"I don't seem to remember to bring the money. Can you send someone back to the hotel with me to get the money?"

"My hotel is on the other side of the city..."

Harry said awkwardly.


However, the pandaren maid didn't speak, just stared at him motionlessly, not knowing what she was thinking about.


"This is my wand. I'll bet it with you. I'll go back and get the money to redeem it, how about it?"

As a last resort, seeing that the other party didn't seem to believe him, Harry had to bite the bullet and took out his wand.


"I know your Queen Anne who invited us here, I promise!"

"I'll definitely get the money back soon!"

Seeing that the other party didn't pick up his wand, Harry had no choice but to bite the bullet and bring out the name of Professor Anne, who was said to be very prestigious and powerful.

"Feel sorry!"

"This guest, Queen Anne is not the queen of our pandaren..."

It's a pity that even if Harry brought up the name of some nasty little girl, the pandaren maid still didn't agree with But..."

"We still have a lot of tableware and chopsticks in the back kitchen. If you don't mind, you can choose to wash the tableware and chopsticks for half a day to offset the meal money?"


"You can also choose to go to the wine cellar to help us eliminate those annoying and irritable wine spirit creatures, if, if you are really a mage?"

Looking at the broken piece of wood in Harry's hand that looked like a burning stick, the pandaren maid in the hotel thought about it, and then suggested this.



"Take me to the wine cellar!"

After listening to the two options given by the other party, after thinking for a long time, Harry, who had already washed the dishes since he was a child, resolutely chose the latter.


"Guest, please come with me?"

Hearing Harry choose the latter, the pandaren maid cheered, then dragged her round body, grabbed Harry's wrist, and dragged it to the warehouse behind the restaurant.


"Slow down..."

"I want to prepare..."


"What kind of 'tempered wine spirit creature' is, will it be strong?"

While being dragged forward by this powerful pandaren girl with a perfect figure, Harry did not forget to ask anxiously.

"Do not worry!"

"It's not strong!"

"It's just a little wine spirit smashed out of a barrel shipped from the Stormstout Brewery. We've encountered it many times."

The pandaren maid said with a relaxed expression, and began to make crazy calculations in her heart. If this thing is done, except for the meal money paid by the free-spirited mage, how can she, the middleman, get the money from the boss already. How much of the difference is earned on the 'spiritual' fee paid?


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