Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1814: (?ω?) Eliminating Archmage Harry

I don't know what's going on. Today, Tohsaka Rin, Tohsaka Sakura, Ilya and Luvia suddenly came to the door, and when she didn't wake up, let her Feeling annoyed and a little helpless.





So, looking at the four guys in front of her, Annie just sat blankly on her bed, regardless of whether or not to look at the four hateful guys who were standing in front of her bed with a shy face, only caring about herself Rubbing his eyes, he didn't seem to be able to recover from the duel with the Devil King of the Bed.


"That's how things are!"

"As a teacher, you will definitely take responsibility, right?"

When Annie was drowsy, she gushed a lot of words, and then, regardless of whether Annie listened to it or not, Luvia suddenly leaned in her waist and asked with a look of certainty.

"That's right!"

"Only you can help us in this matter, otherwise, if we lose, your face will not look good!"

Ilya followed suit.

"Don't sleep!"

"What time is this, hurry up and do business!"

Tohsaka Rin also folded his arms, taking it for granted, and didn't think there was anything wrong with the four of them breaking into this place and pulling Annie up from the bed.

"Sister Anne..."


"Will you help your sister and aunt?"

Tohsaka Sakura was also weakly helping.

Although they were both Annie's apprentices in name, like her sister and Aunt Luvia, Sakura didn't like to call each other a teacher, but she preferred to be called her sister.

Because from Sakura's point of view, the guy in front of him who was sitting on the bed and staring at them was always the one who rescued her from Matou's house. The powerful little sister is the kind that is more kissable than her own sister.




ε=('ο'*))) alas

Annie didn't pay any attention to them, but just turned her head and glanced out the window. When she saw that the angle of the sunlight seemed to be almost the same as when she woke up, she sighed reluctantly and turned around.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"


"If it's not important, you can solve it yourself, or ask someone else to help you solve it?"


At the same time as she spoke, Annie made a secret decision, and when she turned around, she instructed those incompetent fire demons outside the door not to let them in in the future, especially when she hadn't woken up, especially the one in front of her. These four lawless guys!


(● ̄? ̄●)

"It's very simple, that's it!"

"Help us perfect it!"

"That's right!"

"As a teacher, you must have a way, right?"

The next second, before Annie refused, Tohsaka Rin, Illya, and Luvia stretched out their arms in unison.



"this is……"


Blinking her eyes, she got up from the bed and leaned over to the equally tender arms of the three of them. After taking a look one by one, she raised her head and looked at the serious three people in front of her and the eager to try and join in the fun. cherry.



"What do you mean, you want someone to help you perfect this Summoning Command Spell?"



"What are you doing with this summoning spell, fighting the Holy Grail War?"


After just identifying the real purpose of those Command Spells at a glance, Annie looked at the four people in front of her inexplicably, not knowing that they came to wake her up early in the morning (afternoon), and then made three others. What does an incomplete Summoning Command Spell mean?

"Of course it's summoning Heroic Spirits!"

"You've seen it before, haven't you?"

Luvia answered as a matter of course, and cast a contemptuous look at their little teacher Annie, as if she was a little dismissive of Annie's knowing question?

"Summon Heroic Spirits?"




"When do you want to summon?"


Looking down at the unfinished Command Spell on the arms of the three again, Annie, who seemed to realize something, asked sharply.

"of course……"

Tohsaka Rin stepped forward and looked at the door of Annie's dormitory vigilantly, and found that it was still closed well, and it was impossible for anyone other than them to break in. She then said cautiously. :

"Of course it's game time!"

Tohsaka Rin stretched that childish little face and whispered excitedly.




At the same time, Illya, Luvia, and Tohsaka Sakura, who were beside them, also moved to the edge of the bed nervously and excitedly, waiting for their little teacher's reply.



In fact, at the beginning, Annie had some hunch, but looking at it now, these guys are really like this.

"But if you do this, it must be cheating, right?"


Annie said uncertainly.

In fact, it is not difficult for her to perfect the Command Spells in the hands of the three of them. However, as a judge and organizer, she secretly ties her apprentice to cheat. If someone else finds out, will it be a little shameful? ?

Although, if the three in front of her or her other apprentices who were summoned to compete by her lose, she will also be a little embarrassed?

"It doesn't count!"

"How can Heroic Spirit be considered cheating?"

"Mages can summon water elements, fire elements, sea elements, earth elements and various summoned objects. Are we not allowed to summon heroic spirits?"

Hearing Annie's hesitant words, Tohsaka Rin was obviously prepared, and refuted the so-called 'cheating' statement in a serious and righteous manner.

"It's definitely not cheating!"

"What do you think..."

"Those paladins can summon ancient kings to guard, why can't we magical girls summon heroic spirits to help fight?"

Illya waved her fist directly, seeming to be very resentful of those Paladins who can summon Heroic Spirits and invincible and openly cheat?

"that is!"

"That Hermione can still summon that kind of 'God Guard', what if we summon a heroic spirit?"

"Besides, teacher, you are the grand referee!"

"As long as you don't think it's cheating, who would dare to say nothing?"

Luvia also hurriedly stepped forward to add and said directly to the point, looking at her expression, she didn't seem to think that there was anything wrong or bad about them preparing to go through the back door and bribing the referee in advance through internal relations.



Looking at the four people who seemed to have negotiated in advance and could answer them fluently, Annie was speechless, not knowing what to say.

"okay then……"


Annie surrendered, and did not intend to tangle more on this small matter.

"Tell me! Who are you calling?"


"Your Command Spell is to let people help you break the barriers of the plane, so that you can make a contract with the heroic spirit and summon it, right?"


Once again, looking at the Command Spell on the tender arms of the three, Annie asked bluntly.


"I didn't want to summon anyone, just the three of them: Sister Arturia, Sister Jeanne, and Medusa!"

"After all, we know them well?"

Tohsaka Rin did not hide it, and said directly and carelessly.



"However, it seems that they can no longer be regarded as heroic spirits now, right?"


"We say that they are Heroic Spirits, they are, but they are not!"

"That's right!"

"Besides, they used to be heroic spirits, what's wrong with going back to their old jobs now?"

"Hmm! Mmmm!"

Without waiting for Annie to say anything, Tohsaka Rin, Illya, and Luvia spoke in unison and firmly, while Tohsaka Sakura, who was on the side, nodded vigorously, looking very cute and cute.

Obviously, before coming here, they had unified their caliber and rehearsed their lines. It was definitely not a temporary intention, but a long-planned plan!

"All right……"

ε=('ο'*))) alas

"One command spell per person, right?"


Annie asked.

It wasn't too difficult anyway, so she decided to help them get it right, and then send them out. After all, Her Lady Queen Anne still has to wash up and eat breakfast (wǔ).


"Yes, one by one!"

"My contract is Arturia, Illya's is Medusa, and Aunt Luvia's is Joan of Arc!"

Seeing that his teacher finally let go, Tohsaka Rin hurriedly stretched out his arm first and said excitedly.


"The Command Spell should preferably be the one that can be actively transferred!"

Before Annie was ready to start, Illya hurriedly added that crucial point.



"Active transfer?"


"What exactly do you want to do?"


Hearing Ilya's words, Annie's hand that had stretched out instantly froze in mid-air, and she asked cautiously.

"Of course, who is eliminated, who's Command Spell will be transferred to the other two at that time!"

"That way, you'll be safe!"

Illya answered righteously and boldly, with the style of one of their lousy little teachers back then.



"Then... Then you can summon two or three heroic spirits in the game?!"


"Then let others play?"


Annie was startled.

If it is really the kind of Command Spell that can take the initiative to transfer, then the three of them, each time one is eliminated, the remaining two are more powerful, and once the remaining two of the three are eliminated, Then the last one left went berserk, and it was the kind that no one could beat?

Anyway, thinking about Aryatoli, Joan of Arc, and Medusa, who went into a rage and beat up one of the others, and there was a magical girl who cheered and shot a cold shot outside. Thinking of that terrible scene, Annie suddenly felt ... The fairness mechanisms and measures that Azshara and the others made seem to be full of loopholes and unfair at all?


"Whether they play or not, what does it matter to us?"

Illya exclaimed in surprise, then blinked her pair of beautiful red pupils, and finally asked back to Annie who was still sitting on the bed with her head tilted strangely.


"We just need to care if we can win, where is there time to care about the lives of others?"

Luvia arrogantly helped, and didn't feel that it was wrong or bad for the three of them to win by unscrupulous means.

"That's right!"

"The kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself!"

"Who made them not take the initiative to admit defeat?"

Tohsaka Rin also spoke with hatred on her waist, and she didn't know whether she was resenting or complaining about the guy who made her fight hard during the game.

"All right!

ε=('ο'*))) alas

Annie compromised and was not ready to take care of too much.

Since these people are so brazen, and they are also direct apprentices of Her Lady Queen Anne's direct line, Anne decided to help them reluctantly.

After all, summoning a heroic spirit or something, thinking about it seriously, does not seem to be cheating?

"It's the kind of Command Spell that can summon them across borders, right?"




"Or the kind that can take the initiative to cancel the summon, take the initiative to transfer the command spell, and make others have nowhere to reason?"

╰( ̄▽ ̄)╭

So, while speaking, Annie stretched out her hand to perfect the half-finished Command Spell in the hands of the three of them, so that they could successfully summon the beauty among the three sisters, Arturia, Joan of Arc, and Gorgon. Dusha!

As for what kind of situation will appear on the field of competition, now, she doesn't want to care about it.


(● ̄? ̄●)


And while Annie was being (zhǔ) forced (dòng) to assist her three apprentices to cheat, in a certain food industry in Silvermoon City on the floating island, Harry, the scar-headed four-eyed brother, had already followed him. The pandaren girl Yuan Kuei came to the front of a huge warehouse in the backyard of the hotel.


"Qianqi, haven't you arrived yet?"

I didn't expect that the store facing the street was so big. After walking around for so long, Harry couldn't help but feel a little surprised, and vaguely felt that it was very likely that something like the Traceless Stretching Charm had been cast here. Magic, otherwise, it would never be this big!



"It's in the warehouse up ahead, the one with the red door!"

At this moment, the pandaren girl Yuanlilai stopped and pointed to the red-painted warehouse door in front of her.

"It tastes like wine..."

"Are you sure it's in there?"

After first raising his head and sniffing, and realizing that the wonderful mellow alcohol smell was indeed permeating the air, Harry took out the burning wand that had just been disgusted by the pandaren girl, and then, slightly nervously asked.


"Isn't that?"


"Where's the big shelf by the window, can you see it?"

The pandaren girl didn't talk nonsense, she directly pulled Harry aside with brute force, and then pointed to a shelf platform on the second floor of the warehouse in the distance.


"I saw, what a strange magical creature..."


"Is it great?"

Harry saw it, it was a strange mask (think it was a mask?), with two big orange-red eyes, a big mouth and hands, but no feet, and the body was mainly composed of orange wine liquid Yes, the creatures similar to the water element summoned by the wizard during the game wandered back and forth on the neatly stacked wine barrels.


"I think, it shouldn't be very powerful, right?"

"We've wiped out several!"

The pandaren girl Ling Ling was a little unsure. After thinking about it, she could only tell the truth.

Anyway, they did have several wine spirit creatures here before, and they are all used to it. As long as they don't provoke each other in the warehouse when they find it, they will be fine, and it's not like they are not the maids who have little power to come forward in person. Eliminated, so she must not know whether that kind of thing is serious or not.


"Then what happened to it?"

"Why destroy it?"

Harry continued to question.

He must be a little apprehensive and cautious about things that he doesn't know, so some things must be asked clearly.

"Is such that!"

"It starts with our Stormstout Brewery in the Valley of the Four Winds in Pandaria..."

Seeing that Harry seemed to be very interested, the pandaren girl Qian Qian began to introduce it.

In order to save the family's brewery, Pandaren Uncle Gao decided to break the boat and create what he thought was the ultimate ale, a strong drink with a mellow taste.

Although his daring experiment resulted in spirits overflowing with spiritual energy, it also gave birth to a terrifying and extremely violent creature - wine spirit!

Later, Chen Storm Stout arrived at the Valley of the Four Winds and eradicated those creatures, and at the same time slightly optimized the recipe, but, because that spirit was so good, the aura, which is the 'magic' in it It is too rich, so it will occasionally spawn new wine spirits.

At the beginning, Chen Fengjiu and Uncle Gao were very worried about this, and they couldn't find a complete solution.

But then...

They found out that the spirit of wine, although it is indeed a trouble, is also the super signature of their Stormstout distillery?

Because, the batch of wine that can breed the spirit of wine must be the best!

Over time, the distillery simply ignores it, and specifically points out the key when selling spirits, and buyers are well aware of it, and have always been able to buy a certain batch of wine that can breed spirits. Glory!

Because, that means, that is the best wine!

And now, the restaurant opened on the floating island in this new world has also bought a batch of wine from the Valley of the Four Winds, and business has become better and better, but the only problem is: who can I don't know when the new wine spirit will pop out!

For example, in the front, the guy in the warehouse who is having fun and wandering in the wine barrels on the second floor?

"We named it 'Yan Zhu'!"

After explaining the origin of the wine spirit, the pandaren girl Ling Ling suddenly spoke up.

"Yan Zhu?"

"What's the point of that?"

Harry asked curiously.



"We just thought that it looked the same as the head of the first batch of spirits at the Stormstout Brewery...beautiful?"

The pandaren girl Ling Ling said hesitantly.


"Otherwise, should I go wash the dishes?"

After looking at the orange elf for a while, Harry suddenly felt a little regretful, and felt that he was used to washing dishes at his aunt and uncle's house, and now it seems that it is not unacceptable to do it for another afternoon?


"You agreed!"

"You have to go back and see if I don't take your shoes and hit you!"

Of course, the pandaren girl Ling Ling didn't obey, she grabbed Harry's hand directly, and leaned forward, pretending to be very fierce, and showing two cute canine teeth, as if she really knew how to be a demon Same as going up.


"Then I'll keep an eye on it for a while, and I'll be fine, right?"

Harry responded quickly.

Of course, he is not afraid of the other party, he just feels that he is wrong, and he agrees and regrets it is not good.

"Of course!"

"As long as it can be wiped out before dark today, you can do whatever you want!"

Seeing Harry's confession, the pandaren girl Qian Qian returned to her previous cute, simple and honest expression.


"Why not today?"


"We only have enough wine for If we can't eliminate it today, we won't dare to go in and get wine tomorrow, then the business will not be able to continue."


"That's it..."

"I see."

Nodding his head, Harry expressed his understanding of Qian Qian's difficulties, and decided to wait for a while. After he observed it clearly, he would quickly go in and destroy the wine spirit named 'Yan Zhu'!

From Harry's point of view, the strange looking wine spirit, at most, is just the same threat level as the pest tree protector cauldron that is common in their magical world, but one is a tree protector, And one is a wine guard, shouldn't it be difficult for him, a wizard who is about to come of age, to deal with it?


"Then let's say this first, I'll go to the front to work first."

"When you are fully prepared, hurry up and destroy it, remember!"

Saying that, look at the pandaren girl Yuan Ling Ling, who is of no use here. After admonishing Harry, she waved her hands, dragged her up and down body, and ran towards the lobby of the hotel in front of her. go out.



Harry stretched out his hand, wanting to let the other party stay and accompany him to exterminate the spirit.

But unfortunately, before he could say the words, the other party had already run away and disappeared all of a sudden, and I don't know how the other party's body was so fat.

"All right!"

"Isn't it a wine spirit?"

Armor protection!

So, after casting an Iron Armor spell on himself, Harry resolutely strode towards the red warehouse door in front of him.


(????-)? Monthly Pass

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