Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1818: (?ω?) Mikoto's golden gear




In the room, Kuroko Shirai threw herself in Misaka Mikoto's arms and refused to get up. She was crying in a daze, not to mention how scary the sound was.



Raising her hand and pushing it, Mikoto had no choice but to give up when she found that she couldn't push it, and then started to console her with a dry smile:

"I said Heizi!"

"Don't be too sad..."

"Who made you so careless?"


"I heard that the high elf Solan Lien, she is not only a great magus, she is also a great astral magician, specializing in space spells, and also serves as a star gate construction And space positioning and other duties, the attainments in space are very powerful."

"But you..."

"She must have prepared a targeted trap for you long ago. You're better. It's the first time you face the mage and you are so chaotic, and you just rush to it regardless. How can it be good?"

Thinking of the tragic scene where Kuroko was full of confidence at the beginning of the match, and then was eliminated within a minute of the match, Mikoto couldn't help but have a playful and funny expression on her face while feeding her opponent with regret.

Fortunately, at this time, Heizi was sobbing and rubbing hard in her arms, so he didn't see the tangled expression on her face.


"I do not care!"

"Sir, you must win!"

"Heizi can't be a queen, at least she will be your concubine, but you have to agree, elder sister, you can only have a concubine like me, Heizi!"

Heizi was still howling and crying, and accidentally, while sad, she said some of the sincerity in her heart.


"What concubine?"

"What are you thinking about?"

"You bastard!"


Hearing Kuroko's words, Mikoto was furious, and at the same time as electric sparks appeared on her forehead, she pushed the opponent straight away.

"I can't guarantee I'll win!"

"Who can enter the top 100, which is not a super powerful guy?"

"Ordinary warriors are easy to deal with, but those mages, druids, paladins, priests, warlocks, and thieves are not easy to mess with!"

"I'm ready to be eliminated before the quarter-finals."

As she spoke, Mikoto couldn't help but sigh.


Suddenly, when Mikoto lowered her head, she saw the wet patch on her chest, so that she could see the outline of the skin on her chest.


"Heizi, are you rubbing your nose on my chest?"

Of course, the most important thing is that there is a disgusting snot on it?

Moreover, after a certain hateful guy was pushed away by himself, he still wanted to continue to pounce on it again?



So, of course, Mikoto unceremoniously sent out a 100,000-volt electric shock therapy, which made Kuroko regain her calm in an instant, and fell to the ground with a slap.


"You don't care, you deserve it if you lose!"

Regardless of whether the other party would be more saddened after hearing this, Mikoto stood up immediately, then took off her top and inner jacket, and prepared to change to another school uniform.

Fortunately, Heizi was still lying on the ground and twitching, and couldn't get up in a short time. Otherwise, if the other party saw her like this, he would have to instantly turn into a **** and rush to continue to pester her.



"who is it?!"


However, although Kuroko didn't pounce at this time, it was surprising that when Mikoto took off her school uniform and skirt and was about to change into another set of clean clothes, the wooden door of her room was suddenly pushed open. She was so frightened that she hurriedly hugged the clothes in her arms, and at the same time, lightning was brewing, ready to strike the intruder with a million-volt thunder strike.

"Sister Mikoto?"




Annie, who was just about to say something, pushed the door open and stuck her head in. Of course, she saw Mikoto, who was hugging her neat clothes, and Shirai, who was lying on the ground with a smirk and saliva. Kuroko.

"Are you guys playing some weird game?"


Then, of course, Annie couldn't help but blink, wondering if she should go in at this time.


"It is you…"

"Come in!"

"Remember to close the door, hurry up!"

"I was about to change clothes!"

Mikoto breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that it was some lawless little guy, and then she didn't bother to explain, she just waved her hand and motioned for the other party to come in quickly.

Then, after seeing Annie closing the door, she let go and changed her clothes on her own.



"What happened to her?"


Annie walked into the room curiously, walked to Heizi, who was still surrounded by tiny electric snakes, and then squatted down curiously. Want to know what happened to the other party.


!? (?''??)?

"And snot, it's disgusting!"


Then, when she found that there was still that sticky liquid on the other's cheeks, she hurriedly withdrew her hands and wiped it hard directly on the other's summer school uniform thin sweater.

"All right."

"Just leave her alone!"

"She just lost the game and is sad. She will recover in a while, you don't need to worry."

Turning her head to take a look, then Mikoto, who was wearing a skirt, continued to speak without caring at all.

Anyway, when Annie was at school with them, she had seen similar situations many, many times, so she didn't want to explain too much.

After all, coming and going is the same thing. She believed that Annie must be the same as her when it comes to Heizi's temperament.

"Oh okay?"


"Did you lose so soon?"


Hearing that even this guy who could send himself or an object to a distance in an instant in a way that ignored the rules of three-dimensional space lost, Annie couldn't help being slightly surprised and frustrated.

"Really, so I'll be eliminated two today..."

'ο'*))) alas



You know, in this way, the people who were summoned by her and participated in the competition seemed to be the only four left: Hermione, Tohsaka Rin, Illya, and this Miss Misaka Mikoto in front of her. Was eliminated.

Although there is another guy named Ron, Annie has never been optimistic about that idiot, and will definitely not count the other party, even if the other party is said to have easily won the battle today.

"It's not useless, it deserves it!"

"Who made her look down on her opponent so much?"

"Don't worry about her!"

Mikoto continued to wear her clothes, and started to button up the short-sleeved shirt one by one, covering a large area of ​​her white and tender skin, and did not want to discuss more about Kuroko's failure.


"Annie, what are you doing here?"

Then, after buttoning her shirt, she began to tuck the hem into her skirt, and then reached out to pick up another school uniform with a thin summer sweater before Mikoto suddenly asked curiously.



"It's like this. I heard that you don't have many game coins with you. You still want to go to Hermione and the others to borrow them, but they didn't borrow them, right?"


After remembering her purpose for coming here, Annie hurriedly asked.


"After playing so many games and using it several times, I have only the last of the game coins left. I was thinking of seeing if Hermione and the others brought coins."

"As a result, the coins they brought with them have been spent almost in the past few days, but Irena still has a few gold coins left, but I didn't dare to get them."

Mikoto, who was dressed, said in a bit of frustration that she didn't even put on socks or shoes, so she sat down on her bed with bare feet and sighed.

If she uses the game currency to attack, generally more than 50 meters will be burned out due to friction and heat. After all, the speed of the super electromagnetic gun is very fast, and it will continue to accelerate after it is fired. Therefore, once Once they hit it, they can't be recycled. One hit is one less. Plus they didn't bring much when they came here, and they couldn't exchange the banknotes for coins, so now Mikoto has fallen into 'running out of ammunition'. situation.

For example, when she faced the old mage in the last game, she could have won a little faster, but in order to save 'ammo' and to ensure that she would hit a hit, she tossed with the opponent for so long, and then At the last minute, the decisive blow was barely used.

"Then you should have come to find someone earlier!"


"Really, that kind of trivial matter, people can still help a little bit!"


"Here! These are for you to play, they are definitely better than game coins!"


Whoa la la la~?

As soon as Annie stretched out her hand, she threw a lot of gold coins on the floor, and the number was at least a few hundred.


"this is…"

Mikoto, who was a little surprised, stood up from the bed, walked up to Annie, and leaned over to pick up one of the golden coins on the ground.


"It's so heavy!"

"It won't be pure gold, will it?!"

Then, as a matter of course, she weighed the 'gold coin' in her hand that was about the same size and thickness as a game coin, but it was several levels heavier. Misaka Mikoto couldn't help asking in surprise.

"Of course it is!"


"I told you, this is pure gold, and it was found in an old dragon's nest when he was a child. They were pressed by the old dragon as a bed for many years, and they were also burned with dragon breath. It can be regarded as being enchanted, and it is very heat-resistant!"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

"How, can it be used?"


After the introduction, Annie hurriedly asked.

She only found out about this matter after Hermione told her, and then, when she was free today, she stopped by.

"of course can!"

"Gold is the best conductor. If it is really heat-resistant and will not be melted, the range and power of my railgun will be at least several times higher!"

Misaka Mikoto said excitedly and confidently.

The game currency she has been using before is ordinary nickel-chromium alloy, not a very good conductor, with relatively high resistance, self-generated heat and friction. Generally, if it exceeds 50 meters, it will burn out due to frictional heat generation. Therefore, the maximum range of the 'super electromagnetic gun' with game tokens as shells is only about 50 meters, and its power is probably like that.


If you replace the game currency with other better and heavier conductors, the power and range will definitely be greatly improved!

And if the pile of pure gold in front of me is made of pure gold, the size and thickness are suitable, but the weight is heavier, and it is said that it has been 'enchanted' by a giant dragon. The range of the super electromagnetic gun is increased to hundreds of meters or more, and then the speed can be increased several times without being melted, and the power will increase linearly, reaching a terrifying level?


"It's good to use gold coins as ammunition, but isn't it too extravagant?"

Looking at the pile of gold coins in front of her, and after picking up a few more and weighing them, Misaka Mikoto said embarrassedly, and wanted to refuse this generous gift.

The main reason why she has been using game currency is not only because it is easy to carry and can reach three times the speed of sound, but also because of the cheap factor.

After all, a coin with the lowest denomination can be exchanged for a lot of game coins. That way, even if you hit it, it will be melted. Even if you hit one less, at least it won't be too distressing, right?

But now, Annie has brought her a pile of gold coins. This kind of golden and heavy stuff, it is estimated that if you send it out casually, she does not know if the enemy will do anything, but anyway, she must be distressed to death. !

"Will not!"

 ̄? ̄)????

"There are many more!"

"Here! This rune bag is for you. There are many more in it. You can pack these together!"


With that said, Annie took out another rune bag in order to make it easier for the other party to carry, and handed it to the other party together with the hundreds of gold coins on the ground and the thousands of gold coins in the rune bag.


"Is it really possible?"

Misaka Mikoto asked anxiously.

Although she hesitated, her body betrayed her in action, so that she didn't want to hand it back after taking the rune bag.

"These things, you can obviously find the big ball of light to exchange, don't you know?"


Now it was Annie's turn to be surprised.

She doesn't know what these guys have done during this time, because she obviously left them a lot of good things, but in the end, they don't seem to be using it reasonably at all?


"That thing is a bit complicated, but we will definitely study it again when we go back!"

Misaka Mikoto's expression suddenly became a little embarrassed, and she didn't seem to want to mention something.


"Annie, thank you so much, these things are so timely!"

She smiled embarrassingly, and finally, after thinking about it, Mikoto didn't refuse, but generously accepted this expensive gift that was very helpful and meaningful to her.

"As long as you like it!"



'ο'*))) alas

"People are going to play, remember not to lose so fast!"


After saying this at the end, and seeing that her purpose of coming here to strengthen the opponent's equipment has been achieved, Annie nodded with satisfaction, then turned around and left, planning to go for a stroll elsewhere.



"Sister, why are there so many coins?"

"It's so heavy!"

"It's gold coins? Kuroko knows, you saw that Kuroko lost, so you took it out to console Kuroko?"


"Sister, you are so kind!"

However, Annie had just opened the door when she heard the startled and excited howl from that fellow Shirai Kuroko when he woke up.



Then, when Annie turned her head to look, she only found that Miss Mikoto didn't even bother to put on her shoes, she just stepped on that Heizi's face with her bare feet, UU reading www. While stomped the opponent on the ground, he did not forget to stretch out his hand to dig out the few golden coins that the opponent was holding.


"What's yours and mine, elder sister's is Kuroko's!"

"Heizi's is still Kuroko's!"

"Shut up, you bastard!"

"Let go! They are mine, the weapons Anne just gave me!"

"Don't let it go!"

"Let go!"

"Don't let it go!"

"Really don't let it go?"

"Don't let it go!"



"One hundred thousand volts!!"





After the terrifying lightning flashes, with the screams of Kuroko Shirai and the arrogant snort of Mikoto Misaka, gradually, the room soon became quiet, only the rustling and 'ding'. Clinking metal crashing.



"Let's go! Tibbers, let's ignore them!"



After speaking, Annie slammed the door shut, and then carried her little bear away.

Now her goal has been achieved, and she is waiting to see Miss Misaka Mikoto, whose attack power starts to explode after changing into golden equipment .

As for the back, before tomorrow's game, will the two guys in the room fight because of the pile of gold coins? She can't control that kind of trivial matter.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


(°▽°)/Is there a monthly pass?

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