Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1819: (*°ω°*)? Heaven is on the left, warriors go to…

After leaving Mikoto and Kuroko's room, Annie didn't immediately go to the stadium to watch the rest of the game this afternoon, but walked out of the palace on her own, and then just wandered and wandered around.

After all, she has just had enough to eat, so walking and other digestion activities are definitely essential, and ah, she also needs to find some fun for herself, so that she will not be like those boring guys staring at the game every day Look!

"Acridine la la~?"




Strolling around, suddenly, Annie found a pavilion not far away, suspended in mid-air, there was a black-haired young lady who seemed to be about the same height as her was standing there, and she was stunned. Staring at the sun well at the top of her palace?

Under normal circumstances, Annie sees a lot of those individuals in the city, high elves, or Pandaren sisters, etc., and it's not too much of a fuss, but...

If it is such a young lady who has some kind of weird divinity in her body, and at the same time, there is a powerful magic power in her body, and she keeps staring at her 'dynamo', then she must be able to slightly To attract a little Annie's attention.



Therefore, while the other party was staring at the new sun well in her house, Annie, who was surprised and curious in her heart, was also on the street not far from the pavilion suspended in the air, raising her head and staring at it. The other party researched.


Maybe it was because Annie stared at it for too long, so she had some kind of feeling?

So, the young lady in the red and white mage robe with long black hair that was about to be dragged to the floor finally sensed something was wrong, and subconsciously turned her head to look in the direction of a source of sight she sensed. She went, and managed to make eye contact with Annie, who was watching her from a distance.


So, when she saw that it was a bad little girl who was staring at her, she subconsciously exclaimed.



"Miss, what are you looking at?"


After looking at each other and seeing a little consternation and panic in the other's eyes, of course, Annie greeted and waved at the other party.


However, it's alright that Annie didn't say hello. As soon as she said hello, the other party turned around nimbly and directly followed the stairs that were also suspended in mid-air, turned around and ran?



Seeing the other party's actions, Annie couldn't help but feel a little baffled.


After a little surprise, she still reacted very quickly, and immediately rushed to the other side!

"Stop! Don't run!"


Seeing that the other party was about to run away when she saw her, although she didn't know the specific reason, Annie only knew that at this time, it was definitely not wrong for her to catch up and block the other party.

As for why they were chasing, and why the other party wanted to run away, that kind of trivial matter was no longer important.


(● ̄? ̄●)



"Don't run!!"




"Aha! Got you!"

?*. ?(ˊωˋ*)??*.

After chasing for a while along the floating stairs made by the high elves, finally, taking advantage of the other party's unpreparedness, Annie appeared in front of the other party in a flash, and scared the other party's feet. Soft, almost not one end fell under the suspended pavilion.


"what do you want to do?"

After breathing for a while, leaning on the guardrail of the pavilion, she found that Annie didn't mean to attack him, but just stared at him curiously. The man looked only about ten years old, and the whole person was pink and tender, like a fine carving. The black-haired lady who was cut out slowly stood up and asked vigilantly.

At the same time, she could not help shrinking back subconsciously, as if she was afraid of something, and carefully mobilized and guarded the huge magic power in her body.

"Miss, you look familiar!"


"Have people seen you somewhere?"


Annie didn't want to do anything. She just saw that the other party was going to run, so she subconsciously chased after him, and there was no more purpose.

It's just that it's different now. The more she looks, the more she feels that the other party is familiar, so she can't help but ask a little strangely.


"No, no!"

"I haven't seen you..."

Seeing Annie's pressing question, the other party became even more nervous. While answering timidly, he subconsciously stepped back, and he was about to fall out of the floating steps.

"Really not?"


It's a pity that Annie didn't believe the other party's words, but she still looked up and down, and the more she looked, the more and more she felt that she was right. She must have seen the other party somewhere, otherwise, there would never be that familiar feeling.



"I-I don't know you..."

The other party stammered in reply, and seemed to be ready to turn around and run away at any time.

"Really not?"


"If not, what are you afraid of?"



"I-I'm not afraid!"

The other party was a little stubborn, but the body movements of being prepared and ready to escape at any time betrayed her.



"People must have seen you somewhere!"


"Let people think about it..."

??(?? ̄?? ̄?)????

Annie answered firmly, and began to meditate.



But helplessly, even if she stared at the other party's face and looked at it, seeing that the other party was about to turn around and run away, she still couldn't remember where she had seen it.

She can't remember...

However, Annie is quite sure that she must have seen each other somewhere, and it is the kind that has not been a long time between?



"No need to guess."

"It's because of me!"

While Annie was thinking hard and continuing to intimidate the other party, like a street hooligan molesting a good family woman, threatening the young lady who looked a little timid and cunning, at this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in her voice. sounded from behind.

"Hello, Annie..."


"She's my daughter, what, aren't we alike?"

It wasn't anyone who came, it was the legendary great magician Jessica, and the bad guy who had led three heroic spirits to surprise Annie before, and even led a magic railgun and bombarded her. .



"It is you……"


Seeing that Jessica approaching, Annie couldn't help but exclaimed.



"Looking at it this way, it seems to be quite similar!"


Annie began to keep comparing the faces of Jessica who came over and the young lady next to her, and finally found in shock that the faces of the two were unexpectedly similar?

It's just that one looks mature and demure, while the other looks like a little girl.

"Of course it does!"

"She is a magical life that I bred with the method of reincarnation, and can naturally be said to be my daughter."

"This time..."

"We came here to participate in that competition, in order to win the championship and stop your evil deeds that destroy world peace. You shouldn't stop us from participating, right?"


"I did attack you last time..."

Jessica walked over to her 'daughter' and patted the other party on the shoulder, signaling the other party not to be afraid, and then half-truthfully introduced Annie with words.

"Last time?"


"Oh! Was it the one where you were crushed by Tibbers?"


Although Annie felt that the other party was familiar not because of her face, but after being interrupted by the other party, Annie directly put the strange feeling behind her, and never continued to think about where she was and where she was. When have you seen that lady.


Jessica, with a slightly embarrassed expression, opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't answer, she just looked at Annie with a slightly uneasy expression.

After all, now she is in a hostile relationship with the little girl in front of her, but now she is blocked by the other party here. If the other party attacks or calls for help, then the two of them are estimated to have no choice but to capture. .

"Don't worry, people won't mind."


Perhaps seeing the expression on the other's face, Annie smiled and comforted.

Because, ah, Annie had already taken that matter out of her mind. After all, she had already done her revenge on the spot and arrested two guys, so she definitely wouldn't mind it anymore.


Hearing Annie's answer, Jessica breathed a sigh of relief, and the expression on her face gradually relaxed a little bit.


"Can we go now?"

Then, there seemed to be something else in her heart, a little anxious and a little uneasy, and Jessica, who didn't know what she was thinking, hurriedly asked Annie.



"Goodbye Miss!"



Jessica didn't dare to say anything more. She was relieved, she just stretched out her hand and took her so-called 'daughter' little hand and hurriedly turned and walked down the suspended stairs towards the distant street. .



"I always think they are a little weird..."


"never mind!"

ε=('ο'*))) alas

She scratched her head, but Annie, who couldn't remember what was so strange, simply didn't want to.

"No more, Tibbers, let's go to the game!"


Anyway, it's just a small matter, and the competition didn't say that the other party was not allowed to participate, so Annie didn't bother to worry about more, and turned around and left with her little bear, Tibbers, planning to take advantage of today's event. Run to that arena to watch the last game or two before the game is over.


( ̄?? ̄?)

And at this time, while a certain bad girl was walking towards the arena, in a certain competition plane field, the Horde's High King Saurfang, that is, Varok Saurfang In the arena, he was facing off against a certain miserable little girl's apprentice, Illya, and the two Heroic Spirits summoned by the other party.

That's right!

This afternoon, King Saurfang was unfavorable. In the knockout round to determine the top sixty-four, he was drawn to a group with Illya, and Illya just won (punch) her accomplice Luwei yesterday. A powerful mage who has obtained the command spell of the opponent.

So, now comes the very tricky and embarrassing situation for Saurfang:

In front of him are the two powerful Heroic Spirits of the Ruler rank, Joan of Arc, and the Lancer Heroic Spirit girl Medusa with a dark red terrifying chain hook and sickle!

Those two heroic spirits, the power of any of them, I am afraid they are not under him!

And if he wants to win, he must defeat the summoner and the magical girl Illya. However, before defeating the two heroic spirits, he has absolutely no way to approach each other, let alone launch an attack. .

Just now, he tried to charge, slash and fight furiously, and tried to destroy the two heroic spirits first, and then defeat the shameful mage?

The result can be...

He failed. After a hearty battle, facing the young girl Joan of Arc, who was holding a silver iris flag, skilled in combat and impeccable defense, and blocked his violent offensive with a tight gun formation, Medusa, who was distracting him with a charming and strange sound, ended up getting nothing but several **** wounds and bullet holes.


"That green skin!"

"Look at what?"

"Is there anyone here besides you?"

When Saurfang was facing off against Jeanne, who was waiting for him, and Medusa, who was pressing forward, Illya finally couldn't help it. She shouted loudly from a distance, and successfully attracted Saurfang. Er's attention.


"what are you up to?"

Saurfang asked loudly and strangely in that orcish urn-like tone.

Most of them orcs are like that, because they have huge fangs in their mouths, and their mouths cannot be closed or closed tightly. Therefore, in order to pronounce accurately in the case of air leakage, in addition to increasing lung capacity and raising the pitch , there is no way.


"You see, I haven't even shot, and you've already played like this. Is there any point in continuing?"


"Otherwise, you will die here later, but it will be ugly!"

Holding her arms, the magical girl Ilya scolded her to persuade her to surrender.


Saurfang froze for a while, then turned to look at the two Heroic Spirits who had stopped in front of him and did not continue to push him forward, and then frowned and pondered.

"Do not……"

"I reject!"

Soon, Saurfang shook his head.

"An orc, a true orc warrior, should always have only one pursuit in his life, and that is: in the decisive battle with the enemy, a glorious death on the battlefield!"

"Over the years, many orcs among us have not participated in real battles..."

"Peace, that kind of thing, has been with us for many years, and all these years we have been doing nothing..."

"Today, I will teach them with practical actions. In the dictionary of warriors, there will never be the word 'surrender'!"


"Only by fighting, and only by fighting, can we get what we want!!"

Saying that, Saurfang's momentum gradually rose, and the energy of anger began to brew violently in his body.


"and then?"

Ilya frowned, somewhat noncommittal.

She didn't understand that in this situation, the opponent obviously had no chance of winning, but why did he insist? Besides, this is just a game, not a real duel. If you don't win, you just give up. Is it that difficult?


"I'm going to charge!"

"No hesitation!!"

Saurfang tightly grasped the battle axe in his hand, and the fighting intent in his eyes burned like substance.

Whether it's a duel or a competition, warriors must fight with their opponents with the determination to die, and strive to live and win in the dead!

Heaven is on the left, warriors are on the right!

That kind of truth, the tribe's new generation of orcs may not understand too well, but today, Alufal decided that he will use his actions to prove it to them.



"I will give you a splendid funeral!"

Looking at the other party's eyes full of murderous intent, Illya did not persuade, but raised her hand, a silver hair product made of Illya's hair as a medium, the kind of 'white stork knight'. There were dozens of them appearing around her body, and they seemed to be increasing with Illya's movements.

"For the tribe!"


Seeing this, Saurfang didn't delay any longer. First, he roared, and the whole person became violent. Then, while his figure skyrocketed, he charged directly towards the girl with a gun. Heroic spirit.


"Good come!"

Seeing that the other party was rushing towards him, and it seemed that he was planning to launch the final charge, Jeanne did not dare to neglect, so she first gave a coquettish scolding, and then resolutely took the long spear in her hand and the silver iris flag spear. inserted into the ground.

My lord is here! !

Joan of Arc activated her Noble Phantasm, pulled out the long sword around her waist, and activated the 'revelation' at the same time, gaining the nonsensical 'sixth sense' in battle.

It was Joan of Arc's strongest defensive move, and it was also her tribute to that stubborn orc warrior!

Once her silver iris flag gun is on the ground, it can protect units within ten yards of the flag through the blessing of the angel, and can also directly convert all out-of-specification (EX) attacks. Blocked by physical defense.

The only disadvantage is that, raising the flagship of the holy flag, she will no longer be able to move and attack, and can only passively defend in place.

However, from Joan of Arc's point of view, it is enough to deal with the violent charge of the orc warrior, because she is not alone now, there are Medusa and Illya in the distance, so , she doesn't need to think about counterattacks.



At the moment when the flag was planted and the sword was drawn, the furious orc had already rushed to Joan of Arc and raised the terrifying giant axe high.

But he really didn't feel timid, he just prepared a defensive posture, ready to accompany the protection of the Noble Phantasm, and completely block the opponent's next violent attack like a storm, just like she just did before. the same.




When the other party rushed in front of him, when the other party's axe was raised to the highest point, and when he had already smelled the other party's body and the stench from his mouth, it was surprising that Joan of Arc's 'sixth sense', the kind that did not Any reason, no basis for intuition told her: the target of this orc is not her!


"Protect Illya!!!"

So, of course, she turned around immediately, gave up her defense, and shouted towards Medusa not far away.


Just before he was about to hit Joan of Arc and chop it down with an axe, King Saurfang roared, and then he instantly launched a 'Heroic Leap', jumping high in front of Joan of Arc directly before the contact, Then he slammed into the ground eight yards behind the opponent, and at the moment when the slate of the arena was cracked and shattered, he waved his hand, and a battle flag with a tribal emblem behind him was planted on Yili. Ya's side, and then, with a single aid, he once again rushed forward with a thunderous momentum.


"Don't think about it!!"

At this moment, Medusa snorted and suddenly threw out the chain scythe in her hand, letting it intercept Saurfang, who was charging forward again violently, trying to interrupt the opponent's indomitable charge. Stance and buy Ilya time.


Swish! !



What surprised her and Joan of Arc was that the orc didn't mean to stop and block. Instead, he stretched out his hand and while blocking, let Medusa use that terrifying force to throw him over. The sickle cut off his left hand, and at the moment when the blood and the broken arm splashed, he took the opportunity to continue to move forward, rushed to his battle flag, and took advantage of the situation with an axe from the still slightly surprised Ilya's white neck. Swipe away.

Swish! !

As a result, the beautiful little head with long silver hair and red pupils stared in disbelief and flew high with a scarlet blood flower.

next second!






The audience in the entire arena auditorium, especially the orcs, tauren and trolls of the tribe, stood up and raised their arms and shouted wildly.

Because, they saw that their hero, their warrior, the great king of their tribe, Saurfang, succeeded in taking advantage of an extremely violent and ferocious attitude at an absolute disadvantage, and paid the price of an arm. The enemy's carelessness killed it and won the final victory.

puff! !


At the moment when the audience cheered and Saurfang lost his strength and his heart relaxed, they were surprised to see that the little mage whose body was separated and blood was still on his neck suddenly exploded. And instantly turned into a little bit of arcane dust?


mirroring? !

In an instant, Saurfang seemed to understand something, and he turned his head to look at another place, regardless of the broken arm that was still shooting blood from his left hand and the surrounding magical birds.

as expected!

There, he saw that the little girl, the mage, had appeared a hundred meters away at this time.


"Ms. Anne taught us..."

"When facing warriors, never let your true position appear in front of the opponent!"

Poems of Angels! !

After making a face at the stunned Arufal and making such a call, Illya did not give the other party a chance to speak or react, and waved her hand directly to the white stork knights around her arcane mirror image just now. , and instantly shot out countless terrifying light bullet guns, all of which pierced Saurfang's body in different directions.

That's right!

From the very beginning, after Illya summoned Joan of Arc and Medusa, she quietly released the arcane mirror image and laid a trap, and kept her real body hidden in a safer place from beginning to end.

Originally, what she did was just a reserved backhand, and she never thought that she would use it, but who would have thought, the two useless guys, Joan of Arc and Medusa, were still too underestimated, Accidentally, she was forced to use that trap.

But unfortunately, she, Illya, is not the idiot of Shirai Kuroko. She has been playing seriously since the beginning, but she will not stand on the side and watch the fun because she doesn't need to do it herself.

cough! cough!


A large amount of blood was coughed up from his mouth. Then, Saurfang looked at the body that was penetrated by dozens of silver energy long swords, and then looked up at the little girl in the distance and the two who had been supporting the little girl at this time. Named Heroic Spirit, finally After a miserable laugh, a sense of dizziness struck, Saurfang couldn't hold on any longer, and slowly fell to his knees on the ground, drooping his noble skull.

This time, the cheers in the audience stopped abruptly, as if countless people were strangled by their necks.




"Despicable behavior!"


Immediately afterwards, there were boos in the audience, and the audience seemed to have sympathy for the failed Saurfang, especially the orcs, tauren and trolls of those tribes, and so on. He cursed loudly at Illya in the arena.


Ilya obviously heard it. After all, she is standing now, the battle is over, and she is naturally easily affected by not focusing on the situation on the field.

"Thank you for the compliment!"

However, she didn't take it seriously, and even lifted the skirt with both hands and gave a ladylike salute to the audience who abused her.


"I'll invite you to dinner tonight!"

After speaking, Illya didn't care what the noisy audience said, just waved her hand, and under the action of the two Command Spells on her arm, Joan of Arc and Medusa turned into two rays of light. , and then, with another snap of her fingers, the birds 'white stork knights' summoned by her magic with the golden needle and the silver long sword shot by the birds turned into little magic lights and dissipated.

puff! !

Then, Saurfang, who had turned into a **** man at this time, fell forward on the cold floor of the arena under the onlookers of the large group of paladins and priests who appeared on the field of play. .


?°(°ˉ??ˉ?°)°? Asking for a monthly pass, these two days are a bit busy.

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