Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1820: (●'?'●)?? Traveling Witch

In the blue sky above a certain piece of sand dunes in Alusaria continent, a girl riding on a flying broom appeared. At this time, she was excited and looking forward to looking forward, moving forward at a very fast speed. Cyclonus was flying.

And the traveler whose beauty and talent radiated light from a distance, even the bright sun in the sky couldn't help but be a little inferior, and even the yellow sand on the ground was forbidden to be jealous of the traveler, who was constantly emitting amazing heat, who was it?

That's right!

That person is none other than the traveling witch, I——Irena!


A certain person is facing the hot wind, looking at the scenery ahead, looking at the endless yellow sand dunes, with long gray hair fluttering in the wind, blue eyes, black robes, and the same color. Irena, a girl with a witch hat, a white bottoming shirt with a yellow bow at the neckline, and a bear head brooch symbolizing the witch on her left chest, just like this, she narcissistically praised in her own heart.

However, narcissism is narcissism, but the sky is still really hot, so that her thin white shirt has become wet and stuck to the white and greasy skin of her chest, and you can even see a little bit of it. The arc of the chest is out.

Moreover, since she was flying at high speed on a broom, she had to cover the witch hat on her head with her other hand while holding the tail of the broom with one hand. Otherwise, it would have to Couldn't be blown away by that gust of wind.

At this time, just like a rude little girl teacher who knew about wandering around all day, Irena also did not go to the game today, but directly flew away from the floating island with her broom and crossed the sea. Came to the desert area of ​​this continent.

In fact, Irena has never been interested in that competition, but she is very enthusiastic about travel, and this is that she accepts the call to come to this world, she refuses to participate in life or death, but she is not in a hurry Main reason for leaving.

In recent days, she has been going back at night, and during the day she is down and wandering around the continent of Elusaria, observing and exploring the unique scenery, folklore, Human feelings, historical documents, and various unique urban relics, etc.

As for the game, she just casually looked at the battle report when she went back to know who won and who lost, or who stood out.

Anyway, even Hermione, who lives in the same room with her, doesn't really know what she's doing recently. She prepares to attend dinner parties every day and is never absent. I'm afraid the other party still thinks she is on the floating island. Wandering around in the city, or going to watch that game every day?

Naturally, those things don't matter, what matters right now is: the further you fly, the higher the temperature, especially in such a broad day when you're wearing a black witch robe!

Therefore, Irena couldn't take it anymore, she felt that she must solve the current predicament as soon as possible.


"It's so hot..."

Covering her brows with the brim of the witch's hat, Irena squinted again and glanced at the scorching hot sun in the sky.

Then, she looked at the continuous sand dunes under her feet that, although they were flying by at a fast speed, did not reflect heat at all, and finally, Irena, who was tortured by the heat wave, couldn't take it anymore.


"If this goes on like this, I'm going to be roasted to death..."

"No, I have to rest for a while."


"Have it!"

"There seems to be a desert town there!!"

So, after using the eagle eye technique to look forward for a while, Irena soon discovered a small town located in a valley next to Shashuo, and there seemed to be shadow activities, knowing that there might be residents and In the resting place, she held on to her broom, made it turn slightly, galloped towards that place and landed.




"It's just that this water is a little hard to drink..."

"never mind!"

Half an hour later, Irena finally let out a long sigh of relief after eating the special food she ordered and drinking the large glass of well water in one gulp, with a rare expression on her face. A flush of satisfaction appeared.

This is a small yellow sand town with only a few residents, probably only about a thousand people, and it mainly produces some precious ores that are not found elsewhere. Perhaps, that is the real reason why it is still maintained and has not been completely removed. Bar?


While putting down the cup, Irena also discovered that she seemed to be surrounded by people here.

There were quite a few little boys around, men and women honestly, and some cramped-looking young brothers were hiding at the door and window edge of the shop and peeping at her, and some even pointed and said something in some slang.

However, Irena didn't care.

After she had eaten and drank enough, she just patted her hat, patted the yellow sand stained above, stood up, and walked towards the counter casually.

After all, it is normal to be surrounded by others as beautiful as Irena, a genius like her, who combines wisdom and beauty, but...

Anyway, even in this small shop, the place was really hot enough that she just wanted to leave quickly!


"Hey! Boss!"

"How do you sell these fruits?"

Suddenly, Irena saw a basket of strange fruits on the counter. There were two in the meal she just ordered, and they tasted pretty good, so she decided to ask.

"A half-frame of a gold coin!"

The boss did not hesitate, and directly stated the price.


"So expensive?!"

Hearing this, Irena was startled, and subconsciously protected her purse that was gradually withering.

However, since this is a desert with few products, she endured it, and decided to stop eating that kind of rotten fruit, and pay the bill first. As for the fruit, can you think about it before going back in the evening?

After all, her teacher's palace has everything in it, and there are plenty of fruits. Some are produced in the continent of Alusaria, and some are simply shipped from Pandaria in the world of Azeroth. , so, she is not too rare for these things in front of her.



"One silver coin for a glass of water?"


"Why don't you go grab it?!"

Soon, when checking out, seeing the price written on the bill, Irena finally couldn't help but burst out. She patted the counter and stared angrily at the profiteer with reddish-brown skin and looked a little thin. road.

"Guest, you misunderstood..."

"It's different from the outside. Here in our town, there is only one well for water. Except for the local residents who have one bucket per household per day, they can only distribute less than ten buckets of water to those passing traders. To sell a gold coin!"

"In my store, there is only one barrel of ration a day. Do you think it is expensive?"

"Also, don't you know, guests, many merchants may have to wait for several days or even half a month in order to save enough water for the return flight."

"And if it weren't for the fact that you were a new face, or if the latest batch of vendors had just left, I wouldn't be willing to just sell you that big glass of water."

"Here we have to drink water sparingly!"

Facing Irena's questioning and scolding, the boss seemed to have become accustomed to it, and after explaining the situation, he directly questioned and complained.

After all, this is a desert, food and water are very precious, especially water, but the other party has come to the desert to eat and drink, where can there be cheap?

"So it is!"

After thinking about it, Irena, who felt that the other party was justified, couldn't help but nodded, feeling that she was really making a fuss just now.



"If I sell you water, a bucket, how much can you pay?"

Irena, who was about to pay the bill, suddenly asked.

Recently, because of traveling everywhere, she has spent a lot of various expenses, so that the economy can't bear it.

After all, she is not that kind of poor travel girl. Every time she goes to a place, she spends a lot of money on food, drink and shopping, so gradually, her wallet is empty, so that the Misaka two days ago When Mikoto wanted to borrow money from her, she searched all over her body, and only took out a few gold coins?

Therefore, if she wants to continue traveling, if she doesn't want to ask her little teacher for money while eating and sleeping for free, then Irena must find a way to get some quick money as soon as possible. Just enrich yourself!

And now, isn't the water that the boss mentioned just now a huge business opportunity?


"You came with a caravan and transported water?"

As he spoke, he was stunned for a moment, and then the boss subconsciously wanted to stretch his head out and look at the dazzlingly bright yellow sand town street outside the shop, wanting to see what Irena's caravan was. Where.


"Don't look at it, there is no caravan!"

Irena stopped the other party and asked impatiently with her arms crossed.

"Just say it!"

"How much would you give me if I filled all of your barrels?"

She came alone on a broom, and there was no caravan at all. As for how to get the water out, it was her own business, and it had nothing to do with the other party.

"you are serious?"


"Okay, let me take a look..."

"There are twenty-four empty barrels here, and if you really have a way to fill them, I'll give you eight... no, ten gold coins!"

The boss calculated it, hesitated for a while, finally gritted his teeth, and extended a full two slaps before adding.


"You don't have to pay for this meal."

Here, food and water are the hard currency, and money is second. This is the main reason why those traders who come here from thousands of miles to sell minerals are willing to pay a lot of money to buy well water that is worthless outside. .


"Then you can sell at least twenty-four?"

"You profiteer!!"

Irena was a little angry, because the other party clearly wanted to take advantage of her so much, did she still think she was the kind of ignorant?


Back to anger, thinking that she had no channels and didn't know who to sell to, she still took out her short wand angrily and walked to the front of the wooden barrels.

"Clear spring like water!"

After watching it for a while, Irena didn't care whether the barrels were clean or not, she just used a simple spell, and then, while the boss was stunned, the empty barrels were filled one after another. Buckets of clean water.



"Give the money!!"

Soon, when twenty-four empty wooden barrels were filled with overflowing clear spring water and wet the floor, Irena turned around with a grin in relief, and rudely stretched out towards the boss. Out of her slender jade hand.


The boss didn't pay, but rushed to a wooden barrel for the first time, and drank it with his hands.

"It's really water!"

"So sweet!"

But after discovering that it was indeed water, and it was the kind of sweet and clear spring water, which was better and clearer than their desert well water full of caustic soda, he was instantly stunned.

"Is it still fake?"

"Give me the money!"

"Okay, ten gold coins!"

Irena, who was a little crazy about money, continued to urge her, and laughed until her eyes were about to curl up.


"Are you a witch?"

Finally, the boss realized something, and asked directly and cautiously.

"Do not!"

"I am a witch!"

"Give me the money!"

Irena corrected and urged again.



"I'll get it for you!"

The boss thought about it for a while. He didn't know the difference between a witch and a witch, but he didn't want to be rude. He went straight to the counter and quickly took out two stacks of golden cans. of gold coins and put them on the counter.


"Thank you so much then!"

Irena smiled happily, and as soon as she stretched out her hand, she pulled them into her pocket.

This is good, at least a few days of travel expenses.

Moreover, she has decided to write down this place in her diary when she goes back at night and calculate the coordinates, and then, wait for the next time, when she has no money to travel for a while, will she do it again?


"Witches like you are really easy enough to make money..."

Shaking his head, looking at Irena's proud and excited face, the boss picked up the bucket lids to cover the wooden buckets, and at the same time, he didn't forget to turn his head and sighed at Irena with some heartache. ,


"Do you know how hard it is to be a witch?"


"Here, there is too little water vapor in the air. Usually, if you only need one part of magic power to fill a bucket of water, now you need at least three to four parts!"

Magic can't make water out of thin air, magic is just a kind of energy, and their witches use magic to make water, just by consuming energy to liquefy the water vapor in the air into water, so, in this desert Gobi , the magic power that needs to be spent must be more than other places.

"That magic power is almost enough to blow your town down with a fireball!"

Irena said angrily.

If she is the kind of devil who is evil and does all kinds of evil, she can destroy this place with one fire, and then all the gold, silver and jewelry here will be hers alone. Earn ten gold coins?


Sure enough, the boss took a step back in fright.

"Guest, you are joking..."

Immediately afterwards, he was speechless, and found that Irena was just joking and making analogies, and didn't really choose to do that terrible thing, and he laughed slyly.


"Ask you, this place on the map, where is it?"

"do you know?"

After eating for nothing and making a small profit, Irena, who was about to leave, suddenly remembered something else. Then, she directly took out a map and photographed it on the counter.


"here is……"

"The frontier fortress of the ancient Bardia Kingdom?"

"But the place was abandoned hundreds of years ago. What are you doing there?"

After looking at the map and receiving instructions from Irena, the boss quickly understood where the marked point was.

"Guest, you'd better not go."

"That place is very far from here. It will take many days to walk from the desert!"

"You don't know yet, do you?"

"Back then, the frontier army of the Bardia Kingdom fought a war with the barbarians there, and a lot of people died. Now there are those demonized monsters and undead everywhere. I advise you not to go there. "

"Very dangerous!"

Immediately afterwards, the boss kindly persuaded and explained the situation to Irena as clearly as possible.

"thank you for your kindness!"

"However, I'm still going!"

"I'm flying, and I should be there soon. Besides, I'm a powerful witch, so I'm not afraid of those monsters and undead!"

Saying that, Irena puffed out her chest proudly.

Thanks to some nasty little girl teacher and, of course, maybe some nasty bear?

Anyway, Irena's actual combat experience is very rich, and the level of magic is far beyond that of ordinary archmages, so she has never paid attention to the terrible monsters and undead that the boss said.

"Stop talking!"

"It's so hot here, it's unbearable!"

"Just say where it is!"

While talking to this reddish-brown-skinned old man, another layer of fine beads of sweat appeared on her neck, so Irena couldn't wait to get out of here and find the place on the map .

If she moved faster, she might be able to get back in time before dinner?

"To the northwest."

"Walk along a dry riverbed for seven or eight days, and when you see a large fortress ruins covered in yellow sand, you should arrive."

"How long will it take you to fly, then I can't guarantee it."

The old man rarely sees people flying to their After all, those flying birds and griffins are too expensive, plus they can't pull heavy goods, plus those merchants are not A very rich person, so he really can't figure out how long it will take for the other party to fly there.



"Do you have any specialties here?"

"Like that kind of delicious food?"

Irena, who was about to go out, suddenly turned back, dropped a gold coin and lifted the box of fruit, and asked with a smile.

Irena decided to bring some of the desert specialties back to the little teacher who comforted her. After all, she had eaten and slept in the palace for so long, so she always had to get some specialties. to give back.

Just like....

Among the things she ate just now, some of them were like dried fruits, and they tasted pretty good. She believed that her lousy little girl teacher who liked snacks would definitely be interested. of.

"Ahead, at the street corner!"

"There is a lame old lady who sells all kinds of specialties. You outsiders should like her."

The boss did not hesitate, and directly pointed his finger in the other direction.


After finishing speaking, Irena used magic to put away the box of fruits, then turned her head and walked away, leaving only a faint scent of sweat in this dilapidated shop where merchants rested for food and supplies.



"Guest! That's two golds..."

Looking at the gold coins left by Irena, and thinking about the weight of the box of preserved fruit just now, the old man just wanted to chase it out, but, thinking that he seemed to be able to make a lot of money from the other party, he paused, and finally stopped. Still stopped.


(?ω?) Monthly Pass

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