Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1875: ?*. ?(?)??*? Battle Ritual (5…

(Report! Dear little master, Xiao is not a powerful bear, Xiao is a real and powerful shadow bear!)

(● ̄? ̄●)

(At the moment when a bad little master just flashed to the ground and appeared on the lamenting sand dune full of scarlet corruption in front of Ratan, Tibbers hurriedly opened his mouth to protest and plead. Although, the bear and the shadow bear are also bears, but the difference between the two is still quite big, anyway, it will not admit that it has anything in common with the animal named bear point, and even more unwilling to be treated as a 'bear' by its little master.)



Of course, Annie didn't pay any attention to the protest of her stupid bear, she just blinked her big eyes, and after roaring at the one in front, she started to bury her head and devour the corpse again. Ratan, who knew what he was looking for, stared hard.



"Shu Mi, how are you!"


After a while, realizing that the other party hadn't seen her yet, Annie kindly waved at the other party and said hello.




The next second, when Star Broken General Ratan turned his head and saw a little girl with thin skin and tender flesh who was standing pretty on the sand dune while waving at him, he suddenly roared, and then As soon as he raised his hand, the huge and terrifying star-shattering sword suddenly smashed towards the opponent, without the slightest hint of pity.

boom! ! !

The moment the gravel splashed, the airflow expanded, and the scarlet corruption spores were blown away, Annie was directly smashed by a sword and disappeared in place.


Seeing this, the irritable and like a beast, the Star Broken General Ratan, who can't even speak, seems to have some doubts.


So much so that he first looked at his weapon, then sniffed hard, and found that there was no smell of blood on the weapon, then he suddenly stepped forward and stretched out his hand to grab the big hole that he had just smashed into the hollow. , I don't know what I want to find.




First, he slammed the sand dunes several times in anger, spread the sand everywhere, and dug a big hole, but in the end he still couldn't find what he was looking for, and the beast-like Latan suddenly stopped. He came down, and then raised his arms and raised his arms and shouted wildly, making a roar like a beast.





"What are you looking for, is something missing?"


At this moment, a certain crisp voice suddenly sounded, causing Ratan, who was about to roar for a while, to froze instantly, and the movement of that mouth had to stop abruptly.



When he slowly lowered his head, he was stunned to discover that the 'corpse' of the little girl he was looking for just now was standing beside the big hole he just pulled out, and he went to the hole curiously. Li Chou, while casting a questioning look at him strangely?


It's too late to say it!

Finding that the fresh 'food' that he hadn't found just now appeared in front of him again, Star Fragment Ratarn did not hesitate at all, but directly reached out and grabbed Annie fiercely.


!! (?▽??)?

I flash!

What a joke, who is Her Lady Queen Anne, and how could she be easily caught by the other party? So, just a flash, Annie disappeared in place and appeared in the distance.

"You can't catch it!"


Then, Annie, who appeared in the distance, stood playfully on a dilapidated shield, tiptoed, and made a big grimace towards Ratan from a distance.


After being sluggish for a while, then, being provoked by Annie again, how could the broken star general Ratan, who only had the instinct of the beast, bear it?


Then, as a matter of course, I saw that he first roared, and then raised the two terrifying broken star swords in his hand, and at the same time that purple lightning was swirling around them, he violently slammed them into the air. It hit the dunes and poured the power of lightning directly into the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the few stones containing the power of purple lightning were shaken out of the sand dunes by his violent blow.


Under the control of his gravitational magic, the stones shrouded in the power of lightning, with a wave of his hand, slammed into the head of a little girl who was still smiling.



"It turns out that there is still magic..."


"But it's still too stupid!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

The other party used that kind of boring gravity magic to control that kind of lightning stone attack, but it was not taken seriously by Annie at all.


As Annie waved her hand, a small blue magic circle appeared in front of her.

Then, the arcane barrage blasted out!

In the next instant, several arcane energy arrows were launched from the small blue arcane array, which directly intercepted and shattered the purple lightning gravity stones from the opponent.



However, at this time, Annie was not happy, and when she looked up, she found that...

The big man who just attacked him with a gravitational lightning ball didn't know when he had turned into a fiery red flame and crashed toward him from the sky.



As a last resort, Annie hurriedly flashed and left the place again.

boom! ! !

After that loud noise, the roar of the sand and stone splashing and the fire soaring into the sky, the burly figure of the general of the broken star Ratan reappeared on the ground.


Once again, Ratan, who was surrounded by purple lightning, slowly straightened his body, and then with those bloodthirsty and chaotic eyes, he fiercely glared at Annie who had appeared farther away.




ε=('ο'*))) alas

"People still don't play with you!"


Annie understood, the opponent had been tortured by the scarlet corruption to the point of losing his mind, and now only the instinct like a beast and various fighting skills carved into his bones were left. There must be no normal communication, so she decided to end this boring process as soon as possible.


It's a pity that Ratan didn't know what Annie was thinking. First, he slapped his own two weapons abruptly to trigger the lightning, and then jumped backwards. Then, he instantly turned into a purple lightning spiral, and slammed into the direction of the lightning bolt. Annie rushed over.

"it's useless!"


In a flash, Annie appeared in another place, letting the other party's terrifying attack vanish once again.



However, Annie was a little surprised that the other party seemed to have predicted her prediction.

Is this not?

The big man actually flew high into the sky after missing a hit, and then, at an even faster speed, once again instantly transformed into a purple lightning spiral and bombarded her who had just finished flashing.

Rumble boom! ! !

In an instant, purple lightning filled a radius of hundreds of meters, and at the same time, suspended purple lightning stones were shaken out from the ground.


Then, finding that his attack was still in vain, Ratan roared angrily in a low voice, scanning the surroundings viciously with his crazy bloodthirsty eyes, as if trying to find the figure of some hateful enemy and use the The dozens of lightning stones that were shaken out attacked.



However, what Ratann didn't expect was that at this time, Annie had appeared in the sky directly above him, staring at him angrily.

"Tibbers, come on, hit him!!"


Then, without waiting for the other party to discover her, Annie didn't hesitate any longer, and threw the bear in her hand towards the other party's head.


Gu Qi

At this time, Ratan, the strongest demigod with beast-like intuition and strong fighting instinct, seemed to have noticed the abnormality.

Then, without looking at it, he waved the big sword in his hand, and the dozens or hundreds of purple lightning stones floating around him suddenly bombarded the top of his head under his gravitational magic. go up.


??????:Roar! ! !

It's a pity, at this moment, Tibbers, who was dropped by Annie, suddenly became bigger, and swelled to a circle larger than that of the general of the broken star, Ratan, and at the same time directly blocked all those people with his body. After the purple lightning stone, he did not lose his strength and sat down at the unprepared Ratan!

boom! ! !


Ah! Ah! Ah!

Afterwards, Tibbers, the giant bear sitting on Ratan's body, first burned with raging flames, and then raised its fist, which was bigger than a basket, just like when it beat a certain green-skinned giant back then. As always, he punched the opponent's head, chest, neck, eyes, etc. fiercely with punch after punch.


And of course Ratan, who was attacked, would not admit defeat easily!


I saw him roaring fiercely, and after finding that the weapon could not attack the enemy at such a close distance and could not easily escape from the trap, he simply threw away the two swords, and then lay on the ground like that, sitting next to him. A bear with his chest pressed against him threw fists at each other.



Ah! Ali!

It's a pity that Tibbers didn't pay attention to the other's boring physical attack at all, and you still hurt and beat each other with each other.




At this time, on the section of the fortress wall of the Red Lion City facing the beach, including Knight Jillian, everyone's eyes were almost taken off the ground.

Obviously, they never imagined that the most powerful demigod, their star-shattering general Ratan, who was the most powerful demigod by dozens of heroes from all over the borderland, was at this time being attacked by such a small How many rounds did the girl press on the sand dunes and beat up?

Although, it is not the little girl who is fighting with their general Ratan, but just a summoned object that is burning with flames carried by the other party, but, even so, from the previous fight between the two Judging from the past few rounds and the current situation, it is not difficult for them to judge that the little girl must be a powerful mage whose strength is no less than that of the strongest demigod Ratan!


beep! beep!

At this time, above the sand dunes, a certain bear still punched Ratan's head with undiminished speed, frequency and strength, until the two horns on the opponent's horn helmet were broken and shattered. , smashing Ratan's counter-attacks slower and weaker, causing the opponent's helmet to deform and fall off, and it didn't mean to stop at all.

After a few minutes……

Finally, Ratan completely stopped fighting with the giant bear, and the pair of originally strong and powerful arms also slumped to the beach, as if giving up resistance completely.

And after a few minutes, the flame giant, who didn't seem to be hooked and didn't want to stop at all, had to stop his hand and slowly stand up after hearing the little girl's order and shouting. .


"Is it all over?"

Seeing that the respected General Ratan in his family was beaten into such a miserable state, and seeing that the other party could only lie on the ground and gasp weakly, although he felt very sorry in his heart, the knight Jellian did not. A rare sigh of relief.

After all, that was what they were looking forward to, and now, the nightmarish roar and wailing of the beast was finally coming to an end.



"Are you OK?"


After first ordering Tibbers, the bear cub, to stop, then Annie quickly jumped to the other side.


!? (?\'\'??)?

"Tibbers beat you so badly?"


"It looks so pathetic!"

ε=('ο'*))) alas

Then, after seeing the other party's helmet crooked to the side and showing the bruised nose and swollen face, she might not recognize her mother when she came, and she sighed hypocritically.



Then Annie held out her hand towards him.




Therefore, all the onlookers, such as the soldiers and knights of the Red Lion City, stood upright and saluted solemnly, while those heroes who were seriously injured and struggled to stand up under Ratan's attack, such as the warrior pot Alexander and the werewolf Blazer looked towards Annie one after another, thinking that when the strongest demigod general was about to be killed by her and get the big rune...


"Holy Light, they ordered you to heal him immediately..."


Suddenly, as a strong golden light lit up, something unexpected happened to everyone:

That nasty little girl, after finally defeating Star Broken General Ratan, did not send him that 'honorable death' as ​​promised, but used some unknown healing god. Do you want to treat him directly?

"Do not!!!"

"Are you crazy?"

"Scarlet corruption cannot be cured with divine magic..."

Almost at the same time, the knight Jerlian on the city wall of the fortress was so frightened that he couldn't control his emotions, and roared angrily at the bottom of the Weeping Dune while lying on the city wall.



It's a pity, and I don't know if it's because of the distance, a little girl who is so bad, as if she can't hear it, still acts as she will, until the open hand of Latan suddenly moved. , she slowly withdrew the golden magic and took two steps back.

"All right!"


"Shu Mi, you should be fine, can you sit up?"


With that said, Annie turned her head to look at the skinny horse lying on the sand dune moaning not far away, and was considering whether to heal her as well.


"go to hell!"


Ratan, who had just opened his eyes, saw a red figure standing beside him after seeing the red for the first time. At the same time, he directly grabbed the weapon beside him and slashed towards the red figure with one sword.

He didn't know who it was, but he saw it, it was a red figure, and he had just taken away his own big rune, so the other party was probably the wicked Valkyrie Malenia!


The giant sword swung from the waist of the red figure!

Unfortunately, his sudden attack failed, and the red figure gradually dissipated, and what he hit was just an afterimage.



"What do you want?!"


This time, Annie was a little angry.

You know, she managed to cure the other party, and even expelled the scarlet corruption, but the other party was so actually wanted to avenge her kindness and revenge?

If that's the case, then she will have to let Tibbers beat him a few more times!




It was clear in Ratan that it was not the Valkyrie Marenia who had just captured his big rune, but a strange little girl in a red dress. When he was about to summon his warhorse, he planned to let it carry him to pursue the opponent. When something even more unexpected happened:

On the Weeping Dunes full of scarlet corruption, a beautiful full moon appeared out of thin air.


A sassy, ​​heroic and beautiful female mage walked out of the full moon step by step like that.


"Latan, back off!"

Then, she just stood between a little girl who was going to fight back and the star-shattering general Ratan who had just mounted her skinny horse. Rathann reprimanded coldly.


"Mother, mother, mother, mother..."


Ratan stopped, stammering and exclaiming.

Because ah, the one who appeared in front of him at this time was not the mother who fell into madness because of his father Radagan's betrayal and departure, but only hid in the big library, unwilling to fight, and unwilling to contact anyone. Who is Reinara, Queen of the Full Moon?


o(??▽??)o? Remember the monthly pass?


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