Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1876: (*/?\*) The reborn ?Ni?

The mournful music team of the Red Lion City was disbanded on the second day of the festival. After receiving a lot of money, the mournful musicians and chanting musicians immediately transferred to the festival band happily. Instead, he began to play and sing the joyous and joyful strings.

Because, the most powerful demigod of the Red Lion City, the star-shattered general Ratan, who was eroded by the scarlet corruption of the Valkyrie Malenia in the Shattered War and gradually lost his mind, has returned.

That's right!

The patron saint of this Gayleid field, the strongest demigod who is powerful and loved by the people, finally got rid of the terrible scarlet corruption, and returned to the red lion in a state of sobriety that no one could have imagined. in the city.

It is said that it was because the Queen of the Full Moon came forward, invited a powerful and mysterious Arcane Archmage and healed General Ratan?

And ah, that powerful and mysterious Arcane Archmage is also the savior of the Nimgford region, the new king who defeated the demigod Greek, the king of grafting, and merged into Stonevale City?

Of course, there are not many people who know about the specific situation.

But anyway, that kind of thing is not important for the time being. What is important right now is: Star Fragment General Ratan of Red Lion City is back, and, I heard, Star Fragment General has also found a way to heal and dispel the scarlet corruption?

Without a doubt, it was another great event to celebrate!

People in the Red Lion City want to come, and soon, their veteran O'Neill and those compatriots who have been tortured by scarlet corruption, as well as the fertile Gayleid wilderness eroded by scarlet corruption, will definitely gradually return to normal, changed back to the way it was before.

And that is the real reason why the entire Red Lion City held a grand celebration ceremony today, and the soldiers and civilians of the whole city took to the streets to sing, dance and cheer.

As for yesterday's battle ceremony that was going to send the strongest demigod General Ratan to death, of course, it had to be announced in a hurry, and no one had mentioned it.

In the same way, the 'heroes' from all over the borderland who are still alive, the survivors of the Great Rune who originally planned to 'kill the gods' and acquire General Ratan, naturally have no face to stay here any longer. . Those people, most of them left the Red Lion City in a dreary night last night, with their own regrets or some kind of complicated emotions, and left the terrifying sand dunes that they would never forget for the rest of their lives.


At this time, on the fortress of the Red Lion City, on the terrace of the tallest spire at the top of the main castle, the heroic, beautiful and sassy full moon Queen Reinara was talking to someone who had received warm hospitality and was full of food and drink. When the little girl came here, they stood side by side in front of the guardrail, looking at the street below where the lights were lit up and the flags fluttered, and the soldiers and civilians of the Red Lion City were immersed in laughter and laughter.

"Thank you……"

"Annie, the Kalia royal family owes you another huge debt, and I don't know how to repay it now."

Looking at the beaming Red Lion City, listening to the festive string music that was completely different from yesterday, thinking about myself and my daughters being rescued by Annie, and my son Rathan was also rescued last night from the terrible She was freed from the scarlet corruption, thinking that Annie had generously taught Ratann's magical holy light to heal scarlet corruption, the full moon queen Reinara was so moved that she didn't know what to say.


"Thank you very much, really!"


"From now on, the Kalia royal family will be your most reliable and firm backing, but if necessary, the members of the royal family and the people of the territory will go through fire and water!"

In the end, after thinking about it, considering that Annie didn't seem to need any actual thank you, there was no way, while Reinara secretly kept it in her heart, she had to give such an empty promise so slightly ashamed.



"Aunt Reinara, don't mind too much, those are just trivial matters, it really doesn't matter!"


Annie waved her hand indifferently, and continued to stand on the guardrail and look down at the red lion city that looked like a Chinese New Year.

"People were in a good mood at that time, so I'll help out by the way!"


"It's just a small problem anyway, it's really not in the way."


Yes, Anne was in a good mood and that was the point.

After all, last night, she was very happy watching those people fight, and in the end, when she had to play, Tibbs was also quite comfortable, and then, at that time, she thought that the big man was Aunt Lenala's son, So I did a little help, and it's no big deal!


Of course, Annie wouldn't say it. She actually saw someone hiding in the dark, watching secretly, worrying about the big man all the time, looking a little pitiful and making her a little blind, so , before finally deciding to help?


"But, thank you anyway."

Full Moon Queen Reinara's eyebrows moved slightly, but in the end, she was still moved and said sincerely.

In her opinion, no matter what Annie's original intention was, anyway, she only knew that the Kalia royal family owed Annie a great deal of kindness, and it wasn't just because of their friendship.

She had to give that promise no matter what, and was determined to pay it back when Annie needed it!





"Aunt Reinara, the big guy in your family has already healed his feet. Why does he still abuse his skinny horse?"


At this moment, Annie suddenly pointed to a certain street in the Red Lion City.

There, she had just seen from afar, that the star-shattering general Ratan was riding his bony-looking poor purplish-red horse that was bearing a weight that life should not bear in the street. Parade the streets and be cheered by the people and soldiers.

As for that horse, although Annie gave the other party a treatment yesterday, it is still skinny now, but the other party rode it out again, which made her think, that big Ratan, is it right? Have a habit of cruelty to small animals?

If so, maybe, it's time for Aunt Reinara, the mother-in-law, to give each other a good spanking and a lesson?

Although, Annie herself often abuses her own bear, but her bear Tibbers is not a small animal, and he is still the kind of existence that can't be beaten to death. A skinny horse is not the same, it will be squashed at some point!




"You mean that horse..."


"That's a real problem, but it doesn't matter!"

"When the time comes, I will let Ratan take it to the big library of the Magic Academy when I have time, where I can make that horse born again, and Kalia's exploration of life allows me to put It's stronger and taller, or better suited to his size?"

Looking at it, I feel that my son is so old to ride such an old, ugly and thin horse is indeed a bit not good, so after thinking about it, full moon queen Reinara ordered Nodding, she felt that she should do a little favor for her son.

That's not difficult for her. Although Kalia and the academy's research on artificial life has not been very good, but if it is just to transform a horse to change the other's size and strength, that degree of can still be achieved.

In fact, with the help of Annie, let alone a horse, even a normal life Reinara can be created directly!

However, in view of the large number of daughters she stayed in the academy, she felt that it was better not to touch those taboo rules in a short period of time, and it would be better not to easily give birth to a new life alone.


"Annie, you know what?"

"Latan and his horse have a different relationship with him!"

After a pause, Leinara suddenly began to slowly tell the story of Ratan growing up with that horse and the story between them.

It turned out that the horse had been with Ratan when he was young, but... Later, as Ratan became bigger and stronger, the horse was very good for ordinary people. The 'pony', who was said to be fairly strong, could no longer carry his weight and strength.


In order not to abandon his beloved horse, Ratan had never had any talent for magic. He was a hundred and eight thousand miles away from La Ni, but he really made up his mind and went to Selia resolutely to go to the same white man. Wang learned gravity magic in order to live and die with his beloved horse?

As a result, he really learned!

That kind of thing, thinking about it now, even the full moon queen Reinara, who is at the top of the magic world in this world, has some emotions and sighs.

Sometimes, she even thought that Ratan's relationship with the skinny horse might have been better than his relationship with her own mother?

To be honest, if I hadn't known that the horse was extremely loyal to him, if I hadn't seen its performance last night, and I had heard that La Tahn's feet were cut off by that wicked breed of Valkyrie Malenia, he was still fighting for La Thorn. If Tarn never leaves, she still carries the weight of Ratan, maybe, she has the heart that she has stewed with it now.

"So this is ah!"


After listening, Annie nodded, knowing that Ratan was not abusing animals, she reluctantly gave up the thought of wanting to punish the other party.



"Aunt Reinara, where is Celia, he wants to learn magic, why don't he go directly to the magic academy to learn from you?"


At this moment, Annie suddenly thought of a question and asked strangely.

"Find me?"

"No, I am proficient in full moon and star spells. The pyroxene magic that controls gravity is one of the origin magics, and it is also the key to your ability to challenge and seal the stars, Ratan, but I am not good at that."

Gu Xun

However, hearing Annie's words, Queen Full Moon shook her head with a wry smile and told the reason.

"As for Celia, it's a magic town, right in the middle of the Galid Fields."

"Now I don't know what's going on there. I haven't left the big library for a long time. If you're interested, Annie, can you go to Ratan and the others to ask?"

Seria's current situation is really not very clear to Leinara. Besides, there has been no communication between Rhea Lucaria Academy of Magic and Seria due to the seal for a long time, plus her own state during that time. , so she really didn't know, and didn't ask.

"What is the origin magic?"


Annie wasn't in a hurry about Celia or something, so she just continued to ask questions she was interested in.

"Original magic..."


"That should start with the oldest race in the borderland."

Originally, the Queen of the Full Moon did not intend to talk about it, because those things were recorded in detail in the large library of the Rhea Lucaria School of Magic. If you want to know, you can read it directly, she will definitely not stop of.


Since she was idle now, and since Annie was still so curious, after thinking about it, she opened her mouth slowly and relayed what she still remembered:

Rumor has it...

Before the arrival of the golden tree standing behind the royal city, the continent at the border originally belonged to the mighty ancient dragon clan?

At that time, the dragon king Platton Shanks and his **** Fam Yazra in the clouds overlooked all living beings, and there were many races living on the continent below the clouds, such as the northern giant tribe, which still exists today, Southern barbarian warriors, low-IQ clay figurines, half-humans and ant-man, etc.

And in the world under the ground that no one knows about, there is another mysterious race, that is, the night people.

The night people have almost exactly the same appearance features as humans, however, whether it is because they live underground, their skin is a morbid gray?

Maybe it has something to do with the beliefs of the night people. Unlike the initial human belief in the sun, the night people live underground. When they lose the sunlight, they naturally bathe in the starlight underground and begin to believe in the stars in the night sky. .

Maybe it's because of the living environment, maybe because of the belief of starlight, in short, the blood of the night people lost its color and turned into a kind of silver called 'platinum', which is also the source of the name of the platinum family. .

Naturally, those things are of little importance. The important thing is that because the night people are born with the talent to connect with the stars, soon, the night people who are indifferent to the world will build a huge royal city in the underground that is also indifferent to the world. Its name is - 'Eternal City'.

The real name of the original Eternal City has not been verified, but, it is said that its original location is located at the root of the current golden tree?

Just like that, the night people began to observe the starry sky in depth in the eternal city, and tried to find the truth of the mysterious night sky.

In an accidental observation, the night people peeped the meteors scattered over the junction, so they collected the fragments of those meteors, and soon realized the origin of the stars and created the 'Pyroxene magic' is called the origin of magic.

And as far as Reinara knows, the oldest origin magic, the 'Creating Star Shower', one of the 'legendary magic', is the starting point of pyroxene magic, or at least one of the starting points?

It is a magical magic that can conjure up the dark nebula, and make the origin that stargazers see into reality, and drop the star amber on the junction. The power is very terrifying!


It is very dangerous to trace the origin of pyroxene, and beyond the stars, there are both destructive meteors, dark comets, of course, the full moon of Leinara and the dark moon of her daughter Lani, and some more. A more terrifying existence that makes even Reinara fear and awe.

Blindly spreading the signal of life and the border into the starry sky is undoubtedly a foolish act, but the night people at that time did not realize it.

After that, in the constant spying, they exposed too much information, they did not know that not all 'stars' were beautiful existences.


With the in-depth exploration of the night people, on the far side of the starry sky, in the lightless darkness, a supreme will felt the existence of the junction.

So, with the purpose of colonization, the "Supreme Will" in the dark sent many alien stars and smashed them into the originally peaceful continent at the border.

After that, naturally the 'falling star monsters' and the abandoned sons of darkness 'Aisti' will appear...

Although in the end, the night people understood the origin of gravity magic, used the dark magic of the same source to isolate Esther from the connection with the Supreme Will, and sealed it near the upper reaches of the Ansel River, but that 'eternity' The city' was also destroyed, and the remaining night people had to build a new eternal city - 'Nock Stella' in the Ansel River Basin.

It was at that time that a part of the night people decided to come to the surface to live, they went out of the underground world and came to the most fertile area at that time, that is, this Galid field, which was shrouded and eroded by scarlet corruption, and soon. A magical town of Selia, where humans and night people coexist, was established, which is the town where Ratan went to learn gravity magic.

At the beginning of Celia's establishment, the night people began to reflect on the reasons for the invasion of Esther, when they realized that they themselves observed the starry sky and the origin without restraint, which led to the occurrence of the invasion and disaster. , they resolutely made two major decisions, that is:

Introduce magic to humans and strengthen the power of resistance!

At the same time, it is forbidden for anyone to explore the origin of pyroxene magic, so as not to cause the prying and invasion of those supreme wills hidden behind the stars in the stars again!


Different from the night people who went to the ground, the night people who stayed underground continued to try to connect with the stars and continue to explore the origin of pyroxene after the new 'eternal city' Nok Stella was established.

But fortunately, I don't know what happened, but the night people at that time found that no matter what, they could not get any response, and the starry sky seemed to be sealed?

As a result, the beliefs of the night people who lost the stars and only saw an endless night began to split, and there were a faction advocating the night and a faction advocating the moon.

And before the underground night people figured out why they couldn't get in touch with the stars, a new war broke out again.

Although, after the efforts of the night people and the underground races, Nok Stella defeated the re-invaded 'Aisti', but at that critical moment, a terrifying existence suddenly appeared - Scarlet Corruption goddess!

The sudden attack made the night people lose a big loss, and finally had to give up the new eternal city Nok Stella again. Then, the night people who believed in the moon walked to the ground, and soon they were in Lienia. The highest point established the Moonlight Altar and began to integrate and communicate with humans.

Thanks to the magic and artificial life technology of the magical town of Selia and the night people of the Moonlight Altar, the Kalia dynasty began to rise and became the ultimate winner. With the Kalia magic system, it is even powerful enough to rival the golden tree in its heyday.

However, even then, Kalia still follows the traditions of the Selia magicians—no matter what, no one should seek the origin of pyroxenic magic!

"That is the origin of magic!"

The magic of the junction originated from the starry sky and the outer gods, but at the same time, they had to be vigilant and guard against the starry sky and the outer gods. That kind of thing is indeed quite contradictory when you think about it.

"Probably this is the case..."

"The rest, Annie, you must know. After the end of the ancient times, it is the age of the golden tree."


"The threat of evil outer gods and scarlet corruption still exists, Eldon's ring has also been broken, the golden tree has become dim, and I don't know where this era will go?"

As she spoke, the full moon queen Reinara sighed a little gloomily, and began to turn her head towards the north, looking towards Celia and the golden tree, not knowing what she was thinking of.





"A young lady seems to have recommended it to others..."


At this time, after listening to Aunt Reinara's story, Annie suddenly remembered the villain Queen Melina who wanted to trick her into playing in the underground world.


"Then you can go and see, I heard..."

"There are still a lot of night people left in the underground. They seem to have built a new eternal city, Konoron, and there are still a lot of research and discoveries?"

"But I don't know exactly how."

"I haven't been in contact with the outside world for a long time, but I heard that La Ni is very clear. Speaking of which, she seems to be the Night King that their clan who believe in the night are waiting for..."

"But I don't know why. Lani has been avoiding me recently. She should have come to me earlier. I heard that she abandoned her body?"

"Annie, you know Lenny, right?"

"Next time, if you meet her, please tell her... Maybe I have a way to give her a new body and make her as cute and cute as you?"

As she spoke, Full Moon Queen Reinara suddenly laughed lightly, not knowing what interesting things she thought of.


"She is too. Anyway, I have given birth to her once. If I give birth to her again, what can't I do?"

"I think you look good Annie, with blond hair and beautiful blue eyes. I will refer to your appearance and tailor a new body for her. It must be a very good idea."

As she talked, the Queen of the Full Moon directly talked about some things that are not suitable for children, and she directly pondered how she should give birth to La Ni once again and the related matters of raising her daughter.


(⊙_⊙) Annie didn't pay attention to Leinara, who didn't know what strange things she was thinking about. She just wondered if she should take the time to go to that underground world and see if it was fun or not.

As for Lanni, as Aunt Leinara said, she said that she was not very familiar with that mysterious puppet lady. As for helping to spread the word, if she remembered, she would definitely say it.

Of course, there is a high probability that she can't remember such small things. After all, the other party can't eat and it's not fun, so it must not be able to easily occupy the brain capacity of her great Queen Anne.


(● ̄? ̄●)


(?w?) Monthly Pass Monthly Pass~


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