Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 804: There are more waves in the world, and there will always be some doglegs of the main g

'beep! Toot~! ’

'alarm! Alert~! ’

‘The battle ahead was lost...’

'Miglu?? Ayman team’s four Genn were attacked by force, as many as two were broken, one was injured, the pilot died and the other was injured, the energy backpack melted, and the left arm and right leg were seriously injured. En is on the way back in an emergency, please go to the emergency landing platform 2 to prepare immediately! ’

'repeat! Please go to the emergency landing platform No. 2 to prepare for fire fighting and rescue immediately! ! ’

At this moment, in this huge hangar of the battleship Gamow, an alarm sounded...

'beep! beep! ’

'alarm! alarm! ’

‘Captain Oulu’s body was chopped from the waist down, and now he has lost his power. Please send out the engineering Jean immediately to prepare for rescue recovery...’

‘Attention all crews, our battleship Vesalis and Gamow are about to reach the best visible artillery combat distance, and the bombardment of the Archangel is about to begin. Please prepare for the impact! ’

'beep! Toot~! ’

Soon, the battle between the pursuing and counterattacking parties probably came to an outcome that no one could imagine.

The people in the hangar, including the little Annie, Aslan, Nigor, Diaka, and Yitzhak who are waiting in the cockpit of the aircraft to be debugged, as well as other maintenance crews in the hangar Almost everyone, including the soldiers or other staff, put their sights on the battle screen with poor photographic capture and light and shadow effects. They were dumbfounded to see the red mark representing the enemy. , The Assault Gundam with the PS armor turned on was quickly interspersed with galloping battles and performances in the universe.

Every time it charges, it can always cut down a Genn by the sword or damage it, and every unimaginable dodge action can always easily avoid the counterattack of those Genn holding D-class heavy equipment. And at the same time, under the coordinated attack and interference of the Archangel battleship, it didn't take long for the entire eight units of the Migru team and the Oulu team to be beaten unscathed, causing serious deaths and injuries... …

So far, when the alarm sounded on the battleship Gamow, the'Strike Gundam' and an unknown pilot inside had successfully caused the Migru team to lose three gens. The Oulu squad was almost annihilated!

At this time, the remaining lightly injured plane of the Oulu team and the other uninjured Genn, due to excessive panic, and because of the absence of the captain's command, did not dare to move forward at all. Dare to attack the Archangel in the distance again, because it is too close to the Assault Gundam, so they only dared to entangle with a red painted MA Mobis Zero aerial fortress on the periphery, letting it be far away The seemingly embarrassed Captain Migru was stubbornly resisting tough and terrifying enemies alone.

By now, basically everyone can see that, in the current one-to-one situation, in the bad environment where the opponent has warships to cover and shoot, all kinds of energy lasers, and missiles dance wildly, that alone can hardly support MiGru The defeat is doomed!

Most people on the battleship Gamow probably did not expect that they would lose so badly under the advantage of 8 to 1 at the beginning... Now, there is basically no suspense in the battle situation. The Genn of the last two teams on FT's side will really be wiped out, and there is no room for turning over!

after all,

Those are the last eight Genns of the two-ship formation under the command of Cruzer. Once they are completely buried here, they will be able to fight at that time, except for the four that Aslan and others have taken back, which have not yet formed combat effectiveness. In addition, I am afraid that there are only Captain Cruze’s own captain machine and the ordinary fiery red Jean of a little girl who does not obey the command...

And Jean, obviously can't fight the assault!

Because, now it can be basically concluded that the ‘Strike’ is a super-powerful body with very advanced performances, far better than the general-purpose Genn of the Zaft army! Previously, Captain Cruze asked to chase down and destroy the Archangel and the captives or break the command of Assault Gundam, which was obviously extremely correct!

However, they don’t seem to have the ability to complete that instruction today...

"damn it!"

"Can't wait any longer, MiGru and the others can't hold on, Captain Cruzer, please let me attack right away! Only our Gundams developed by the Earth United Army in the same batch can defeat that one. 'Strike'!!"

Just completed the OS programming of the body, and roughly adapted and debugged the body, and found no problems. Aslan saw that the two teams of MiGlu were hit so badly by the "Strike" Gundam, and Seeing that the entire army was about to be wiped out, there was no other way but to bite the bullet and ask for the commander of the two-ship Captain Cruze.

In Aslan's view, only Gundam can defeat Gundam! !

In this terrible situation right now, if you don’t send him or the four of them to drive the Gundam to fight as soon as possible, even if the highly skilled Captain Cruze personally drives the Captain Jean, it’s definitely not a strong one. Attacked!

What's more, there is a very difficult MA who is helping in the outside assault. If they don't go out quickly, I am afraid that the Genns will really be wiped out! !

"Nigor is ready!"

"Captain Cruzer, please give an order!!"

"Storm is up to 55%...56%...Captain Kluzer, Diaka is ready to attack anytime!!"

At this time, seeing the situation in a very bad situation, and hearing the call of partner and team leader Aslan’s request to attack, the three of Diaka, Nigor and Yitzhak also contacted someone in Canada. Captain Cruze, who commanded and watched the battle on the bridge of the battleship Moff, expressed their willingness to attack with Aslan's Aegis Gundam, giving the Earth United Army's "strike" a good look?

In their opinion, the Eight Genn may indeed not be able to defeat one assault Gundam, but if their four Gundams go out at the same time, it will certainly not be too difficult to defeat that seemingly novice assault. Things, after all, they are Zaft's red-clothed elites, and their skills are not comparable to those in ordinary greens.

"Captain Cruze?!"

After waiting for a long time, Aslan, who did not hear the order to attack, had to urge a man in a white uniform with a mask on the channel again.

Because Aslan was very worried, worried that the Captain Migru outside would not be able to hold on, and worried that the other party might be smashed in the cold space with a long sword by that amazing assault at any time! !


However, what puzzled the four members of the Aslan team was that the captain Cruze, who was wearing a mask and could not see any expression, was still silent, and did not give them any answer, nor said that they agreed to their request to play. , But did not say disagree.

'beep! beep! ’

‘Flaming Gene is starting, please make preparations for energy storage on the first ejection platform, and start ejection and take-off in twenty seconds...’

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In the huge hangar of the battleship Gamow, there was a burst of sirens. At the same time, when a humanoid weapon was moving, the magnetic metal on the foot of the warship collided with the metal deck. stand up.


"Hey! Please wait, are you crazy? Your body has not been equipped with weapons. Not only do you have no guns, but also no missiles. You can't attack now!!"

At this time, when Aslan and other red-clothed elites were waiting impatiently for the preparations for the attack, a certain general-purpose Jean with a fiery red paint actually took the lead in moving by itself, and ignored one of them. The head of the squad leader in front of the radar can be seen blocking him, and he directly stretched out a finger arbitrarily and easily pushed the opponent away without gravity.



"You stupid guys are really too slow. When you get ready, all the stupid cannon fodder outside will be killed by the enemy!!"


Although, Annie joined ..T and mixed into the Zaft army, it was just because she was playful. She didn’t know those people, didn’t have a good relationship with them, and didn’t have much belonging to the army Feeling, even if they die, she won’t feel distressed... But, no matter how you say the other party is the same as her own, she can’t let that guy bully her side. In that case, her Queen Anne’s face will be better. Not so good, can't you?

Therefore, when she saw that the battery pack of her general-purpose Genn was fully charged, and saw that the situation outside had taken a turn for the worse, it was very unfavorable to her, so she hurriedly manipulated her fiery-red Jean to move and break away. Those troublesome routes strode directly towards the ejection port No. 1 in front of the hangar.

"Annie Hasta!"


"Flaming Gene, start attacking!!"


After controlling himself to the ejection port No. 1 and standing on the electromagnetic ejection device steadily, Gene ignored the squad leader of a maintenance squad who yelled behind him. After cheering, Xiao Anni went straight Pressed the red button that came out.


Whoosh! !

In the whistling sound of electric current and metal friction, the door to the ejection port of the No. 1 aircraft was opened, and then a fiery red Jean was assisted by the powerful battery thrust, which was far faster than the Gamow battleship. Ejected into the universe... and almost at the same time, the flaming red painted Jean’s two-leg particle propulsion engine was also driven to its maximum, directly under everyone’s stunned gaze, like a bolt of lightning, almost In a state of zero-armed, he rushed towards the battlefield of Gundam and the Genes at the end of the line of sight!


"This is too messy?!"

A certain fifteen-year-old forgiving-haired Nigor, saw the condition of the Genn in the cockpit of his Thunder Gundam, and was shocked just like everyone else.

He couldn't imagine that the little girl who was still arguing with him about changing her body not long ago, now she doesn't even have the basic weapons and equipment, just like she died, and attacked under no load? How could such a general-purpose Genn with almost no weapons be able to deal with the'strike' height as a high-tech machine? !


"Captain Cruzer, please let me attack now!!"

"That Genn, it seems to have only one MA-M3 heavy-cutting knife, it must not be able to defeat the Assault Gundam! Besides, Assault also has a PS phase-shift armor that buffers the mechanical energy impulse for physical attacks. It can be said to be I am completely immune to attacks from live ammunition and physical sword weapons!!"

"I beg you, let us attack immediately!!"

Aslan pleaded with a stern tone to someone who hasn't spoken yet and still doesn't know what he is thinking.

He has decided that if the other party still doesn’t say anything or refuses, then he will learn from the arbitrarily dispatched Annette just now, and he will also manipulate his Aegis Gundam to stand on the ejection channel device, and make a chop and then play first. Go out and report again?


"Don't worry, let's see..."

Finally, the masked Cruze didn't know what he thought of, and even sneered, still not agreeing to the request of Aslan and others, appearing a little indifferent?

"How about this……"

"Now you are ready for the final attack immediately, check your body and weapons, and attack in five minutes. Be sure to destroy the Assault Gundam!!"

But soon, maybe I saw the dissatisfaction of Aslan and others, maybe it was really worried that Miglu and others and the little girl who attacked without permission were really hit by the **** assault. So, K Lu Ze finally changed his mind, and decided to let Aslan and others do the final debugging, and then attack together, giving the incredible Earth United Army a good look!

Because now Aegis Gundam waited for the data of the four units to be uploaded, Cruzer didn’t need to worry about any damage or loss to the four units anymore, so he agreed to the strong request of Aslan and others. , I also plan to take a good look at one's own tall real combat power.

As for the unarmed Genen that attacked without authorization, he Kluzer didn't take it too seriously!

In fact, he just deliberately delayed the attack time of Aslan and others, and set it to five minutes later, just for the special commissioner who did not obey orders... In his opinion, those few minutes are probably enough. Assault Gundam dismantled the obnoxious flaming red body, right?


After closing the communication, a certain man in a white uniform with a mask smiled coldly under his own heart... Regarding who ran to his two-ship team inexplicably, and has not followed orders, he has been challenging himself. The authoritative does not know the so-called special commissioner, he has been suspicious for a long time!

Now, using the enemy's hand to get rid of or drive away the opponent, seems to be a good idea?



"This world is..."

Just after waking up from the main god’s teleportation beam, a guy with a stern and cold expression as the captain jumped up for the first time, and then waited for a while, until he could see clearly the familiar people lying on the ground. After the people, he frowned and walked silently to the side, waiting for his teammates to wake up.


"This time the world seems to be a little interesting..."

The captain with a cold expression when he was free, first called up his master god's bracers and carefully read the details of the mission of this new world from above, then suddenly sneered, and then did not make any unnecessary expressions, still Holding his arm, he began to wait patiently.



Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged bald man with eyes woke up...

He reviewed the surroundings for the first time, and the captain who saw them no longer knew when he woke up and stood aside and waited for them. He didn't say anything. First, he slowly got up in silence and performed routine business. Usually after nodding towards the opponent, he also frowned and walked to a place within the light wall about three or five steps away from the opponent and stood there, waiting patiently for others to wake up.

Soon, under the gaze of the two, their players who were lying on the cold ground one by one woke up one by one.

"Ah! That's weird!"

"Boss! Why did the main **** get six of our brothers and sisters this time, but didn't assign a few newcomers to us? Does it know that our team is already used to killing newcomers, and newcomers are sent for free, so Don't do that troublesome thing at all?!"

At this time, when someone woke up last, dressed in sloppy clothes, wearing metal rings on his ears and nose, and dyed yellow hair, a young man who knew he was not a good person at first glance, he looked around and found After some things different from the usual tasks, they mocked their captain named'Boss'.

He originally thought that when he woke up this time, he wanted to go out on his own again, or watched a copycat crazy kid nicknamed Shao Yun kill the newcomers who were in the way... but he was surprised to find out, This time, it seems that there are no newcomers at all, just the six brothers and sisters of their demon team?


"Uncle Li, you should tell us about it now, while the light wall is still there, there should be a little more time..."

The cruel man known as the'Boss Zha' didn't say much to Xiao Huangmao, but after seeing all the players wake up, he turned his head and looked at the team's military division with eyes beside him. Uncle Li, seems to want to hear some of the other's thoughts?

Regarding the problem of the newcomer, he has already discovered it himself, but that is not something he needs to care about, because it is nothing but trivial things. What he cares more about now is actually their world mission. Some bizarre key points!

"Okay, Captain..."

Uncle Li with eyes didn't say much, but nodded to his captain's boss, then looked at the players who were temporarily trapped in the light wall like him, and looked at the yellow-haired boy Amu Gong. , Electromagnetic King Tom, the female killer Shao Yun, and a bad old man named Jiang Ziya!

Of course, all of their team members use pseudonyms, including him, the koo-headed strategist and their captain, anyway, none of the six are fuel-efficient lamps! As for what they are using pseudonyms for or what they are preventing, it is a bit different.

"Everyone, let's take a look at this mission called'Gundam SEED' world that we came to this time... Forget it, let me call it out, you see... This is the mission the Lord God just issued to us! !"

The uncle Li who didn't intend to waste time simply turned on his own master god's wristbands, and directly projected the tasks issued by the master **** to them in the air in front of him.


Main **** task:

Due to an unknown error in the world of up to SEED plane, we are now proceeding with advanced missions, canceling newcomers, canceling mission penalty, and adjusting the mission difficulty as follows!

Main mission one,

You must not leave the territory, territorial waters, and airspace of Orb, and you must ensure the safety of the Archangel after successfully entering the territorial waters of Orb, and insist on leaving the other side safely! (If the Archangel was destroyed by the Zaft army before arriving in Orb, the mission will be automatically cancelled and the reward of mission two will be doubled!)

Main task two,

Stay alive until Orb declares his surrender or successfully defeats the Atlantic Federation's offensive!

Completing each task will reward two thousand reward points, and if both tasks are completed, an additional five thousand reward points will be awarded!

The main mission failed without punishment...


In this world, it is not recommended that the reincarnation use any abilities or items other than the SEED ability of the adjuster and the ability to operate on the body other than the ability of space awareness, otherwise it may have extremely serious unknown effects, and any consequences caused will be caused by The reincarnation who caused the unknown impact shall bear it on their own, and the main **** shall not bear any responsibility, hereby announce!



"Everyone, is the Lord God crazy? Look, for such a simple task, there is still no punishment for failing the task. Is it giving us points and heads?"

"Tsk tusk! I think my first machine is already a bit hungry and thirsty now!!"

After watching the mission of the Lord God in front of me, and without waiting for the boring and troublesome speech that the dog-headed military division Li uncle in the team usually gave, the little yellow-haired copy of the "Amu Gong" jumped in excitement. , And clamored triumphantly.

Because he felt that this world, at all, was the world of opportunity and warfare that the Lord God's conscience discovered, in order to take care of himself! As long as he releases his EVA No. 1 machine at the right time, and then scoring points in this Gundam world, isn't it the same as playing? !

In his opinion, even if those pilots have a strong ability to manipulate MS or MA, it is absolutely impossible for him to surpass the real Amuro's copycat version of the "Amuro" that directly connects to the control fit. Up to 99.99% of the men of Ikari Shinji lineage are even stronger!

Well, this passage seems a bit convoluted...

However, he firmly believes!

At that time, he stepped on "Strike" with his left foot and "Aegis" with his right foot, slashed on "Freedom", slashed on "Justice", and then sank "Divine Will" in the middle, and killed countless others Hey, at the end, after returning to the main **** space, he must be able to directly turn over the serf to sing, knock the boss over, and forcibly pull the killer sister Shao Yun into his private space. Do something private and shameful?

At that time, hehehe...

"Huh! Stupid!!"

"The first machine? Didn't you guys see the "reminder" of the Lord God? If you want to die, then ask fellow daoists to stay away from me?!"


Without waiting for a copycat pilot named'Amu Gong' to be proud, the horrible old man holding the Conferred God List beside him, while putting away his treasure that he almost never left his hand, did not forget to warn someone that seemed to be true. The guy who intends to release the EVA No. 1 machine to force the points as soon as the light wall disappears.

Anyway, this time, his "Jiang Ziya" is obviously prepared to follow the reminder of the Lord God, and he is not prepared to use any special abilities that shouldn't appear in this abnormally "safe" world! Because, there is an intuition telling him that Jiang Ziya must do that, otherwise, some very bad and terrible things will happen! !

"Jiang Ziya!!"

"Of course I have seen the tip of the Lord God, but even if I really only use Orb's mass-produced MVF-M11C Amamura, believe it or not, I can still show my ‘freedom’ strength?"

The ridiculed little Huang Mao immediately refuted...


"It's you old fellow, don't think that if you get the chance to get the Conferred God List, it is really the'Jiang Ziya'. I tell you, if you don't use the power of the Conferred God List this time, you will just wait for glory to be on the list! Hope! After you are resurrected, can Taoism continue to grow?!"

The Amu gong, who was poured with cold water, directly smashed some nervous old Taoist priest. Obviously, although the relationship between them is teammates, they usually don't get along very harmoniously?


"Shut up to me! Uncle Li, what do you think this time, tell me?"

The captain'Boss Ah' didn't care about the noise between his two players. He felt that things were indeed a bit tricky. After scolding the two of them, he turned his head again and looked at him. A bald think tank with glasses who interrupted the speech.


"How many times have I said, to unite, to look at the strengths of others... This time we come out, firstly, we will train the team through actual combat, and secondly, we will continue to investigate newcomers..."

Having said that, Uncle Li was a little choked by his own words, because he remembered that there was no newcomer this time!

"Ahem, let's not talk about the problem of the newcomer. I am old and have a bad memory. In short, there must be a problem in this. The main **** may be laying on us..."

"Although I don't know what the main **** meant, but it didn't disable our respective special abilities, but it also gave that kind of strange advice... It may be the enemy's body or the pilot's technology. Has been greatly enhanced?"

"Or, what's weird in this world..."

"However, in any case, don’t disobey the Lord God’s will or the basic rules we must abide by now... We’d better follow it, and perform our tasks and tasks in a way that can be understood by people in this world. Achieve our own goals?!"

"There is a saying on the road, as the saying goes... Don't be afraid of stepping on the empty foot, but afraid of holding the hand empty! Before we have stepped on the spot, it is better not to act rashly?"

Uncle Gootou Army Master Li gave an ambiguous answer...

Obviously, he also doesn’t have any good ideas now. After all, the intelligence is severely insufficient, and he has just entered the world of SEED. He still plans to study slowly first, step on the steps, and then think about other things according to the situation. Way.

after all,

Judging from the time of the mission, they were relatively safe during the first two months. There will not be any fighting here for the time being here. They only need to make full use of the peace, which can be given to them. Planning time will do.


"Go ahead, what shall we do first this time?"

Boss Zha obviously trusts Uncle Li, so he turned his head again after looking at a complacent pilot.


"I think the old man, let's try to make use of the identity given to us by the Lord God, plan well in the Orb Army, first get a good machine that can be used, of course the stronger the better, and then think about other things?!"

In the world of Gundam SEED, how can there be no Gundam? These people can't use guns or rocket launchers to deal with Gundam without using special abilities, right?

Although they have a lot of powerful nuclear weapons in their team, but when you think about this earth now, it seems that there are that kind of troublesome neutron jammers everywhere, and the Lord God will certainly not allow them to use that kind of scoring killer easily. The device... Therefore, after uncle Li thought about it, he still felt that getting the body first was the first thing they should do!

In this world, organisms, they may be the protagonists, and if there is no organism, then they are just a few salted fish! !

"It makes sense..."

Although the other party was talking ambiguous nonsense, as the leader of the team, he nodded generously, basically agreeing to the other party's bad idea.

"But... what should we do?"

"do not know!"

"Think for yourself?"

"Infinite Heaven..."

After hearing the words of Uncle Li, the sergeant Kotou in the team, the team members who were in attendance whispered to me again, and I started to discuss it.

They habitually use their power to perform tasks in new worlds, but this time they are told not to use special abilities. This is really making them difficult... After all, those who are truly capable will despair. How about being selected by the main **** and entering the main **** space?


"We have all kinds of legal identity certificates given to us by the Lord God, as well as a large number of high-value items, even technology... I think there is no dictator or warlord in this world who will refuse to deal with us. We have two In a month’s time, it should not be difficult to use all reasonable methods to obtain the organisms we want and strengthen them..."

At this time, Jiang Ziya, who had put away the Fengshen list, suddenly made a suggestion.

"We need a powerful body, the stronger the better!!"

Jiang Ziya felt that the main god's intention seemed obvious. Obviously, it should be to let them use the power of the pilot and the body as much as possible to complete the task, rather than the objects they obtained and the special abilities they had strengthened?

If that's the case, before the battle, it is their top priority to become familiar with the operation of the body as much as possible and obtain a more powerful body!

"Stop dreaming!"

"Jiang Ziya, my Am Gong can tell you responsibly: Orb now only has one special machine, the model is ‘ORB-01Akatsuki Gundam’, which means Dawn Gundam or Dawn Gundam?"

"Anyway, it is a beautiful golden machine. The ability is definitely not mentioned. The lever drop will be at least'Strike' or above, and can even reach an S or SS level machine similar to'Freedom'? But, that special machine. The machine is the **** Uzmi?? Yula?? Asha prepared good things for his ineffective tease daughter Kagali?? Yula?? Ashar, even if Obu falls, let’s do it. Don't want to get it easily!!"

Being a pilot himself, Am Gong, who was obsessed with mechas and was familiar with almost all mecha controls, slammed a certain bully at this time.

"Now, the only thing we can get is Murayu's MVF-M11C mass-produced mobile suit with weak slag. Others, don't think about it!!"

Although that is the case, Murakami is actually not weak. It's just that ordinary earthlings are really inferior to the adjusters, so that the Orb's performance during the Orb attack and defense was a bit tragic?


"Boy, don't think that you don't know the old way, you are afraid that I will steal your Dawn Gundam, right?"

Jiang Ziya relentlessly refuted a certain little Huang Mao who was specifically aimed at him, would he mean to take the dawn first by all means?


Xiao Huangmao Amu glared at the old Taoist priest opposite him, with the intention of copying the guy to do a game.


"The hearts of the people are scattered, the team is not easy to bring..."

The middle-aged, bald-eyed man named Uncle Li couldn't help but sighed as he watched the team's swordsmanship, and then looked at the captain who was not going to take care of things.


Suddenly, at this time, the light wall around them disappeared, and the mission of the Lord God officially began!

'Hey! ’

‘What the **** is going on with your group of recruits, don’t you hurry up and change clothes to prepare for the basic training before getting on the plane? ! ’

At this moment, an Orb sergeant in the distance yelled at a group of six Orb recruits who were sitting in the corner of the barracks and discussing sneakily.

"Let's go!"

"It seems that the main **** has arranged a good identity for us, as long as it is not a stupid old thing, a village rain is basically obtained!"

Am Gong suddenly smiled and said, obviously there was something in his words.

"Blessed Heaven!"

A certain veteran named Jiang Ziya didn't say much...

Because he has secretly written some guy’s "pseudonym" on his list of gods, he only needs to wait until the other party burps, and he will definitely resurrect him with the list of gods before the main **** or the team leader resurrects him. Let the other party become a puppet under him for bullying! !



'Hey! Useless guy, get out of me quickly! You got in my way! ! ’

At this moment, in the universe, a certain pilot of Genen who was struggling with Assault Gundam, already swayed from left to right and unable to resist it, suddenly heard a little girl's babble on his channel. .


"who is it?!"

Miglu was taken aback, then subconsciously looked at his airborne radar...

At this moment, right behind his body, a body of his own is rushing at high speed. The opponent's speed is a bit fast, and after seeing the red Jean in the optical image, it has been attacked by the opposite side. Gundam was so forced that he couldn't resist it, so he stepped on the energy output pedal under his feet, so that the particle engine on his body's feet began to output at full force, and he suddenly separated from the difficult one in front of him. The attack range of the giant sword of the assault Gundam escaped far behind.


"Are you crazy? You dared to run out without a weapon?!"

Soon, Miglu, who was finally able to take a breath, discovered in astonishment: the reason why the Genn who was clamoring for him to give way was a little faster than the average Genn...because the opponent didn't even carry it Any armament is almost just a single body attacking without load! !

"Just leave it alone!!"


The answer to Miglu was the grimace of a little girl.

That cute little face with tongue out appeared in front of Miglu, and he blocked all the harsh words he had originally wanted to say!


call! call!

"Huh? That red body is... another Genn?!"

After fighting with the enemy for a long time, Kira, who was already a little panting and sweating, subconsciously stopped the pursuit after seeing the enemy's reinforcements, and at the same time locked his airborne radar to the one that was moving at high speed. The rushed red body.

Then he discovered that the new enemy was also a Genn, but the color of the opponent was a bit conspicuous, nothing more? !


"Kira be careful! That machine is very strong!!"

Suddenly, the head of a certain Captain Mu, who was driving the MA to drive away the remaining Gene, appeared in Kira’s Assault Gundam channel and reminded in a hasty tone.


"Lieutenant Mu, it...that machine, it doesn't seem to be armed..."

Kira used the assault radar to call out a close-up image of the body that had just rushed out, and then he saw the difference between the opponent and the Genn that he had just defeated:

That fiery red Jean, apart from the color and the long sword at the waist of the opponent, it seems that there is no other powerful shooting weapon of the Jean, even the almost standard MMI- Did not carry the M8A3 76mm heavy assault machine gun?


At this time, Captain Mu seemed to have discovered the communication, and he couldn't help but froze for a while, wondering what was going on with that powerful enemy.

"Anyway, Kira, you must be careful! I'll get rid of the two Genns first, and I'll support you later!!"

Although Captain Mu was also very strange, he was still a little worried, and after reminding Kira again, he hurriedly shut down the communication and plunged into his one-to-three battle...because the one with Ji just now The Captain Jean, who had been entangled for a long time, turned his head and prepared to deal with him.


After a short silence, Kira did not say anything. Instead, he put away his combat-type 15.78-meter anti-ship sword directly, replaced it with a 57mm high-energy beam rifle and aimed at the fiery red paint that rushed towards him. Strangely unarmed Jean, and squeezed the trigger button to launch.


Kira only felt the slight vibration and noise of the body, and his weapon hit the head of the Genn who dared to rush towards him without being armed! !


A blow that I thought was sure to be hit, was easily avoided by the other side's head movement. Not only did the speed not decrease, but it accelerated while pulling out the physical sword, which seemed to be a real preparation. Charge towards yourself to play melee? !


Kira didn't understand how the other party did it... However, he was a little serious, and still settled down, continued to aim at the opponent, and pressed the trigger button several times!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

A beam of light beams precisely bombarded each other's vital parts in an instant!

In theory, once targeted by a beam rifle, it is impossible to be dodged! There is absolutely no better way for the enemy besides hard resistance, because it is not a live ammunition weapon, there is no such bullet or missile to give the opponent flight or response time!


But Kira quickly found out in shock:

The moment he aimed and pressed the trigger, the opponent always avoided his muzzle in time, so that his high-energy beams could only rub the opponent's armor dangerously, shining into the darkness. In the cosmic space, until the opponent was about to successfully approach him, did he not succeed in hitting the opponent?


Surprised to surprise, but seeing the other party, seeing that cunning Genn reflected the bright red light under the sun's rays, and after successfully evading all his attacks, he brazenly held up Genn's A MA-M3 heavy-cutting knife slashed at him, and he could only subconsciously control his assault Gundam that the metal arm with the gun was raised to prepare to block.




There is no sound in the universe...

In the eyes of others, only the one that looks clumsy, but often avoids the enemy’s beam irradiating attack just right, finally managed to rush to the fiery red Jean in front of Strike Gundam, and he was holding it high. He picked up its snow-white MA-M3 heavy-cutting knife, and under the shining light of the stars, wielded the sharp physical saber, and slashed towards the head of Strike Gundam! !


However, there is no way to spread sound in the universe, but it doesn't mean that Kira, who is being attacked, cannot hear any sound!

Huh! !

Bang! ! !

Soon, Kira only felt her arm and the machine's body shake!

When he reacted and kicked towards the enemy and could force the opponent away, he was shocked to find... his 57mm high-energy beam rifle had been cut in half by the enemy?

Moreover, the PS armor on his arm was severely smashed into a small pit by the opponent's MA-M3 heavy-cutter. If it weren't for the PS phase transfer armor, it could buffer the impulse of mechanical energy through its own changes, so as to achieve If you can effectively resist the slashing of live ammunition weapons and physical swords, I am afraid that the blow just now will be enough to chop off his assaulting arms and head together!


Just now, it was really too dangerous...

Kira, who was almost alive, didn’t think so much now, because he saw that the fiery-red Jean that was almost kicked by him rushed up again...This made him have to let go of the thought of fortunately. , And instead grabbed the 15.78-meter-long anti-ship knife of the'SchwertGewehr' that he had just put on his back, and at the same time roared, toward the fiery red that had just given him a very bad experience of facing death Gene rushed over! !

He didn't believe it anymore. The assault Gundam that he pulled away was far superior to the opponent in terms of speed or armor, and couldn't beat a clumsy Genn?

You know, just now, he almost won a complete victory in a one-to-eight situation! !

"You die for me!!"

Kira held up his weapon high, stepped on the energy pedal, and was about to speed up the same way, and gave the fiery-red Jean who dared to rush over in front of him to report that he was frightened. 'S revenge! !


At the same time, the Genn opposite him, under the reflection of the sun's rays, looked like a fiery field of vision, and looked particularly eye-catching Genn, without showing any weakness. When I rushed over, there was still time to swing its MA-M3 heavy-cutter, and the sun's rays were constantly shining toward the visual radar and the cockpit probe of my assault Gundam. Let him subconsciously divert his gaze, not daring to look at the optical mimicry live display in front of him.

Huh! !

Bang! ! !



In an instant, the bodies of both sides rushed past. Then, after hearing some kind of collision and feeling the heavy shaking of his body, Kira, who had just been shaken with a weapon by the cunning enemy, gave an exclamation. , He quickly stretched out his hand to adjust the optical mimic display on his loaded a plug-in that filters strong light, and then urgently searched for the enemy's location and checked the condition of his body.

Because he knew that just now, when his body and his eyes were shaken by that cunning enemy, he was attacked! However, the enemy was not cut by him. He was very sure about this! !



At this time, in the hangar of the Lorasia-class battleship Gamow, Aslan and the others, who were preparing for the final emergency debugging of the new body, could not help but stop them after seeing the battle. With the work in hand, I once again stared dumbfoundedly at the real-time broadcast of the fiery red Jean and Assault Gundam on the big screen in the hangar.

They couldn't imagine that a general-purpose Genn with almost no arms could actually force the'strike' that killed the Quartet to such a degree, and was almost beheaded twice on the spot. ? !



At the same time, on the bridge of the battleship Gamow, a man in a white mask who also saw the battle also made some unexplained sounds...

Just now, he was thinking of delaying Aslan's attack time in order to create a chance for the assault... But now, it seems that he gave the fiery red Jean a chance to perform. ?

However, what he didn't know was whether the opponent could really destroy the Assault Gundam in this cosmic airspace with the only MA-M3 heavy-cutting knife?


(*????╰╯`??)?? Ask for a ticket?? (????╰╯`??*)

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