Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 805: Explosives still step on you? (?`д′)┌┛★)`…

"Toot~! Toot~! ’

In the cockpit of Assault Gundam, the red warning light flickered and rang, but the sound was not too rapid... Obviously, the damage to the body will not be too serious, but there is no doubt that the attack just now has already caused The assault was hurt!


call! call!

Kira, the driver of Assault Gundam, who was just shocked and almost thought he was really going to die again, was in the chest and abdomen of the'Assault', protected by the thickest PS armor in the chest. On the tight cockpit seat, gasping for breath.

After a while, he stretched out his hand, turned off the alarm signal that was blaring him for the first time, and quickly used his hands to make his fingers appear like phantoms on the operation console of the'strike'. I quickly operated the button, accelerated my body, and quickly flew back into the space behind, so as to get away from that terrible one. Just two rounds against it, I slashed the fiery red of my knife twice. Gene's body is a little further away!


Kira, who was far away from the enemy and slowly calmed down, first cursed inwardly, then slowed down his breathing, while staring at the fiery red painted Jean body that was turning in circles in the distance. At the same time, he quickly checked his own'Strike' Gundam body, and wanted to know the general situation.

drop! !

After the self-inspection sound, the data stream began to refresh quickly one by one on the holographic screen on his operation interface, and soon the abnormal red data was listed separately...

So far, his 57mm high-energy beam rifle has been destroyed by the opponent in the first duel just now! And now, the PS armor that extends from the left arm of the body to the shoulder is also severely slashed by the opponent's rapid assault and the sharp edge of the MA-M3 heavy knife. Although the long and hideous scars did not hurt the vitals of the mecha arm, there is no doubt that the PS armor on the left hand of the mecha has been seriously overloaded, and the alarm has sounded as proof!

What’s more, what’s more terrible is that the opponent’s fierce attack just now made the fixed arm of the left arm, the surface of which is coated with reflective paint, which can act as a small anti-energy weapon to attack the'Panzer Eisen' rocket ejection anchor if necessary Was cut in half! This makes his current rocket ejection anchors useless, and the PS armor of his left arm is likely to no longer have the ability to resist re-attacks from live-fire weapons or physical swords.

Up to now, his assault Gundam is only left with the 15.78-meter anti-ship sword of the'Schwert Gewehr' behind the sword fighting/fighting backpack, and the'Sword' armor hidden in the left shoulder.'' The beam boomerang is out.

Of course, the two 75mm automatic air-to-air Baltars of his Assault Gundam can also be used, but Kira doesn’t think that those 75mm automatics that threaten Jean’s armor are already low. The anti-aircraft gun, that kind of self-defense weapon used to hit missiles can be obtained in the distance. The one that seems to be checking its only weapon, checking the fiery red Jean of the MA-M3 heavy knife!

and so,

After seeing this, Kira had an intuitive understanding of the basic situation of her own body, and she also knew her own bad situation.

"Huh... Damn it!!"

Unexpectedly, after only taking pictures twice, the enemy would be forced to such an extent...

Seeing the string of red warning data that popped up from the position of his left arm on the live interface of his body, it can be said that he was slightly injured, and Kira, who fell in the wind, hatedly controlled his'strike' body. Holding tightly the fifteen-meter-long ship-cutting knife in his hand, and at the same time outputting the energy in the sword fighting backpack, it activated the beam blade on the side of the ship-cutting knife against the enemy. Red Jean is a good-looking! !

It can be said that it is the first time that Kira officially participated in this kind of battle between T and the Earth Union. After being forced by the enemy twice to a situation where he was near death and was very different from the previous battle, He secretly made the decision, gathered his spirit, and prepared to go all out to go to the opponent for another round of duel!

In short, he must not die here. He must destroy all the enemies that come after him so that he can safely return to the Archangel and retreat with the innocent warship until the fellows of the Earth Alliance agree to release him. With his classmates!


What he had just understood, the other party seemed to really only have the short basic heavy-cutting knife explained in the information! After a while, he only needs to charge on his own, face the opponent head-on with a sword, and destroy the short weapon in the opponent's hand first, and that Genn must be killed by his Kira! !


At this moment, just as Kira concentrated, ready to take the initiative to rush to destroy the enemy’s weapon first, and then cut the enemy under the sword... Suddenly, in the cockpit of his'strike' In that public channel, the enemy actually appeared, and the active communication signal of the fiery red Jean appeared?

'Hey? Is anyone here? ! ’

|??)???? Hello?

'Hey! Whatever you look at, I'm talking about you! Assault the bad guy in Gundam on the opposite side, don’t think I can’t help you driving a tortoise shell machine! Now, get out of the cockpit honestly for me, and then give me that ‘Strike’, or else I’ll want you to look good later! ! ’


Immediately afterwards, the face of a little girl wearing a Zaft red elite pilot's suit and a red combat helmet appeared on the holographic screen of Kira, and at the same time, she was waving her small fist towards the point. At a loss, he threatened Tao.


During the battle, it was the first time for Kira to talk to the enemy he was about to fight desperately, so he was stunned on the spot, and he was still a little at a loss.

"Do not……"

"How can this be, how can this be..."

Soon, Kira, who had gathered energy and was about to give the enemy a fatal blow, was stunned on the spot!

This caused him to stop the operation he was planning to make assault...

Because, he had never thought that the pilot inside the fiery red Jean, the powerful enemy who fought fiercely with him for two rounds, was the terrible opponent who almost cut him under the sword. , Turned out to be a cute little girl who looks only seven or eight years old at most? !

A child, a little girl who is almost half the size of their group of students, and a ignorant little girl who has just reached school, why would he appear in such a cruel cosmic battlefield where the other party should never appear?

Kira was puzzled about this...

Although he had known for a long time that, due to the sudden occurrence of the war, .. T’s army was definitely seriously inadequate compared to the Earth Alliance. For these reasons, many adjuster students joined Zaft’s army. Like the one that Kira had seen in the Heliopolis colony in the neutral country Orb, the murder and arson in front of him, and the Aslan who took away the little friend and friend of Aegis Gundam? !


Kira, he really never dared to think that...T's council and army would actually allow a girl who looks very small to join the evil war machine and join their Zha In the Swift army?

Unconsciously, Kira seemed to become a little sad, and felt the cruelty of the war for the first time...It was not the little girl pilot, but other things that the other side thought of.

‘Kira! ! ’

'Be careful! Get away! She started rushing towards you again! ! ’

Without waiting for Kira to recover from the shock and doubt, at this time, Captain Mu, who also received the little girl’s communication signal on the short-distance public channel, overtook his MA Mobis Zero. Battlestar and Zaft’s remaining two uninjured Genn entangled, while loudly passing through their Earth Alliance’s internal combat channel, shouting at a certain Kira who was stunned in place and didn’t know what he was thinking about. There was a cry.

Just now, he managed to repel the injured Genn, but when the captain of the Zaft who had been entangled with Kira turned around to help another Genn deal with him, he immediately changed. Some of the left and right have become dwarfed.

Although he is not afraid of the other two Genes, if Kira is sunk by the enemy, it is another situation!


Kira was awakened by a roar!

Afterwards, he found from the visual interface in his cab, the fiery red Jean was holding up the physical weapon in his hand, holding the MA-M3 heavy knife, and then Once viciously rushed towards him!


"How can Zaft be like this, and...T, how can they put a little **** the battlefield?!!!"

After regaining his senses, Kira gritted her teeth and cursed inwardly, and then decisively "exploded"! !


He couldn't forgive the terrible thing that caused him to see a little **** the battlefield after the war lasted until now!

There is no doubt that no matter what kind of war it is, it is always the cruelest. It is something that all peace-loving people are unwilling to face... Therefore, he and his family will leave that year...T, left. My friends went to the neutral colony of Heliopolis in Ober, a neutral country, to study and live...

But how can I think, now when he has to stay in the United Earth Army and is forced to participate in the battle, what he needs to face is such a situation that is difficult for him to accept, and he needs to go with someone Little girl showdown?

Therefore, when he was angry from the ground, he released a special ability called SEED that even he himself could not understand! Of course, that can also be called ‘explosive species’?

Anyway, it is a controllable ability that allows him to greatly improve his various abilities and qualities in a short period of time, such as strength, neural response, thinking speed, and spatial perception.

Under normal circumstances, everyone’s first'explosion' is generally uncontrollable, and it is still in the critical moment of their own lives, stimulated by their potential, so as to obtain unparalleled explosive power... For example, some rural areas on the earth When a child is chased by the three rural tyrants such as vicious dogs, white geese, and roosters and flees?

But in fact, with the modification and adjustment of genes by ..T, this ability has gradually been recognized by people, and Kira is a person who can freely control this magical ‘explosive’ ability at will! His exploding time is also a bit longer than others! Of course, he didn't talk about this kind of thing to others, because he didn't know it too well, and thought it belonged to the ability of the adjuster, and he didn't want to be hostile by ordinary natural classmates because of this.

"End it all!!"

But anyway, now Kira exploded, and after a roar, he controlled the assault Gundam, and rushed towards the red Gene that also rushed in the same place in a weird and high-speed trajectory in the universe... …

'Wow! ! ’

!? (??\'\'????)??

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you..."

When Kira made up his mind, he started to explode, and quickly operated his own body, preparing to cut off the hands and feet of the flame-red Jean body of the little girl opposite, and completely subdue or capture the other party in order to put an end to...T During the evil act of recruiting Boy Scouts to participate in the war with Zaft, the communication profile picture of a little girl who discovered the changes in the enemy finally disappeared in an instant, and no longer dared to threaten with bluffing like just now. He also asked himself to surrender and send out the outrageous things of the body.


At this time, his Kira had already controlled the assault Gundam of his fighting equipment, using the fastest speed, with an acceleration that exceeded the load of the ordinary pilot's body, and he was moving towards the fiery red Jean in the original place. Holding the'SchwertGewehr' 15.78-meter-long anti-ship knife in the hands of his body high to the ground, he violently crossed the space and cut it over! !

Although he was furious, Kira, who gained the SEED ability due to the'explosive seed', was extremely clear and swift in his thinking at this time. Therefore, the ship-cutting knife in his hand was not facing that one. The vital parts such as the cockpit of the fiery red Jean or the energy backpack on his body were chopped off, but at a tricky angle, he slashed towards the heavy knife in the opponent's hand and the position of his right arm!

Because his original intention was not to kill the opponent, but to prevent Zaft from using children to participate in the war's evil acts, so his Kira's battle will be extremely justice.

The next moment,

Cang! !

As the two sides collided at a high speed, in the originally silent space, the sound of course was transmitted to Kira's cockpit along with the contact part...

Afterwards, a sharp fragment of the MA-M3 heavy-cutting knife was instantly cut off by the ship-cutting knife with a beam blade in his'Strike' body! Moreover, Zhanjiandao's castration was not reduced at all, and it still slashed towards the opponent's right arm with great power! !


and many more!

There is no sound of cutting off the object for the second time, but it is not cut?

Soon, waves of uneasy thoughts suddenly appeared in Kira's heart, who had been ‘exploded’, and then he quickly found out in shock:

The fiery-red Jean, which was almost about to be cut open by him with a heavy knife in his arm, at this time, after the weapon in his hand was cut in half, he did not retreat but moved forward, and first avoided After changing the direction of the blade of his ship-cutting knife, he immediately accelerated, and the half of the MA-M3 heavy-cutting knife in his hand changed its angle strangely in an instant under a weird little movement of the opponent’s steel arm. He was treated like a dagger by the opponent, and using the super-high relative speed between the two parties, he fiercely smashed the assault Gundam body arm that had lost most of the PS armor function in his left hand!


she was……

That little girl, she seemed to let herself cut off that weapon on purpose? !

'beep! beep! beep! ’

At this time, in the cockpit of Assault Gundam, the rapid alarm sounded at the same time...


Kira, who has gained extremely fast reflexes and spatial awareness in "Boom Seed", now doesn’t need to look at the alarm message in the lower left corner of his operation interface to know that his assault is as high as he was just lost due to previous attacks Most of the left wrist, which resisted the attack of physical weapons, has now been swept down by the enemy! !

And now the only thing that makes Kira happy is:

At this time, that huge steel wrist that had lost control and motivation, still with his right hand of Assault Gundam, was still intact, firmly grasping the handle of the ship-cutting sword... as long as he went back to make the maintenance team urgent After repairing, a complete Assault Gundam body can be regained soon, and there is no fear of any defects or parts replacement.

"How could this be, it's impossible..."

Kira couldn’t imagine, at that instant of confrontation, how the opponent was faster than himself, and was able to use the half-broken heavy knife, from the fragile part of his high PS armor, through both sides Cut off the left wrist of his body at the speed of his?

In doubt, I quickly stepped on the energy pedal and watched the distance between myself and the other party get farther and farther. I was a little bit shocked. I don’t know why you were like Kira at that moment, so I have time to drive from myself. On the visual optical mimic display in front of the cabin, he looked at the left arm of his body.

Now, the torn open'strike' left hand's hideous wound, the black oily liquid beads in some kind of pipe that are beginning to spray out into the gravity-free cosmic environment, and the bare ones are bursting. Line of electric sparks.


Upon seeing this, Kira acted on the console for the first time and forcibly cut off the power supply and pipelines in front of the left arm of the'strike', which temporarily stabilized the situation of the left arm of the body, and would not image the body's combat performance.

"Will not……"

How could she do that, that kind of clumsy general-purpose Jean, how could he make Kira faster?

Moreover, he firmly believes that he has raised his hand speed to the highest just now, and the operation of the body is flawless, but...why did he lose in a vague way? It seems awkward when placed in the opponent's place, but he always can In the first move of the enemy? And he, except for the luck to cut off half of the opponent's physical weapon, he didn't even touch the opponent's body at all? !

‘Aha! ’


‘Now, you finally know that I’m great, don’t you come out and surrender? ! ’


While a little girl cheered and smiled, the arrogant words to persuade Kira to surrender once again appeared on the holographic mimic display in front of Kira’s cockpit through an unencrypted public channel, and at the same time, The opponent's fire-red Jean's body also moved again, holding up half of the weapon in his hand, holding the MA-M3 heavy-cutting knife with only the handle and half the blade left, and rushed again towards Kira. come.


"Asshole! This, this impossible..."

call! call!

Kira began to gasp quickly. Obviously, his emotions are now shaking...

He clearly exploded, speeded up, and also raised the speed and flexibility of the body to the highest, but how can I think that at the moment of the final confrontation, the'injured' was still the'strike' of his body. ?

This kind of thing, for a while, Kira always seemed to be somewhat unacceptable...

Therefore, when he saw the fiery red Jean that rushed over from the original place, which seemed to be still so unfast or slow, he saw that the little girl's arrogant and pretty face appeared again in his communication. After gritted his teeth, he was ready to hold the heavy ship-cutting knife with one hand, and was ready to fight with the body of the little girl holding the'broken blade'!

"Damn it! I will never forgive you!!"

Maybe it was the threat of death that caused Kira to be dazzled, maybe it was the other party's arrogance that made him forget the original plan?

Anyway, Kira was in the right hand controlling the assault, released his heavy knife, and grabbed the beam boomerang from the left shoulder of his body, and directed it towards the fiery red Jean. After the torso was thrown away, in the weightless cosmic environment, he grabbed the ship-cutting knife that was still holding a severely attacking left hand and began to let the energy of the fighting backpack fully output, and the particles on the back and feet. The engine emits a powerful light, and when the acceleration is maximized, it rushes toward the attacking enemy again!

But soon, Kira had to rush to a joke again, and stepped on the brake to stop...

Because at this time, he was shocked to discover that the beam boomerang that he had just controlled the attack and threw out at high speed, which he thought could interfere with the enemy or defeat the enemy, was unexpectedly given by the red Jean. Copy it in your hand with your left hand? !

‘Aha! ’


‘Now, people finally have an effective weapon that can be used against your tortoise shell PS armor! ! ’


I looked at what I was holding in my Jean's body, it was like the assassin's wrist-blade glowing grip that I saw in Rogge's camp, and found that the beam energy above seemed to be different. After that kind of physical sword, but an effective beam weapon that can deal with PS armor, a little girl once again blinked at the enemy in the channel and cheered.


The dagger in the right hand, the fiery red Jean with the blade of the left wrist, really resembled an assassin, in the dark space, once again rushed towards the stopped assault Gundam! !

"How, how can this be?"

It shouldn't be like this...

In Kira’s plan, the enemy should have avoided the boomerang's attack. Then, when the boomerang returned, when the opponent was hit by the boomerang or dodged in a hurry, the enemy who had rushed forward would then move forward. That hateful flaming red Jean is a big deal. That's right!

But now...

After discovering his careless behavior of the enemy, and discovering that the opponent does indeed have an effective weapon against his own PS armor, Kira just rushed to fight the enemy desperately, immediately. It faded again.

Because now even he has to admit that without the PS armor protection of Assault Gundam, Kira himself and the'Assault' he is operating will certainly not be that terrible and weird. The little girl and the opponent's fiery red Jean's opponent! !

So Kira hesitated for the first time now, and had the idea of ​​wanting to shrink...


Just as Kira, who participated in the war in the first real sense, was unable to advance or retreat by the enemy's actions, and didn't know what to do...A beam of light attack fell from the sky, forcibly repelling the one who was continuing to charge towards him. The fiery red Jean.

It turned out that this was the TS-MA2mod.00MobiusZero modified MA driven by Captain Mu of the Earth United Army. It was the Mobius Zero that was driven by the other side. It was the Mobius Zero that came to support Kira in time. Up.

‘Kira! ’

‘You are not her opponent now, return to the Archangel immediately. The enemy’s two warships are approaching, and we are about to retreat! ! ’

After hurriedly speaking in the channel, Captain Mu shut down the communication for the first time, and began to release his four newly replaced wired induction pods, and began to move towards the distant one without any long-range firing weapons. Gene hastened and rushed over.


He worked hard to barely injure one Genn, and forced the other Genn to cover and retreat. Only after he was finally free, Captain Mu rushed over and used his MA directly. The line gun on the lower part of the nose continuously attacked, repelling the fiery red Jean who was about to charge towards the'strike', and forced the opponent back.

Now the two Nazca-class Vesalis and Lorasia-class battleships of the Zaft army are getting closer and closer, and the two most threatening squad In the case of annihilation and chasing away, there is no need for them to stay in this cosmic airspace anymore!

Therefore, after giving Kira an order to retreat, Captain Mu began to viciously use his line gun and four newly replaced wired induction pods to violently beat the distant one who could only escape in embarrassment. But there is no hateful Gene that can fight back.

He intends to drive away or shoot down the basically unarmed fiery red Jean, and then accelerate to escape, return to the Archangel, and follow the warship to escape the two-ship formation of the Zaft army.

"Yes, yes..."

Seeing Lieutenant Mu’s MA on the visual optical mimicry display in the cockpit was only shooting from a distance, it forced the fiery-red Jean to evade in a hurry, but he had no choice but to see the opponent. After that Genn had more advantages in close combat melee combat, Kira, who was already willing to retreat, nodded sullenly, obeyed orders honestly, and manipulated his wounded "Strike" Gundam to turn, and started Step on the energy pedal to accelerate, and flew quickly towards the'Archangel' which is also accelerating and fleeing in front.

After such a small half-day of high-intensity fighting, his Assault Gundam now has less energy. If he doesn’t go anymore, I’m afraid he won’t be able to go after a while... Anyway, he Kira definitely won’t Is willing to become a mass of garbage in the universe or a prisoner of the Zaft army because of the loss of motivation! !

'Wow! What a shame! ’


‘Huh? Are you still here? ’

!? (??\'\'????)?? I hide!

'Wow! It's mud...It's not fair! People are getting angry! ! ’

!? (??\'\'????)?? I will hide again! !

A little girl started yelling in the public channel...

However, this does not seem to be able to shake the will of a certain Captain Mu who wants to take advantage of the enemy's illness and kill the enemy! He seems to have been determined to destroy or shoot down a certain nasty fiery red Jean belonging to the Zaft army in this universe at this last moment?

‘You hateful villain, you want to bully someone who doesn’t have a ranged weapon, don’t you? The soul is pale...Look at the move, look at my super invincible boomerang! ! ’


I found that my speed seems to be unable to keep up with the MA, and there is no shooting weapon on the body, I can only passively and uselessly consume energy, and constantly avoid the troublesome shooting of the opponent. Annie, at this time, her avatar appeared again on the public channel of the console of Captain Mu driving the MA.


After a bitter protest, she waved her hand violently, and blatantly took the beam boomerang that had just been picked up from the assault Gundam that was driven by a brown-haired little brother, towards the distance. The Mobius Zero MA Battlestar there was slammed over...


In the world of Gundam SEED, Orb’s geographical location is approximately located in the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific, Papua Island, the eastern part of the Indonesian archipelago, and a small independent country in the central Pacific north of the United Oceania. It is a natural person and adjuster coexisting. Neutral country.

Of course, neutral countries or something may be in the past...

Because, when Ober was discovered by the Zaft Army’s Kruze team and snatched four of the five G-series fuselages they secretly developed for the Earth United Army, under conclusive evidence, their Neutrality is no longer guaranteed!

Although until now, Ober has not declared war on Zaft, nor has he announced his abandonment of his status as a neutral country, everyone knows that with Ober’s space resource colony Heliopolis, he has been embarrassed and turned into anger. Occupying in the first time meant that they had lost the protective coat of the neutral country and were forced into the quagmire of the war between T and the Earth Alliance.

In fact, contrary to Orb’s neutral status and small territory, Orb’s military technology and technological level have always been at the forefront of this world of SEED! This is evident from the fact that they were able to secretly develop five advanced G series airframes for the Earth United Army without telling the Zaft Army and ..T, and their success!

Moreover, it is even more exaggerated that Orb, as a country of bullets, also owns his own, one of the few large-mass accelerators in the world, "Hui Ye"! It allows Orb to directly project large-mass spacecraft and transport ships or related large-mass components of the colony into space. This powerful scientific and technological power and complete space colonization capabilities are the reason why Orb has The reason for the title of "Sleeping Lion".

Of course, the old man with the title of Orb's lion, the first representative of Orb, Uzmi?? Yula?? Ashar, is thinking about what, maybe no one will know... But, Some reincarnations from the main **** space only know that at this time Orb is battling his horses, and is working overtime to train their new crew of pilots. As for what Orb is thinking or wanting to do. What, that’s really a bit of a difference...

"I'm good..."

"Is this the machine that the Lord God is going to let us open? Tsk tsk... Look, this is an M1 heresy. Even if it is a mass production machine, it has an A-level evaluation. Aub is really a big dog, and he deserves to be behind them. The troops of the Atlantic Alliance will be destroyed, and I will grab it as soon as possible..."

Looking at the group of Orb recruits who are preparing to train, there is a series of tall and mighty M1 heretical and mass-produced mechas in front of them. There are almost dozens of M1 heretical and mass-produced mechas, a cottage from the main **** space The gong mech controlled, drooling and salivating.

M1 heresy

Body code: MBF-M1 (M1Astray)

Manufacturer: Shuguang Society (Aub)

Owner: Aub

First equipped: .71

Internal environment: standard cockpit

Size: 17.53 meters above the top of the head from the ground

Weight: 53.50 tons at no load, 70.22 tons at full combat load

Fixed weapons: 75mm head anti-air automatic Vulcan gun×2; 70 beam saber×2

Optional weapons: high-resistance elastic anti-beam mobile double anti-shield

Power supply: ultra-small energy battery

Selection of hand weapons: hand 71 beam rifle

Main **** evaluation: A grade

You don’t need to do anything. You can have an A-rated general-purpose mass-produced M1 heresy by directly entering the world of up to SEED. For mecha-controlled am gongs, there is no better and cheaper price than this. It's up!

You know, this kind of M1 heresy can fly and can fight all-weather earth/space. If used well, in some cases it is no better than the first EVA machine he obtained from the mission world after all his efforts. Worse! However, if we can get the dawn of that ORB-01 Akatsuki Gundam, that would be the best! !

Of course, if it is a nuclear power such as Liberty Gundam, Divine Will Gundam, or Justice Gundam, he will definitely not refuse it.

'Look! That old man, he is so old, why has he been selected to our new barracks? ’

'I do not know…...'

‘But, it seems that when recruiting new recruits, they only talk about voluntary registration. There is no age limit, right? ’

‘There is no limit, but he is so old, how did he pass the assessment? Isn't he kidding him to let him be our comrade-in-arms? ! ’

‘That’s right, I’m so old, maybe I can’t even move on the road, my hands and feet are in trouble, how can I still open MS? ’

'do not know…….'

‘Could it be that the examiner was bribed secretly? ’

'To shut up! Freeze said! ’


'correct! ’

‘Can he finish the physical training of four kilometers a day? ’


'Humph! I think four hundred meters will almost kill him! ’.


‘Hush! Okay, just keep it quiet, he seems to have heard...’

At this time, the students on one side who were also Orb recruits, before the instructor arrived, began whispering to a certain mess in their ranks. Although they were wearing Orb's recruit uniforms, they were still long. The old man with gray hair and long beard pointed.

Although the identity of the other party is not abnormal, but...

A terrible old man is walking around in the new barracks. Although it is pitiful and courageous to defend his family and the country actively to join the army, it is indeed a bit too eye-catching! Now, even some recruits are still speculating badly, thinking that the other party will probably not even be able to keep up with the basic daily physical training, and then they will be brushed down, and they will be ruined or pitifully. Send it to the logistics department to see the warehouse?

"Huh! That Tianzun Wuliang..."

A certain Jiang Ziya, who is now a citizen of Orb and a recruit, first gave a vicious look at the recruits who dared to point fingers at him, then whispered, and then stopped taking care of the ordinary people.

Because now the Lord God does not recommend them to use extraordinary powers, so he does not intend to punish those recruits who have offended him!

However, there is one thing that those guys are right. His Jiang Ziya is really the main **** who directly forcibly intrudes into this new barracks. To some extent, he really walked through the back door...

However, he can guarantee:

He Jiang Zaiya is very old-fashioned, and he has excellent comprehension. He can learn everything quickly, let alone the daily physical training of four hundred meters or four kilometers, even if it is running 20 kilometers in one breath. , He doesn't take a breath of air! !


"Amu Gong, what about the transformable mobile suit Umura you said? Now let's take a look. What kind of **** is this? Old-fashioned, I don't see any possibility that it can transform into a fighter!"

Finally, after I stopped paying attention to the mundane recruits who vilified themselves, they were also in the line, wearing Orb's recruit uniform, but with a long beard that seemed to be violent and said very much. The bad old man who violated the peace took the lead to speak out, quietly asking a teammate who had previously provided them with wrong information.

At the beginning, the other party said that they might get a variable mobile suit called MVF-M11C, a variable mass-produced mobile suit called MVF-M11C, which is like the VF0D fighter in the Macross world. Not good at MS control, but Jiang Ziya, who has been exchanged by an ace pilot for maneuvering fighters, has been smug for a long time...

But now, let’s take a look, all the people in front of me are M1 heretics, and where is the MVF-M11C Cunyu, which I said before? !

Regarding this, Jiang Ziya said that he was very, very dissatisfied!

Because, he wouldn’t control this kind of MS at all, and he could only learn to control this kind of big iron bumps from scratch like those recruits who vilified him, and at the same time he might continue to suffer from other things. The look of contempt from the Orb recruits?

"This is M1 heresy!"

" They are not the village rain-level mobile suits of MVF-M11C, this matter may indeed be my memory... Now it seems that there is really only M1 heresy, and Murasame has to wait until the sequel of Gundam SEED, which is Two years later in the timeline of this world, which is around .73 years before the equipment?"

After thinking about it, Amu Gong felt that he had indeed remembered it wrong...

He just remembered now that Orb at this time, it seems that there are indeed only these M1 heretics that have not even written the OS. Later, it is said that it is the good friend of a certain Aslan, that Kira is in Austria. Get the cloth period right?

But it doesn't matter, now that his genius'Amu Gong' is here, he won't bother to embarrass the wife who likes to **** the wife of his friends! He believes that with the ability to manipulate MS, explosive seeds and OS settings that he has exchanged from the Lord God, he will soon be able to emerge in the Orb Army, and believes that it will not take long before he will be promoted and added. Salary, become Orb's new trump card, become a high-level general as a pilot, marry Bai Fumi Kagari?? Yula?? Asha, get the Buddha's dawn and go to the pinnacle of life!

Thinking about it, it still made him a little excited...

"Shut up!"

"That Orb's instructor is here, remember: don't act rashly, wait for a few days to speak!!"

Without waiting for his teammates to riot again, the captain on the side scolded them coldly, then glanced at a certain Orb officer, standing honestly in his queue, no Speak again.


(*????╰╯`??)?? Ask for a ticket?? (????╰╯`??*)

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