Together [HP]

Chapter 128 128

"Little Sirius. Lu, Lupine..." Pettigrew's voice was also high-pitched.His eyes flicked toward the door again. "My friends, my old friends..."

Black's wand arm was raised, but Lupine grabbed his wrist and gave him a warning look.Then Lupine turned to Pettigrew again, and Lupine's voice was easy and casual.

"We were just chatting, Peter, about what happened the day Lily and James died. You were screaming on the bed just now, maybe you missed some details..."

"Lupine," panted Pettigrew, and Harry saw big beads of sweat on Pettigrew's pale face, "you didn't believe him, did you, when he tried to kill me, Lupine."

"We've heard," said Lupine, his voice more indifferent. "I'd like to clarify a little thing or two with you, Peter, if you'll..."

"He's here to kill me again!" Peter Pettigrew screamed suddenly, pointing at Black, who Harry saw was using his middle finger because his index finger was broken. "He killed Lily and James, and now he's going to kill me, you must help me, Lupine..."

Black's unfathomable eyes stared at Peter Pettigrew, whose face was more skeletal than ever.

"Until we figure out a few things, no one wants to kill you," Luhu said.

"Clear things up," screamed Peter Pettigrew, looking wildly around again, his eyes on the boarded windows, and once more on the single door. "I know he's after me! I know he's coming back for me! I've been waiting 12 years for this!"

"Did you know that Sirius would escape from Azkaban?" Lupine frowned and said, "Isn't no one escaped before?"

"He's got tricks the rest of us can only dream of!" screamed Peter Pettigrew, "how else would he get out of there? I'm guessing the man who can't even be named taught him some tricks !” Blake began to laugh, a horrible, joyless laugh that filled the room.

"Voldemort, show me the tricks." Pettigrew and Jacqueline flinched at the same time, as if Black had whipped them.Hermione kept her hand on Jacqueline's back, comforting softly, "Why are you afraid of hearing your old master's name?" Black said, "I don't blame you, Peter. Those under him don't like you very much." Ah, isn't it?"

"I don't know, what are you talking about, Sirius..." Peter Pettigrew muttered, sweating faster, and now his whole face was covered with sweat.

"Little, Sirius, no, Mr. Black," Hermione called softly, and Black was genuinely taken aback by the address, and he stared at Hermione as if he'd long since forgotten that other people would be so polite speak to him. "If you don't mind, may I ask you not to mention that man's name?"

"Why don't I..." Blake said, looking at Jacqueline who was staring at him, trembling all over, "Well, for 12 years, you are not avoiding me. You have been avoiding that person's previous support Or. I heard something in Azkaban. Peter, they all think you are dead, or you have to give them an explanation. I heard them screaming in the dream, saying all kinds of things .It sounded like they thought the liar had tricked them. The man went to Potter's house according to your information, and he missed there. Not all of his supporters ended up in Azkaban, isn't there a lot of them here? bide their time, and pretend they've realized their mistake, if they get wind of it. Knowing you're alive, Peter..."

"I don't know, what are you talking about..." Peter Pettigrew said again, his voice higher than before.He wiped his face with his sleeve and looked up at Lupin. "You don't believe this, you madman, Lupine."

"I must admit, Peter, that I can't understand why an innocent man would spend twelve years being a mouse," said Lupine flatly.

"Innocent, but terrified!" screamed Peter Pettigrew. "If Voldemort's supporters are after me, it's because I got one of their best men into Azkaban, the spy, Sirius." Blake!"

Blake's face contorted.Jacqueline clenched her hands, looking ready to jump up and strangle the next person who said the word "Voldemort".

"How dare you say that," he growled, sounding like a dog the size of a bear growling, the kind of dog he had become before. "Me, his spy, when have I been stalking around someone stronger and more influential than me but you, Peter, I don't understand why I didn't recognize you as the spy in the first place. You always like friends who are stronger than you, so that they can take care of you, has it always been us, me and Lupine, and James..."

Pettigrew wiped the sweat off his face again, almost out of breath.

"I. Spy, you must be crazy. Never... don't understand how you can say such..."

"It's only because of my suggestion that Lily and James let you be their secret keeper." Black said through gritted teeth, so fiercely that Peter Pettigrew took a step back. "I thought it was the best plan, the best plan. That man would definitely come after me, and never think that they would take advantage of something as weak and stupid as you. You told him that you could give him the Potters, that must have been the happiest moment of your poor life."

Peter Pettigrew muttered distraughtly; what Harry heard was "ridiculous" and "crazy," but he couldn't help but pay more attention to Pettigret Peter, who was now pale and his eyes were still gazing Slip over the windows and doors.

"Professor Lupine" Hermione asked timidly, "Can I, can I say a few words?"

"Of course, Hermione," said Lupine politely.

"Well, Scabbers, I mean, this... this man, he slept in Harry's dormitory for three years. If he worked for You-Know-Who, then how come he never tried to hurt Harry before?" Woolen cloth"

"Right!" screamed Peter Pettigrew, pointing at Hermione with his mutilated finger. "Thank you! Got it. Lupine I never hurt a hair of Harry's! Why should I hurt him?"

"I'll tell you why," said Blake, "because, if you don't think it's good for you, you won't do anything for anybody. That man's been in hiding for twelve years. He's said to be half dead No. You're not going to kill a wizard who's out of all his powers and in poor health right under Dumbledore's nose, are you sure you're sure he's in the ring before you go back to him Is the most powerful boss here, isn't it? Otherwise why did you find a magical family to live so that you can always hear what's going on, don't you, Peter, you want to know in case your old protector has power again , it’s safe to go back to him.”

Peter Pettigrew opened and closed his mouth several times, as if he had lost the ability to speak.

"Mr. Black," said Hermione timidly. "Excuse me, if you don't mind, how did you escape from Azkaban, if you didn't use black magic?"

"Thank you!" panted Peter Pettigrew, giving Hermione a big nod. "Exactly! Exactly what I was going to ask." But Lupine gave him a look, and he fell silent.Black frowned slightly at Hermione, but didn't look annoyed.He seemed to be thinking about how to answer.

"Because dementors are only aware of human feelings," Jacqueline explained, "if he turns into a dog, though I'd love to know how you did it, dementors can't sense him. It's more difficult for them to feel the emotions of animals, because animal emotions are messy. As for why the dementors didn't affect him..." Jacqueline looked up at Black, "My best guess is that you didn't Any pleasant memory."

"I don't know how I did it," Blake said slowly. "Maybe you're right. You're Jacqueline, aren't you. Probably the only reason I'm not losing my mind is because I know I'm innocent. It's not a pleasant thought, so those dementors don't take it Suck it out of my head. So I can keep my head clear and know who I am. Helps me preserve my mana, so if the situation around me can't bear it, it's too much. I just become a Dog." He swallowed, "and then, when I saw Peter in a picture in the paper, I learned that he was at Hogwarts, with Harry. If the forces are gathering strength. It would be a perfect time to start taking action from there."

Peter Pettigrew shook his head, his mouth moving silently, but kept staring at Black, as if hypnotized.

"Once he's sure he has allies, he'll do it and hand them the last of the Potters. If he hands Harry over to them, then, who dares to say that he ever betrayed Voldemort, he will die with honor return."

"So you need to understand that I have to act. I'm the only one who knows that Peter is still alive."

Harry remembered what Mr. Weasley had told Mrs. Weasley: "The guard said he said in his sleep, 'He's at Hogwarts.''

"It was as if someone had lit a fire in my head and the dementors couldn't put it out. It wasn't a pleasant feeling, it was an obsession. But the idea gave me strength and cleared my mind. So, one night they opened my door to deliver food, and I, being a dog, slipped past them. I was so skinny, so skinny, so skinny I could have slipped between the iron cabinet bars .As a dog, I swim back to the mainland, I go north, As a dog, I come to Hogwarts. I have been living in the Forbidden Forest since I got to Hogwarts. Of course, I go to see Quebec Except when it comes to the kite games, you fly as well as your daddy, Harry..."

He looked at Harry, who didn't avert his eyes. "Trust me," Black said hoarsely. "Trust me. I never betrayed James and Lily. I'd rather die than betray them."

Harry finally believed him.Harry couldn't speak because of a lump in his throat, so he just nodded.

"No!" Peter Pettigrew knelt on the ground, as if Harry's nod had pronounced his death sentence.He crawled forward on his knees, clasped his hands together, as if praying. "Sirius, it's me, it's Peter. You won't, my friend." Black kicked, and Peter Pettigrew flinched.

"You don't need to touch it. My robes are dirty enough," said Black.

"Lupin!" Peter Pettigrew screamed, turning to Lupin, twisting his body before Lupin to beg. "You don't believe the words, didn't Sirius tell you that their plans have changed?"

"If he thought I was a spy, he wouldn't have told me, Peter," said Lupine. "I suppose that's why you didn't tell me, did you. Sirius?" he asked casually above Pettigrew's head. black.

"Forgive me, Lupine," said Black.

"It's all right, Padfoot, old friend," said Lupine, rolling up his sleeves. "Conversely, I once thought you were a spy, so forgive me, okay?"

"Of course," said Blake, a smile flitting across that thin face.He also started rolling up his sleeves. "Shall we kill him together?"

"Yes, I suppose so," said Lupine darkly.

"You won't, you won't..." gasped Pettigrew.He crawled beside Ron.

"Ron, haven't I always been your best friend, nice pet? You won't let them kill me, will're on my side, aren't you"

But Ron glared at Peter Pettigrew in extreme disgust.

"He used to sleep in my bed!" said Ron.

"Kind boy, kind master." Peter Pettigrew crawled towards Ron, "You won't let them do it, I'm your mouse...I'm a good pet."

"If you're a better mouse than a human, that's nothing to brag about, Peter," said Black hoarsely.

Ron held his broken leg out of the way to keep Peter Pettigrew from touching him, and the pain in his leg made him look even paler.Pettigrew turned on his knees, swaying forward, trying to grab the hem of Hermione's robes.But Jacqueline glared at him, and he fell in front of them.

"Good girl, smart girl. You, you won't let them... help me..."

"If you'd like to tell..." Before Jacqueline could finish her sentence, Hermione touched her waist, and she let out a cry and closed her mouth.

"Well," she said, "traitors are not worth living."

Pettigrew knelt, shaking uncontrollably, and slowly turned his head towards Harry. "Harry, Harry, you really look like your father, just like him..."

"How dare you speak to Harry" Black yelled, "how dare you face him how dare you speak of James in front of him".

"Harry," Peter Pettigrew whispered, shuffling towards him, arms outstretched, "Harry, James won't let me be killed, James will understand, Harry, he'll have mercy on me of..."

Both Black and Lupine stepped forward and grabbed Pettigrew by the shoulders.Throw him on the floor.He sat there, staring up at them.

"You betrayed Lily and James to Voldemort," said Black, who was also trembling. "Do you deny it?"

Pettigrew burst into tears.It was a horrible look; he looked like an oversized bald baby shivering on the floor.

"Sirius, Sirius, what can I do? The Dark Lord, you don't know, his weapons are beyond your imagination. I was scared, Sirius, I have been without you, Lupine, and James So brave. I never did that on purpose. The man who can't even be named forced me to..."

"Don't lie!" Blake snarled. "You've been passing information to him for a year, before Lily and James died! You're his agent!"

"He, he meddles in everything!" gasped Pettigrew. "What good is it to turn him down?"

"What's the use of fighting the most vile lord that ever lived," said Blake, with frightening fury on his face. "Just to save innocent lives, Peter!"

"You don't understand!" lamented Peter Pettigrew. "He's going to kill me, Sirius!"

"Then you're damned!" Blake yelled. "It's better to be dead than to betray a friend, and we'll do it for you!"

Black and Lupine stood side by side, wands raised.

"You should understand," said Lupine calmly, "that if that man doesn't kill you, we will. Good-bye, Peter."

Hermione covered her face with her hands and buried her head on Jacqueline's shoulder.Jacqueline put her hands behind her and comforted her.

"No!" Harry yelled.He ran forward, standing in front of Peter Pettigrew, facing the two wands. "You can't kill him," he said, out of breath, "you can't."

Both Black and Lupine were shocked.

"Harry, this rascal has cost you both your parents," growled Blake. "This cringeworthy filth won't let you die. You heard what he just said. His own scum is bigger than yours." The lives of the entire family are important."

"I see," Harry gasped, "we'll take him to the castle. We'll give him to the dementors. He can go to Azkaban, just don't kill him."

"Harry!" panted Peter Pettigrew, wrapping his arms around Harry's knees, "You, thank you. That's a favor. Thank you..."

"Let me go," said Harry spat, shaking Pettigrew's hand in disgust, "I didn't do it for you. I did it because I don't think my dad would want his best friend to kill someone, especially To kill someone like you."

No one moved or made a sound except Peter Pettigrew.Peter Pettigrew clutched his chest, gasping for breath.Black and Lupine looked at each other.After a while, their wands were lowered.

"You're the only one with the right to decide, Harry," said Black, "but think about it, think about what he's done..."

"He could go to Azkaban," Harry added. "If anyone should go there, it's him."

Pettigrew was still panting behind him.

"Very well," said Lupine, "stand back, Harry."

Harry hesitated.

"I'm going to tie him up," said Lupine, "nothing else. I swear." Harry stepped aside.This time it was Lupine's wand that shot out the tape.After a while, Peter Pettigrew was tied up, gagged, and writhing on the floor.

"But if you change shape, Peter," growled Black, pointing his own wand at Peter Pettigrew, "we'll kill you. Do you agree, Harry?" Harry looked down at the poor thing on the floor, Nodded so Pettigrew could see it too.

"Okay," said Lupine, suddenly matter-of-factly, "Ron, I'm not as good at setting bones as Madam Pomfrey, so I thought it best that we strap your legs up and send you to to the school hospital."

He hurried over to Ron, bent down, touched Ron's leg with his wand, and the bandages jumped on Ron, wrapped the leg tightly, and fixed it on the thin wooden bar.Lupine helped him to his feet.Ron put his weight on one leg timidly, without flinching.

"That's better," he said, "thank you."

"What about Professor Snape?" Hermione asked in a low voice, looking down at Snape's prostrate body.

"There's nothing serious about him," said Lupine, bending down and feeling for Snape's pulse. "He's just a little bit, a little irritated. He's still unconscious. Well, maybe it's best to wait until we get there safely." The castle will wake him up later. We can take him like this."

He muttered, "Apparating." As though invisible cords were bound around Snape's wrists, neck, and knees, he was drawn into a standing position, his head still hanging uncomfortably.Like a grotesque puppet.His feet were a few inches off the ground, and they dangled limply.Lupine picked up the Invisibility Cloak and put it safely in his pocket.

"Two of us should be tethered to this thing," Blake said, touching Peter Pettigrew with his big toe, "just in case."

"I'll do it," said Lupine.

"And me," said Ron furiously, limping forward.

Black summoned heavy handcuffs out of thin air; Pettigrew quickly stood upright again, his left arm cuffed to Lupin's right arm, and his right arm to Ron's left arm.Ron's face was scruffy, and he seemed to take Scabber's real identity as a personal affront.Crookshanks jumped out of bed and led the way out of the room, his bottlebrush tail cocked high triumphantly.

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