Together [HP]

Chapter 129 Werewolf

Jacqueline has never been with a group of eccentric people like she does now.Crookshanks led the way down the stairs, followed by Lupine, Pettigrew, and Ron in what appeared to be participants in a six-legged race.Behind them was Professor Snape, propped up by his own wand, which was held in Sirius' hand and pointed at him, causing him to walk in eerie levitation.Toes banging on each step as you descend.Harry walked beside Black, with Hermione and Jacqueline following last.

Getting back into the tunnel was difficult.Lupine, Pettigrew, and Ron had to walk sideways, and Lupine was still pointing his wand at Pettigrew.Jacqueline could see them marching awkwardly in single file along the tunnel.Crookshanks still takes the lead.Harry followed Black, who was still letting Snape levitate ahead of them; Snape's stumbling head bumped against the low ceiling of the tunnel now and then.Jacqueline felt that Black was deliberately not trying to stop him.

"Do you know what that means?" Black asked Harry suddenly as they made their way slowly down the tunnel, "hand in Peter Pettigrew"

"You're free," said Harry.

"Yes," said Sirius, "but I also, I don't know if anyone ever told you that I'm your godfather."

"Yes, I know," said Harry.

"Your parents appointed me to be your guardian," said Black dryly, "in case of any misfortune to them."

Harry waited for him to finish.

"Of course. I'll understand if you'd like to live with your aunt and uncle," said Blake. "But, well, think about it. Once I've got my honor back, if you want one, a different s home."

There was some sort of explosion in Harry's stomach.

"What, live with you?" he said, banging his head on a rock protruding from the ceiling of the tunnel. "Leave the Dursleys?"

"Of course, I don't think you'd like to," Blake said quickly, "I understand, I just thought I would..."

"Are you crazy!" said Harry, his voice suddenly hoarse, just like Black's. "Of course I want to leave the Dursleys! Do you have a house when can I move in?"

Black turned to look at him; Snape's head was scraping the ceiling of the tunnel, but Black didn't seem to care.

"Will you?" He agreed. "You mean it."

"Yes, I mean it!" said Harry.

For the first time, Black's thin face broke into a real smile.

"You don't have to come here," Hermione whispered beside Jacqueline, "if Malfoy suspects you."

"Professor Snape asked me to come." Jacqueline looked at Hermione and smiled. "At that time, I can say that I passed out with the professor and didn't know anything."

"You're really..." Hermione sighed for some reason, and said slightly uneasy, "I'm so sorry, Jacqueline. I'm so sorry."

"It's not necessary." Jacqueline waved her hand and looked at Ron in front of her with a smile on her lips. "I'll let him know that he can't sneak attack."

"I'm not saying that," Hermione shook her head, looking at her through the dim light, "I doubted what you said."

"It's nothing." Jacqueline muttered, "You don't have to trust me completely."

They didn't speak again until they reached the end of the tunnel.Crookshanks was the first to go up; he had evidently pressed his paws on the tree's knots, for Lupine, Pettigrew, and Ron didn't hear any frantic shaking of branches as they climbed up.

Black helped Snape through the hole, then stepped aside to let Harry, Hermione, and Jacqueline last.They all came out.

It was very dark on the ground now, and the only light came from lamps in the windows of the distant castle.They set off without a word.Peter Pettigrew was still panting, and sometimes whimpering.

"Just one wrong move, Peter," Lupin threatened ahead, his wand still pointed sideways at Peter Pettigrew's chest.

They walked across the field in silence.The lights from the castle gradually brightened.Snape was still floating oddly ahead of Black, his chin banging against his chest.Then, a cloud drifted away.A blurry shadow suddenly appeared on the ground.The group is bathed in moonlight.Lupine, Pettigrew Peter, Ron and others stopped suddenly and collided with Snape.Blake froze.He held out his arm to signal Harry and Hermione to stop.Jacqueline looked at Lupine subconsciously, and he froze.Then his limbs began to tremble.

"Oh my God," gasped Hermione, "he didn't take his meds tonight! He's not safe!"

"Run," Black whispered. "Run! Now!"

But they couldn't run, Ron was handcuffed to Peter Pettigrew and Lupine.Harry jumped forward, as if to release the handcuffs between Ron and Lupine, but Black grabbed his chest and pushed him back. "Let me handle it, run!"

"Wait." Jacqueline quickly ran to Professor Snape's side, flipping through his robes, "He brought it out, the werewolf potion, he..."

Terrible roar.Lupine's head lengthened.So is his body.His shoulders arched.Hair was clearly visible on his face and hands, curled into claws.Crookshanks' fur was bristling again, and as he backed away, the werewolf backed away, opening and closing his long jaw.

"Come on, Jacqueline!" Hermione yelled in terror, and she ran to help.But she didn't know where the pockets of Snape's robes were.

It took a while for Jacqueline to take out a bottle of potion from Snape's robes, but it was useless, because of the impact, the bottle had broken a hole, and all the potion inside flowed out.

"Merlin," Jacqueline pulled Hermione to the side, "I must find an unbreakable bottle in the future."

Sirius disappeared beside them.He is out of shape.The bear-like dog leaped forward.The werewolf broke free of its manacles, and the dog grabbed the werewolf by the neck and pulled him back, away from Ron and Pettigrew.Werewolf and dog entangled, jaw to jaw, claws tearing at each other.

Jacqueline stood there dumbfounded. She seemed to think she should do something, but she couldn't think of it.There's no way I could stop their fight, Jacquiline growled to herself.But there was something else, there must be something else. . .

Hermione's scream reminded Jacqueline.Pettigrew had gone to get Lupine's lost wand.Ron couldn't stand on his bandaged leg and fell.There was a bang, a burst of light, and Ron lay motionless on the ground.There was another bang and Crookshanks flew into the air and fell to the ground in a heap.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry yelled, pointing his own wand at Peter Pettigrew; Lupine's wand flew high into the air and disappeared.

"All petrified!" Jacqueline pulled out her wand and shouted angrily. She should have thought of this hateful traitor long ago!But it's too late, Peter Pettigrew has been transformed.His bald tail twitched Ron's outstretched arm, and he dropped into the grass and sprinted.There was a howl and a growl, and Jacqueline turned and saw the werewolf fleeing, heading for the Forbidden Forest.

"Sirius, he's gone, Peter Pettigrew is transformed!" Harry yelled.The big dog was bleeding, and it had wounds on its muzzle and back, but it got up again when it heard Harry's words, and it ran away in an instant, and the sound of paws falling was quickly inaudible.

Harry and Hermione rushed towards Ron. "What did he do to him?" Hermione whispered.Ron's eyes were only half closed; his mouth was open.

He was definitely alive, they could hear him breathing, but he didn't seem to recognize them.

"I don't know." Harry looked around desperately.Black and Lupine were gone, with only Snape for company, still hanging off the ground, unconscious.

"I wanted to say I told you earlier." Jacqueline ran up to Snape, trying to wake him up. She looked up at Harry, and Harry and Hermione stared back at her. "Promise me," Jacqueline looked at Hermione and said, "Next time, don't cast spells indiscriminately, okay?"

"We might as well get them to the castle and tell somebody," said Harry, brushing his hair from his eyes, trying to think things through. "Come on," but just then they heard a bark and a whimper in the dark, a dog barking in pain.

"Sirius," Harry murmured.Stare into the darkness.He couldn't make up his mind for a moment, but there was nothing they could do for Ron at the moment, and it sounded like Black was in trouble.

Harry ran away, and Hermione stood there, staring at Jacqueline in a daze.

"If you're worried about him, go!" Jacqueline growled a little unhappy, partly because of what happened just now, and partly because Hermione couldn't make up her mind. "Don't look at me. I can't transport two big living people to the castle. I don't want to fight a wolf or a big dog."

Hermione looked at Jacqueline, then at where Harry was, "I'm sorry, Jacqueline." She said, and ran away quickly.

Jacqueline rolled her eyes at them, sat down on the grass, and pulled out a bar of chocolate from her robe pocket. "That's nice," she said, "I'm so prescient."


The barking seemed to come from the other side of the lake.Harry and Hermione ran as fast as they could.Harry ran as hard as he could, feeling cold without thinking about what it meant to be cold.The howling stopped suddenly.They ran to the lake to understand why, and Sirius became a man again.

He was squatting with his hands raised above his head. "No no no no," he moaned, "don't please, please..." Then Harry saw them.

The Presbyterians, at least a hundred of them, were gliding toward them in a black mass around the lake.He turned quickly, the familiar icy feeling seeping through his guts, the mist began to obscure his vision, and the gang was coming more and more from the darkness on all sides; they were enveloping.

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