The second disease teaches you to be a man [comprehensive]

Chapter 107 Part 2 The present world of disease 13

Mobius, the monarch from the dark world, propped his forehead, and looked at the ordinary human male kneeling on the ground crying for his lost lover, his tone was playful and full of meaning.

"I can give you a chance to resurrect her, but only true love can exchange for the power to bring her back to life, and you will pay the price and lose the corresponding feelings."

He slowly channeled his own power into a black crystal, and laid it leisurely in front of a human being with wide-eyed eyes, watching him trembling as he held in his hands the unique treasure that countless people in the world are chasing but still can't get. .

The eyes of the monarch who can't see the bottom are like clear green lake water, with childlike cruelty and innocence.

Human emotion? ...It's really interesting.



Putting on the same posture as the monarch from the dark world in the comics, Guang Zhou crossed his legs and propped his chin, and sat lazily on a chair... no, it was sitting on the tatami.

Reluctantly, he flipped through the serialized comics, trying to find the next content in the blank pages that had ended, but the Dark Emperor, who found nothing, pinned the comic book to the ground helplessly.

...So I can only come to the conclusion that [true love can summon powerful power]?

When today's valet, Hikari, came in to help Guangzhou tidy the bedding, wearing a full set of uniforms, he thought at first glance that there was a spider spirit entrenched on the ground.

What a distorted posture this is, Higaki couldn't help sighing inwardly.

oh?If you want to ask why you wear the military uniform, of course it is the younger brother Maru who said that the lord likes military uniforms.

"My lord, if you are a good child, you should go to bed now."

The flaxen-haired Fu Sangshen does not look like a sword guarding the lord's sleep, but looks like an aristocrat who is going to a palace banquet. He looks at the lord who is reading at night with a smile on his face, and tactfully asks "please sleep" .

Guangzhou raised his eyelids and glanced at him, lazily changed his pose of the same king, from facing the door to facing away from the door, he used this action to express his intention not to sleep.

Hmm, what a characterful protagonist. After living for thousands of years, he still has to worry about such things.

Hidekiri, who once cut off his beard while beheading, is also one of the famous Genji treasures. He once cut off a treasured sword from the arm of the big monster Ibaraki Doji. He is not a good person to deal with.

This point, his younger brother Knee Maru has a deep understanding.

He stared at the back of the lord Hei Hei's head, and asked abruptly: "Or does the lord want some spice for the night?"

Probably not breaking out in silence, but perverting in silence.

Fusangshen's driving skills in this Honmaru, especially his verbal driving skills, are surprisingly superb.


It can be said that a word awakened the dreamer. Behind him, who wanted to scare but also wanted to make a fake show for real, he actually saw a light bulb that suddenly turned on like a materialization on the top of the black-haired judge.

"His Royal Highness once heard that there is a sleeping system in this pill? Are you in charge of this internal affairs?"

The black-haired boy chose to ask back more abruptly, his attitude was taken for granted, as if he was the knight commander in charge of inspection in the palace.

This time it was the turn of the still smiling Hidekiri to be stunned, and his expression turned bright in an instant.

Oh, shouldn't he have opened the door to a new world for the lord?This is not so good.

"No, I'm only in charge of the duties of a close servant." Higakiri smiled meaningfully, he was no worse than anyone in Honmaru in his ability to talk, but he was always targeting his crying brother.

He pushed his short, clean hair behind his ears, revealing his white and graceful auricles, "Could it be that my lord has someone he wants to name? Whether it's me, Kukuwan, or... who is coming, I don't remember." , everything is fine."

"—Guaranteed to make you physically and mentally happy tonight."

He pronounced the last few words in an extremely ambiguous way, as if the mellow fragrance lingered in his mouth.

Oops, how should the lord accept the move now?Fu Sangshen thought secretly.


However, the black-haired boy didn't react at all. He ruthlessly turned his back to the door again, and resumed the twisted sitting posture that was originally like a spider spirit.

He ruthlessly ordered that he was like a butcher in the vegetable market yelling for a few more catties of pork: "Great, if this is the case, then you can call a few more people. The ones who are so good-looking can make His Highness feel emotional unconsciously." which type."

Hikiri: ...Unconsciously?

"Oh, yes, a dozen or so doesn't matter."

When looking for a source of strength, of course we have to cast a wide net. Maybe if there are only a few, will the number not be enough?Maybe a few more people can make up for the lack of numbers.

Thinking of this, he cast a "Don't let me down, Dad.jpg" look at Fu Sangshen who was staying at the door.

"..." Mustache: "Understood."


He turned his head and summoned all the fusangshen in the main pill, and announced the summon from the God Judge to the stunned Daojianmen, and falsified the content without any hesitation, without a trace of shame, "My lord intends to hold a sleeping party, Is there anyone who recommends himself and wants to go there? The requirement is to be beautiful and seductive. If you can't meet the requirements, don't be overwhelmed."

"It will start tomorrow, everyone, come on."

Fusangshen: "!!!???"

What a marvelous thing they heard!

In the Chinese class, Guangzhou slowly took out a long scroll from the drawer hole when others took out the textbook.

Kise, who was at the same table, glanced curiously, opened his mouth to ask, and suddenly found that the teacher gave him a hard look, so he had to shut up aggrieved.

He squinted his eyes to see what Guangzhou wanted to do quietly, and soon found that the somewhat yellowed ancient scroll was spread out bit by bit by the black-haired boy, and spread out bit by bit on the table. It turned into a piece of paper that was almost bigger than the entire desk.

Kise couldn't help but glanced at Guang Zhou again, trying to impress his deskmate who didn't turn his head to look at him, but he still didn't ask.After looking at it for two seconds, the blond boy held his breath and turned around again. He even spread out his notebook in a serious manner, trying to listen to what the teacher said on the podium.

The exam is about to take place, so he can't be distracted in class like this.

After 3 minutes, Guangzhou took out a black oil-based pen from the hole in the table, and began to write and draw on his scroll, frowning, smiling, and lifting the pen, just like a calligraphy with a well-thought-out plan Everyone's style.

Huang Lai couldn't bear it anymore, he glanced at the intoxicated teacher, and quietly moved the dog's head towards him.

Huang Lai: "..." This is actually a winner's advanced tree diagram posted on the bulletin board at the scene of a large-scale competitive competition.

Like a middle school soccer national game, the winning team draws a darker and thicker line extending above the school's team name.

But at the very bottom of this tree-like picture—it turned out to be a photo sticker. He glanced over it, and even saw a picture of himself smiling brightly on it. Seto guessed that it was probably the information collected by the adults at the same table.

Fortunately, he still remembered that he was in class at this moment, and he didn't exclaim violently, but he still couldn't suppress his exclamation, and couldn't help but groan: "Xiao Guangzhou! What are you doing?"

Soon he was glanced lightly at him by his deskmate with a look of "you don't even know this", which made him start to wonder if he was dozing off in some class recently and didn't hear the teacher's arrangement. homework.

"This is the selection ceremony of the source of power."

The black-haired boy's low voice was like the Sanskrit voice in a Buddhist temple, full of inviolable sacredness.

Kise: "..."

Although it seems very powerful, it seems to be a ritual for a cult to select believers?


"I understand what you mean."

But this is not considered a cult MLM model, this is simply a concubine selection model!

Through the comparison and scoring of each person's identity information, personal hobbies, and then judging the degree of fit between himself and this person, so as to choose the person who is most suitable for him and most likely to make him like it, it should be said that it is Xiao Guangzhou what?

"So you want to use this method to find a suitable lover." The blond boy swallowed quietly, and there was a hint of difficulty in his tone, "—but, why are so many boys in Xiaoguang Zhou's on your list?!"

Speaking of this, there seemed to be a slight twist in Kise's voice, which was trying to calm down.

"Besides, there's me in it. Of course, Xiao Guangzhou, I don't mean to discriminate against your orientation."

"If you choose me, it's actually quite normal... I won't mind, ah, I mean..."

The handsome young man said no, but his body was very honest and fidgeted, his eyes began to fly wildly, and he didn't know if it was pleasure or something else.

Guang Zhou, who couldn't understand, turned his head and continued the concubine selection contest.

Huang Lai: "..." qwq don't ignore me!

after class,

The big golden retriever stickily followed behind Guangzhou, his handsome face full of tears arched on the black-haired boy's shoulders, persistently trying to stretch out his paws to reach the scroll that Guangzhou held in his hand.

"...I haven't seen that I've advanced yet! I think I can beat that gray-haired guy, Mitsujou, you put us together?!... There should be privileges at the same table! I think I can Pass the first level! If you do this, I will go back and show you your schoolbag crying."

Finally, the two sat safely under the cherry blossom tree and enjoyed the lunch box at noon.

"This is a gift from the Hokkaido fishing grounds, a sacrifice of bay leaves, a perfect fusion of creamy mushroom sauce and fresh fish soup. They were all part of Italian cheese and seafood lasagna, but they have to be integrated for His Highness. One, this will be the most glorious moment of your life. Then—”

"I'm gonna start now."

Guangzhou clasped his hands together with a calm expression.

Kise: "..." It seems that there is no gratitude to nature and awe of food.

After quieting down, Kise, who was a little noisy at first, showed a somewhat uncomfortable expression.

Woow, this is the guy who wants to make him one of his candidate boyfriends, why did he follow here?He is super straight!

He scratched the itchy cheeks that were scratched by the hair, and then thought again, Xiao Guangzhou was just joking?He doesn't seem to be serious about planning a relationship. How can anyone decide on a lover in such a random way?

After all, this is an intimacy that comes from emotional attraction.

But, thinking about it this way, Xiao Guangzhou is more beautiful and smarter than many girls, and he is better at learning things than him. If we can be together... It's not a loss!

Wait... what is he thinking! ! !

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