The second disease teaches you to be a man [comprehensive]

Chapter 114 Part 2 The present world of disease 20

Sure enough, Sato was irritated by the actions of the teenagers, and he sized them up with an almost vicious look.

The Atobe secret passage is not good. Although the scene is located in a desolate and uninhabited warehouse, the scene was cleaned up very cleanly. It is obvious that the kidnappers were very thoughtful and hid all the tools that could help them escape, not even a piece of broken glass. .Even in his rage, he didn't keep the toolbox within reach of a few teenagers.

As expected of a person who can be respected as one of the elders in the Atobe Group, he really has two skills.

Now, they can only hope that their family members will find out about their disappearance as soon as possible and come as soon as possible to avoid further deterioration of the situation.

Really, not gorgeous.

"I'll take you to do the surgery."

Sato viciously kicked the tall and strong boy who was unconscious on the ground, and the edge of his mouth was almost lifted to his ears. He checked the ropes on several people again and again, and smiled happily after confirming that there was no problem. Constantly rummaging through the scissors in the toolbox.

The permeating and out-of-tune brisk singing is looming and intermittent in the gloomy warehouse.

"Ah, pliers? ... Oh, when did this little hammer come in?"

He waved it casually a few times, and the metallic luster dazzled people's eyes, "The texture is very good, but I don't know what kind of beautiful sound it will be when it is struck on the human body?"

Guangzhou tilted his head, his black hair followed his movements little by little, and yawned cutely, with suspicious water stains in the corners of his eyes.

Aw, I'm a little sleepy. Why is this person's lines so long? Forget it, His Highness still allows an ignorant human being to say his last words before the end of his life.

Oh, what a merciful king he is.

Seeing this, Atobe's expression was a little stern, and there was a slight worry in his eyes.

Can't this brat see the situation clearly?Is it too stupid to keep provoking a madman who has lost his mind for the sake of ridiculous self-esteem?

Although his self-esteem would not allow him to say words of weakness in this situation, it is obviously not wise to provoke this guy.

In fact, his heart is more admiration that even he doesn't really want to admit. This kid should be much younger than him. It seems that he is only in the first or second grade of middle school. It is too good to face this kind of threat mentality. , even too good to be abnormal.

If there is still a chance to go out, he will reluctantly admit this guy.


Friends who share weal and woe.

"It's already at this time, are you still looking at each other affectionately? Is it really a touching friendship?"

The kidnapper, who was playing with a small metal hammer in his hand, had a distorted expression, and his temples were rolling. He looked sideways at the posture of the black-haired boy, grinned maliciously, and approached Guangzhou step by step.

Sato reached out and untied the seemingly white and thin hands bound behind Guang Zhou's back, not afraid of the boy's resistance.After all, with his legs and feet tied up, it was impossible to escape under his supervision.After all, he is also an adult man, can he still be unable to deal with a kid born in middle school?

"Little ghost, if you are sensible, it's best not to move around, or you will suffer more pain later - otherwise I can't protect myself from hitting something that shouldn't be hit later."

The arms wrapped in the clothes were slender and flexible, full of the unique beauty of teenagers, like a docile sheep being held in the man's hand obediently, he looked at this body like a work of art almost fascinated.

Sato weighed the small hammer in his hand, and was very satisfied with Guang Zhou's obedience. He smiled, his expression became more perverted, and took a deep breath, as if he was breathing the pleasure of revenge against society, "Yoxi, yoxi, really You are a good boy, I will treat you well later."

Really bad lines.

"Then it's about to start now. If you're scared, you can close your eyes." The man pretended to comfort him, but he was very much looking forward to the frightened and painful expression of the calm and proud young man in front of him.

Why is he the only one suffering in this world, and he wants to let all these proud sons of heaven be buried with him!

At this time, the kidnappers seemed to have seen the ugliness of the boy begging and crying bitterly under his torment. At that time, he was like a high god, controlling these people who are born to have everything but act recklessly and destroy others at will Life guys, then strip away everything that destroys them.

The beautiful and calm face of the black-haired boy swayed in front of him for a moment, as if being reincarnated in a dream, and the faces of people who had laughed at him appeared one after another, as if they were all kneeling down On the ground, Pain begged him to let them go.

A distorted desire for control and pleasure flooded into his brain almost instantly like a high tide, blood vessels pulsated excitedly, and his hands began to tremble with excitement.

Atobe frowned deeply, and kept rubbing against the tight and rough rope with his hands behind his back, trying secretly to break free from the things that bound his hands and feet.The wrist that had been bruised and purple began to break through the constant friction, and the bruised and purple strangle marks were particularly eye-catching on the pampered wrist all year round.

Atobe clenched his teeth, and he began to secretly hate himself for not exercising harder.

If I was stronger, I might be able to break free and prevent this tragedy from happening.If at this time, there are tools next to it, it would be great to have a tennis racket that can be swung.

When he secretly hated himself for not being gorgeous, suddenly, the kidnapper's surprised voice came from beside him, ""

Atobe was startled, he raised his gray-purple eyes to look at the boy next to him, and his breathing eased a lot. Could it be that this guy's calmness is not just pretending, what other tricks does he actually have? !

In the floating light, the gangster and the hijacked remained in their original postures, one holding the other's arm.

The boy's white knuckles were originally slightly bent towards the ground in a relaxed and fragile posture, but at this moment, there seemed to be a terrifying suction force from the ground, and twisted ripples that were visible to the naked eye seemed to appear in the air, and the boy's entire body His arms began to tremble violently, as if he was about to summon some monster from the mud hidden deep under the ground.

Sato looked at the young man in amazement, but unexpectedly did not let go of his hand. Instead, he squeezed harder, and the veins in his big hand that squeezed his forearm burst out, and Atobe next to him even heard the crackling sound of the fragile bones.

Although he was kicked out of the Atobe Group, he still has some hidden contacts. This black-haired boy is the most famous genius inventor in that family. Everything he invented was robbed by countless people since he was a child. If it weren't for legal restrictions, the dangerous weapon this kid invented when he was a child would definitely make him the richest person in the world in an instant.

Although it was carefully checked several times while several people were in a coma, but... if something was really missed, it would be terrible.

Guangzhou didn't care.

He flicked his wrist, the flexible and light movements were like the passing light, changing between his fingers, the vague and slight tremor was like a dragonfly wrapped in tulle, which dazzled people, and finally he grabbed the palm violently, turning into a fist.

When he opened his palm again, a familiar yellow sphere suddenly appeared.

Atobe recognized at a glance that this was the tennis ball that the brat was playing with when they met on the street before, and he couldn't help showing a dazed expression.

Atobe has a complicated mood: "..."

- huh?Doing such a lot of gorgeous and complicated operations, just to take out a tennis ball? !

Did he want to invite him to play tennis with him and let them out if he won?Or do you want to knock this guy out with a tennis ball with your bare hands?Even he can only hit a tennis ball with a speed of more than 220 kilometers per hour when using a tennis racket.

The gangsters who were waiting in full battle were stunned again: "..."

This is his trump card?

After a few seconds, he regained his composure and teased viciously, "Is this a gift for uncle?"

"Hey, the tear mole monster."

Guang Zhou ignored it, and turned his head slightly to meet Kami Atobu's line of sight.

"Hold your breath."

Ah, fragile mortals are troublesome, so you have to be cautious if you want to use it.

Hearing this, Atobe subconsciously held his breath, widened his eyes slightly, and watched the boy's movements.Could that tennis ball be the secret weapon that emits poisonous fumes?

At the same time, the kidnapper was shocked by his words and let go, grabbed the black-haired boy's arm, raised his hand to cover his mouth and nose, stepped back in a hurry, and stepped on his belt in a panic. There was a loud noise on the coming toolbox, and the whole person lost his balance and crashed into the tools scattered on the ground.

"We are above all things! Dreamers, destroyers, our minds move, stars are born, all things are our vanity, who dares to stand before us! You insignificant mortals, want to touch us! You How dare you play with us! We will repay you twice, curse your deeds, curse all the price! One thought of the world, one thought of hell, at the end of the day, on the day of the end, all things will perish because of our anger!"

"My anger is born with me, thunder and lightning, listen to my orders, and inflict on these sinful people!"

Under the dull eyes of the two, Guangzhou smiled mockingly, and then slammed the ball in his hand on the man who was about to get up in a panic.

The small yellow ball entangled with silver-white snake-like electric light was like an unstoppable rainbow light, accompanied by the sound of crackling and cracking, passing through Atobe's wide-eyed eyes, he seemed to be able to see the silent huge waves rolling up beside him, The lightning speed hit Sato's body.

With a flash of white light, Sato felt as if his whole body was struck by lightning from the sky. He watched the whole world collapse like a building block pushed by a child. The nerves were transmitted to the brain center, and the pain was so painful that I almost lost my breath.

A few seconds later, the originally arrogant man twitched and fell to the ground in a zombie-like posture, and the paper bag on his head fell, revealing a face of a middle-aged man full of twists and pains, his hair also It was baked and fried.

A series of divine developments made Atobe fall into silence: "..."

He even smelled an unglamorous smell of burnt chicken from a distance.

It's over in two seconds.

After being untied, the eldest young master of the Atobe family looked deeply at Guangzhou squatting next to the kidnapper's seemingly silent body and poking around, silently placing his fingers under his tear mole and gently stroking. Pushed to the appearance.

Ah... Could it be that this guy was transformed from the power-generating creature called Pikachu that Xiang Ri mentioned?

However, if this move can be used in tennis technology, I am afraid it will be very powerful.

Atobe imagined the scene where everyone who fights with the black-haired kid will be convulsed by electricity and fall tragically on the playing field like a zombie. Even if he is as strong as him, he can't help but shudder.


How to do it?

The kidnapper fell, but the kidnapping must continue.

Under the indescribable eyes of the rarely silent Atobe and Kawachi, Mitsuzou calmly called out the kidnapper who wanted to faint again.

The furious kidnappers immediately attacked the boy after waking up.

Before Atobe could remind him, the gangster was electrocuted again by the innocent boy. He opened his mouth and closed it again, and finally just let out a cold snort.

"Even if you live in the dark, you can't look like a walking dead. In a world ruled by the dark emperor, what dissatisfaction do you have?"

"—Go to hell!"

"Humans are such stubborn creatures."

"...Smelly brat, wait for me!"

After repeating it more than a dozen times, the kidnapper, who was so decadent that he gave up hope, fell to the ground, desperately waiting to be arranged by the evil forces, and then listened to Guangzhou? The great director? You began to guide him in the next script How should Zhong play his role as a kidnapper? If he makes a mistake, he will be punished with electric shocks and verbal attacks from the second disease.

The kidnapper shed tears of regret: "...I was wrong."

Why did I want to kidnap this guy? I really should poke my dog's eyes blind in the first place.

Qi Mu stood in front of the kidnapper who was trembling but trying to maintain a ferocious expression on his face, and then listened to all the stories from the theater in his head.

The kidnapper yelled: "Bring the ransom here, or I will tear up the ticket!" As he spoke, he pulled the cooperating young man, and then put a small knife on Guangzhou's neck.

Ahhhhhh, by the way, you look more scared than the kidnapped person. If your voice is not trembling, I might believe it more.

The person with super powers felt that this big show was simply despising his IQ. Can the guy next to him with his arms folded and his expression on his face watching the show stay professionally where he can't see it?

Qi Mu withdrew his gaze, and cast a threatening look at Guang Zhou, "You big troublemaker, stop playing and come here quickly".

Guangzhou pretended not to see it, although the plan to go deep into the real danger was officially declared a failure, but perhaps another form could be used to achieve the goal!

Now is the critical moment!Power!Heed his call!Show up now!

The villain in the kidnapped black-haired boy raised his arms and shouted wildly.

Qi Mu's green glasses reflected a light, and he looked at Zuo Zuo's little brother quietly.

Really, this guy didn't even wear a suppressor today, and his telepathy has long been exposed, okay?Or is it expected that he won't expose it?

Guangzhou spoke his lines proficiently. He has practiced this part for a long time. His eyes showed panic, and he put a hand on the gangster's hand holding a sharp weapon. He seemed to try hard to break it but failed, "Save Help me, I don't want to die! Fan... Nissan! I want to live! Woo——!"


Qi Mu had no expression on his face, and even wanted to turn around and leave, but he heard the young master next to him who came from nowhere and exuded a rich aura sneered mockingly: "..."

Hey, I was so scared when I saw the so-called gangsters that I let go, or did you push me back to the front of my neck?And just now, did this guy want to call a pink hair monster or something?

Qi Mu threw the box containing a lot of paper aside, walked up to the kidnapper who was on the verge of collapse, and pushed the kidnapper away, and the knife fell to the ground with a bang.

The kidnapper jumped aside in surprise, with a grateful expression on his face, he rushed to Saiki Kusuo's back with snot and tears, tore his trouser legs, and begged him to save himself quickly.

The dark emperor, who was trying to be kidnapped, instantly showed indifferent eyes: "..."

The scene fell into a mysterious and awkward atmosphere.

In the end, the kidnapper was sent to the police station. He jumped in almost in surprise under the strange sight of the police, and explained all his crimes clearly, wishing to leave quickly.

Standing tall beside his luxury car, Director Ji waved his hand to signal the driver who looked apologetic and worried to wait beside him.

The setting sun was as red as fire, burning the other half of the handsome young man's cheeks, relying on his height, he looked down at the black-haired young man who was pawing the ground dissatisfiedly like a rebellious pony, and nodded at the corner of his eyes , with a proud smile, "Little devil, what's your name?"

Only those who are recognized by Atobe can get such an honor. If the tennis club's companions see the gentle expression on Atobe's face at this moment, their jaws will drop to the ground in shock.

"Third year at Ice Emperor Academy, head of the tennis department, Keigo Atobe."

The wind blew up the corners of their clothes.

Guang Zhou also raised his head proudly: "I, from the Augustus Empire, Nicholas II, the Dark Emperor."

Atobe, who originally thought he could get the name and school or club information, almost poked his eyes: "..."

"Dark Emperor, let's go."

The superpower user urged coldly.

"Oh, stupid human being. Pink hair monster, why did he look at me like that just now?" Guang Zhou put his hand on Qi Mu's palm obediently, and prepared to take the teleportation express of the superpower card.

"Yeah yay—who knows."

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