The gray-haired puppy wagged its tail, and was carried home by Jian Haoyuan in a happy mood. Jian Haoyuan's mood also relaxed, and the haze of the previous life began to gradually fade away.Walking halfway, I found that the puppy suddenly barked at Jian Haoyuan's back!

Jian Haoyuan turned his head and saw that behind him, there were two men with strong looks, who were pushing a long and narrow green car on the side of the road. Judging from the shape of the green car, it looked like a coffin.Walking halfway, the car was bumped suddenly, and a little Yu Ruyi jumped out and rolled to Jian Haoyuan's feet.In this regard, the two middle-aged men were not aware of it.

The puppy barked louder, and a chill rose from Jian Haoyuan's feet. Jian Haoyuan took two steps back, only to see a translucent person floating out of Yu Ruyi.

"Hi, puppy, hello," the translucent person greeted the puppy, looked at Jian Haoyuan again, and said affirmatively, "You can see me."

Jian Haoyuan glanced at him, and memories of the fat man appeared in his mind.

This person is a male clown who often plays evil spirits, villains, and wretched men. He has given the big fat man a huge fright and a deep impression. The big fat man doesn't know his name, but he only knows that he has played the old demon of Montenegro.

It's definitely not a good thing to be followed by this evil thing, Jian Haoyuan was noncommittal, turned around and left.

But the Black Mountain old demon followed Jian Haoyuan relentlessly, and Yu Ruyi rolled and rolled at his feet, but the pedestrians on the road couldn't see him at all.While rolling with Jian Haoyuan, he said thoughtfully: "Although I'm ugly, don't run away, you can definitely see me, you are a dead body, you can tell that you are the same kind..."

Jian Haoyuan walked to a deserted alley and stopped, and punched the face of an old black mountain demon, but it missed as expected, the fist felt nothing but cold.

The Montenegro old demon gave a wretched laugh, and took a bite at Jian Haoyuan's fist.The cold feeling slipped over his fist, and Jian Haoyuan felt extremely sick.

Jian Haoyuan frowned, stared at the old black mountain demon, and asked, "Who are you and why are you following me?"

The Montenegrin old demon said: "At present, only you can see me? I can help you fulfill five wishes. If you lack gold, silver or women, I can also help you find them. In exchange, you can also help me fulfill one wish." .”

Jian Haoyuan said: "I want to go back to my time, can you help me?"

"...I can't," the Black Mountain old demon floated on top of Jian Haoyuan's head and roared loudly, "But I can help you become famous! Help you make money! Help you steal things!"

The volume was too loud, and the gray-haired puppy seemed to be intimidated, and howled desperately at the old black mountain demon, fighting with him whose volume was louder.Jian Haoyuan stroked the hair of the gray-haired puppy in his arms, rubbed its neck, and comforted it, then kicked Yu Ruyi, where the old Black Mountain demon lived, into the gutter.

Montenegro old demon: "..."

At 10 o'clock in the evening, after getting rid of the old black mountain demon, Jian Haoyuan returned to the warehouse of the noodle shop.

The warehouse of the noodle shop is near the alley, where the ingredients are placed, and the big fat man will sleep here on the floor at night.Outside the warehouse, there is a back alley and a faucet, where the fat man usually washes the dishes.

Because it was a noodle shop and it was under the fence, Jian Haoyuan didn't bring the uncleaned gray puppy in, but just moved the big fat man's washbasin out, took the brush that the big fat man used to wash clothes, and began to bathe the puppy.

The alley was pitch black just now, Jian Haoyuan thought the puppy's hair was gray.Now with the help of the light, I can finally see its color clearly.The hair on the ears and eyes is black, while the rest is grayish yellow, stained with something sticky, and there are unhealed wounds on the body.

As soon as the puppy was put into the washbasin, a layer of putty ash floated on the surface of the water.Jian Haoyuan changed several large basins of water, but he still hasn't cleaned it up. The puppy's hair is still yellow and tangled together.Later, Jian Haoyuan simply shaved off all the hair on his body with a razor, leaving only the hair on his head.The puppy's body showed pink skin, and there were many red spots and black spots on the skin.

The reason why the puppy's small tail has no hair is because the tail is also wrapped in many greasy black spots.As soon as Jian Haoyuan touched the puppy's tail, the puppy groaned and screamed pitifully, trembling pitifully, its paws resting weakly on Jian Haoyuan's fingers.

I don't know who is so cruel, throwing the newborn puppy near the trash can, let it grow up in the dirty smell, and the dirty smell corrodes the body.

Jian Haoyuan couldn't bear it either, but he couldn't ignore it. He held down the puppy with one hand to keep it from moving around, and began to forcefully brush off those black spots with the other hand. There was blood, and the puppy screamed and screamed.

At this time, Yu Ruyi, the old demon of Montenegro, rolled over again, covered in gray vapor from the gutter.Jian Haoyuan frowned, stretched out his foot, and kicked Yu Ruyi into the gutter again.

As soon as the puppy saw Yu Ruyi of the old Black Mountain demon, he immediately stopped barking, and stared viciously at the gutter where Yu Ruyi fell, and made an attacking posture, ready to attack at any time.Taking advantage of the puppy's distraction, Jian Haoyuan ruthlessly washed the puppy's tail completely as if obsessive-compulsive, and finally took white wine and poured it on the puppy.

In the previous life, Jian Haoyuan always did this when he was traumatized. After washing the wound, he poured white wine on the wound, and then bandaged it.He also knows it hurts, but it can't be done otherwise. If it is not clean, the puppy's wounds will most likely not heal.

When the white wine was poured on the wound, the puppy couldn't help howling in pain, but it didn't bite Jian Haoyuan.

At this time, Yu Ruyi struggled to roll up from the gutter covered in dirt.The puppy seized the right moment, broke free from Jian Haoyuan's grip, flicked its paws, and pushed Yu Ruyi back into the gutter.

Montenegro old demon: "... Even dogs bully me!!"

Jian Haoyuan smiled, washed the heroic puppy's paws, wrapped it in a clean towel, and gently comforted it like a reward. The puppy was very satisfied and enjoyed a few times. The demon dials down.

Yu Ruyi, the old demon of Montenegro, climbed up again with difficulty.

The puppy stared at him with piercing eyes, moved its beard, and showed its sharp claws!Before the paw touched Yu Ruyi, Yu Ruyi was so frightened that she fell down again and didn't come up for a long time.

Jian Haoyuan also stared at the gutter for a while, and stroked the puppy's hair. Seeing that the night was getting dark, he planned to build a small nest for it to sleep in.

Seeing that the Black Mountain old demon didn't come up for a long time, the puppy turned his attention to his own skin.Staring at the gutter for a while, and then turning to look at his bare skin, his heart ached so much that he stuck out his tongue and began to lick the purulent part of his hind legs.Jian Haoyuan, who was building a small nest with paper, heard the movement, looked back, and found that the puppy's pink hind legs had been licked black, and Jian Haoyuan's face was also black.

The puppy turned his head stiffly, blinked his big eyes, bowed his head towards Jian Haoyuan, as if begging for forgiveness.

Even though the puppy's hair has been shaved at the moment, Jian Haoyuan's eyes are still defeated...

After searching in memory for a while, Jian Haoyuan found the toothbrush of the big fat man, held down the puppy again, brushed the puppy's teeth, and gave the puppy another big cleaning. The poor puppy was drenched in white wine again, miserable Xi nestled in the towel, not daring to lick herself anymore.

Jian Haoyuan stretched out his hand, and gently touched its head a few times. The puppy still lay weakly on its stomach, resting its head on its front paws.It wasn't until Jian Haoyuan cut a few pieces of meat and fed it that it came alive fiercely. It got up and smelled the meat curiously, and then swallowed the meat in one gulp without even biting.

But choked.

"Eat slowly," Jian Haoyuan stretched out his hand along its neck, and said, "Bite slowly, don't worry, no one will snatch it from you."

The puppy was comforted, and began to slowly try to bite the piece of meat. After eating, it lay obediently beside Jian Haoyuan, smelling the smell of his trousers.

There was a famine when I was a child, Jian Haoyuan was also like a puppy, he swallowed food as soon as he grabbed it, no matter whether he choked or not, fortunately, his master took him up the mountain, and his brothers took good care of him...

Jian Haoyuan let out a sigh of relief, patted the puppy's head, and carried it to the nest to sleep.But the little dog insisted on not sleeping, ran to the door and squatted down, as if he was about to face the old Montenegrin monster in the gutter at any time.

Seeing this, Jian Haoyuan pulled the puppy back and insisted on looking at the door, but there was nothing wrong with it, and said: "Go to sleep when you are tired." I don't know if the puppy can understand.

The puppy wagged its tail arrogantly and continued to stare at the door.

It is said that dogs can see dirty things and are loyal to their master. It seems that the old Black Mountain demon is really not a good person.

Jian Haoyuan looked at the puppy's back, thoughtful.

Let's feed the puppy tomorrow.

While paying attention to the movements around him, Jian Haoyuan sat cross-legged on the floor and began to meditate.Looking inside the dantian, ready to use the cultivation secrets of the first layer of "Xuanyang Secret Code".

Xuanyang's real body is really extraordinary.

Although the fat man is over 18 years old and has missed the best age for cultivation, the progress of cultivation is much faster than Jian Haoyuan's body in his previous life.Jian Haoyuan has only been meditating for an hour, and he has already found the sense of true energy and opened up all the meridians.True Qi circulated unimpeded through the three great cycles, and also divided one percent of the nutrients stored in the meridians throughout the body.

Coupled with Jian Haoyuan's rich experience and talent, the first time he meditated, he jumped to the third level of the first level in one fell swoop, reached the skill of half a year of previous life practice, and was able to perform the first level of lightness kung fu - his body is as light as a swallow.Add some more time to completely turn the nutrients in the meridians into true qi and break through the first layer.

It's just that haste makes waste. Jian Haoyuan did not speed up the transformation of nutrients, but first widened the meridians and stabilized his skills.

Two hours later.

It's 5 in the morning and it's still dark.Jian Haoyuan also finished his exercise, and when he opened his eyes, he found that his whole body was extremely sticky, oily and black, just like the gray-haired puppy before, it was the exercise last night that removed all the dirt from his body.

Jian Haoyuan walked to the toilet and began to bathe himself.

There is a mirror in the toilet. After washing himself, Jian Haoyuan can finally see what the fat man looks like.

In fact, the big fat man is not ugly.

Although the face is round, it is superior in that the facial features are upright and the sky is full.Under the two thick eyebrows, the eyes are curved and the eyelashes are very long. When he is not smiling, he seems to have a smile on his face, and his face looks blessed.Jian Haoyuan also worked hard to expel the dirt in his body, so he looks good and his skin is white and tender.

In terms of body, it is also round and even, that is, it is about twice the size of a normal person when viewed from the front and from the side.Although relatively fat and round, the big fat man does the dirtiest and most tiring physical work in the noodle shop. He carries a weight of 1 kilograms every day to do the work, so his strength is not small because of his weight. Compared with ordinary people, his body can be regarded as Agile and vigorous.

It's a pity that the big fat man is not tall and developed relatively late. Now he looks only 16 years old, a whole head shorter than Jian Haoyuan's previous life, only about 1.6 meters.

Jian Haoyuan has no idea about his current appearance, and he never judges people by appearance.

After taking a bath, the puppy is obviously very tired and hasn't woken up yet.

Yu Ruyi, who was in the gutter last night, appeared at Jian Haoyuan's feet.The old Heishan demon emerged from Yu Ruyi, and said in a low voice, "After waiting all night, your puppy fell asleep, and I was so sleepy."

Jian Haoyuan asked, "What exactly do you want to do?"

The Montenegrin old demon proudly said: "Help you!"

Jian Haoyuan made a gesture to kick him, but the Black Mountain old demon hurriedly raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, rolled backwards twice, and said: "My wish is too strong, the underworld decided not to accept me, let me stay in the world, and go back after fulfilling my wish .”

"What wish." Jian Haoyuan asked as he got up and went to the kitchen, preparing to cook boiled meat and rice for breakfast for the puppy and himself.

The Montenegrin old demon said: "Do you have a memory for resurrecting a dead body? Do you know who I am?"

Jian Haoyuan said, "Yes, old Black Mountain demon."

Heishan old demon was very excited when he heard this, and shouted: "That's right, it's me!"

As soon as he finished yelling, the Black Mountain old demon looked at the sleeping puppy with a guilty conscience. Seeing that it hadn't woken up yet, he breathed a sigh of relief, lowered his voice, and whispered in Jian Haoyuan's ear: "I've been in the entertainment industry for a while now. 30 years, a full 30 years! I played the roles of evil spirits and villains, and the ribbon-cutting event advertising endorsement did not ask me for anything. A full 30 years! Obviously every role has been performed superbly, and it has won the hearts of the people. Walking on the street, everyone shouted Fighting, scaring children without being scared to cry, but I have never won an acting award. It has been 30 years! Friends who debuted at the same time have been caught by the hidden rules, but I have not, and no one wants to send it to the door, me! No! Gan! Heart!"

Jian Haoyuan didn't understand very well, and cut the meat into small pieces with a normal expression, and threw them into the water.

The Montenegrin old demon was very excited and said: "Although you are fat, at least you look much better than me. Moreover, if you can still see me, I can help you! Use my 30 years of acting skills to help you! You I will definitely win an award, become a powerful actor, and become popular!"

Jian Haoyuan said ruthlessly: "For 30 years, I haven't won a single award, I don't believe you."

Montenegro old demon: "..."

It was dawn, and the old Heishan demon also fell silent, withdrawing into Yu Ruyi depressedly.

The puppy also woke up, Jian Haoyuan fed the puppy meat and rice, hugged the puppy, went to the street to have a look, and looked for opportunities to rent a house and work by the way.

It's inconvenient to live under someone's roof, and it's not easy to keep a dog in the warehouse of a noodle shop. Jian Haoyuan doesn't plan to stay in the noodle shop to wash dishes anymore, so he found the fat man's savings and decided to find a house first.

The big fat man has worked in the noodle shop for three years, with food and housing included, and his monthly salary is only more than 1000, and the proprietress just gives him the minimum wage.After three years, the fat man only saved a few hundred yuan.

He uses the cheapest daily necessities, including mobile phones, and the money he saves is spent on two things, one is Yaya, which is used to go to Internet cafes to surf the Internet, and buy the best external sound cards and microphones; Another purpose is to give gifts to the goddess Chu Xuan, and send the bags and jewelry that the goddess wants in Moments.

The goddess Chuxuan is the senior sister of the big fat man, one of the influential figures in the school, with a sweet appearance and even more beautiful singing voice, and now she is signed to Lewen Entertainment Company, becoming a new generation of popular singers.The big fat man flocked to her, and gave out a lot of gifts, but the goddess accepted his wishes, and asked the big fat man to continue to save money and give gifts, but the goddess didn't appreciate it.

However, the goddess is sometimes gentle.

Early this morning, I received a re-election message from Lin Xiaoqiu on my phone, and also received an apology letter from the goddess Chu Xuan: "Sorry, I was in a bad mood yesterday and said some unforgivable things. I never thought about it that way. Fatty, I'm sorry, I hope you don't mind, but I actually think you are quite cute."

Jian Haoyuan didn't reply, and directly deleted Chu Xuan's text message.

Continue shopping, wandering until night, and found a lot of rental information on the street. When the landlord saw the puppy in Jian Haoyuan's arms, they all expressed that they did not want to rent it to people with pets; That is to say, Jian Haoyuan is required to pay three months' rent in advance. Jian Haoyuan only has a few hundred with him, and his pocket is very shy; when he went to the agency, there was no suitable one, so Jian Haoyuan waited for news.

Walked for a day, in vain.Jian Haoyuan walked back to the warehouse of the noodle shop, laughed at himself, picked up the pink puppy, and said, "I also said I would raise you."

Not knowing why, the puppy wagged its tail, and suddenly howled "Wow" at Jian Haoyuan's back.

Jian Haoyuan turned his head and saw the old Black Mountain demon.The Montenegrin old demon was floating two meters away from him.

"I followed you all the way, but it would hurt to come out during the day, so I didn't say it until now," the old demon of Montenegro said, "I saw your audition text message! You want to be an actor! Do you know how much an actor can earn! Those who are less have thousands of dollars a month, and those who have more can earn tens of millions! Renting a house is definitely not a problem.”

Jian Haoyuan was shy, and began to be a little interested in the words of the Black Mountain old demon. He scratched the puppy's chin, so that the puppy stopped howling.

Although the puppy stopped barking, it still stared fiercely at the old Black Mountain demon.

The Black Mountain old demon shrank back a meter before saying, "Then do you know what to prepare for the audition?"

Jian Haoyuan replied truthfully: "I don't know, just take a look out of curiosity."

The Montenegro old demon said: "Since you don't know, how about we make a bet?"

Jian Haoyuan asked: "What bet?"

The Montenegrin old demon smiled wretchedly and said, "Train you tonight, listen to me tomorrow, and I'll help you get the role! You help me get the prize! If you can't, I won't harass you in the future."

Jian Haoyuan thought for a while, then agreed: "Okay."

The author has something to say:

Several little angels have doubts, please answer:

For CP, um, big boss, 1V1

It’s not that the second senior brother is spicy, although the second senior brother is more fun =V=

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