The king is not the king, the minister is not the minister

The king is not the king, the minister is not the minister


60 Chapters Completed Status


For a country to prosper, it is natural for the monarch, ministers, fathers, and sons to act in their own positions.Yu Zhuo, a teacher of Taoist Lingyuntai, came out of the mountain at the age of 15 in troubled times.A three-year counselor with amazing talent, he assisted the establishment of the Xiahou Dynasty. He entered the dynasty as an official, from the position of the official to the left, and when he was weak, the emperor personally crowned him. He bestowed the word Hengqing, which is homophonic Hengqing.One year later, the emperor passed away, and the three sons seized the throne. This noble minister in white, who chose Mingjun, was once again at the top of the court.Power ministers, corrupt officials, and rebellion, nothing can escape the cooperation of this pair of monarchs and ministers.When the dust settled, the civil and military officials discovered that today's holy lord and virtuous ministers are not kings, ministers are not ministers!The emperor accepts, and the prime minister attacks; the emperor submits, and the courtiers call themselves the emperor Qing, Su Shixue, Zhou Xi, Wang Lian


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