After watching a few craftsmen cut the wood into planks and then bake and hoop them, Charles went to accompany his distinguished guests to hunt in the nearby beautiful forests, or by the edge of the river valley with gurgling water. Take a walk, or sit around on the grass by the pond and play whist.

He thought that this was enough, but according to Victor, when it comes to having fun, picking out a random Parisian is much better than him!

To be honest, Victor wasn't alone in thinking this way.

But Shire has one ear for this evaluation and one for it.If he had been spending his days and nights like the usual Parisian dude, he would have finished playing two years ago, and he wouldn't even have the chance to hear this!Therefore, his reaction was to be unresponsive, and only concentrate on dealing with affairs in his spare time.

In view of the good influence of this opening ceremony, after Louis XVIII returns to Paris, he will formally agree to lay the national railway network, the kind that the cabinet takes the lead in formulating plans.Because Shire has rich experience in this area, several relevant ministers accompanying him have already negotiated with him to let Shire be a special consultant for this big project.

In this way, if Shire wants to obtain exclusive operating rights for several routes or something, wouldn't the difficulty be greatly reduced?

In addition, because he was in such a happy mood, Louis XVIII took a walk around several wineries owned by Shire.Not only Haute Brion, he also expressed his appreciation for the great effort Shire spent in planting grapes.

"Not everyone is as down-to-earth as you!" His Majesty the King praised so much, "What condenses in this glass is not the wine, but the most precious heart in the world!"

As I said before, Parisians like to follow the trend.And the vane of the trend is undoubtedly those people at the top of Paris, as well as the red corners in certain theaters.And these two channels, Charles played very smoothly - he provided exquisite costumes to the theater for free, and His Majesty the King was even more coaxed -

Is it inevitable that the cotton fabrics in his factory are out of stock?Now that the king speaks like this, the wine in his winery will be predictably sold out, which is also inevitable!

As for the steel industry, there is no need to worry about sales.After technological improvement, the quality of all aspects of steel has been greatly improved, and it has long been fully covered by the National Guard, and the supply is in short supply!

No matter which aspect, expansion and production expansion are imminent!

Once upon a time, when buying wine, he had to consider whether he could borrow money from others to ease the pressure on liquidity; but now, to put it bluntly, the money in his hands, or the money that will soon be in his hands, is beyond the reach of banks. !

"Maybe I should be thankful that you don't do finance." Victor told Charles after finishing a budget, "In two years, even the bank will borrow gold from you, right?"

"If you want to borrow it, I can waive your IOU." Charles deliberately replied in a teasing tone.

Victor was really taken aback for a moment.No IOU?This familiar tone...why does it sound so similar to what he said before...?

No, did he really say that?At that time, also in Bordeaux, Charles was short of 50 francs to buy a vineyard, so he just borrowed it...

So, this is 30 years of Hedong and 30 years of Hexi!It doesn't take 30 years, three years is enough!

In this way, Shire in the eyes of outsiders is simply a smooth future.Many people talked about the young Lord Earl after tea and dinner, and felt that Charles would undoubtedly become the richest man in France in a few years, and he might also be able to gain power, and there was no lack of envy and hatred in his tone.

But while knowing that there are several gold mountains in Charles' family, many people don't know how much effort Charles has put in for this.Just like now, the king led a group of courtiers and nobles to go out for a tour, while Shire stayed in his winery and continued to discuss various winemaking plans with Mr. Myron.

This attitude made Mr. Myron reaffirm his vision.Because the winery is not the biggest profit maker for Shire, and even the proportion of profits is declining, but Shire's seriousness remains the same as before and has never changed.

"A young man like you is indeed destined to make a successful career." After the official business came to an end, Mr. Myron said, "Don't refuse—you see, I can't help but be in front of you." Don't ever praise someone!"

Charles pinched the bridge of his nose to refresh himself, and waved his hands again. "I've said it before - without someone like you, where would I have the time and energy to deal with so many things?"

"It's only in front of you that I know how difficult it is to get someone to accept a compliment!" Mr. Myron pretended to be angry, and then changed the subject on his own initiative: "So you've made up your mind? All the newly brewed wine is sold out." To America?"

Charles nodded. "Smell this smell," he picked up a piece of wood that had been toasted by the fire and turned slightly yellow. "I don't think the country can appreciate such a strong oak smell. In contrast, the American side prefers it." This kind of taste. Although it has to go through a long transportation process," he put down the wood chips, his eyes sparkled slightly, "but you must know that rare things are precious."

Mr. Myron understood. "Even if the extra transportation and transit costs are deducted," he said thoughtfully, "it's much more suitable than putting it in the wine cellar to take up space, or dumping it at a low price!"

"That's the reason." Charles affirmed, "If you must keep it, just keep some for everyone to try."

"Okay, I'll do as you said." Mr. Myron picked up the hard cardboard with precautions written on the table, squinted his eyes and looked at it carefully, and carefully put it away after making sure that there were no omissions.

Charles watched Mr. Myron's movements, and then looked at the rolling grape fields outside the window. "If everything goes well this year, I will consider buying a few more manors in Bordeaux; since the US air route has been opened, don't waste resources."

Just kidding, when the United States is on the rise, if you don't do business with Americans, you are simply out of your mind!

Thinking of this, Charles turned his head back, and added: "Also, I also want to build a new castle. You have lived in Bordeaux all your life, if you know any suitable place, please don't hesitate to tell me."

Mr. Myron's first reaction was the same as Victor's, completely surprised. "How did you come up with the idea of ​​building a castle?" he asked reflexively, before realizing that Charles was now an earl: "Oh, you need a domain of your own! That makes perfect sense. Here..."

Just when he was about to say something more, there was a knock on the door of the room, and then a servant bowed in and told them that there was a visit.

This was a common occurrence—there were too many people who wanted to visit Shire.But today's one is special, because she is the owner of Lusalus Chateau, Josephine.

"Madame de Egan?" Monsieur Myron was surprised. "This is a rare and valuable guest!"

Charles raised his eyebrows almost invisibly.When he settled Louis XVIII and his party in Lusalus Chateau, he had already met this Madame de Egan.His first impression was that Josephine was a well-maintained noble lady who was over fifty years old, but his second impression was her brilliant gray eyes.

The other party came to me at this time, does it mean that the important order of his first impression and second impression is wrong?

In any case, there was no reason to keep people out, and both Charles went straight to the living room.Not long after, Mrs. de Egan walked in with a skirt.After another 5 minutes, Charles already knew the other party's intention——

Madame de Egan apologized for not being able to visit him sooner; in addition to making up for it today, she also specially gave him the wine brewed in her own estate as an apology.

"Actually, I've been waiting for this opportunity for a long time, but I can't meet you every time." Mrs. de Egan said, her eyelashes drooped, and the opened silk fan just covered part of her lips, "Please Forgive me for my carelessness—a man's memory is not so good as he grows old."

"You are too polite." Charles said hastily.At the same time, he also knew that there was some truth in what the other party said—the most likely thing was that Mrs. de Egan had noticed him a long time ago, but she hadn't made up her mind about whether to make friends; and now, she had decided.

Sure enough, she is a shrewd woman, she can't afford it early, Charles thought to himself.Expansion of interpersonal relationship is a good thing, but I just don't know, what is the real purpose of the other party?

But then, the three talked about the climate of Bordeaux, the conservation of the terroir of the grape fields, the balance of grape varieties in the field, and the harvest expectation of this year's grapes... All in all, these are all aspects that would be of interest to vineyard owners. There are no sensitive topics.

After sending Mrs. de Egan away, Charles asked, "What do you think Mrs. de Egan means?" It's impossible to really discuss grape growing experience with them, right?

Mr. Myron knew about Charles' doubts——

After all, Shire is now popular in half of France, and everyone is flocking to it.This is not to say that everyone has bad intentions, but it is inevitable that a large number of people have the intention of making a fortune from Charles, and their purpose is not pure.

In this case, no one will be less vigilant.So Mr. Myron thought for a while, "Didn't Madame de Egan give you two barrels of good wine? You'll know after a taste."

This is to judge from the quality of the wine.If Mrs. de Egan just wanted to get closer, she would definitely send a superb wine; and if it was an ordinary visit, she would send ordinary goods (of course, this is generally relative to the usual quality of Chateau d’Igam, Compared with others, it is still many grades higher).

Both Charles and Mr. Myron are masters of wine tasting.They could smell the wine that Mrs. de Egan had sent—not top-notch, not average, but above-average.

"This is a very calm lady." Charles suddenly laughed. "Now I understand why she managed the manor so well."

I know that it is too late to show kindness after people are developed, and it will appear that I am eager for quick success, but I have to do it.Mrs. de Egan strikes a delicate balance in the middle - giving a slightly better gift without talking about something that may be offensive -

Whether you use this method to express your sincerity, or use this method to cover up your direct interest goals, it will give people a much better impression——

At least show enough patience, no?

Mr. Myron lived almost as many years as Charles and Mrs. de Egan combined, and it was easy to understand at this time. "Worthy of being from the de Egan family." He sighed, and added: "But I think, while you understand this, you also understand what she wants?"

Charles raised an eyebrow. "Of course!" A stable sea trading route, what else could it be?

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