Two barrels of white wine and an overseas sales channel, you don't need to think about it to know that the value of the two sides is not equal at all.But of course, this is only the beginning of the relationship; in Madame de Egan's mind, she and Charles will gradually get acquainted until they are sufficiently cooperative——

At that time, the bargaining chip she brought out during the negotiation was definitely more than two barrels of wine!

This is an invisible confrontation between smart people: there is no gunpowder, no guns, and there is not even a superficial relationship; some are just inadvertent eye transfers, or Yang's tone changes, replaced by static objects of expression ——

Afterwards, Mrs. de Egan knew what she wanted to know—Charles did not easily reject people thousands of miles away, and Charles also understood the other party’s intentions—a long-term and stable cooperative relationship—

So, is there any progress and what has been developed next? Isn't it step-by-step and logical?

that evening.

"You really attract women."

Victor came to this conclusion about what Ciel had told him.There is nothing wrong with the tone, but the content doesn't feel that way.

At this time, the sunset in the sky is red with the sunset glow, which is so gorgeous that it can give people the illusion of early morning.The breeze is blowing, and the air is filled with the unique fragrance of grape new leaves, which is carried to farther places along the stretching interval between the vines.

"Don't tell me, you even want to eat the jealousy of an elderly lady." Charles joked. “It’s good for us too; isn’t it another proof of competence to get something better? Americans would love that.”

Victor turned his head and stared at Charles.The angle was just right, and the sunlight smudged the fine fluff on the side of Charles' face into a soft golden edge.This scene reassembled the topic he originally wanted to say, and the exit became: "Then I still hope that they don't like it, but pray for themselves."

Anyway, the sensitive issues he knows now are only partial facts and guesses, and it won't be too late to talk to Charles when he finds out!

This kind of subtle thought has nothing to do with what we are talking about now, and of course it is impossible for Charles to figure it out. "Your words mean the same thing as Michelle's."

"But you must know that he and I can't have the same meaning." Victor took a step, and the dry and fine sand under his feet squeezed each other, making a subtle rustling sound that made grape growers happy physically and mentally.

"That's right." Charles affirmed, "He's just for himself, and you," he slightly protracted, with the corner of his mouth curled up in a pleasant arc, "for us, huh?"

Victor loves the reference, when Ciel puts them both in the same word.When he realized that he thought so the next moment, even he himself would despise himself for being too easy to be satisfied.

In contrast, some annoying people and things are simply unnecessary!

"But then again, on Michelle's side, I'll leave him alone?" Charles continued.

"Just do as you wish." Victor came back to his senses and said casually. "You're welcome, the reality he has to face is so cruel—the influence he can exert on us is far less than before!"

Hmph, I already dared to give him something like that in secret, it seems that I really need a lesson... Even if Michelle really has something in his hand, he will not let the other party succeed!

Charles shook his head, then nodded again. "Actually, I really hope he's smart enough," he said with a pun, "that way it'll be easier for both of us."

Victor was very sure that what Charles said was only based on the cooperative relationship between the two Haute Brion Chateaus and the usual mentality of making money in a low-key manner, and did not think of going elsewhere.

This is not surprising-from the first day he met Shire, the other party showed a much higher moral limit than ordinary people.But not everyone is secretly doing some shameful things...

Therefore, no matter how you look at it, Michelle sent him such a letter before with ulterior motives.Not for Shire himself, but for the relationship between the two of them...

When thinking of this, an idea emerged from Victor's mind and gradually took shape.

Michelle's move will have great lethality against others, even him in a normal state, and the other party did not miscalculate this point.But it's a pity that Michelle still made a mistake in his estimation, that is, he really doesn't care now!

The rustling stopped, and it was Ciel who stopped. "Are you thinking about something?" How did he feel that Victor didn't look right today?

Sure enough, it's still too sensitive...Victor thought to himself, but all he showed was a deep stare at Charles. "I just miss you."

Charles narrowed his eyes slightly, trying to find any flaws.It's just that Victor was determined not to let him find out, at least not yet, so Charles didn't see anything.

"I told you earlier, don't look at me like that at such a close distance." Victor said suddenly, putting a hand on Charles' shoulder, "Do you remember what happened the last time you did this? ?”

what happened?Didn't Victor just pin him against the wall and...?

Looking back, Charles felt that he probably thought too much just now.He pressed that hand back, and asked softly, "Do you want to be visited?" Surrounded by pruned and grafted vines, the height was no more than waist height!

"What does that matter?" Victor raised his eyebrows indifferently, and then exerted force with his hands.When both of them squatted down and their eyes were surrounded by the dense grape wall, he almost impatiently shortened the distance between them until it reached zero depth——

Secretly kissing in a vineyard, is this something that two decent gentlemen should do?

A small part of Ciel's brain cells thought this at first, but soon, he couldn't think about it anymore.

After dinner, Victor bid farewell to Charles who lived in the Miron Manor, and walked back to Lusalus Wine Castle on the mountainside.He is a popular person in front of the king, and most of the time his diet and daily life are naturally arranged with the king.

It is said to be halfway up the mountain, but the Bordeaux area is located on the edge of the basin, and the mountains are at best low and rolling hills with gentle slopes.Just when Victor walked to the upward fork and asked the guards to verify his identity (security measures added because of the king's temporary residence), there happened to be someone who had just passed the checkpoint—yes, it was Michel, who was on the narrow road to the enemy.

Victor has every reason to believe that this is not a chance encounter, just because the other party gave him such a letter the day before.Because there were still people present, he nodded with his usual cold face, that's all.

Michelle is also the usual smiley face. "Ah, Mr. Lafitte, you just came up from below?" He said, looking in the direction of Myron Manor, his tone was a bit exaggerated. "The action is very fast!"

"Just walking around casually." Victor replied coldly.He had already passed the test at this time, and walked straight to the mountain path.

Just as Victor expected, Michelle just waited here knowing that he was looking for Charles.At this time, I saw Victor walking up, and Michelle followed. "The people who went down today seem to be heading in the same direction... I heard that Mrs. de Egan left early in the morning."

Victor already knew about this from Charles, and now it sounds not only painless, but also downright boring. "You know everything." He retorted, not lacking in sarcasm.

"I know what you mean, but personally I'll accept it as a compliment." Michelle replied without feeling embarrassed or angry at all. "If you don't know anything, you will definitely suffer!"

If he didn't think it was a waste of energy, Victor would definitely give Michelle a blank stare now. "So, can this pointless probing stop? I don't think any of us think that a good relationship ever existed."

Michelle laughed. "You are really as impatient as ever." He changed the topic, "Or is it just that you are not like that with people you don't like?"

As if anticipating the direction of these words, Victor stood still. "So you sent me such a letter just to confirm this?"

Michelle also stopped.He looked Victor up and down, making sure that Victor was still only impatient with him. "It seems that my judgment was wrong." He still smiled, "I underestimated the depth of your feelings."

"Oh, come on, don't make it sound like you know me very well," Victor replied, almost acrimoniously this time.

Michelle laughed again. "You are right that I do not know you well enough;" he said, somewhat self-confidently, "but you cannot deny at the same time that I have known you for more than ten years. Ever since your father, old Mr. Lafitte, I have I’ve been dealing with Lafittes all the time. No one understands a Lafitte’s philosophy better than I do.”

Victor stared at the person in front of him, his lips moved, as if some harsh words would be blurted out the next moment.But no, because what he asked was: "If you dare to send me one, it means that you still have many similar letters in your hand, doesn't it?"

Hearing this, Michelle's expression became more playful. "I thought you didn't care."

This time Victor actually hummed. "Don't play those little tricks you like," he warned. "Since you know Lafitte's philosophy, you should know that Lafitte usually doesn't have much patience to bargain."

"But this time the initiative is in my hands." Michelle answered quickly. "Although the whole thing astonishes me, there is no doubt that you will not allow me to spill those charming, earnest and beautifully written letters into the street, will you?"

Victor didn't say a word, but at this moment, the silence said everything.

"It's unbelievable to me that you are really in love." Michelle was even more playful, and her smile became vicious. "I thought it would never happen—what a channel I'd lose then!" he said in an Italian operatic aria, "but don't worry, these I'm It won't be said because it's so shocking that only we will believe it. The truth is always in the hands of the few, and I've always believed that."

People who say such things are arrogant in themselves, at least Victor is sure that Michelle is.But this is not the time to show off his tongue, he just said: "What do you want? I guess it's not just gold?"

"You're right." Michelle smiled deeply. "I don't care about shocking the world, and I don't care about other people's opinions. I only care about Shire, and you should know what I mean."

Victor's face was expressionless, but his hand by his side had already clenched into a fist.

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