The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love

Chapter 62 Protagonist: I will kill my past self.

The beast god who descended from the sky held a blood-stained long sword in his hand. He was the war god of the beast clan. His burly body looked majestic and dignified, and every muscle was full of strength. It will be wiped out like ashes.

The orcs eagerly looked up at their war god, who raised the long sword in his hand high, and roared: "For the orcs! For my lord!"

"For the beast race! For my god!"

The emotions of the orcs were all ignited, and they howled, venting their passion to their heart's content.There are red light spots overflowing from the sword of the war god, swaying in the tribe, this is the blessing from the war god.Xiu looked at the beast god in the air, and there was a dark blue color in his eyes, so deep that it seemed to be able to swallow everything.The God of War seemed to sense some kind of threat, and he swiped to the west, his gaze burning like a torch.

A cold snort came from the western sky, and a black-haired man in dark armor appeared.His body exudes a terrifying power, and everyone can feel the surging power compressed in that person's body.Seeing the person who came, the God of War called out the identity of the other person with a little surprise: "God of War!"

"I finally caught you, God of War." The God of War of the human race hovered in mid-air with his arms folded. "It took me too much time to find you barbarian gods." God of War stared at God of War, with a sneer on his lips. "You're the last one."

Hearing this, the God of War bared his sharp teeth and roared at the God of War: "What did you do to the other Beast Gods?!"

"You will be able to accompany them to meet your main god soon." God of War sneered disdainfully: "You have offended the God of Light, do you think there is still room for escape?"

Behind the God of War, a large number of human soldiers emerged from the night, among them were many knights and priests of the Temple of Light.Du Ze, who was standing in the beast clan, was taken aback for a moment, he actually saw Eric.At this time, the Holy Son stood at the forefront of the Knights of Light, leading the human race and the beast race to form a confrontation.Xiu held Du Ze's hand tightly without saying a word, and silently stared at Eric opposite.

The God of War glanced at all of this, and said, "The lackey of the God of Light!"

The God of War's face was instantly livid. He pulled out his weapon, the Eagle, and pointed at the God of War and the orcs. "Don't let any of these barbarians go!"

"The time to kill has come!" Facing the attacking human race, the God of War shouted, raised his long sword and rushed to the God of War first. "For the glory of the orcs, our enemies must be paid in blood!"

"Blood debt paid in blood! Blood debt paid in blood!"

The orc roared in response, and fought with the human race.The priests of the temple chanted light magic to bless the soldiers. Although the average level of human soldiers is not as good as that of the orcs, they have excellent equipment. In comparison, the orcs who only have simple weapons and are basically dressed in animal skins are incomparable Poor.On the altar, Nina began to sing the battle song loudly, and other shamans also joined in the chorus.The singing was sonorous and powerful, with a taste of killing, like a general leading thousands of troops to charge and kill the enemy.

The orcs don't know magic, but they have war songs, and those war songs can stimulate the potential of the orcs and let them enter the state of frenzy.In this form, the orcs are tireless and pain-free, and both their strength and agility will be greatly improved. Some of the orcs can even become beasts and become killing machines on the battlefield.Stimulated by the battle song, some beast races have already entered a state of madness, and Thrall is one of them. Beast patterns appear on his face, his body has doubled in size, and his legs have completely turned into beasts.Thrall lowered his body, kicked his legs and rushed towards the human soldiers.Ordinary soldiers couldn't resist Thrall's bravery at all, and Thrall rushed out a bloody path abruptly.

Howling orc warriors followed their chieftain and tore apart the Terran lines.However, the results of the orc race ended here. Under the eyes of everyone who were either shocked or surprised, the golden dragon descended from the sky and carried Eric.

"Dragon...Dragon Knight!?"

I don't know which beast clan uttered a terrified cry, a dragon knight can completely change the pattern of a war, especially in a siege battle, the dragon knight is almost invincible.A trace of despair spread among the orcs, while the morale of the humans was completely boosted.

"Master Holy Son!"

The God of War blocked the sword of the God of War with the eagle, and they were in a stalemate in the air.When he saw Eric summoning the golden dragon, the God of War showed a satisfied smile. Before he had time to taunt the God of War, he saw a black dragon suddenly appear and knocked the golden dragon into the air.

The cheers of the human race stopped abruptly, and they stared up together with the orc race.The God of War took a closer look and found a blond-haired, blue-eyed human sitting on the back of the black dragon. He was puzzled and angrily asked the black dragon knight: "What are you doing?!"

Seeing that the black dragon knight ignored his questioning, God of War immediately wanted to teach the dragon knight who didn't know what to do, but was stopped by the god of war.

"Our battle is not over yet," Jun Shen said.

God of War snorted coldly: "Even if there is no dragon knight, I will let you barbarians go to perish!"

Thrall looked at the black dragon. He had never been so grateful to Nina for bringing back these friends.The strong orc warrior took a deep breath and roared, "Kill!"


The killing sound shook the sky, Xiu ignored the melee below and above, he had put Du Ze in a safe place, now it was time to resolve his personal grievances.Xiu watched Eric fly back on a golden dragon. From the first time they met, he wanted to kill this man, very much.

Du Ze stayed with Ariel, and Old John guarded them, knocking out the humans or beasts who tried to trouble them from time to time.Du Ze was watching from below, and Xiu and Eric were facing each other in the air. They were both dragon knights, with the same brilliant blond hair and handsome appearance. From a distance, they looked like the other side of a mirror, with subtle differences yet surprisingly similar .

These two are destined enemies.

Eric looked at the strange dragon knight opposite, even though the other party made no secret of his hostility, he still tried to communicate with the black dragon knight.

"Why do you want to help the orcs?"

Xiu didn't answer Eric's question, but asked Eric back with the same sentence pattern: "Why did you attack the orcs?"

"This is my god's instruction." Eric said: "These beast races have already caused indelible damage in the Yuehua Empire—have you forgotten the Battle of Steel Fort? People in a city were slaughtered by the beast races like this so I will drive them out even without my god's instruction."

"Expulsion?" Xiu glanced down, his smile was elusive. "Are you sure this wasn't a massacre?"

Eric was silent. He looked at the besieged women and children among the orcs, with a flash of pain in his expression.The Holy Son took a deep breath, and said firmly as if he had finally made up his mind: "As long as they swear never to step into human territory, I will ask the gods to let the orcs go."


Xiu's low smile echoed in the dark night.So he hates this person, this person is like him in the past, stupid and hypocritical, too obtrusive.

But Du Ze liked it.He knew that Du Ze had always hoped that he could go back to the way he used to be, but he couldn't go back, and he didn't want to go back to the previous idiot who only cared about others.

It's good to live only for yourself, to get what you want by all means, and let him destroy everything that is unpleasant.

"You don't have to worry about it." The Dragon Spear appeared in Xiu's hand. "I will kill you, completely."

Xiu held the dragon gun and pointed at Eric from afar.

He would kill his past self, throw the past away.

The golden dragon suddenly raised its figure, avoiding the charge of the black dragon.When turning around, the black dragon suddenly turned around, and its long, thick, barbed tail swept across the golden dragon's wings, scraping away the golden scales.


The fire light leaked from the mouth of the golden dragon, and the golden dragon opened its mouth and sprayed holy dragon flames at the black dragon.The black dragon flapped its wings and also used a breath attack.The golden dragon flames collided with the black dragon flames, and the bright flames turned the entire sky into white.The two dragon flames were evenly matched and eventually canceled each other out.The black dragon withdrew its wings, aimed at the golden dragon from top to bottom and began to dive.This time the golden dragon didn't back down either, Eric pointed the golden spear at the black dragon, and also charged.


The handover of the silver-blue dragon gun and the golden spear drew long sparks. After the body shifted, Eric looked at the golden spear in his hand. At this time, the spear no longer had a golden luster, and the gun began to rust, and it became more and more dim and aging , eventually decayed into some black fragments and disappeared.Eric looked down at the Black Dragon Knight below. Against the light of the bonfire, the silver and blue dragon gun in Xiu's hand was covered with a bright luster.

It was an artifact, with decay attributes or related to time. Once it stabbed a person or a dragon, the outcome would be irreversible.Eric took a deep breath and let Jinlong put him down.

"What are you going to do, Eric?"

Jin Long asked suspiciously, and then heard Eric chanting a mantra.

"Eric! Don't! That's a forbidden technique...!"

"When tolerance is regarded as weakness, use your majesty to make the enemy tremble." A little light element was absorbed from the air to Eric, and the Holy Son became brighter and brighter at this time, and finally turned into a light man. "Supreme God of Light, please give me the power to dispel the darkness."

Xiu, who was on the back of the black dragon, looked up at the golden dragon, and a light ignited on the golden dragon's back, getting brighter and brighter, even making him feel dazzling.At the moment Xiu squinted, light fell from the sky and rushed Xiu off the back of the dragon.The black dragon was about to go to take over the repair, but was entangled tightly by the golden dragon.

At the moment when Xiu was about to fall to the ground, he used wind magic to stabilize his body.Opposite him, the bright light began to fade away, turning into light and lightly attached to Eric's body. At this time, the Son of God was covered with golden light, majestic and noble like a god in the night.

Through the forbidden technique, Eric temporarily possessed the power of a false god. He raised his hand to Xiu, and the light on his body turned into a light arrow and shot at Xiu.The speed of light is extremely fast, and Xiu dodged most of it. If he couldn't dodge, he wanted to use earth magic to make an earth shield to block, but at the moment he used the magic, he found that the surrounding light elements were too rich, and the other elements were completely was pushed away.

The arrow of light pierced into the flesh and turned into a rope of light to restrain Xiu. Even with fighting spirit, he couldn't get rid of the rope of light.Xiu raised his head and watched Eric approaching step by step.

In mid-air, after another confrontation, the God of War smiled maliciously at the God of War: "Give up, without the Lord God, you are doomed to fail in this war."

The God of War glanced down, no matter how brave the orcs were, they would still be nibbled away bit by bit against the enemies who were prepared.

"The orcs will not back down. Even if we fight to the last person, our honor cannot be desecrated."

The God of War took up the sword to attack the enemy, this time it was not used to attack the God of War, but to cut his own wrist.Blood flowed down the long sword, the enemy sword swayed slightly, and a large amount of red light overflowed from the blood-stained long sword, falling on the tribe like snow.The God of War sang the battle song loudly. Compared with Nina's battle song, his singing voice was less tender and more rough.Under the blessing of the Beast God and the battle song, almost all the orcs have realized beastization and started their counterattack.

God of War looked at all this in amazement. God of War's actions were completely depleting his godhead to strengthen the fighting power of the orcs.

"Even if I fall." Military God holds the sword to attack the enemy, his blood is still flowing: "My faith will never disappear."

Eric walked up to Xiu, and before he could speak, a red spot of light descended from the sky.They fell down one after another, and when they approached Xiu, they seemed to be attracted by some kind of traction, and fell into Xiu's body.Xiu took a deep breath, and that feeling came again.His body seemed to be on fire, and he even seemed to be able to understand the battle song of the beast god. The wild, unscrupulous power told him: You should not be bound.

You have a pair of claws that can tear apart all enemies.

Eric stepped back almost, and the sharp claws cut off the blond hair on his forehead.In front of him, an orc with red hair and golden eyes broke free from all restraints and showed him sharp claws.Eric stared at the other party in a daze. He was obviously a human race before, but now he has completely transformed into a pure orc race.This kind of form change is almost like the person next to the God Envoy before...?

Then Eric really saw the angel.Seeing Xiu being knocked off the dragon's back by Eric, Du Ze and Old John rushed over immediately.The moment Du Ze arrived at the scene, Du Ze was stunned. In addition to the glowing old enemy, there was only one orc in the clothes of the cute lord in front of him.The man had bright red hair, revealing a pair of cat-like ears, but rounder than cat ears. The long tail with fur at the tip showed that he was the most powerful lion man of the orc race.

Emma Mengzhu has awakened the blood of the beast race, a certain stupid cuteness is staring at the furry ears and tail, such a cute attribute is matched with the mighty and domineering Mengzhu, he is shamefully cute.

"Lord God Envoy..."

Eric looked at Du Ze, then at Xiu, and finally confirmed his conjecture.

The God of Light said that that person is a heretic and must be eradicated.

The light changed form again, this time it was not a light arrow, but gathered in Eric's hand to form a lightsaber.Eric didn't hold back anymore, he would eradicate the heresy and welcome the angel back.

Seeing Eric use the lightsaber, Xiu flicked his tail and rushed towards Eric.This form is unexpectedly sensitive. After awakening 7 bloodlines, he finally entered the realm of false gods.In the outstanding dynamic vision of the orcs, Eric's combat skills seemed to be in slow motion. Xiu calmly dodged all the attacks, and when he poked his right paw, he couldn't touch Eric. A light wall, Xiu's claws smashed against the light wall, unable to move forward any more.

Xiu jumped back, avoiding Eric's sword swing, and stared at Eric with golden beast eyes, as if probing the prey's weakness.The war between the orcs and the humans has become fierce. Because of the loss of godhood, the war god gradually fell into a disadvantage in the battle with the god of war. However, with his blessing, the orcs gradually established an advantage.More and more red lights fell from the sky, and beast patterns appeared on Xiu's body, and he entered a state of frantic battle. He obeyed the wildness in his heart and roared together with the beast clan.


The red hair was burning and jumping like a flame in the night, and the lion man with golden beast eyes flashed and knocked down the Son of God.

Eric fell heavily to the ground, and Xiu stepped on Eric's right wrist. Even though it was blocked by the light wall, Eric was so suppressed that he couldn't lift his hand.Under the astonished gaze of the Holy Son, Xiu bent down, inserted his hands into the light wall almost brutally, and tore it apart bit by bit.Even though the skin cracked and blood gushed out, the smile on the corner of Xiu's mouth widened, almost cruel.

Kara -

Obviously there was no sound, but Eric heard the sound of the light wall breaking in a daze.The wall of light shattered between Xiu's claws, and fragments of light fell together with Xiu's blood.Without the obstruction of the light wall, Xiu's foot stepped directly on Eric's right wrist, making a crisp bone-shattering sound.Eric's face turned pale, not because of the pain in his right hand, but because the effectiveness of the forbidden technique was slowly receding, and the sequelae of using the forbidden technique began to appear. At this time, Eric could not even lift a finger.

Xiu looked down at Eric at the bottom of his feet, and raised his sharp claws high.

——He doesn't want that weak self in the past.

The golden dragon in the sky let out a terrified roar. Du Ze wanted to scream, but found that he didn't know what to say. At that moment, he had the illusion that Xiu was killing himself.Just when Xiu swung his sharp claws, a strong light shot down from the sky. If Xiu hadn't dodged quickly, he would definitely be hit by that strong light.

The powerful power passed down from the sky, and instantly stopped the fighting between the human race and the orc race - all the creatures under the false god were directly oppressed by the divine power and couldn't move.The God of War and the God of War stopped their hands out of breath, and they looked up at the sky, both startled and terrified.

In everyone's eyes, a Seraphim walked down the clouds slowly. He held a scepter in his hand, and the light surrounded his body. It was very similar to Eric before, but it was not comparable to Eric at all.Since the appearance of that god, the entire night sky has completely turned into day, and the power he possesses is simply indescribable. It seems that just looking at it one more time will burn his eyes like seeing the sun.

"The God of Light..."

The God of War murmured, feeling ashamed in his heart.

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