The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love

Chapter 63 Rules: The Tower of God will be built.

Although almost all the gods went to the Chaos Continent, some gods chose to stay in the God Realm.Sous, the human god, was one of them. He looked at his long wooden staff, and there was a crystal ball embedded in the top of the long wooden staff, which showed that the God of Light had just left the God Realm.

This is a good opportunity.South thought, his figure disappeared in the temple of knowledge.

The Chaos Continent has gone through seven eras in total, and the human race only emerged in the last era, which made the gods of the human race weak.In order to gain a foothold in the God Realm, the gods of the human race joined the Light God's faction without hesitation, firmly supported the Light God, and even let the believers out.Sous knew that the gods were always secretly mocking them as lackeys of the God of Light, but he didn't mind. If this method can get the most benefits, why not do it?

——Even though he never acknowledged the supremacy of the God of Light.The seat of God is temporarily the God of Light, but sooner or later, he will replace the God of Light to take that position.

Therefore, Sous collected all the information he could find, and kept observing the God of Light quietly, trying to find the opponent's flaws.The reason why the God of Light can sit on the throne of God is because of the scepter that can destroy the godhead. However, the oldest record does not explain where the scepter of the God of Light came from.After a long period of peeping, Sous finally found some clues: there are no other living beings in the Light Temple of the God of Light, not even people who serve the God of Light.This weird situation can only show one point, that there are secrets hidden in the Palace of Light that the God of Light does not want to share with others.

Sous broke the barrier set by the God of Light and quietly sneaked into the Palace of Light.The entire Hall of Light is exceptionally brilliant, except for the outermost layer of barriers, there are no organs or magic inside - this everywhere reflects the conceit of the God of Light, he is so sure that no god dares to challenge his majesty.Sous looked at the empty hall of light, and he was actually betting that if he was discovered by the god of light, his fate would not be easy; but as long as he found the secret of the god of light here, he could let the god of light step down from the throne.

Sous walked along the long corridor to the depths of the hall. At the end of the corridor, he found a room full of runes.Sous glanced at the conduction runes on the wall. These runes connected the room to an unknown place, and as long as they were activated, he could talk to that party.Sous walked around the rune room, and through his familiarity with the runes, he found a secret door in the corner.After opening the secret door, a spiral downward staircase appeared in front of Soss, and strong light fluctuations came from below.At this point, Sous didn't hesitate anymore, and went straight down the stairs.


There was the sound of water, and Sous walked to the bottom of the stairs. In front of him was a sea of ​​light formed by bright elements. The waves spread layer by layer into the distance, and then hit a burly body.Sous stared at the opposite side, in the sea of ​​light, a god was blocked by runes, and the dense runes were wrapped around his strong body, like bat wings, and curved horns—— This is an extremely powerful demon god. Even though he is sealed by a rune, it can be seen that he has almost destructive power.Almost without searching the memory, the name of this demon god spontaneously appeared in Sous's mind.

Demon God Baal.

The legendary No. [-] demon god and also the main god of the demon clan.Speaking of Baal, there is a very famous story: the number one demon god fell in love with a Celestial Clan.After the God of Light killed the Celestial Clan, Barr approached the God of Light.No one knew how fierce the battle took place between them. On the third day, the God of Light appeared with a scepter, but Barr was nowhere to be found.

Unexpectedly, the number one demon god was sealed here.Sous' eyes fell on the rune that sealed Baal, he thought, he finally found a way to make the God of Light fall.


"The God of Light..."

Hearing the muttering of the God of War, Du Ze looked at the seraphim with golden light leaking sideways, and felt that his design was broken—he shouldn't believe that the author has a lower limit!

More and more celestial clans appeared in the sky, and the God of Light looked down on Xiu below. Eric borrowed divine power from him, and he thus determined the position of this heresy.It's just that I haven't seen him for dozens of days, and this heresy has become a false god.The fingers of the God of Light holding the scepter turned white with force, and he must solve this heresy with his own hands today!

Just when the God of Light was about to make a move, an invisible existence spoke—it was indescribable what a grand and prominent existence it was, like the composition of a world and the origin of all orders.It does not transmit information in the form of sound, but directly imprints on the minds of all living beings.

The dwarf and the elf stopped fighting, the dragon god and the undead stopped the duel, and all the creatures in the Chaos Continent stopped all their movements at the same time, listening to the words in their minds in a daze.That mysterious existence told all living beings: the divine tower will be built, with gods as materials, but now only the bones of the main god are missing;

God of War was stunned for a moment, and when he saw the expression of disbelief on the face of God of War, he understood that the other party had also received the same message.The orcs and humans below were full of confusion. Even though they didn't understand what kind of existence it was, everyone believed what it said almost instantly without any doubts.

——As long as the god tower is built, you can climb the tower and become a god.

After reading all the information, the God of Light was so angry that his voice began to tremble: "Are you really trying to defend that heresy, rule!"

Only "rules" can make all living beings obey, without any explanation, without any explanation, and no one can violate it.The God of Light can fully imagine how everyone will react after receiving the message of the rules: climbing the tower to become a god, no creature can resist the temptation of conferring a god; The real supreme god is recognized by the world, not the head of the gods who became by force like him.

Almost everyone will obey the instructions of the rules, except for the main god, the establishment of the tower means their death, and the God of Light finally knows why the rules took away the body of the main god of the orcs.A passage of the rules pushed all the main gods to the opposite of all living beings.

The tower of the gods will be built, and the gods will be at dusk.

As the main god of the Celestial Clan, the God of Light is naturally also targeted.Compared with other main gods, he knows more things, and the reason why the rules are so out of control is all because of that heresy!

Under the wrath of the God of Light, pieces of beams of light blasted towards Xiu from the air, and there were almost no gaps between the dense beams of light—but it was only close.The sensitive senses of the orcs can prolong the time. In Xiu's eyes, those light beams landed at a very slow speed. They fell in a staggered way, fast or slow. As long as they made precise fine-tuning and positioning, they could avoid all attacks. up.


The dazzling light instantly engulfed Xiu, and when the attack was over, Xiu still stood there perfectly.In Du Ze's perception, the cute master is almost like the God of Light who teleports to another space when he uses the barrage attack, and then transfers back when the attack is over.

Xiu licked his slightly scorched paws, just now there were a few beams of light that he couldn't dodge, so he had to tear them apart with his paws.Without the protection of the equipment, his claws also suffered a lot of damage.After a round of attacks, the God of Light calmed down a little. He didn't use the light beam anymore, and a large number of light elements gathered in his hands. It was obvious that the God of Light planned to wipe Xiu and the tribe directly this time.

Xiuwei squinted his golden eyes and looked at the God of Light in the air. He squatted down slightly, and then leaped violently, heading straight for the God of Light.Some Celestial Clans tried to block Xiu in the air, Xiu grabbed the shoulder of one of the Celestial Clans, his lion ears swayed slightly, avoiding the attack from behind, and flicked his tail around the neck of another Celestial Clan, The Tianzu swung it out for a week as a broom, and swept the Tianzu in a circle.

The Celestial Clan caught by Xiu tried to attack Xiu, but was held down by Xiu.Xiu stepped on the shoulder of that Celestial Clan, with his legs, he rushed out of the encirclement of the Celestial Clan, and the poor Celestial Clan who was used as a stepping stone fell straight down.When Xiu rushed in front of the God of Light, he was blocked by a wall of light as expected.If Eric's light wall is an ordinary wall, the light wall of the God of Light is equivalent to a magnificent city wall.The rich light element was like substance, and Xiu's claws were clasped against the light wall, feeling the pain of being intensely burned.

The God of Light looked at Xiu through the wall of light, and the evoked smile seemed to be mocking Xiu's overthinking - under the gods, everyone is an ant.How can mortals touch the gods, even if they have the power of false gods, they will melt and die the moment they approach the gods.

Xiu jumped down from the air, his hands were completely blackened, exuding corroded white smoke.At this time, the God of Light is like a sun, the closer it is to the sun, the more damage it will suffer.Seeing that the Divine Art of the God of Light was about to be completed, the God of War couldn't bear it anymore, and took up the sword to attack the enemy and charged at the God of Light.The God of War moved and stayed where he was, not sure whether he wanted to block the God of War, or to attack the God of Light together with the God of War.

Seeing the incoming army god, the light god did not stop the magic in his hand, but just raised his scepter.

Complicated runes emerged from the slender rod of the scepter, floating towards the God of War as if blown out by the wind.Their speed is very slow, but it seems that they broke through the limitation of time and space in an instant, and came to the army god in an instant.War God tried to avoid the glowing runes, but he found that no matter which direction he dodged, the runes were there.

The light rune was attached to the body of the war god, and it instantly sank into the body.As if the stop button had been pressed, Military God froze in mid-air.

For the gods, the loss of divinity is like being deprived of the right to breathe for mortals.


Scarlet liquid fell in front of her eyes, and Nina raised her head with difficulty. In her widened beautiful eyes, their beast god was covered in blood, as if even the pores of the skin had seen blood.The God of War lowered his hand weakly, and fell straight from the sky.The orcs watched all this dumbfounded, and Nina wanted to scream, but under the suppression of Shenwei, her voice got stuck in her throat and she couldn't move forward any further.They could only silently watch the fall of their last beast god, weeping silently.

The corpse of the army god fell into the black hole that suddenly appeared. The god of light watched the rules for collecting the corpse of the beast god disappear without any intention, and almost panicked and cast the light element in his hand.

At that moment, Du Ze really thought he saw a sun falling from the sky.The huge, dazzling ball of light almost occupied the entire sky, like a meteor falling down on them with a destructive momentum, even if they were far away, they could fully feel the terrifying energy contained in it.

The God of War is about to evacuate, and even he cannot face this kind of magic.As the main locked target, Xiu couldn't move a step at all. He looked at the ball of light falling from the sky, since he couldn't dodge it, he could only destroy it.

An arc of electricity flashed through the air, illuminating the arc on the corner of the devil's mouth.

One after another, purple-gold lightning bolts leaped out of Xiu's hands, and they frantically gnawed in the air, weaving into an incomparably huge grid.Dianguang was walking upstream of the power grid, and the scale of the thunder and lightning was getting bigger and bigger, and Xiu's face was getting paler, but his smile was still wanton.At the moment when the ball of light was about to fall to the ground, the electric grid stuck to the ball of light and bound it tightly.

"Boom boom-"

The world is full of light, the light of the ball of light, the light of thunder and lightning, and the light of annihilation.Even if Du Ze closed his eyes, the intense light penetrated through the eyelids and burned the retinas.After the strong light, Du Ze squinted his eyes for a long time before he gradually saw the situation clearly: the cute master in the form of the demon clan was panting, and seemed to be a little out of strength, while the God of Light above was staring at Xiu, and the light element was in his hands again gather.

Fuck boss, do your skills have no cooldown CD at all?The author felt his conscience and said, who is the protagonist!The cute master has never been surpassed by being abused!


At this moment, a suspicious voice suddenly came, and a big black dove with blood-red eyes fell from the air and turned into a human form when it landed.His eyes turned around in the field, and finally landed on Xiu. "Isn't it Lord Baal?"

"I also thought it was Master Baer." Another voice that sounded like a child came out, but it was a tall and thin bard who appeared in front of everyone's eyes. He said to the man transformed from a big dove : "Halpas, long time no see."

Hearing the word "Halpas", Du Ze was horrified instantly. Isn't this the one among the 72 demon gods who "mainly eats human flesh and is not very friendly to humans"?A certain idiot thinks about his experience in Harpers City... If he talks too much, he will cry.

Since the black big dove is a demon god, the bard who greeted him should also be one of the demon gods.Du Ze began to recall the plot of "Mixed Blood". When the cute master attacked the main city of 72, it seemed that there was such a demon god whose description fit the bard in front of him. That guy seemed to be called...Phoenix?

At this time, there was another sound in the sky, and two beauties landed from midair in a fiery chariot. They greeted the other two demon gods: "Halpas, Phoenix, am I late?"

Du Ze saw at a glance two familiar people sitting behind the chariot, namely Vera and Alice.At this time, the Mozu sister Hua was very excited to see them, but she didn't make a sound because of some scruples.Since the Lords of Belial are all on the chariot, the identity of the driver is self-evident—the legendary two-in-one beautiful demon god, Belial No.60 Eight Demon Gods Belial, No. No. 30 Eight Demon Gods Harpas, No. 30 Seven Demon Gods Phoenix, in just a short moment, three demon gods gathered in the field.

"You are not late, Belial." Phoenix said, "Master Baal is not here."

"Since Lord Baal is not here." Harpas glanced at the God of Light, and turned into a black dove to leave. "Then there's no need to stay."

"Oh, don't say that."

As soon as he heard this familiar sentence pattern, Du Ze knew that the jerk Dan had appeared.The businessman in green came out with a grin, as glib as ever.

"This is Lord Baal's descendant, I am very optimistic about him." Dan covered his smile with a book, and looked at the God of Light with unknown meaning. "Everyone has seen the information released by the rules, don't you think we should do something now?"

Hearing Dan's words, everyone looked at the God of Light with subtle eyes.The God of Light watched silently as the Demon God appeared one after another. It was like this every time. Whenever he did something against that heresy, someone or something would always appear to disrupt the situation.Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, and more than three times is inevitable.At that moment, the God of Light was shaken. Could he really be unable to kill that heretic?

——He is not reconciled.

"It turns out that there were so many fish that slipped through the net." The God of Light released the magic in his hand, and raised his scepter high: "I will sentence you to death again!"

The huge ball of light fell again, and Phoenix turned into a bird shaped like a phoenix and flew towards the ball of light.Seeing this, the fluff on Du Ze's head let out a cry of "Chubi Chubi", as if wanting to follow Phoenix's footsteps.However, after thinking about it with its small head, Little Phoenix still firmly settled on a certain stupid head: it is more important to be a mother.


Seeing that Phoenix collided with the ball of light, the black dove incarnated by Harpas rushed towards the God of Light like an arrow off the string.The God of Light raised the scepter and released the rune, and the glowing rune floated towards Harpas, but at this moment Belial gave a light drink, and one of his half-body took the initiative to meet the rune, helping Harpas block the rune. Under the attack.

Harpas tore open the light wall of the God of Light, trying to seize the scepter of the God of Light.However, at the moment when he touched the scepter, there was a palpitating and terrifying power from the scepter, which made Harpas freeze in mid-air and unable to move.The God of Light snorted coldly, and the scepter lit up again. This time Harpas failed to escape the attack of the runes. He was destroyed by the scepter and became the first demon god to fall in this war.

After the God of Light disposed of Harpas, he was attacked from behind before he could see the black hole appear.The God of Light turned his head and found that the person who attacked him was the God of War!

The God of War originally planned to snatch the scepter like Harpas, but after seeing Harpas' end, he cut off the hand of the God of Light holding the scepter decisively.


In the angry roar of the God of Light, the scepter fell from the sky and stuck straight into the ground in front of Du Ze.The severed arm on the scepter turned into light powder, and a certain idiot looked at the scepter standing in front of his eyes, and almost subconsciously reached out to grab it.

When his hand touched the smooth and slender handle of the scepter, Du Ze blinked his eyes physiologically, but when his eyelids were pulled up again, there was no Xiu, no God of Light, nothing around him, only pure darkness—he was like It was at that moment that he fell into a puddle of ink and hovered in the darkness holding the scepter.

Du Ze has seen this completely black space twice, once in a dream, and the other time in the wheel of time, both times he received a call with a bad signal.Just when Du Ze thought so, he heard that voice again, this time it was not vague or noisy, it was so clear that it seemed to be speaking close to his ear.

[Do you know why you came to this world? ]

"Du Ze!"

Hearing Xiu's cry, Du Ze was stunned for a moment, and when he came back to his senses, he found that he was still staying where he was, and everything just now was like an illusion.Du Ze looked up and saw the God of Light breaking away from all the gods and rushing fiercely towards this side.The stupid and cute reader immediately peed in fright, and reflexively raised the scepter in his hand.

The moment Du Ze raised the scepter, the whole scene fell into an eerie silence.The God of Light froze in mid-air, and the others stared at a certain idiot in disbelief.Du Ze looked at the broken scepter on the ground, then at the God of Light pointed at by the other half of the scepter, and said expressionlessly: Avada Kedav.

"You actually—destroyed it?"

I'm sorry, Boss-sama, Xiaosheng really didn't know it was a fragile product!

Du Ze was repaired behind him, and the other gods also caught up with the God of Light again.Even though he was surrounded by the gods, the God of Light still stared straight at the scepter that had been cut in half, and his face changed ever-changingly. kind of burden.

"Without the scepter, you still can't compete with me." The God of Light glanced at everyone, and said coldly: "Ants are ants after all."

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