Due to the rebellion in the second heaven, the governor did not want to stay any longer, and directly ordered to go to the third heaven.The way they came was full of darkness, and when they left, in addition to the darkness, there was also dead silence.When he saw the shimmering sky of the third heaven, Du Ze subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, and the gloom in his heart dissipated a lot.Although the third sky is not bright, at least it is not as hopelessly dark as the second sky.

It was already night when the horse team arrived at the king city of the third heaven. Because of what happened today, no one was in the mood to talk. After being welcomed into the palace by the local consul, they rested.Before going to sleep, Du Ze was still trying to fix the sentence he said at the end of the rebellion. Although he couldn't guess it, the cute master seemed to have found a way to clear the level.Xiu didn't explain, and Du Ze didn't ask too much. Stupid and cute readers have always been very confident in the IQ of their protagonists. The cute master said that they can go out soon, so they will definitely be able to get out of the Tianzu dungeon within five days.

The next day, the governor sat silently on the throne, and anyone could feel his vigorous anger.The consul of the third heaven knelt down and remained silent. Not only did he fail to take out the "gift" for the higher-ups, he even failed to complete the amount of light that should be handed over.

"You two—" Unexpectedly, the governor did not fire at the consul, but suddenly instructed Xiu and Eric: "Go and collect the missing light today." After Xiu and Eric saw it At that moment, he snorted softly: "This is your job in the first place."

"not good."

Two completely different answers echoed in the main hall, and Eric looked at Xiu who agreed in surprise.Xiu turned a blind eye to Eric's angry gaze, and asked the governor in a domineering tone that was almost an order: "Give me the permission to fully expropriate."

"Yes." The governor agreed very quickly, as if aware that he was too impatient, he coughed lightly, and added: "All the bright elements you collected must be turned in."

Xiu grinned, his eyes scarlet as if seeping blood. "certainly."

After getting the permission, Xiu took Du Ze and was about to leave, but was stopped by Eric.Shengzi's expression was unusually cold at this time, he stood in front of Xiu and asked, "What do you want to do?"

Xiu let out a sneer, and the shadow began to twist and slowly expand until it turned into a giant.Yinlong lifted Du Ze on his back, spread his huge wings and looked down at Eric. In his shadow, the Son of God was so small that he was even pitiful.

"Don't you know what I want to do?"

"!" Eric blocked the strong wind with his arm, and when he put down his hand, the silver dragon had already carried the black-haired youth to nowhere.

The civilians of one village were driven out, and they gathered outside to watch in horror and horror as soldiers circled their homes with powder.The three mages recited the incantation, and the light filled the box at a speed visible to the naked eye. At the same time, a cloud of darkness poured over the village like ink, turning that area into a dead place where no living beings could survive.

Du Ze watched all this silently.This was the fifth village they had completely expropriated. The amount required by the governor had already been fulfilled, but Xiu did not return there, but led the consul's men to move forward.Seeing more and more bright elements in their hands, Du Ze felt puzzled: No matter how much was collected, all these bright elements had to be handed over, which did not bring any benefits to the promotion of seniority.

What exactly does the cute master want to do?

The mage stopped chanting, and the soldier lifted up the treasure chest full of light and started to go to the next place.The civilians who were left behind stared blankly at their homes shrouded in darkness. They seemed to have lost the center of gravity and future of their lives. After wandering in a daze for a while, many people followed behind the mage and soldiers.These people were not the first batch. They soon gathered together with those who had also lost their homes. The team gradually grew, and their suppressed emotions gradually lost control in silence.

When oppressed to the extreme, all that remains is resistance.

Du Ze soon saw Broken Wing again, which represented corruption. When the seventh village was destroyed, those civilians who had lost their homes couldn't bear it anymore and raised their left hands one after another.They were engraved with broken wings to become fallen ones, or picked up hoes or picked up branches, and surrounded the repair group leading mages and soldiers.Du Ze stood next to Xiu, and when he turned a little, he saw the young man with silver hair and red eyes grinning, as if he had cultivated for a long time and finally got the corrupted fruit.

Xiu began to chant dragon language magic, and a huge gray magic circle emerged in the dark sky, covering everyone's heads.Seeing that the situation was not good, the Fallen tried to break through the soldiers and mage's defenses and attack Xiu.The magic circle slowly rotated, and the lights lit up sequentially from the inside to the outside. Before the first fallen person who rushed into the line of defense had time to be happy, a gray light hit him, and his whole body was instantly annihilated.

The sky seemed to be raining gray, and countless gray lights fell from the magic circle, illuminating the fallen man's angry and frightened face.Each ray of light can take away a fallen person. In the face of absolute power, these fallen people who were formerly civilians had no room to resist. They were defeated even faster than the living dead in the second heaven.Soon, only a few of the hundreds of fallen people were fleeing to avoid the gray light. Those people’s eyes were full of tears. They had been oppressed for so long, so that everyone had reported their mortal determination to fall, But it can't shake the upper layer.


A roar resounded across the battlefield, Xiu raised his eyes, and looked at Eric who finally caught up.Eric jumped off the galloping horse, his chest was heaving due to anger or violent movement.The soldiers spontaneously made way for the two inspectors, so that Xiu and Eric faced each other directly.

Eric took a deep breath and temporarily suppressed the anger in his chest. "Give me a reason why you did it."

The magic circle was still spinning slowly in the air, Xiu's expression was elusive in the gray light, he didn't answer, or ignored Eric.As the last fallen person let out a scream and was swallowed by the gray light, Eric's eyes were filled with uncontrollable anger, and his voice rose from low to high, almost roaring: "Why did you kill them!?"

"Did you forget that you are still climbing the tower?"

Compared to Eric's excitement, Xiu's voice was almost cruelly calm.The silver-haired and red-eyed dragon casually pointed to an unknown place in the void, and his smile was extremely obscure under the gray light. "The rules written in the tower...you still don't understand."

The script prepared by the tower for climbers is very simple, and each floor is constructed according to the characteristics and talents of each race.The demons must be cruel, the undead must be evil, the humans must be selfish, the dragons must be greedy, the elves must be indifferent, the orcs must be violent, and the dwarves must be fanatical. At the end of the day, they paid for their humility, so they held arrogance.

Confusion flickered in Erik's eyes, but it was quickly replaced by greater indignation.

"So you just ignore other people's lives? Just to climb the tower?!"

"It's the same as what the governor 'sir' said." Xiu sneered: "What does their life and death have to do with us?"

The tit-for-tat confrontation between the two made Du Ze seem to have seen "Mixed Blood" in a trance: the protagonist who has been harming the country and the people, and the old enemy who has been saving others. They stand on the other side of darkness and light, clearly interpreting crime and justice. .

Eric took a deep look at Xiu, he seemed to feel that he had made a serious mistake——to reason with heretics.The Son turned his gaze away, Du Ze's figure was reflected in his emerald green eyes.

"My lord envoy, do you think so too..."

Once Du Ze was involved, Xiu lost his smile as if he had been touched, and his expression became aggressive.Eric was not afraid of Xiu's dangerous eyes, and stared firmly at Du Ze, as if he wanted the black-haired youth to make a choice: "Do you think he is right?"

Du Ze looked at Xiu involuntarily, and found that Xiu was also looking at him.The man didn't explain anything, just said one sentence: "Do you believe me?"

Two people, two choices, anyone with a normal mind can judge that Eric's position is just, and Du Ze never agrees with Xiu's inhuman and cruel approach in "Mixed Blood".Du Ze's eyes flicked between Xiu and Eric. In fact, he could make the most correct choice without thinking about it.

"I believe in you." In order to pronounce the words clearly, Du Ze always spoke very slowly, which made him seem particularly serious and solemn, as if he was reciting the oath of a lifetime.He looked at Eric who was stunned, and repeated it as an answer to the Son: "I believe in Xiu."

——The Eric in front of him is still the "Eric" in "Mixed Blood", but the Xiu beside him is no longer the "Xiu" in "Mixed Blood".that's enough.

Eric's eyes were filled with disappointment and puzzlement, Xiu sighed repressedly, and he hugged Du Ze violently, as if he wanted to stuff the person he liked so much into his flesh and blood.

"Let's go."

Du Ze hurriedly grabbed the doujinshi that almost slipped, and missed the best opportunity to refuse.Being hugged firmly in Xiu's arms, a certain idiot hugged the doujinshi with a stiff face, not knowing where to look.Cruising's gaze shifted to the rear, and Du Ze found that Eric, who had been left behind, did not stop in place, but followed silently.

In the newly arrived town, even though all the townspeople knelt on the ground and begged, they were driven out of the town by soldiers and watched their homes swallowed by darkness.At this point, Du Ze actually understands what Xiu wants to do: that person is forcing everyone to degenerate, forcing everyone to stand against the Celestial Clan—he wants to destroy the Celestial Clan including the governor.As long as the governor with the highest qualifications dies, Xiu is the best candidate for the next governor.

The ending can already be predetermined, and the process is indeed bloody.The townspeople's cries echoed in the darkness, and Du Ze could not help but glance at Eric. The blond-haired, blue-eyed Son was standing on the edge of the town, his fists were already clenched and bleeding. When the people were driven out, and when the mage chanted the spell, Eric seemed to know that he couldn't stop it, so he kept silent.

But will Eric give up so easily——

A ray of light suddenly appeared between the gloomy sky and the earth, and the townspeople who were kneeling on the ground raised their heads in astonishment.A light feather lightly fell into the small town covered by darkness. It was not dazzling, but with a bright and soft light, it unquestionably cut through the darkness and melted away.Xiu turned his head abruptly, and his scarlet blood pupils stared at Eric who had done all this.As the feathers melted, the light returned to the town, and all the townspeople were pleasantly surprised. They knelt down again, this time for gratitude.

"Thank you, thank you!" The townspeople looked up at the Son reverently, flushed with excitement. "You are really the incarnation of the God of Light!"

The corners of Eric's mouth, which had been pursed tightly, finally loosened slightly, revealing a bright smile. "This is what I should do."

Du Ze only felt that his heart was twisted by pliers, and it was numb with pain. Eric in front of him was bathed in light, and his blond hair was rendered extraordinarily brilliant and bright by the light—just like the person he used to be.Even though he knew that Eric's actions would hinder Xiu's plan, Du Ze didn't want to deny the current Eric at all, it was like denying the past Xiu who would hurt himself for others.

However, the person who is denying Eric now, and at the same time denying the past Xiu, is Xiu himself.

"Do you think you can save them by doing this? They will really appreciate you?"

Xiu stared at Eric in the light, the smile on his face was a bit colder than when he was not smiling.

"I always thought you were just naive, but I didn't expect you to be so stupid."

Xiu's words were like cold wind pouring into Du Ze's clothes, and passing through with his body temperature.Every word that man said was not so much mocking Eric, but more like mocking his past self.

——Xiu, why are you being so nice to everyone?

- I just did what was supposed to be done.

——Do you think that if you save them, they will really appreciate you?

Xiu said to Eric, to his past self, it was too stupid.

Eric and Xiu looked at each other, and when he stood in the light, it seemed that the shadows around Xiu were particularly dark.

"You are very poor." Eric said: "In your eyes, everyone is ugly. You don't trust other people and only care about yourself. You are very poor like this."

The emotion in his chest was so boiling that it was about to explode. Du Ze wanted to tell Eric how the person he accused once believed in beauty. Believe, that's why it hurts more; the damage keeps adding up, until the moment of dying, that person has no choice to believe in others anymore.

Before Du Ze could say anything, he was interrupted by Xiu's loud laughter. The man's laughter was very carefree, and his eyes and eyebrows were full of wantonness and arrogance.

"Eric." Xiu called out Eric's name in person for the first time. "You'll soon find out who the real poor man is."

"There is another point that you are wrong." Xiu did not defend himself, but only emphasized one point: "There is someone who I will believe even if I don't care about myself."

Xiu hugged Du Ze in his arms, kissed Du Ze's black hair, his eyes were filled with deep love.

"I only want this one person, that's all."

Eric couldn't help turning his eyes away, but at the moment he looked away, he felt that this was an evasive behavior that was close to admitting defeat.The consul's subordinates saw that the two inspectors seemed to have finished speaking, and one of the mages came to ask Xiu for instructions on the next step.

"My lord, shall we go back, or move on?"

Since the spell of collecting light elements cannot be used continuously in the same area in a short period of time, Xiu glanced at the town redeemed by Eric, and then ordered to move to the next place.Erik continued to follow them as expected, using his light plume to neutralize the darkness after each full conquest.Du Ze obviously felt that Xiu's mood was getting worse and worse. Because of the same faction, Eric couldn't stop Xiu. Correspondingly, Xiu couldn't stop Eric's actions.Eric's actions not only made Xiu feel very annoying, but also hindered Xiu's plan.Because of Eric's act of redemption, the people passing by not only did not hate the Celestial Clan, but were full of gratitude to the Celestial Clan—especially Eric.


There was a sudden commotion among the soldiers walking ahead, and the whole team stopped.Du Ze smelled the rusty smell of blood, and he saw two soldiers carrying the mage approaching, an arrow pierced the mage's throat, and the mage was obviously dead.

"My lord, we can't go any further." The two surviving mages supported each other, and said with a pale face, "There is a group of gangsters stationed ahead!"

Xiu was in a bad mood at this time. He looked at the town built on the mountain in the distance. There were not only checkpoints there, but also small teams patrolling back and forth on the city walls.

"There's no need to evict, just expropriate completely."

"But..." For some reason, the mage was a little embarrassed to say, "But" after a long time, he seemed to finally think of a reason and quickly said: "But they will resist..."

A huge gray magic circle unfolded in the sky, and Xiu stared at the mage: "Is there any problem?"

Stared at by those bloody eyes, the mage almost ran to carry out Xiu's order, and the soldiers avoided the archer's attack range and sprinkled powder on the edge.The sentry in the checkpoint was still shocked by the huge magic circle that suddenly appeared in the sky. When he saw that the soldiers on the opposite side began to surround their town with powder, he immediately sounded the siren.From here, Du Ze saw the city gate open with a whimper, and a group of bandits with weapons rushed out from inside. However, they were hit by the gray light of the magic circle before they ran a few steps, leaving nothing behind.

It seemed that the rapid demise prevented the opponent from realizing what had happened, and another group of thugs rushed out of the city gate, and were wiped out by the gray light again.Next, no matter ordinary people or warriors, as long as they run out of the town, they will be locked by the magic circle in the sky, and the gray light will be annihilated.Soon, no one dared to leave the town, and even the gate was tightly closed after several sacrifices.

After the powder was arranged, the mages began to chant incantations. Since one mage died, the remaining two mages had some difficulty performing spells.As the light is collected, the darkness slowly pours into the town like a pouring water.There were several terrified screams from around the town, presumably darkness flowing into the houses.However, no one opened the city gate and ran out again. Those bandits seemed to choose to die at home rather than expose their corpses in the wilderness.The commotion in the town is getting bigger and bigger, and Du Ze can even imagine everything in a panic: With the injection of darkness, the space for those people to escape in the town is getting smaller and more crowded, and they can only watch helplessly. Darkness surrounded them until they were drowned.

At this moment, Xiu suddenly said, "Why, you won't save them?"

Eric seemed completely unaware that the Priest would speak to him suddenly, and couldn't react for a while.Xiu pointed to the town where the screams came from, and suggested seriously, "Aren't you going to save them? Just like you did before."

Because of Xiu's words, everyone's eyes were on Eric.Du Ze looked at Eric's light feathers, including the small town before, they passed through three settlements on the road, so Eric's current feathers are three and a half pieces.If Eric wanted, he could take out a feather of light to dispel the darkness in the opposite town and save the bandits.

Seeing that Eric didn't move, Xiu laughed without any surprise.

"You don't save them because they are a group of thugs."

The sentence pattern should be a rhetorical question, but Xiu said it as if he was stating a conclusion.Xiu's attitude made Eric feel uncomfortable, but he did not deny Xiu's words. "They chose to be sinners and should have been punished accordingly."

"You must have grown up in the Temple of Light." Xiu grinned. "Those people must have taught you this: there are only absolute 'good' and 'bad' in this world. Commoners are 'good' and temples are 'good', so they are all good and should be protected; bandits are 'bad' Yes, heretics are 'bad', so they are all evil and deserve to be punished."

Eric wanted to refute, but he didn't know what to say the moment he opened his mouth.Although Xiu's description was a bit extreme, he couldn't find anything to deny it.Eric, who was chosen as the holy son since he was a child, has indeed been living in the Temple of Light. His enlightenment is the Holy Book of Light, and his mentor is the highly respected Pope. Growing up in the temple, he thinks that the gangsters who bully the people, disturb the government, and rob houses Should be sanctioned, is there anything wrong with that?

"Come here." Xiu suddenly called a soldier and asked, pointing to the gradually quiet town, "How long have these people been here?"

"My lord, after the last governor left, they occupied the city. The consul sent soldiers several times, but they couldn't get rid of them."

"Why? They are not strong."

"The civilians around will defend them." The soldier paused, and then said, "There is also a mutiny."

Eric looked at the soldier in amazement, as if he couldn't understand what the other party was telling.With a calm face, Xiu asked the soldier to continue talking.

"Those gangsters are often hostile to us, preventing us from collecting light around us, and even robbing the collected light and distributing it to surrounding villages. Many people have joined them, and the son of the consul is among them, so the lord can't bear to With heavy hands, I dare not report to the adults."

"Bullying the people, disturbing the government, robbing houses..." Xiu's voice was neither loud nor slow, but he struck Eric's heart word by word. "You are right, that is indeed a group of thugs who should be punished."

Eric opened his eyes wide. His long-standing belief was like a crack in a hard boulder. Although it was not big, it spread like a spider web to the whole body.He saw his own shadow in Xiu's eyes, which were painted scarlet like blood from the beginning to the end.

"You are no different from that Celestial Clan." That person said, "How arrogant you are to make an absolute distinction between others."

The author has something to say: Protagonist: Do you believe me?

Reader (second answer): I don't believe it.

Author: Why?

Reader: Who would believe him when he told me to be on top tonight?

Protagonist (smiling): I'll make you believe it.

Reader: (? Д? ≡? д?)! ?

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