The town on the opposite side completely disappeared in the darkness, and the two mages who barely completed the spell collapsed on the ground, almost collapsed.Xiu left the stunned Eric behind, and chose to return to the city without hesitation.When handing over the light elements in the palace, the consul looked at the light weight that Xiu took out with a pale face. After his subordinates whispered a few words to him, the last trace of blood disappeared from the consul's face.The governor was also taken aback when he saw so many boxes, and after a brief surprise, he praised Xiu vigorously.On the contrary, Eric, who did not collect the light, was demoted by the governor. The governor deprived Eric of a feather and gave it to Xiu as a punishment and encouragement.

Eric had only two and a half feathers left. Although he didn't know what would happen if he lost all his feathers, it shouldn't end well.The governor was forcing them to confiscate the light, Du Ze was inexplicably sympathetic.Do these Celestial Clans really not realize that excessive oppression will bring them death while bringing them short-term benefits.

That night, the consul of the third heaven rebelled, and he gathered a large group of people to try to put the Celestial Clan to death.The reason for the consul's fall was simple and bitter. He had endured in the third heaven for so long, and the death of his son became the last straw that crushed him.Xiu told Du Ze all these the next day. When the rebellion happened, Du Ze's earphones were out of battery.After listening to Xiu's retelling, Du Ze finally understood why Eric was so moved when the consul yelled at them with a ferocious expression. He could even imagine that facing the consul who had fallen because of his son's death, the saint who advocated light What kind of mood should the child be in.

The rebellion ended before midnight. Most of the fallen in the third heaven were ordinary civilians. Warriors accounted for only a very small number. The most powerful ones were only at the level of great swordsmen. The Celestial Clan can only strike a stone with an egg.Compared with the total annihilation of the Fallen, only 1/6 of the guards on the Celestial Clan side died, and the next morning, a group of new Celestial Clan guards made up for the lost number.

Didn't you agree to be each other's angels? How can you make up the number of people in the Tianzu!

"A guard died on the second day, and a new one came the next day." Compared to Du Ze's restlessness, Xiu looked extraordinarily calm. "They have to be dealt with all at once."

Well, the cute master has noticed this a long time ago and has already included it in the plan.Du Ze decided to be his stupid and cute reader with peace of mind, and it's better to leave such important things as eliminating the governor's little boss and saving the world to the cute owner.

After breakfast in the lifeless palace, a guard of the Celestial Clan appeared and informed Xiu of the upcoming itinerary: Except for the first heaven that became a place of death, the carriage team has already gone through all the heavens, so the next step is to bypass the first heaven. The second heaven returned the same way, that is to say, their next destination would be the fourth heaven.

Xiu didn't seem surprised when he heard the news. After the Celestial Clan guards retreated, he smiled at Du Ze. "I guarantee that in the fourth heaven, that guy will let us collect the light."

"Because the first and second heavens have not been handed over to the light, there are still many wagons that are not full. You go to fill in the missing parts from today. This is the permission of the complete collection." In the fourth heaven In the blue and white face of the consul who hesitated to speak, the governor sat on the main seat and said so.

The cute master is really predictable.Du Ze wants to kneel, is it an illusion, why does he feel that the Governor really wants them to force other people to resist the Celestial Clan.

The governor was very quick to authorize, and Xiu agreed very quickly, and they soon embarked on the journey of complete expropriation again.This time Eric didn't follow, and that person didn't even participate in the usual main plot.Du Ze only saw Eric once when he first arrived in the fourth heaven. The Holy Son who just got off the carriage looked very haggard. His expression reminded Du Ze of a trapped beast, who wanted to get out of the cage but was reluctant to live a life of abundance. Can wander in place at a loss.

Without Eric's obstruction, Xiu's plan went smoothly.The fourth heaven had already been excessively recruited by the consul before, so when it was confiscated again, the rebound came even more quickly.It started out with a mutiny happening every third town or so that was taken, and it turned into a mutiny in almost every town that was taken.Up to now, Du Ze glanced around roughly, and there were not five thousand but three thousand fallen people surrounding him and Xiu.When they were still on the road, they were attacked by this group of degenerates. The cute master's behavior of going all the way to collect all the way probably forced the entire fourth heaven.

Under the overwhelming number of people, the consul's subordinates only lasted for a moment before they were all killed.Xiu turned into a silver dragon and protected Du Ze under the giant wings. He didn't move or hide, just lying on the spot like that, allowing the fallen to slash at him with weapons.The sword slashed on the silver scales and made a piercing sound. Du Ze, who couldn't see outside, was a little anxious. He missed Old John very much at the moment, and that loyal mechanical puppet would definitely help the cute master share some of the burden at this time. — By the way, he hasn’t seen Old John for a long time. The last time we met was five days ago. Has Old John been kept in the space ring by the cute master since then?

After completing the dragon language magic, there will be no suspense in this war.Whether it is hundreds or thousands of people, under that huge gray magic circle, it only takes a moment for them to be wiped out of this world by the gray light.The battlefield was empty, with only a few corpses of the consul's subordinates left. Xiu rested for a while—the number of times he used large-scale magic today even made him feel tired—then he grabbed the treasure chest containing light and took Du Ze Back to the palace.

Before landing from the sky, Du Ze saw something strange in the palace below.There seems to have been a rebellion here not long ago, and the corpses of the fallen can be seen everywhere, occasionally interspersed with one or two corpses of the Celestial Clan.Du Ze and Xiu quickly found the governor and Eric in the main hall. Opposite them was the consul of the fourth heaven kneeling, who was about to shake like a sieve.

"My, my lord...I really didn't know that such a thing would happen..."

Seeing that Xiu came back with the light, the governor let out a sigh of unknown meaning, and then praised Xiu with an attitude that the corpses in the room were all insignificant decorations: "You did a good job today, and you will go to the fifth stage tomorrow." God go on."

Hearing the Governor's words, Eric next to him broke out unbearably.

"Haven't you noticed?" Eric glared at the governor. "You will only make more and more people resist you by doing this-you will be killed by them sooner or later!"

He said it!Old Enemy Jun actually told the truth directly like this! ?

"Heh." Du Ze heard Xiu sneer beside him. What made Du Ze even more horrified was the governor's reaction. Hearing Eric's words, the governor's face darkened instantly.

"You think these inferior creatures can cause harm to us? Nonsense." The governor dismissed it, and he waved his hand, transferring one of Eric's feathers to Xiu. "You didn't complete the task today, you should learn more from him."

Du Ze... Du Ze suddenly felt that he was too naive to worry about the luminous body being awakened. The arrogance of the Celestial Clan has penetrated into the bone marrow, and there is simply no cure.Faced with such a governor, Eric didn't know what to do. He looked at the governor, then at Xiu, and finally closed his eyes as if giving up, and said nothing more.

The governor who received the light was in a good mood, and let go of the consul of the fourth heaven, but at this time the consul was just empty-handed.Almost all the people in the fourth heaven died in the rebellion, while the Celestial Clan sacrificed about a quarter of their guards——the number of fighters in the fourth heaven was several times that of the third heaven, and there were several swordsmen among them. Master and magician.As the number of heavy days increases, there will be more and more creatures living in it, and their strength will become stronger and stronger.Du Ze can predict that there will definitely be multiple gods of magic and gods of war in the eighth heaven of the highest standard.According to Mengzhu's plan, as long as the eighth heaven is also forced to turn back, the current guards of the heavenly clan can't resist at all, and the dungeon will basically be opened.

However, Du Ze was still wrong, Xiu never thought that the eighth heaven would make a decision again.In the fifth heaven, Xiu had already driven the governor and his party to death.

After the fifth heaven was authorized by the governor, the villages and towns along the way were completely expropriated as usual.The condition of the fifth heaven is much better than that of the previous heavens. Once all the light is taken away, the psychological gap for everyone will be extremely large.Therefore, after Xiu only walked a few places, he was greeted with counterattacks from all the creatures in the fifth heaven.Facing a large number of fallen people, Xiu didn't choose to fight this time. He flew back to the palace with Du Ze, pulling the hatred of everyone in the Fifth Heaven over.

Seeing that Xiu came back just like that, the governor had to face the entire Wuchongtian rebellion before he had time to launch an attack.The rebellion lasted from afternoon to night, Du Ze, Xiu, Eric and the governor were guarded by the Celestial Clan guards in the carriage.As time went by, the disturbance in the distance became smaller and smaller. When the moon climbed to the highest point, the Celestial Clan paid a big price and finally quelled the rebellion of the Fifth Heaven. Half the people are gone.

The governor let out a sigh of relief, and was about to find Xiu to settle the score, but the moment he turned around, he happened to meet the scarlet in the eyes of the silver-haired young man, and he was involuntarily stunned.

In the night, even the corners of Xiu's raised mouth smelled of blood, and he clapped his hands, as if welcoming a more exciting performance.

"It's not over yet."

The magic light lit up in the dark night, and Du Ze once again saw the familiar big magic circle, this time it was not in the air, but on the ground!It was as if an invisible hand had carefully drawn a neat gray line in the open space opposite them. When the outermost large circle was connected first, the runes of the magic circle lit up gray in turn from the outside to the inside.The layers of light are like shallow undulating waves, vaguely showing countless black shadows, and those black shadows are becoming more and more obvious and materialized.When all the runes were lit up, countless fallen people appeared in front of everyone. Old John, who hadn't seen him for a long time, stood at the front, waving hello to them with a smile on his face.

Du Ze rolled his eyes sluggishly, and glanced at the endless fallen people. He had the impression that all of them were the fallen people who were wiped out by the big magic circle during the expropriation process—wait, Du Ze suddenly remembered a very important thing, how could he forget that Yinlong is best at space magic.

——The huge gray magic circle is not an offensive spell at all, but a teleportation magic circle!

"You..." Eric looked at all this in a daze, his voice was unbelievably dry: "So you didn't kill them... didn't you..."

"Why should I kill them?" Xiu asked rhetorically, which seemed to be the greatest mockery of the questioner.

Excitement is like a pot of water that has just boiled, boiling to the point of overflowing.Du Ze couldn't help reaching out and grabbing Xiu's sleeve. This man didn't kill any people. All he did was use magic to transfer the fallen and gather strength bit by bit.

The outstretched hand was noticed by the other party almost instantly, Xiufanke mainly grabbed Du Ze's hand and clenched it tightly.Du Ze stared at the hands they clasped. The scorching heat came from Xiu's palm, and it was no longer as cold as before.

This is the Xiu he believes in. Although he has some vengeance, he is no longer the protagonist of "Half-Blood" who would wantonly kill others.

The fallen who was sent by the magic circle collided with the outermost guards of the Celestial Clan without hesitation, and the sound of fighting resounded through the night sky again.Old John crossed the battlefield and came to Xiu's side. The mechanical puppet had always been regarded as an inanimate object by the tower of God, so neither the Celestial Clan nor the Fallen ones attacked him.

"Little master." Old John said to Xiu with a smile: "I have distributed the equipment according to your instructions. After simple training, they are basically able to use it."

Looking at the colorful armor and weapons on the fallen man, Du Ze lit a candle for the Celestial Clan from the bottom of his heart.The cute master with dwarf blood is definitely an existence that can wholesale artifacts—even if they are not artifacts, they are sub-artifacts!Do you still remember the silver sword that was agreed to be just a trial work in the weapons competition?Even if an ordinary person equipped with a divine weapon can't defeat a Juggernaut, what about ten, one hundred, one thousand?There are nearly tens of thousands of fallen people sent over by Xiu, not to mention that the Celestial Clan is now an exhausted army.

The balance of war has clearly tilted towards the fallen, and the Governor pointed at Xiu tremblingly: "What, what do you want...!?"

"It's the same as what you want to do." Xiu didn't hide his killing intent: "Turn everyone back and let them kill the people 'I' want to kill."

Even though Xiu didn't specify who the target was, everyone present all focused their attention on the Governor.The governor, who was the focus of everyone's attention, was even more anxious. He looked at the scuffle ahead, and then at the sky. He had never hoped to see the light like this moment—as soon as the sky dawned, the reinforcements from the Celestial Clan would come.

However, Xiu would not give the Governor a chance. The Celestial Clan fell one by one, but the magic circle continued to receive newcomers. Finally, the first fallen person broke through the defense line of the guards. He looked at the people in the circle. The four of them chose the brightest governor as their primary target without hesitation.

"Quick, kill him!"

With the help of the surrounding guards, the fallen man was quickly dealt with, but more and more fallen people were about to break through the line of defense.After being attacked several times in a row, the governor finally let go of his pride and asked Xiu for help. "You just want to clear the level, right! I'll give you the feather, you get these people away!"

Huh……?Du Ze felt that the governor's words just now were a bit strange, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.Xiu Dingding stared at the governor for a while, then grinned: "Sounds like a good proposal."

The Governor breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that the guard line of the Celestial Clan was collapsing faster and faster, the Governor no longer hesitated, and handed over most of his feathers to Xiu.At this time, Xiu had more feathers than the governor and Eric combined. Not surprisingly, Xiu had already met the requirements for customs clearance.

But under Governor Xiyi's gaze, Xiu did not send the fallen one away, and the Governor couldn't help reminding: "Why don't you...?"

"That is indeed a good proposal." A trace of ridicule was like a ripple quickly across the corner of Xiu's mouth. "But, did I promise?"

The governor was completely stunned.Du Ze felt deep sympathy from the bottom of his heart. This kind of deceitful behavior is too villainous. Usually, the protagonist is deceived by the small boss and then roars "How can you go back on what you said!", but the current situation is that the small boss Being forced by the cute master to accuse "How could you do this!".Du Ze felt that he must be broken, why did he feel better?

During the conversation, the battle has entered a fierce stage, both the fallen and the sky clan are desperately fighting.Eric, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke: "Stop, you have reached your goal, don't make unnecessary sacrifices anymore."

"Heh..." Xiu chuckled lightly. "Do you want to 'help the world and save the people' again?"

"You are not the only one who is saving people, Lord Son of God." Xiu's voice sounded like a sigh or a taunt, and he stretched out his hand, pointing at the warring Celestial Clan and Fallen.

"You are saving this group of Celestial Clan, and I am saving those beings who are dominated by the Celestial Clan."

Hearing Xiu's words, Eric's green eyes lit up with anger.

"Forcing them like this, using them to kill the Celestial Clan, you actually said that you are saving people?!"

"That's right, I'm using them." Xiu admitted without hesitation. "But you want to say that giving them the light and making them stop fighting is salvation?" Xiu smiled. "Your Excellency, Holy Son of the Temple of Light, you gave them the light to eliminate their grievances, so they will be grateful to Dade until the next expropriation of the Celestial Clan; you let them stop fighting to reduce their sacrifices, so they will Live in the dark until the Celestial Clan recovers."

"It's not so much that you're saving those civilians, it's better to say that you're protecting these Celestial Clans." Xiu glanced at the bewildered governor. "Even though you pointed your sword at him, you never really thought of killing him; even though you wanted to help these commoners, you never thought of letting other creatures subvert the rule of the Celestial Clan."

"Because in your perception, the Celestial Clan is 'good'—they are the messengers of the God of Light."


Eric probably wanted to refute something, but a new fallen person who rushed in interrupted him.The fallen man also swept around, and then attacked Xiu, who had the most feathers at this time, but was stopped by Old John halfway.For the brown-haired man who provided them with equipment, the fallen man maintained a certain respect. He stopped and looked at Old John with some puzzlement.

"There is still a short time before dawn." Old John pointed to the wagon not far away, and suggested kindly: "If I were you, I would move the spoils away before the reinforcements from the Celestial Clan arrived, instead of trying to provoke them." Some people who shouldn't be provoked."

The fallen man hesitated a little, but when he recognized that his target was the silver-haired young man who could wipe out everyone with just one big magic circle, he turned around decisively and ran towards the wagon.

There was an eerie pause on the battlefield when a wagon was thrown open, illuminating half the night sky with light.All the fallen people stared straight at the source of the light, even if the Celestial Clan slashed at them with weapons, they couldn't bear to look away for a while.

"For the light."

I don't know who yelled it out.All the fallen were mad, their eyes filled with tears, and they roared and rushed towards the light like a swarm of moths to a flame. "For the light!"

The battle line of the Celestial Clan completely collapsed, and the only remaining guards of the Celestial Clan were swallowed up by the crazy Corrupted.Everyone rushed to the third column of the wagons, and as more and more wagons were thrown open, the bright, warm light illuminated every face weeping with ecstasy.

Under the light, Xiu said the last sentence to Eric with a smile.

"What you maintain has always been 'brightness', and what I maintain is not just 'brightness', this is the essential difference between you and me."

"What day is it today?"

Alice, who was helping Vera tie her hair, thought about it and replied, "A star has turned."

"Why haven't they come back yet?" Enoch wailed, looking at the group of carriages at the gate of the city and began to come up with blind ideas. "Why don't we get into those chariots tomorrow, haven't some chariots gone out in the past few days?"

"when are we leaving?"

Enoch looked at Moore who was talking in horror. He wanted to make a joke, but he didn't expect Moore to take it seriously.What made Enoch even more horrified was that Rachel also agreed with a serious face: "I observed their shift time, and the time before dawn is the most suitable time to act."

The golden dragon Leon, who was some distance away from them, also looked this way frequently, and seemed to be very interested in participating in this plan.

What stopped this crazy plan was the sudden opening of the city gate. A group of Celestial Guards driving chariots surrounded a carriage and flew in. Enoch's eyes were the sharpest. "Huh? Isn't this the person who went out today... Du Ze! I saw Du Ze!"

As soon as Du Ze got off the carriage, he saw the short-haired thief running over. He probably wanted to say hello, but he fell into a daze after seeing something.

"——Who is this silver-haired brother?"

Xiu didn't bother to talk to Enoch's idiot, he opened the space ring and let Old John out.Now, except for Moore who has seen the silver dragon, everyone else knows that the silver-haired, red-eyed dragon with ear fins is Xiu.

Enoch couldn't help tugging on Lavella's sleeve. "Xiu, what does Xiu look like?"

"Demons, Undead, Humans, Elves, Beasts, Dwarves, and Dragons." Vera counted carefully: "The eight major races seem to be almost equal."

"It's still short of the Celestial Clan." Alice made up for her sister with a smile.

Enoch closed his gaping mouth slightly. "Well, Master Thief always feels that in the near future, Brother Xiu will become a Celestial Clan..."

While talking and laughing, a Celestial Clan came over respectfully.

"Master Xiu, please follow me. We are about to go to Jiuchongtian for the conferring ceremony. Under the God of Light's family, you will become the new governor."

Emma and the others can finally meet the arrogant boss of the God of Light!Du Ze felt faintly moved by the feeling of a daughter-in-law who has been a mother-in-law for many years, and the copy of the Celestial Clan is almost becoming a lifetime series.

"Wait a moment."

When the group was about to leave, shouts came from behind, Du Ze turned his head and saw Golden Dragon Leon running towards them.Because Eric could not be found, the middle-aged man's expression was very anxious.

"Where's Eric?" Leon became more and more anxious, and his voice couldn't help but growl: "Why didn't he come back!"

There was only one carriage returning, and there was no one else except Du Ze and Xiu.Xiu glanced at Eric's contract partner, his eyes were dark red.

"Why do you question me—do you think I killed him?" Xiu drew a space blade and penetrated Leon in the blink of an eye. "Look, I can't touch your holy son at all, he is still alive and well down there."

"You may still see him." Xiu slowly grinned, with such a malicious arc, like a child picking up a fish from the water and throwing it on the ground, watching it struggle little by little in the sand die.

"However, it's unknown if the Eric you saw was the Eric you knew."

The holy son who has pure faith in the light is doomed to never leave the copy of the Celestial Clan.



do you understand?

Even if it is very similar, it is only "like", not "yes" - there is only one Xiu in this world.

He is different from me, from who I am now, from who I used to be, so stop looking at him with special eyes.


——【Black Box】

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