A weak wind blows, the flowers and leaves flutter gently with the wind, and the outdoor temperature makes people feel very comfortable. It is another year's enrollment season, and Tianbei College of Jiangxi University welcomes a group of cute new elementary school chickens. But among this group of elementary school chickens, there is a proud white crane, which is incompatible with these elementary school chickens. Gu Xiaomeng is the white crane in this group of elementary school chickens. When filling out the application form, I didn’t fill in Huaqing University, the top science school in Huaguo. Instead, I came to Tianbei City to study at Tianbei University. Although it is also 985 and 211, you must know that other schools are not as good as Huaqing University. Gu Xiaomeng The choice is something that many people find unbelievable. Only Gu Xiaomeng knows why he chose to study in this school.
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