As for the mysterious and well-known formation in the demon world, it can indeed cause the magic power of the demons who have passed through this formation to greatly increase, without exception.

However, for thousands of years, the number of demons who thought of using this formation to increase their mana was extremely rare.This is only because, without full perseverance and determination, no demon race would dare to try this formation easily.

The battle is divided into two trials: forgetting the body and giving up the heart.

Forget about the body at the beginning, it means that it will hone the muscles, bones and skin of the challenger in every possible way, so that they can't wait to let the soul out of the body, so as not to endure great pain.

The last is giving up the heart, that is, it will destroy all the emotions in the heart of the warrior, so that he will give up and sever all kinds of thoughts.

Therefore, even the demons who can pass through thousands of tempering battles will definitely suffer physically and mentally. Even after they come out, almost all of them will have a big change in temperament and will not be the same as before.

And those demons who could not pass through the tempered formation, most of them disappeared from the formation, and they were never seen again.

After Chen Yu heard these explanations about the practice of hard work, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, his eyes sank, and his expression changed slightly.

However, when he asked about the specific details of the formation of forgetting the body and the formation of giving up the heart, Lian Prison replied: "The formation of thousands of years of tempering varies from person to person. situation."

Chen Yu couldn't help being silent when he heard the words.

Lian Prison paused, and said again: "Is there anything else Zhu Li wants to ask?"

Chen Yu frowned slightly, and after thinking for a while, he realized that he really had nothing to say, so he said, "No more."

"The prisoner will leave here." After the prisoner bowed and saluted, his whole body disappeared into the air in just a moment like evaporated water mist, leaving no trace.

Chen Yu turned his head, but saw two waiters in green clothes who were actually Fu Ling still standing aside, he couldn't help saying: "Go down first, let me be quiet by myself."

The two attendants responded immediately: "Yes, Xun Qi and Xun Jiu are always waiting for the Lord's order."

In the blink of an eye, the two of them disappeared.

Chen Yu was finally able to be alone quietly and slowly digest the information he just received, but he couldn't help but sighed slightly.

...Although he had been psychologically prepared, the danger of the battle was more severe than he had imagined.

But, even so...he didn't mean to back down in the slightest.

At this time, Chen Yu's expression was unconsciously indifferent and fearless.

It seems that since he separated from Chu Yunxiao, his state of mind has changed, and he no longer thinks about the past and the future when he acts, and he doesn't have too many scruples.

To be honest, he was really curious about what this tempered formation would look like, because this formation was not included in his novel settings at all.

... Besides, if there is no effort, how can there be any gains?

Chen Yu put away his thoughts, closed his eyes and began to exercise quietly.

Although he has become a demon right now, the cultivation mentality he learned in Langfeng Sect can still be used, and there is no blockage or stagnation.

Chen Yu adjusted his breath for a long time, and the real energy in his body circulated. He only felt that his spirit was gradually filled up, and his physical strength was gradually restored to fullness.

At this moment, a voice as cold as ice suddenly sounded in my ear, but it was somewhat familiar: "Lord Zhu Li."

Chen Yu was slightly startled, and couldn't help but immediately opened his eyes, only to see the tall figure standing in front of him as dark as night in the training prison, still coming quietly, like a shadow like a ghost.

Chen Yu was quite surprised, and said, "What's the matter?"

After Lian Prison gave a salute, his expression was still cold, and he said straightforwardly: "Master Mozun heard that Master Zhu Li is about to enter the Thousand-Tempering Formation, and specially ordered Lian Prison to lend you the Mingxin Bead for your use."

Lian Prison paused, as if thinking that Chen Yu didn't know the effect of the Mingxin Bead, and replied: "The Mingxin Bead is one of the most precious treasures in the demon world. It only needs to be worn close to the body to take effect, and since you have identified an adult, you will never take it away for others.”

After Lian Prison finished speaking, a dazzling purple light flashed in his palm, and Chen Yu felt that there was a round bead in his palm, which must be the Mingxin Bead.

Chen Yu looked down, and saw that the Meditation Heart Bead was as big as a pigeon's egg, and the whole body was crystal clear, better than a glazed jade.

Chen Yu was slightly taken aback, but immediately came back to his senses, looked up at Lian Prison and said, "Thank you, Lord Mozun, for me."

Lian Prison responded, but did not leave immediately, but said: "If Mr. Zhu Li doesn't know where the Thousand Hammering Formation is, Lian Prison can take you there."

As soon as Chen Yu put the Mingxin Bead on his heart, he saw a layer of bright purple light glowing on the bead, and then the whole bead disappeared completely, but Chen Yu knew that the Mingxin Bead did not disappear because his heart There is still a faint warmth everywhere.

Chen Yu checked the true energy in his body again, and felt that he could indeed act now, so he stood up and said, "That's fine."

Because of the danger, the Thousand-Tempered Formation was set up in the southern desert of the Demon Realm.

After the training prison brought Chen Yu to the destination, he left without saying a word.

Chen Yu didn't care, she turned her head and quietly looked at the rather strange and bleak yellow mist in front of her.

The yellow mist was so thick that it covered all the scenery behind it, and it was completely unclear what kind of things were hidden in the yellow mist.

On the sandy ground before the yellow mist, there was a stone tablet standing upright, without words or traces, as if it was just a mark.

And the yellow mist itself seemed to be cut off by an invisible barrier. It just floated in the air behind the stone tablet, and it didn't spill out at all.

——Lian Prison said that as long as you step into the yellow mist behind the stone tablet, you will be officially entered the formation.

Different from Langfeng faction's Demon Trial Formation, which is only an illusion, this Trial Formation is based on the real body, so it must be treated with caution.

Chen Yu secretly said: ...And this Mind Bead is just to protect me from death and madness.

——Heh, whether it is life or death, blessing or disaster, let's see what happens next.

Chen Yu took a deep breath, and without hesitation, stepped into the yellow mist.

As soon as he entered the battle, Chen Yu felt that his eyes were darkened, and all the light was stripped from his vision in an instant, leaving only a boundless darkness.

At the same time, countless streams of air around him were like sharp needles, piercing into thousands of pores all over his body, penetrating deep into the blood meridians, intending to tear his whole body into thousands of pieces.

Chen Yu didn't even have time to cry out in pain, because his throat was completely blocked by the airflow.

It was as if this body of flesh and blood was no longer his own, and had been completely controlled by the airflow, slowly separating into pieces.

The only thing that was still conscious was the Mingxin Bead clinging to his heart, which was exuding a hint of warmth, allowing Chen Yu to stay awake.

However, in this extreme pain, this sobriety seems to be the most unbearable.

Chen Yu only felt that the nerves in his brain were also experiencing the pain of being cut by a sharp knife bit by bit. The pain was so clear that he wished he could pass out immediately.

It's just that whenever there is a sign of laxity in his mind, the Meditation Heart Bead will play a role, keeping him clear all the time.

Chen Yu couldn't even lament, and couldn't help flashing thoughts in his mind: This meditation bead...isn't it purely for torturing people...

...The formation of forgetting the body...It really makes people wish that there is no entity...just a wisp of scattered soul...

...However, if you just pass out like this, it must not be the correct way...

...But, what should I do...

Chen Yu was tormenting, and felt that every minute and every second passed by incomparably long, better than a day or even a year.

He was in the formation, completely unaware of the passage of time outside, only knowing that after a long, long time, whether his body had gradually adapted to the pain, or whether his body had already been completely wiped out, with no bones left. In short, it seemed that the pain The feeling is not as strong as before.

After a long time, Chen Yu had a sudden thought, and suddenly felt that the countless streams of air seemed to contain a great spiritual energy. If he could slowly absorb it, it would be of great benefit to him.

...Anyway, the current situation couldn't be worse.

Chen Yu thought with a dull mind.

Chen Yu began to exercise, trying to absorb the airflow that continuously penetrated every centimeter of his skin into his body.

In the first hundreds of times, he couldn't do this at all, he could only let the air flow continue to follow the original track, penetrate his body, and then disappear into the air again.

Later, he was gradually able to absorb part of the aura from it in this extremely short period of time.Although the air current would still penetrate his body, and even though the aura was so weak that it could be ignored, it finally gave him a tiny bit of hope.

After nearly a thousand more times, Chen Yu was a little surprised to find that the absorption of spiritual energy had gradually increased.

So, Chen Yu repeated his actions like this, absorbing the aura bit by bit.

In the end, Chen Yu was finally able to completely inhale the spiritual energy in his body the moment the air flow invaded his body, without wasting any of it.

Moreover, after absorbing all the spiritual energy, the air flow disappeared completely in an instant.

After a long time like this, Chen Yu suddenly realized that he didn't feel much pain anymore.Moreover, the spiritual power in the body has been greatly improved because of this continuous absorption behavior.

At this time, Chen Yu finally felt that his body was gone, leaving only a shattered skeleton; but because of the existence of the Mingxin Orb, his soul was fixed in his heart and never dissipated .

While absorbing the spiritual energy, Chen Yu gradually mobilized his mana to repair his body, regrowing the lost flesh and bones bit by bit.

Reshaping a flesh and blood body will certainly bring pain, but compared to being destroyed by thousands of air currents, it is nothing.

Chen Yu's thought suddenly moved, and he felt extremely astonished. He thought: ... So, these air currents are actually formed purely from spiritual energy, which is equivalent to the current that can generate energy in the modern world?To put it bluntly, this formation of forgetting the body is just an energy source full of aura?

——However, if it wasn't for the blessing of the Mingxin Bead to keep me awake, I'm afraid I couldn't bear the pain and fell into a complete coma. It will fly away to nowhere.

——That's why some demons disappeared after entering the training formation, and they were never seen again.

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