While turning her mind, Chen Yu slowly recovered her body.

However, at this time, more and more spiritual energy has been absorbed, and the meridians in the whole body are gradually swollen, and there are faint signs of bursting.

Although Chen Yu was well aware of this, there was nothing he could do.

Because once he stopped absorbing spiritual energy, he would continue to be attacked by air currents until his flesh and blood were crushed into residues again.

Chen Yu could only endure all this with all his strength, until the moment when the meridians in his whole body finally couldn't bear it——

At that moment, Chen Yu only felt severe pain in every part of his body, and the pain surged, submerging him like a tide.

Chen Yu knew that his meridians finally began to burst one by one, but he could only endure the pain while absorbing more spiritual energy to repair the meridians, and then waited for the next burst of meridians.

In this constant injury and recovery, Chen Yu spent a long time.

After Chen Yu felt that he had become numb to this level of pain, he suddenly discovered that although his meridians were swollen to the limit due to the absorption of spiritual energy, they hadn't burst again for a long time.

——Am I finally able to bear this vast aura like the sea?

Chen Yu thought in a daze.

However, the surrounding air current seemed to be gradually decreasing. Not long after, after Chen Yu absorbed the last air current, he finally could no longer feel the fluctuation of spiritual energy.

Chen Yu couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and then suddenly came over.

He breathed a long sigh of relief, only to feel that the aura in his body is full of energy, which is better than the past.

Although it was too late to investigate carefully, Chen Yu knew that after absorbing spiritual energy for such a long time, he was indeed no longer the man he was before joining the battle.

——Through hard work, it is indeed very effective.

There was still darkness in his eyes, he couldn't see anything, and the surroundings were completely silent, looking very peaceful, but Chen Yu had a faint feeling that the next trial was about to begin.

——After forgetting the body, it is the heart of equanimity.

After personally experiencing the dangers of the Wangshen Formation, Chen Yu has no doubts about why the Formation has such a "prestige" in the devil world.

——As the name suggests, the renunciation array is said to destroy the emotions of those who enter the array.

A trace of worry had just surfaced in Chen Yu's heart, but in the next second, he felt an extremely dazzling white light suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, and at the same time, a cold, mechanical voice directly invaded his mind: "Hundred turns of reincarnation, Desperate."

Chen Yu was stunned, a little confused, and thought to himself: ...Hundred turns...Reincarnation?

However, before he could figure it out, the white light in front of him suddenly swelled up, fully occupying his line of sight and covering his entire body.

In the brilliance, Chen Yu only felt that his consciousness seemed to escape from his body uncontrollably, and flew away into the distance.

...And when he regained consciousness again, he felt as if he was lying on the cold mud, his whole body was in unbearable pain, his mind was dizzy, and his stomach felt like it was on fire because of extreme hunger.

Chen Yu barely opened his eyes, and immediately saw the blue sky. He was startled, and wanted to get up to check the surroundings, but suddenly realized that his body had lost all limbs.

At this moment, a large amount of memory was suddenly injected into his mind, but it was the ten-year experience of an orphan named Zhao Qi.

Zhao Qi is the evil son of the Zhao family, a wealthy family in Anlu County. His father is Zhao Ming, the patriarch of the Zhao family. His biological mother, Wang, was originally a prostitute in a brothel. Give birth to a son for Zhao Ming, that is, Zhao Qi.

Because of this, Wang was favored, and Zhao Ming's wife, Zhang, was vicious and jealous. She secretly made troubles, falsely accused Wang of having an affair with her servants, and fabricated evidence for Zhao Ming to see.

Mrs. Zhang also cleverly persuaded Zhao Ming to believe that Zhao Qi was not his own son. She was so angry that she ignored Wang's mother and son.From then on, Wang's mother and son fell into Zhang's hands and suffered so much day and night that no one could complain.

Mrs. Zhang had a vicious mind and hated Mrs. Wang deeply, so she tortured Mrs. Wang for three years, using all kinds of inhumane punishments, and even made Zhao Qi, who is his own son, watch from the sidelines all the time.Later, Wang's body was finally overwhelmed and passed away. His death was so miserable that he was even out of human shape, leaving a shadow in Zhao Qi's heart that would never heal.

Zhang was also merciless towards Zhao Qi, cut off his limbs since he was a child, cut off his tongue, destroyed his face, and made him an ugly cripple.

Mrs. Zhang originally wanted to keep Zhao Qi to be tortured slowly, but Zhao Ming suddenly remembered Wang's mother and son, and called Zhao Qi to have a look. Zhao Qi drove out the door.

Zhao Qi was only nine years old at the time, and he became a disabled person early on. He had no ability to take care of himself at all, so he could only beg on the street by instinct, barely surviving.

After living like this for a year, Zhao Qi had already contracted a serious disease, and became disgusted by everyone. He could no longer beg for any food. Now he was driven out of the county and could only wait to die in the suburbs.

Chen Yu didn't know why, it was just a memory, but he seemed to have experienced those extremely cruel things again.

Those deeds were vivid in his mind, and they felt extremely real, which made him feel resentment, hatred, pain and many other negative emotions involuntarily in his heart.

Chen Yu bit her lower lip hard, used the pain to wake herself up, and said to herself loudly in her head: No, I am Chen Yu...not Zhao Qi...I can't...I was brainwashed by these memories...

——But I was clearly in the formation, how could I suddenly pass through Zhao Qi's body? ...Could it be that this is the function of the equanimity formation?

However, before Chen Yu had time to think about it, he suddenly felt a chill in his body.

In the next second, severe pain came from the amputated thigh unexpectedly, as if an animal was biting his thigh.

Chen Yu couldn't help but widen his eyes for a moment, and it took a while to barely see the figure in front of him clearly.

I saw that the figure was actually a beggar in ragged clothes and covered in filth, his eyes were red, his eyes were full of desire for food, his teeth seemed to turn into sharp blades, piercing deeply into his thigh muscles, The expression is strange, like a greedy beast, wanting to swallow him up.

Chen Yu tried his best to resist, but his body had no strength because of the hunger and exhaustion for days.

He wanted to use his skills to condense a little bit of true energy and turn it into sword energy to repel the beggar, but he realized that this was not his body, but Zhao Qi's - the body of a boy with no strength to restrain a chicken .

Therefore, Chen Yu was still unwilling to recall what happened next after a long time.

...He only remembered that half of his body was swallowed by the beggar, and the bloody smell spread in all directions, attracting several hungry and crazy beggars, who ate up the rest of his body one by one.

At this time, Chen Yu's soul had long since left his body, floating in mid-air, watching that body gradually become a skeleton, but he couldn't do anything.

Then, Chen Yu watched with cold eyes, and saw that even the skeleton was taken away in pieces by wild dogs and flying eagles passing by.

Seeing that his physical body had finally completely disappeared, Chen Yu couldn't help feeling a little puzzled.

He doesn't know, is he really dead now, or is all this just a cover-up of the equanimity formation?

However, the taste of being eaten alive as food before was extremely real and clear.

Chen Yu didn't want to try such a thing again.

However, at this moment, a white light suddenly appeared in the sky, and hit Chen Yu who was already in the state of soul straightly.

All of a sudden, Chen Yu felt that his consciousness began to fly forward uncontrollably.

——It seems that this kind of "experience" is definitely more than one time.The so-called...Hundred Reincarnation...Is it...

Chen Yu only had time to flash such a thought in his mind, and then he felt that his consciousness was gradually plunged into darkness, and when he opened his eyes again, he had already turned into another person.

In the second life, Chen Yu became a prince's child molester.

Originally, the prince had a sexual sadism, and he was very cruel in bed matters. He would be injured and bleed every time after the incident, and the prince did not show any mercy.

Later, the prince married the princess. In order to please the princess, he even let the princess abuse him. Any beatings and insults are trivial, and gang violence and bestiality are commonplace.

Soon after, the princess tired of such tricks and simply ordered him to be skinned and let him bleed to death.


In the third life, Chen Yu was possessed by a physician from the Imperial Medical Office.

At that time, the most favored imperial concubine in the palace was about to give birth, but the imperial physician ordered the treatment to be insufficient, causing the prince to die immediately after birth, and the imperial concubine also passed away due to blood collapse.

However, because the empress was the guarantor of the imperial physician, not only was the death avoided, but he was also blamed for all the crimes as his deputy, falsely accusing him of being Concubine Shu's confidant and the real culprit who caused the tragic deaths of both the concubine and the prince.

He could argue endlessly, but he was tortured in various ways, and finally had to be tortured into a trick.

Except for the doctor's order from someone above, all the doctors present were imprisoned to die due to the name of ineffective diagnosis and treatment.

He was dying and thrown into the prison, but before the official execution day, the implicated masses beat him to death angrily.


No.17th, he became a lieutenant general in the army, but he was defeated and captured together with the commander in the battlefield. The commander was beheaded, but because he was as beautiful as a beautiful woman, he was forced to become the slave of the enemy general.

When he was exhausted physically and mentally, he escaped with great difficulty and returned to his country after all the hardships, only to find that everyone thought he was secretly colluding with the general of the enemy country and killed the commander, and his monarch had already ordered him to be killed. All the doors were copied and chopped.Before his execution, his parents removed him from the genealogy and no longer recognized him as a son; his former friends even regarded him as a hater, and deeply hated that they had met the wrong person.

In desperation, he surrendered himself, and was immediately sentenced to death by the king's decree.On the day of execution, all the surrounding people yelled at him as a treason, and no one would believe that he was innocent.


As for later, it was no longer humans that Chen Yu possessed, but birds, beasts, and even insects and plants.

For example, No.30 I, he turned into a fox with pure white fur like snow. He was caught by a prince in the paddock and raised as a pet. Later, because the prince’s concubine acted coquettishly for a while, he was skinned raw. The fur of the next body was made into a scarf.


In the fifth world, he was transformed into a brightly colored goldfish, caught by a fisherman with a fishing net, and sold to a nobleman of an aristocratic family.The son kept him in a glazed water tank as a pet, and often told him about the troubles in his heart.Later, the son's parents died young, his family was in decline, and he gradually lacked food and clothing, until finally he was penniless, so he was peeled and gutted, and made into a fish soup.


No. 70 II, he became a caged goose grilled over charcoal fire until his fur fell off and his inside and outside were roasted before he died.


No. 90 IX, he turned into a fly and watched helplessly as a villager slapped him to death with his palm.


For the hundredth time, he finally turned back into Mu Tianqi.

After being a beast and snake for so many lives, Chen Yu almost forgot what it was like to be a human being.

He didn't expect that in the hundredth life, not only would he be able to transform back into a human being, but he could also revert back to Mu Tianqi's appearance.

However, this life developed completely according to the original plot in the novel, as if he was just a ghost attached to Mu Tianqi's body, and he could only watch helplessly as Mu Tianqi used and plotted against Chu Yunxiao time and time again. He couldn't control any of Mu Tianqi's actions.

Chen Yu could only watch dumbfoundedly. Mu Tianqi specially designed a scene where evil spirits killed innocent people, and made himself fake death, but let Liu Feiran, Lei Lin and other friends of Chu Yunxiao actually die, causing Chu Yunxiao to feel extremely sad and indignant. Awakened the blood of the demon race, alarmed a group of immortal cultivators, and fell into the dark and hunted by the crowd ever since.

Afterwards, with the help of the heroine Lu Xuefei, Chu Yunxiao saw through all of Mu Tianqi's plots. While avoiding the pursuit of the immortal cultivators, he went straight to Mu Tianqi.

At the same time, Lu Xuefei gave Chu Yunxiao a helping hand wholeheartedly, and became closer to Chu Yunxiao day by day.Seeing these scenes, Chen Yu's already numb heart still felt a faint throbbing pain.

Mu Tianqi didn't expect Chu Yunxiao to be so stubborn, even if he was hunted down by immortal cultivators, he would take his own life. Chu Yunxiao made him desperate, and his confidant subordinates suffered all casualties, so he had to flee to the Demon Realm.

And Chu Yunxiao chased Mu Tianqi all the way to the Demon Realm, and finally, in front of An Yeming, he personally stabbed Mu Tianqi through his heart to death.

Mu Tianqi fell to the ground without a sound, and Chen Yu's soul also broke away from that body in an instant, floating in midair.

Looking at Chu Yunxiao's indifferent eyes, Chen Yu suddenly became a little dazed, her heart was cold and bitter, and she couldn't help thinking: Even if I tried my best to change the original plot, at this point, I still have to go with Chu Yunxiao The step of breaking up?The only difference is that he never killed me himself.

——Why do I want to cross into this world? !

Chen Yu suddenly just wanted to laugh out loud.

The resentment and anger accumulated in a hundred generations gradually surged into his heart, and the momentum was so surging that it was like a huge wind and waves.

All of a sudden, Chen Yu felt as if something in his heart had been severely shattered, turning into flying smoke and dispersing.

The dark thoughts deep in my heart seemed to have completely untied the shackles of confinement, gushing out like a waterfall.

Chen Yu suddenly smiled coldly, and said indifferently: Why don't you just...destroy everything...

In the depths of the southern desert of the Demon Realm, a bleak yellow mist is still floating in the sky over thousands of years of refinement. The atmosphere seems calm, but it is indescribably weird.

But all of a sudden, a bright, brilliant and extremely dazzling red light erupted out of the yellow mist. It was as red as blood and as fierce as the scorching sun. The light was like a sharp and sharp sword, piercing the sky and heading straight into the sky. The sky above the Demon Realm also seemed to shake for a while.

The bleak yellow mist seemed to be drawn out by the red light, spreading to both sides, and a thin figure slowly walked out of it.

His pupils were as red as blood, and his face was as cold as frost. It was Chen Yu who finally broke through.

Chen Yu's robes have been torn into slag after thousands of years of hard work. His whole body is almost naked, but every inch of his skin is intact. His complexion is as white as cream, as smooth as jade, and his whole body is wrapped in a red light like haze. It's like a heaven and a man descended into the world.

It's just that this "heavenly man" exudes a cold and lonely atmosphere all over his body, which makes people daunting and respectful.

At this time, Chen Yu felt that not only his body had been reshaped, but also his heart had been completely transformed. The whole person seemed to be reborn from the inside out, which was quite different from before.

But when he saw the scenery outside the tempered formation again, Chen Yu felt a little bit of emotion as if he had passed away.

Just now, he mobilized the spiritual power in his whole body, and unknowingly, he untied the seal imposed on his body by the bone bone spring.

At the moment when the body suddenly gained a lot of magic power, Chen Yu's mind was also injected with a lot of memories.

This is the inheritance of knowledge belonging to the Anye Clan. As long as you are a descendant of the Anye Clan, you will get this memory when you have the magic power passed down by the Anye Clan's blood.

This memory contains a lot of information, including the initial formation of the Demon Realm, the origin of the Anye Clan, the best cultivation methods of the descendants of the Anye Clan, etc. It is of great help to Chen Yu who urgently needs to understand everything about the Demon Realm.

Afterwards, Chen Yu unhindered the hundred-turn reincarnation technique released on him by the Sacrificial Formation without hindrance, and was finally able to walk out of the thousands of tempering formations.

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