"As an outsider, I can't give you any substantive advice. But the only thing is, now that you have tasted regret, never make any decisions that you regret."

In one sentence, it seemed to directly hit the most tangled point in his heart.

Looking up at Android, Bo Ran hesitated and nodded.

He knew that he couldn't stop loving Bai Yan, and he couldn't bear that the other party stopped loving him. Breaking up would only make him regret it in the days to come, so why not just do it directly?

Assuming he really hated himself to the point where he never wanted to see him again...

No, it's not something he should be thinking about right now.

He must prove it with his own eyes and his own heart.

Instead of being so anxious and confused, not daring to move forward, in fact, in the final analysis, he has been hesitating and retreating.

He should also treat emotional matters as if he was working hard in the entertainment industry.

Really fight, the outcome may always be different.

Standing up from the sofa, Bai Ran's usually not easy to show expression showed a little relief this time.

"Let's go in."

Andrew nodded, and the two walked towards the KTV room one after the other.

As soon as Bo Ran opened the door, he was shocked by the scene before him and subconsciously slammed the door shut.

Standing at the door and turning slightly sideways, he glanced at Andrew who also couldn't bear to look directly at him. Bai Ran coughed, took a deep breath and opened the door again.

Everyone in the room looked at him with clear eyes, except of course someone who was holding the microphone to the extreme HIGH and classmate Poison, a loyal fan who would cheer for someone no matter how hard he sang.

Maybe normal people would think that Cheng Fu's singing is ugly, but what Bai Yan heard was his passion for music.

He likes Cheng Fu's affection for music, so he likes Cheng Fu, even if the music idiot can't be changed, he will always support him because of his enthusiasm.

Just like at the beginning——

Pursing the corners of his mouth, he silently hid the thoughts in his heart again.

Seeing Bo Ran walking towards him after entering the door, Bo Yan subconsciously wanted to lean against Qi Xing who was next to him.

However, what surprised him was that in front of so many people, the man forcefully penetrated into the gap between him and Qixing, while he was squeezed tightly between Boran and Cheng Bat.


"What would you like to eat?"

He was about to speak when the other party handed him a fruit plate.

Bai Yan's lips moved, but in the end he was completely speechless by his sudden toughness.

Whether it's the last party or after, as long as he refuses, Bai Ran will never do so.

He vaguely sensed something, but Bai Yan couldn't let himself think about it.

He has already made his own decision, no matter what Bai Ran does, he will—

Taking a slight glance at Bo Ran from the corner of his eyes, Bo Yan's already cold facial expression looked even colder.

All eyes are on these two people.

It was too obvious, or it could be said that Bo Ran was completely willing to go all out. He no longer cared about being discovered by others. He had already decided to chase Bo Yan back. What's more, everyone here knows each other well. Heart-to-heart friendship.

Bo Yanbie pushed away the hand holding the fruit plate at the beginning, his expression didn't seem to change at all, and he put down the plate calmly without any force.

The absent-minded Qi Xing also glanced lazily, and started to rest his chin, not knowing what to think.

After seven o'clock in the evening, the belated Bai Yu didn't disappoint after all, he showed up when the atmosphere was hot, and was immediately fined a glass of wine one by one.

Of course, Cheng Ba's cup was passed by him with a sharp eye, and he drank it wisely. ╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭

Ginseng, it is so hard to force, the weak eat the gods, even in the civilized society now is a kind of truth.

Someone who was a little drunk and was sobbing after being wronged went to the great god's arms to seek comfort, which attracted strong contempt from everyone.

Of course, there is contempt on the lips, and the cliffs of taking pictures are indispensable.

Especially baa sauce and green grass as CP fans, so you can't miss this great opportunity.

Strongly asked by these two guys to pose in various ways, the master smiled and glanced over, and the two muttered "Is University A so stingy?" Obediently put away the phone.

It was Qixing's turn to drink the last glass of fine wine, and Bai Yu, who hadn't had a lot of alcohol, turned slightly red.

"Cough, what—" Even though he didn't talk as much as Cheng Bat on weekdays, Qi Xing, who could speak eloquently as a CV, suddenly seemed a little cramped.

He was a little hesitant to speak, his eyes were stuck on Bai Yu's face and he couldn't turn away.

The pair of eyes that always seemed to be unable to wake up glanced at the empty glass in his hand, and Bai Yu's lips moved: "Pour the wine."

"My cup is-"

"Pour wine." Before he could speak, Bai Yu repeated.

Qixing looked at him, sighed, picked up the wine bottle and filled the glass.

However, when Bai Yu stretched out his hand to pick it up, he suddenly raised his head and drank it in one breath.

Pointing down the empty wine glass, Qi Xing didn't look at Bai Yu's expression, but said to the others: "This glass is mine."

"Short oil, stop drinking or something, the relationship is different." Bu Guipeng, who was lying on the back of the silence, had a big face and gossip eyes shining brightly.

The Dark Emperor shook his head and sighed: "... Internal... Digestion... Obviously it should be internal! Part! Disinfect! Dissolve! Ah!!!"

Contemptuous eyes quickly focused on him.

How do you know it's not internal digestion? ╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭Cheng Ba, who heard the dark complaint, hehehe.

Emma, ​​the feeling that I know something other people don't know is so swollen!

There is no such thing as someone who looks down on all sentient beings and looks down on the world! (as for it)

Those earthlings with fishy lips are so cute!

In Cheng Ba's mind, he had put his hands on his hips and raised his chin in high spirits.

However, the actual situation is that he rushed into the toilet and vomited into a dog. =______=|||

Should I say he deserved it or deserved it or deserved it?

After midnight, everyone went back to their rooms to rest.

Bai Yu came too late, all the guest rooms on the third floor were robbed, and in the end he could only spend the night alone on a low bed that was not usually used in a small lounge on the first floor.

Although it is said to be enough, even if the bed at Uranus Superstar's home is used temporarily, he will not treat him badly. The degree of softness is no different from that in the guest room on the third floor, not to mention that an extra layer of soft bed is specially laid in advance. mattress.

There are two bathrooms on the third floor and the second floor, which are enough for them to change, while the bathroom on the first floor is completely occupied by Bai Yu, who has "lost".

In the bathroom is a very luxurious jacuzzi, soaking in warm water, and dozing off accidentally.

Although he came late, he also drank a lot, even among those who drank more.

He was drunk because he was late, and he lost many times in the subsequent games because of absent-mindedness. Even if he had too much beer, he would get drunk easily, not to mention that he might not necessarily drink once a year.

But it doesn't matter if I'm in a good mood today.

Although he minds the existence of someone, whether it's Cheng Fu or others, even if those people don't know his real identity, it really makes him happy to be able to get together and chat.

In the past, he had been tempted to go to the party, but he almost gave up because of Seven Star's reasons.

At first it was because I didn't know what to do when I saw him, but now...

In fact, he was still very helpless.

But he forced himself to pretend he didn't care.

Maybe that's the only way to make him look less pathetic.

It's not that he didn't know Qixing regretted it.

Whether it was the words and eyes of that person at the last online meeting, or the entanglement afterwards, he knew why.

Ten years is a long time for anyone.

He liked him for so long, but he didn't get the slightest response.

But now, he was about to try to get out, but the man suddenly turned around.

This made him feel that his persistence and hard work at the beginning were a bit ridiculous and sad.

With a wry smile on the corner of his mouth, he leaned his head back against the edge of the bathtub and fell asleep unknowingly.

Feeling a kind of suffocation in the dream, he struggled, but couldn't open his eyes.

He opened his mouth and felt water pouring into his mouth and nasal cavity.

In fear, he seemed to hear someone calling his name, his body was lifted up, fresh air finally entered his lungs, he coughed violently, and suddenly opened his eyes.

In front of him was the white edge of the bathtub. His chest was resting on something, and when he looked down, it was a shoulder of a person.

"White Feather?"

His body was slightly pushed away, and he always met the anxious gaze of that person with slightly squinted eyes.

It was an expression of fear, and then there was a hint of heartache and irritation in his eyes.

"What are you doing? How can you sleep while taking a bath?" Probably out of anxiety, there was also a hint of sternness in his voice. After saying this, he panted heavily to calm down the fear in his heart, as if he had noticed that After the gaffe just now, Qi Xing slightly moved his gaze away from Bai Yu's expressionless gaze, "Someone is using the bathroom upstairs, so I plan to come down to have a look, you didn't close the door so..."

He stood up while speaking, under the clear water, the man's naked body was almost clearly visible, he hurriedly turned around.

Bai Yu coughed a few times, her face turned pale due to the shock and lack of oxygen just now.

The swaying water made him who had just drowned feel a little bit of fear. He stood up from the water by supporting the edge of the bathtub. Just as he put on his pajama pants, the man who had just turned his back suddenly turned around.

The shoulders were firmly held, and in a blink of an eye, he felt the approach of an aura that did not belong to him.

The lips were quickly plugged.

He was slightly startled, and was about to struggle, but the other party retreated immediately, but his hands were still holding his shoulders tightly.

The man looked at him with fiery eyes.

"Bai Yu, forgive me."

Looking at him, Bai Yu didn't know what to say.

There is no question of forgiveness or unforgiveness.

He likes Qixing, that is his own business, Qixing has no obligation to respond to him.

And now-

He doesn't want to continue to like him, and that's his own business.

"You never did anything wrong, it was all my one-sided feelings, but now—"

"No." Seemingly knowing what he wanted to say, Qi Xing quickly interrupted him, "I've always looked at you, and I've always loved you, but—"

"'Just'?" The corner of Bai Yu's mouth twitched, but there was a hint of sharpness in his habitually lazy eyes, "Since I let you say 'just', then there must be something more important than me. So, It's not your fault, you don't have to apologize."

"No, I mean—"

"And the same, I don't love anymore, and I don't need to report to you, do I?"

Even with such mental preparation, Qi Xing was still stunned by his words.

Pushing away his hand, Bai Yu walked out of the bathroom with somewhat vain footsteps.

The staggering steps were not due to the drowning just now.

And why, only he himself knows best.

He never thought that Qixing would say that he has always loved him.

His heart, which was not so firm in the first place, became even more chaotic because of his words.

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