The Facial Paralysis Attack of the Great God's Family
Qu Dashen shou 囧囧 asked with enthusiasm: "You said I was your boyfriend? Are we together?" Shang's face was paralyzed: "We have kissed, hugged, and seen, I've already slept, so this still counts as being together?" Qu Dashen was very dissatisfied: "But you haven't confessed yet?" Shang's face was paralyzed: "Confession? Yes." Qu Dashen was puzzled: "When?" Shang Gong with a paralyzed face: "When doing a certain sport." Qu Dashen blushed and roared: "You didn't say it!!!" Shang Gong with a paralyzed face: "I said it, I said it in my heart." Qu Dashen: "... "Don't be boring, are you going to die or are you going to die! ! !Tips for reading the article: 1. There are BG couples in this article, not many involved (really not many >mouth<); 2. The progress of the relationship in this article is a bit slow, please give them a little time to fall in love; 3. Because it is an online article, it will involve Go to the chat (the author does not mean to cheat the number of words); 4. The author accepts reasonable shooting and scoring, and hopes not to make personal attacks on the author; 5. Writing and reading are all for entertainment, so as not to affect the mood , please be careful to jump into the pit; 6. The author needs to be encouraged to write articles, I hope everyone can support the genuine ^-^; 7. If you can’t see the update, you can replace www with my. ┃ Search keywords: Protagonist: Qu Shaoze, Shang Yi ┃ Supporting role: foodie writers, dormitory trio
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