walk alone.

Chapter 89

Thanks to the violent storm and heavy rain outside, the huge movement Qin Bin made when he broke through the deep mountain did not attract the attention of some people.With the Scarlet Fire Guardian and enough pills in his hands, although he suffered a lot after going through the little thunder disaster this time, overall, it went smoothly. It took less than half a month for Qin Bin to break through safely. At the peak of Jindan, transforming Dan into a baby.

After staying in the Sumeru Dimension for a few more days, and after consolidating his cultivation, Qin Bin embarked on his way back with the scarlet fire that had worked hard for a long time.

It's just that it's easy when you come, but it's a little difficult when you return.After half a month of heavy rain, the road was muddy and extremely difficult to walk, but there were still many refugees migrating inland on the road.Too many people will lead to chaos, not to mention that today is no longer an orderly society ruled by law?

Qin Bin and Chi Huo, who had just emerged from the deep mountains, were naturally very surprised when they saw the people with their families and their mouths braving the rain.But after a little inquiring, the two of them roughly understood the reason.

It turned out that the vast majority of these distressed people came from the coast. After half a month of violent storms, the sea level rose at an extremely frightening speed.Seeing that their homeland was about to be submerged by the raging seawater, even though they were reluctant to give up, these coastal residents had to pack their bags and drag their families to the inland.It's better to have relatives in the Midwest. Although life will not be too comfortable, there is always a place to stay.And those who can't even find a place to take shelter can only grit their teeth and go with the large army. It is best to find a place to live when the time comes, but if they can't find it, they can only think about it. The home is waiting to be drowned by the sea.Thinking of all kinds of mutated fish that are ferocious, elusive, and devour living people in an instant, everyone who has witnessed such human tragedies can't help but shudder, shake their raincoats, and walk a little faster.

Qin Bin originally wanted to drive back as soon as possible, but seeing the people struggling on the road, he had no choice but to pull Chihuo into the jungle again when people were not paying attention, and waited until night, stepping on the flying sword belt Chi Huo arrived on the highway only a few kilometers away from the county seat in an instant.

After taking out the pickup truck from the Sumeru Space, and taking out some of the supplies previously stored in the storage ring, putting them in the back bucket of the car and sealing them, Qin Bin drove the car to the county town together with Chihuo.

This trip to the city obviously took more time than before. It seems that the situation is not only tense in the coastal areas, but also in small counties that live in a corner.

After being released, Qin Bin drove directly to the Guiyuan community where Wang Lei's home is located.

"Grandma, grandma, Binbin and Xiaocan are back!" Seeing Qin Bin and Chi Huo who were safe and sound, Yu Hui shouted loudly without thinking of saying hello.

"Binbin is back? Binbin, grandma's Binbin..." Mrs. Li couldn't hold back her worry, she burst into tears immediately, and ran out the door at a speed that was extremely inconsistent with her age. Not only did he not look yellow and thin as expected, but Qin Bin, who had a ruddy complexion, rushed forward, holding Qin Bin into his arms with trembling hands.

The old lady Chen who was following behind also pulled Chi Huo into her arms tearfully, patted on the back and complained that the two children were ignorant, and thanked the gods of all parties for keeping the two children safe.

When everyone finally calmed down, Mr. Chen asked, "Where have you two been these days? Nothing happened, right?"

"The Qin family forced us to stay. We really couldn't shirk it, so we stayed in City S for a few days. Then I took Xiaocan to his home in City Z to have a look, and learned that Xiaocan's family had long since left and disappeared. , we were ready to come back immediately. It just happened that it was raining heavily again, and we originally planned to wait for the rain to stop before returning, but we didn’t expect that the heavy rain would never stop, and we were really worried about our family, so we came back in the rain.”

"Hey, God doesn't give people a way to survive. How long have you lived in peace, and this happened again? Fortunately, you two came back safely. I heard that the coastal area is in chaos now. Ah Qing and the others are preparing to lead a team to find you Woolen cloth."

"I'm really sorry for making everyone worry." Qin Bin apologized, thinking that luckily his breakthrough was surprisingly smooth this time, if it really took a year or so, everyone in the family would probably go crazy. "Grandpa and grandma, why are you here? Something happened in the village?"

"It rained too much, and several houses in our village collapsed. Our family is fine. Aqing, Xiaohui, and Leizi were afraid of accidents, so they took us to live in the county."

"It's good to come here. After all, the village is low-lying. If the rain doesn't stop for a while, it will definitely flood the village."

The small villa of Wang Lei's family had a lot of vacant rooms, so it would be no problem for Mr. Chen and his family to live there, but the old man always felt sorry and gave Wang Lei's parents a lot of food as rent.Wang Lei's parents knew that the old man was stubborn, so they accepted without saying anything, and they still treated them attentively, and the two families lived together happily.

After explaining the trivial matters of life these days to a few old people, Qin Bin scanned around and didn't see Wang Lei and Liu Qingquan, so he couldn't help asking, "Where are Leizi and Ah Qing?"

"They are busy now. We also have a lot of people from the other side of the coast here. Some come to seek refuge with relatives, and some pass by here. They think our place is pretty good, so they just stay here. Leizi Ah Qing and I have been busy resettling new residents these days, but we are very busy."

"We met a lot of people migrating to our side along the way. With so many people, there won't be any trouble, right?"

"Don't worry, most people go to a big place like City H. There are not many people coming to our small remote county, not to mention that we don't refuse all comers, and those with questionable character, I have brought If people are beaten out, how can we let those ulterior motives come and make trouble?"

Hearing this, Qin Bin was relieved a lot, took Yu Hui and Chi Huo to the garage to move everything into the house, and then took Chi Huo to the room to wash up.In order to avoid suspicion from everyone, the two deliberately made themselves quite embarrassed. The old lady had already urged them to go to the bathroom to take a good bath and change into clean clothes.

Although Wang Lei's house had quite a lot of rooms, Chi Huo insisted on living in the same room with Qin Bin, and everyone just treated him as a child, and Qin Bin didn't raise any objections, so they agreed to him.After the two entered the room, they immediately took the clean clothes that the old lady had prepared for them and went to the bathroom.In order to be more realistic, they made their bodies and heads wet. It was extremely uncomfortable, and they wished they could immediately enter the space and take a good bath.

"Brother, let's go to the space to wash? It's not fun to take a shower." Chi Huo looked at the shower head on the shelf with disgust, and leaned over to Qin Bin's side and said coquettishly.

Qin Bin stretched out his hand to caress Chi Huo's much thinner cheek, feeling a little distressed, he was busy breaking through these days, thanks to Chi Huo guarding the side, otherwise he would not have been able to go so smoothly.And Chi Huo loves Huayi food by nature, and because of him these days, he can't eat well and sleep well, so he probably suffered a lot.Qin Bin felt pity in his heart, and naturally he would agree to whatever Chi Huo wanted.

After simply setting up a few small formations, Qin Bin turned on the shower head, pulled the red fire and entered the space.Qin Bin is also a person who likes to enjoy himself, so naturally he will not treat himself badly. When he was a child, he used to spend a lot of time in Xumi Space when he was free, and built several gorgeous and comfortable bathing pools.

When he walked to the bathing pool made of large pieces of nephrite jade, Qin Bin didn't mind the red fire beside him. He quickly took off his musty-smelling clothes and stepped into the bath naked naked. In the bath of spiritual spring water.

"Chi Huo, what's the matter?" Seeing Chi Huo standing by the bathing pool in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking, Qin Bin couldn't help asking Yang Sheng in doubt.

"Ah? Oh oh, I'm coming right now." Chi Huo didn't know what to think of, his fair face turned red all of a sudden, he hurriedly stripped off the same unbearable clothes on his body, shyly covering his lower body , quickly got into the water.

Seeing that Chi Huo didn't want to stick to his body like before, but was far away from him, and his white and slender body wanted to sink directly into the water, leaving only a small furry head out of the water.Seeing this, Qin Bin couldn't help but secretly felt funny, and couldn't help teasing: "What's the matter? Now I know I'm shy, didn't I not mind it at all before?" Qin Bin thought of Chi Huo's first transformation, and felt very embarrassed. Standing naked in front of me, I still can't help being a little awkward now.

Chi Huo wanted to say that today is different from the past, but for some reason, he always felt a little guilty, and he groaned for a long time, but he didn't say anything to refute.It's just that the abnormality of the body became more and more obvious, and Chi Huo couldn't help becoming more flustered, with an embarrassed look on his face, wishing he could go directly to the bottom of the water, lest the master find out and make fun of him.

Seeing Chi Huo's thin body huddled in a corner of the bath, looking pitiful, Qin Bin couldn't help but slowly moved over, and took the small body that was even colder in the water into his arms with ease, with a gentle look on his face. With a smile on his face, he said softly: "You have worked hard these days, if you want anything, just tell me."

When Chi Huo's icy body touched Qin Bin's warm body, he couldn't help but froze. He just cared about the part that was raised up secretly, and didn't dare to twist it too much. Both hands are concealed without any trace, for fear that the master will see the clue.Chi Huo, who has watched a lot of film and television dramas, is not very unfamiliar with the sudden and strong reaction of his body, but this is the first time he has encountered such a situation in his past and present lives, so he is inevitably a little caught off guard, not to mention he is still in his close relatives. In front of his master, Chi Huo, who had been subtly affected by human's concept of shame, suddenly panicked.

Listening to the master's steady voice, the anxiety in Chi Huo's heart slowly calmed down, he secretly relaxed his stiff body, and casually leaned on the master's arms as usual, Chi Huo temporarily forgot about the strangeness of his body, greedily enjoying the warmth moment.

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