walk alone.

Chapter 90

In the evening, Wang Lei and Liu Qingquan dragged their tired bodies back home, and seeing Qin Bin Chihuo appearing in front of them in An Ran, they were naturally delighted and fortunate.After dinner, everyone sat together drinking tea and chatting. From their few words, Qin Bin also roughly guessed the terrible situation in the world after half a month.

Qin Bin has nothing to say about the strange laws of heaven in this world.That guy is probably born with evil tastes. He loves to hang people with hope when they are desperate, and when people think that their future life is full of hope, he gives them a heavy blow and makes them fall into gloomy despair again. Powerless to struggle.Of course, Qin Bin is not a sympathetic person. How other people live is none of his business. As long as the people he approves are safe and sound, he will not interfere at will.

The pouring rain is still falling non-stop, the gloomy sky and humid air make people feel upset for no reason.It's just that the heavy rain cannot be stopped by manpower at will. Even if they feel uncomfortable or in a bad mood, people can only endure it secretly, praying, and hope that God will have mercy and end this sudden disaster as soon as possible.

The three of Wang Lei went to the office building non-stop early in the morning to handle official business. Wang Kai and Li Shuyun (Wang Lei's parents) and his wife had jobs and went to work early.There are only three old people left in the family, Qin Bin and Chi Huo who is feeling unwell.Chi Huo naturally dislikes the humid environment, and now he is swollen, like an eggplant beaten by frost.It's just that it's not good for him to disappear suddenly, otherwise Qin Bin, who is distressed, will send him to the space for vacation.

After breakfast, Chi Huo returned to the bedroom to rest due to the exhaustion of the journey, and Qin Bin took the opportunity to send him into the space.

"Binbin, come, let's talk to grandma." Qin Bin just went downstairs after setting up Chihuo, and was about to go out for a stroll to see the current situation in the small county, when he heard the old lady's call.

"Grandma." Qin Bin probably guessed the purpose of the old lady calling him in his heart, and sat down on the sofa beside her meekly without saying anything.

Sure enough, the old lady babbled for a long time before she began to ask Qin Bin about his experience in S city in those few days.Qin Bin didn't feel that there was anything worth hiding about those things in S City, so he told the truth.

The old lady was shocked to hear that there was only one seedling left in the third generation of the Qin family. "Sin, hey, Patriarch, how is he?"

"Looks pretty good."

Qin Bin never concealed his indifference to those blood relatives. The old lady only sighed when she saw this, but did not persuade her anything.The grandfather and grandson chatted endlessly for a while. Seeing that the old lady was in a daze, Qin Bin immediately persuaded the old lady to go to rest, and he took an umbrella and went out.

Although the small county is small, it has a complete set of infrastructure facilities. The beautiful environment around the county has attracted many investors. Naturally, the county leaders will not let go of this good opportunity to make political achievements. Squeeze out money to renovate some of the old infrastructure in the county, and want to welcome those investors with big waists in the best condition.Today, the grand blueprint of developing Wanshan County into a major tourist county may have become a floating cloud, but the county's high-quality infrastructure has provided convenience for residents who stayed or newly entered the city.

The county seat of Wanshan County as a whole is located on a gentle slope with an inconspicuous slope. The terrain is relatively high. Coupled with the reasonable and complete sewage and drainage pipes in the city, although the downpour has been going underground for half a month, the county as a whole There are not many flooded places on the surface, and the overall situation is not bad.

Qin Bin was wearing sandals and big underpants, and was holding an umbrella while strolling in the rarely visited streets. His leisurely posture calmed down many residents who were looking out of the windows with a feeling of panic.

Although Qin Bin doesn't hate rain as much as Chi Huo does, he doesn't like the water that doesn't know how to clean it on his body. He secretly performs exercises and covers his skin with an air film that ordinary people can't detect with the naked eye. , and walked towards the city lord's office building.

Qin Bin had the passport given to him by Wang Lei, and found the offices of Wang Lei, Liu Qingquan, and Yu Hui without encountering any obstacles along the way.The three of them were naturally surprised when they suddenly saw Qin Bin who made a sudden visit, but soon they cheerfully pulled Qin Bin to "join the group". When it was delivered to the door, they were not polite.

Qin Bin had planned to come over to help, but couldn't help laughing at how much the three of them seemed to have taken advantage of.It's an eventful season in the small county town, one thing happened after another, and the three of them didn't chat much, so they went back to their offices to deal with official business.Qin Bin didn't know much about the county's affairs, so he followed Wang Lei to help with some trivial but crucial matters that needed to be handled by his own people.

When people get busy, the time passes very quickly. Before you know it, the whole morning will pass by quietly.Although Wang Lei and the others work hard, they are not workaholics regardless of their health. They are naturally focused and serious when they should work, and they will not ignore when it is time to rest. After all, life is alive, especially in such a troubled environment. In such difficult times, if you don't have time to enjoy the fun of life, you may have no chance.

The four went home together for lunch.This time, there was no need to wade back on foot. Wang Lei drove the car, and the four of them could just sit down.

Half a month later, Chi Huo, who was tired of water, got used to the humid air with a faint musty smell, and the heavy rain, which seemed to never end, still showed no sign of stopping.A few days ago, the streets of the county seat were filled with rainwater, and today the county seat can be called a city of water.

"Why, there is another case of mutated fish and mutated water snakes attacking people?" Yu Hui was in charge of the security of the whole city. Since the county town was flooded, his life, which had no leisure at all, became more and more busy, sometimes even busy from early morning. At night, there is no time to even eat.

"Well, those unorganized and undisciplined bastards, how many times have I told them not to mess with the mutated fish in the water, but they don't listen, they want to eat meat even if they don't have the skills, do they think those fish are slaughtered like before?" Yu Hui sat down on the sofa angrily, poured a glass of water, and the depression in his heart finally dissipated.

"Water is a paradise for fish, and they have been mutated to be extremely powerful. We really have no chance of winning against them." Wang Lei frowns, and cases of residents being attacked or even eaten by mutated fish or mutated water snakes follow one after another. Now, the residents in the city are like frightened birds, huddled at home in fear, and the county town is filled with a gloomy and desperate atmosphere.

"Why don't you move out? The heavy rain doesn't know when it will stop, and the county can't last long." Liu Qingquan sighed and said what everyone knew but didn't want to say.

Everyone was silent. They all knew that what Liu Qingquan said was very reasonable. Instead of sticking to this crumbling small city, they might as well move to another place to find a way out.But even though this is true intellectually, everyone feels a little emotionally difficult.Although the county town is small, it is the place where they have struggled countless days and nights. They sweated and worked hard here, but they were forced to leave in the end. How could everyone feel better?

"Move, go to the military base on the mountain." After a long silence, Wang Lei finally sighed and made this helpless decision.

In the next few days, Qin Bin also became busy.The scale of this relocation is not small, and the weather is so bad. If we don't make a good overall plan, there may be unexpected situations on the road.Even if Qin Bin is like this, let alone Wang Lei and the three who don't have much free time, although the old people feel sorry for them and try their best to make up for them, but finally when the day of relocation comes, they still inevitably lost a lot of weight .

Originally, many residents in the city were very resistant to the relocation. They believed in their hearts that there is no unparalleled road, and the heavy rain will stop soon.It's just that their devout prayers didn't move the gods, and the heavy rain showed no signs of stopping. What's worse, several old residential buildings in the city collapsed.A lot of people were killed and injured all of a sudden. Seeing that the situation is getting more and more urgent, even the residents who can’t leave their homeland dare not say anything about staying. wait to die.

The day of moving the whole city is coming soon.Yu Hui took people to the long-abandoned hypermarket and supermarket for several times, and got a lot of things like inflatable swimming pools and inflatable mattresses, which can barely be used as "boats" for carrying luggage.As for how people go, they can only think of their own tricks.But the wisdom of the people is infinite, and of course, the imagination is quite rich.Some people drag out plastic bathtubs at home and use them as boats, make simple "bamboo rafts" out of empty mineral water bottles, use large pieces of foam as mounts, and make a fuss about swimming rings.In short, the residents all thought of strange tricks, but none of them dared to swim directly into the water.It's not that everyone is obsessed with cleanliness, it's just that the mutated fish, mutated water snakes and other creatures hidden in the water are too ferocious, and it would be bad if they were accidentally bitten.

Compared with other people's strange means of transportation, Qin Bin's house is much more normal.Mr. Chen is a good crafter, so it is easy to make a small boat. For convenience, a dock was added. The three old people, Wang Lei's parents and Chi Huo stayed in the dock. The first rowed at the stern.As for Wang Lei and Liu Qingquan, the two of them have not been free until now, they are both staying at the side of the main force, and they can't easily find time to come over.

There were Qin Bin and Chi Huo in the fleet, and the mutated aquatic creatures hidden in the water naturally did not dare to act rashly. Therefore, the trip of the fleet was unexpectedly smooth, and everyone who was nervous was secretly relieved.Soon, the group arrived at the foot of the mountain where the military base was located.

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