[Interview with the Vampire] Vampire Lewell

Chapter 42 El Dorado's Golden Key

The blood on the ground has traces of dragging.The wounded should have been dragged behind this wall.Could it be that there is a secret door?

Levi raised his hand and knocked on the wall.

"Don't move!"


Facing the secret door that suddenly opened, Lewell was as surprised as everyone else.This organ, shouldn't it be designed to be opened with a single knock?The vampire 囧囧 thought enigmatically.

The leader among the adventurers, Collins, who had just warned Lewell, had a skeptical expression on his face.He glanced coldly at Lewell, as if to expose his lie that he was not familiar with the place. "Go inside, slow down, let me see your hand."

"I haven't been here either." Cabriere said behind Levi in ​​a voice so low that only vampires could hear it.

Lewell walked forward with his head in his hands.There was another trail of drag behind the hidden door.A black shadow huddled in the corner.

"Chandler!" The big black Stan walked towards the shadow.He squatted down and suddenly took a breath of cold air. "His face was bitten off."

"Snake...snake..." Harry began his nervous muttering again.

Queco the Indian walked over with a machete. "Snakes can't make a wound like this. Must be a beast."

Lewell knew the jaguar did it.There is no second large beast in the pyramid.

"Leave him alone and light another torch. You two, move forward," Collins ordered.

Levi continued walking forward.Although he seemed to be indifferent on the surface, in fact, his vigilance has been raised to the highest level, so as to guard against the jaguar that may sneak attack at any time.

But the assailant did not appear.

Torches shone on all sides of the corridor.Lewell paused.In front of him were three parallel palm-width shallow pits with black liquid in them.

"This is a warning." Behind Lewell, Collins said in a cold voice, "In ancient times, only priests and goddesses could enter this place. Anyone who dares to cross the black line will be sentenced to death."

"What are you waiting for? Those things must be ahead!" Stan said excitedly.

"Keep going in," Collins ordered.

Lewell saw Cabriere nodding at him.The tall vampire shrugged, pretending to continue to act as a pathfinder for the explorers.

He felt like he stepped on something.Although the ground didn't change at all, the vampire's keen sense told him that he did touch something with that kick just now.Sure enough, there is a mechanism here... Is it a bow and arrow, a trap, a poisonous needle, or an iron net?Levi thought as he walked.

Suddenly, his expression changed.

"Go up!" Lewell yelled back to Cabrielle.

A boulder, which almost filled the passage, turned a bend and rolled towards them with a rumbling sound!

Lewell jumped up to the ceiling like a huge bat, spreading his hands and feet to support his body.He felt Cabriere stop on the ceiling as he did.The adventurers behind them were obviously in a panic.They fired two shots indiscriminately, turned around and ran away screaming strangely.At the same time, the boulder also passed directly below them.

Lewell's judgment was very accurate. Such a stone cannot really reach the ceiling, and there must be a gap between the boulder and the top of the passage.This is a dead end.Of course, there is no way for ordinary people to climb that high in a short period of time.

"Let's go!" Lewell didn't hear the screams, and the group of adventurers should still be there.He decided to grab ahead of the opponent and go around in front.

The two vampires spread their speed and ran in the passage.Darkness is the best cover for them.

Lewell stepped on the trap a few more times, and they had to dodge the rolling stone trap almost every half minute.

"It's not quite right..." Lewell stopped suddenly, "Is the inside of the pyramid that big? And why do these stones seem to never finish rolling?"

"It was the stone that changed the way," said Cabriere after a moment of thought.

"It makes sense! As long as someone triggers the mechanism, the road ahead will automatically switch to a side road in a circle, and then stones will roll out of it. But why are there so many stones? It stands to reason that we should have been walking up, and we have already It exceeds the height of the pyramid. No! This place is absolutely flat, I don’t feel like going uphill at all, these stones mislead me. But how can the stones roll if there is no terrain difference?” Lewell scratched his hair and thought hard.

Cabriere closed his eyes. "We seem to be going around in circles. Here they come." Her telepathy was sharper than Lewell's hearing.

"Huh?" Soon, Lewell also heard the movement from the front.The group of adventurers had already walked in front of them at some point, and was walking towards them head-on!

Lewell and Cabriere looked at each other, and they both stuck to the ceiling.

"Collins, this is not right. We've been going around in circles. I just saw the marks I made on the wall before." It was the timid Harry who spoke.Big Negro Stan wasn't on their team.Lewell guessed that something had happened to him.

"If we've been going around in circles, where did those two people go? There must be another way out here." Collins said with a frown.

"Maybe it's the trap they opened. Don't forget that man opened the secret door all at once." Harry said viciously.

"Leave them alone. Be careful where you step and don't step on the middle." Collins looked a little irritable.

It was only then that Lewell noticed that the three of them were walking on one side of the passage.Could it be that the agencies are all located in the middle of the road?

"How long has it been since there were no stones?" Collins asked after walking for a while.Out of the reach of the torches, Lewell and Cabriere were quietly following behind them.

"3 minutes? Maybe longer." Indian Queco said.

"These stones seem to have finished rolling," said Harry uncertainly.

Compared with the previous intensive attacks, the passage is surprisingly quiet at this moment.Of course, this may be the reason why Lewell didn't continue to step on the mechanism.

"See if there is a way out," Collins said decisively.

The three adventurers suddenly stopped in their tracks.There were several upward steps in front of them, and behind the steps was an open stone door.This is where it has never been before.Lewell guessed that as long as the mechanism is not triggered for a period of time, the correct path will appear.But he still couldn't figure out, if it wasn't for the poor terrain, what kind of force was pushing those huge boulders.

"Harry, go up and have a look," Collins ordered.

"why me?"

"Because only you are familiar with the mechanism."

Seeing the Indian on the side impatiently waving his machete, Harry had no choice but to walk up the stairs cautiously.He first sprinkled a handful of unknown powder into the stone gate, and waited for a while before walking in.

"Gold..." Lewell heard Harry let out a low cry.

Collins and Quicko looked at each other and walked up the stairs.The two vampires followed silently behind them.

Lewell was deeply shocked by the scene in front of him.

It was an empty room, generally rectangular in shape.They are standing in the middle of the longer side of the rectangle.Directly opposite them there was a terrace with three steps, on which stood a row of seven chairs.Every chair, with the platforms and steps beneath them, was of gold.There are countless rare treasures piled up at the foot of the chair.A beam of light came in through a small hole in the ceiling and fell right on top of the middle chair.Unlike the other six empty chairs, there was a skeleton sitting on the middle chair.

"The golden key of Eldorado..." Even Collins' breathing became short.A gem-studded key looms from the skeleton's chest.

"My God! We've found gold! We're going to be rich!" Harry stepped forward with his arms outstretched.All that was left in his eyes were those golden glints.

Collins and Quicko watched grimly as their companions flung themselves on top of the pile of jewels, touching one and picking up another.Then, they all breathed a sigh of relief.It seems that there are no other organs here.

Collins walked to the middle chair and reached for the key that had been dropped in the skeleton's chest.Quicko stopped him with a machete.

"What do you want to do?" Collins raised the gun in his hand vigilantly.

"That's the key to the kingdom of heaven, you can't take it away!" Quico said seriously, "There are countless wealth here, we can come and move it over and over again. Only this key can't be touched!"

"Come on! You don't believe this at all. Otherwise, you wouldn't have joined hands with us to steal the map passed down from generation to generation in your tribe, and set fire to that place." Collins smiled on his face.He wanted to get past Quico.

"I said, you can't take it!" The Indian waved the machete.He looked extremely serious, even drawing a pistol from his boot.

"Okay, okay, I won't touch it. I'm just a little curious about what the key to the kingdom of heaven looks like." Collins took a few steps back to reassure Quico.In the other direction, Harry had picked up his hand signal and was walking quietly behind the Indian.

"Don't play tricks!" Quico turned around vigilantly, and raised the gun in his hand to Harry, "You stand over me too!"

Harry's face stiffened.

"Quicko, what does this mean? Do you want to take it all for yourself? So much gold, there is actually no big difference between one person and three people, and we will all become very rich. Have you forgotten? You still want to pass I became a French citizen! Think about it, when you go to Paris with your money, those white women will willingly lie under you!" Collins said with a cold face.

"I haven't forgotten! French, British, Portuguese, it doesn't make any difference to me, as long as I can get out of this jungle." He took the key out of the skeleton's chest and carefully put it in his pocket. "I've got to put this away, I can't let any of you take it away."

"Okay. You put it away and put it back when we leave. Let's see how much money we can get. If this whole piece is gold, it will take many times to transport it back It's gone." Collins bent down as if to examine the golden steps beneath the chair.Lewell saw him draw a small dagger from his trouser leg.

As Collins straightened up, he hurled the dagger at Quicko.The sharp weapon sank into the Indian's chest in an instant.Harry immediately rushed up and shot Quicko twice.Their companions fell into a pool of blood, spat out two mouthfuls of blood, and completely lost their vitality.

"The bloody native!" Harry spat at the corpse. "Collins, why don't you move these gems first? These are the most perfect rubies." He suggested.

Collins nodded: "Find a pocket and start packing. I'll see what else is here."

Harry took one look at Collins and began to pack his prize excitedly.

Lewell saw Collins find the golden key from Quico's pocket.

"Want to go?" he mouthed to Cabriere.

"Wait a little longer," the female vampire replied.

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