Collins started pacing up and down the room, ignoring his accomplice who was stuffing gold and silver jewelry into the cloth bag.

"Light... light... seven moons... catastrophe... the golden city leading to heaven... where is the entrance? Oh! light... light is the key!"

Collins walked faster and faster, stopping every now and then to look up in the direction of the light.

"What is he looking for?" Lewell asked in a very low voice that only vampires could hear.

"This is an ancient legend. The aborigines in this area believe that one day there will be seven moons in the sky at the same time, which will bring about a catastrophe. All life will be destroyed in the catastrophe. Only a city made of gold can You can escape a catastrophe. There is a ladder leading to heaven, and you can get a life beyond ordinary people if you walk up it."

"That sounds really weird."

"Ah!" Collins suddenly let out a low cry.

He rushed up the steps, swept all the skeletons from the middle chair to the ground, and carefully put the golden key on it.He adjusted his position a little so that the only beam of light from the ceiling fell on the largest ruby ​​in the key.Ruby instantly fainted a circle of light.

Collins turned the key slowly, and the volume of the halo gradually expanded and shrunk, until at a certain angle, seven beams of light suddenly split from the ruby ​​and shot straight towards the surrounding walls!

Collins excitedly ran to one of the points of light and smashed the bricks there with the butt of his gun, revealing a pushable stone ball hidden in the wall.He pushed the stone ball to the deepest point.

"Collins, what are you doing?"

By the time Harry noticed Collins' unusual behavior, he had already walked in front of the last light spot.During this time, Lewell and Cabriere had to hide outside the door for a short while, lest Collins discover their presence.

"A great moment, I'm going to open the gates of heaven!" Collins gasped.

Lewell felt something flash past him.

It's the jaguar!

Collins then let out a scream.

A jaguar with dark green stripes pounced on him, and the loud roar echoed in the room.Collins had to stuff one arm into the bloody mouth that was close at hand.Otherwise, the other party could bite off his throat with one bite. "Harry!" he called to his accomplice.

Harry was trembling with fright.He raised the pistol and aimed for a long time. At this time, one of Collins' arms had been torn off by the angry jaguar.There was a bang.The jaguar stopped for a second.Then it let go of Collins, turned and sprang at Harry.Lewell saw a bloody hole in one of its hind legs.

"Ah! Don't come here! Ah—"

Continuous gunshots.None of the bullets hit the jaguar, they all hit the ceiling.After a few seconds, Harry's screams stopped abruptly.Blood stained the surrounding golden steps.

"The gates of heaven...the gates of heaven..."

Just as the jaguar turned to attack Harry, Collins struggled to his feet.Panting, he leaned against the wall, and with his other good hand, he smashed open the bricks under the last spot of light, and violently pushed the stone ball inside.

The ground shook suddenly.

The jaguar turned sharply.Lewell saw obvious anger in its eyes.Collins raised his gun and confronted the jaguar.

Ten seconds later, the shaking of the ground became violent.

Lewell and Cabriere looked at each other, and both felt that the mechanism triggered by Collins was very important, and the whole pyramid might be shaking.

"Paradise, Stairway to Heaven..."

While Collins was muttering, a large square hole suddenly opened in the ceiling above their heads.A white light shone down.It is not as fast as ordinary light, but slowly descends as if it is scanning something, and finally forms a spiral staircase.A word suddenly flashed in Lewell's mind——

3d projection!

Beside him, Cabrielle suddenly sprinted for the stairs.She stepped on the steps formed by the white light as if she was stepping on the ground, and rushed all the way to the ceiling.Then suddenly the big hole in the ceiling disappeared, not even the beam of light that Ben had shone in, leaving the room only with the light of the crackling torches that fell on the floor.

Lewell couldn't help being stunned.

The ground shook violently again, and bricks fell from the ceiling one after another.

Collins did not expect such a turn of events.He widened his eyes and let out a strange cry.But the jaguar suddenly gave up and continued to confront Collins, and rushed out of the room with a roar.

The bricks on the ground began to roll down in one direction, and many cracks appeared on the ground as it tilted.

Lewell felt that if he didn't leave, he might never be able to get out.God knows why Cabriere suddenly left him and went up the ladder that looked like a 3D projection but was actually real.

The top priority is to escape quickly!

He ran out of the room without hesitation, running wildly along the side of the passage.After two or three circles, he finally reached the platform they had come in on.At this time, the passage behind him was blocked by fallen stones.

Lewell ran down without thinking.The only way out he knew was the snake hole he and Cabriere had come in.

A pillar standing in the black pool broke in the middle, breaking a long row of stairs.Lewell simply jumped down layer by layer.Countless stones fell from the ceiling, splashing the black pool below.Just when Lewell was about to get close to the ground, the water surface suddenly surged upwards, and in an instant he couldn't pass the snake hole he wanted to escape from!

Lewell was dumbfounded.


A cold hand grabbed his arm and pulled him down.There was a loud bang.The steps he was standing on were smashed into pieces by a boulder falling from the sky.

Lewell saw the black water rushing towards him.It's not just because his body is falling, the speed of the rising water is no less than the speed of his falling!

What surprised him even more was the man who was pulling him.

"Armand? Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Lewell immediately realized how unwise it was to speak at this time.The water that rushed into his nose and nose choked him half to death.Armand grabbed him like a bundle and swam downstream.There was no light around.Not even vampires can see under the black surface of water.

Lewell reacted quickly, paddling and diving down with Armand.The water here is almost bottomless.Lewell didn't understand why Armand chose to go down instead of up the side.He didn't dare to let go of the boy's hand, because once he let go, there was absolutely no way for him to find Armand underwater.

Finally, they swam to a wall.Armand led him down a little more, and then turned out from under the wall.The surrounding water suddenly swayed for a while, and Lewell felt that the wall they had just crossed was sinking rapidly.

Fortunately, it has come out.

The tall vampire breathed a sigh of relief.By now, he can roughly guess that the mechanism triggered by Collins just now is likely to destroy the foundation of the pyramid, because the proportion of gold is too high, and the whole pyramid is sinking!

Just when he was lucky to have escaped safely, an extremely fast wave of water suddenly passed in front of him.He heard Armand let out a low cry, and then let go of his palm, completely disconnecting him from the boy.


For the first time, Lewell hated himself for not being able to telepathize.He didn't know what it was just now, but he was sure that it was surprisingly powerful, and it dragged Armand away in one go.He stopped where he was, with the rapidly falling wall beside him.

Lewell waited for a full minute, but Armand did not come back.

Then, another extremely fast water wave rushed towards him.Lewell drew out the dagger in lightning speed, and at the moment the opponent was about to collide with him, he suddenly handed out the dagger sideways.The powerful force made his arm numb, and he felt as if he had stabbed a fast-moving wall.His dagger was stuck on it.Leviel clenched his teeth, holding the dagger with one hand, and tearing the flesh under the dagger along the wound with the other.His body was carried forward rapidly underwater.The thing was so powerful that it kept throwing it back and forth, almost knocking the vampire unconscious.At one point his back was thrown violently to the bottom, nearly breaking his spine.But Lewell also managed to tear pieces of flesh off the thing.

Finally, they jumped out of the water one by one.For the first time, Lewell saw what he was grabbing.It was a strange fish nearly 20 meters in length.The head of the fish is small and pointed, and the tail is bright red, which looks especially strange under the moonlight.His dagger made an extremely long gash on one side of the monster fish, and finally got stuck between the tail fins.

Lewell jumped ashore with a kick of his legs.He had to give up his beloved weapon.The tall vampire watched the strange fish disappear below the surface of the water panting heavily. He had never seen such a big fish before. "Armand!" He nervously called the boy's name.

"I'm here." Armand was not far away.Like Levi, his clothes were soaked through.Black droplets kept dripping from his hair, making him look very distressed.But the boy's eyes were still as bright as a mirror.Lewell saw a slightly smaller strange fish lying at his feet.

"Why are you here?" Levi asked stupidly.

He looked around.At last the danger passed temporarily.The place where the pyramids originally stood has now become a swamp country, and the black water even fills every gully.I don't know how many huge strange fish live under the water.Lewell couldn't help being a little worried about Cabriere's situation.It is not known whether the female vampire has successfully escaped from the pyramid.

"I've been following you," Armand said calmly.

"Huh?" Lewell's jaw almost dropped in surprise, "Since when..."

"After we parted from Los Angeles, I followed you the next day."

Mentioning Los Angeles Leviel couldn't help feeling angry.He thought about it, and remembered that the other party had just saved his life, so he had to hold back his breath.

"I think what you said is right." Armand looked at him calmly, "I can't stop the change of the times. So I sent the things back."

"What?" Lewell asked in a daze.A flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind: "It's Johnny's research results! What they found in his house is not a backup at all, but the original copy!"

Armand nodded.

Lewell was astonished.He had no idea that Armand, as the most powerful and oldest vampire in the world, would apologize for what he had done.To a vampire, a mortal life is hardly worth mentioning. "That night, you shouldn't have killed Johnny. Well... you're not going to defend your God now?" Lewell asked with a troubled expression.

"The great Lord does not only exist in the doctrine." Armand looked calm.

"Okay, then how did you prevent Cabriere from discovering you?" Lewell asked curiously.Although he doesn't have telepathy, Cabriere should be able to sense Armand.

"The descendant of Leicester, her sensory ability is not much higher than that of Louis, but her switch is off more of the time. She is indifferent to everything around her. It is easy for me to block her sensory .”

Lewell thought about it, and felt that what Armand said made sense.If Cabriere's telepathy was very strong, they would not be killed by the group of adventurers and hit their carbine directly.

"So what are you going to do now?" Levi asked.

Armand bit his lip.His original purpose was to observe Leviel, and find something to learn from this vampire's every move.Now, this kind of surreptitious observation no longer works.How can we achieve the goal?

"I want to be with you." The wet and beautiful boy said seriously.

Lewell suddenly felt a little dizzy. "Okay, but you have to listen to me," he said half tentatively.

Armand nodded, agreeing to his terms.

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