"Look at this!" Lewell handed a book to Armand.The look of excitement on his face made Armand raise an eyebrow.

After reading the cover of the book, Armand immediately understood Lewell's excitement. ""Vampire Lester"? Let me guess, Lester finally couldn't help jumping out to explain? That's good, he even published a book!"

"Exactly!" Lewell kissed Armand's lips, lingering on it for a while before letting go, "North American sales champion for two consecutive weeks. Now Lester has become a man of the hour! I haven't had time to read the book content. God! I should have called Louie first!"

Lewell picked up the phone excitedly, and couldn't help frowning after dialing several times in a row: "Louis is not here. I will call again when it is almost dawn!" He put down the phone and walked to Armand: " What is written in this book?"

"Some clichés, about Lester's life, most of which I already know. Of course, it would be interesting to see this unrestrained little devil write it himself." Armand smiled, his eyes suddenly fixed In one line, "Oh God! Those who have to be cared for! Mysteries that even I don't know! I can't believe that Lester has, so openly, revealed the secret about them! Marius It's going to be crazy!"

"What's the matter?" Lewell heard from Armand that Maris has been keeping a secret about the person who must be taken care of. Armand was interrogated and tortured by Santino repeatedly because of this, but he never wanted to know the secret.Could it be that Leicester actually made it public?

Armand's complexion paled slightly.He closed the book, handed it to Lewell, and exhaled slowly: "Come and read it for me, just like you did for me before! I'm afraid I didn't read it carefully enough. I need a little time to think about it Think about it, think about it."

The beautiful boy's face made Lewell feel distressed.He couldn't figure out whether this violent mood swing originated from Lester or from Marius, the creator of Armand. "Okay then! I'll read it to you." He sat down beside Armand, hugged Armand on his lap, and hugged him gently.

"Vampire Lestat" is an autobiographical novel.From this book Lewell gets to know Lester and his family clearly for the first time.It was a declining marquis family, who would rather starve to death than allow their offspring to engage in any kind of "work".His father didn't even allow him to read and write.Lewell couldn't help but think of Lester's mother, Cabriere.The repressive and heavy family environment is probably what creates the attitude of female vampires to avoid the world, right?

Leicester fled to Paris when he was only 19 years old.He wants to be an actor, play the most romantic and suave noble son on the stage, and let the audience scream and wail along with his performance while laughing and cursing.His special temperament quickly leads him to success, but he also has the attention of a vampire.

That was Megnon, a fifteenth-century alchemist, a true heretic.Even though all the vampires hated him very much, there was nothing they could do about him.This powerful vampire turned out to be secretly digging a vampire's grave, taking the blood of that vampire, and transforming himself into a vampire.

Meg has a special obsession with creating blond vampires, and has been trying to create the perfect blond vampire all her life.There are countless failed products lying dead in his stash.Leicester has undoubtedly become his best target.

Meg can walk into the fire by herself after transforming Lester into a vampire.He has achieved his ghost life goal, and Leicester is his perfect work!

When Lewell saw this passage, he couldn't help but think of his creator.The poor blue-eyed vampire who was tortured by the eternal life also took the initiative to seek relief after transforming Leviel.In this regard, he is quite similar to Leicester.Of course, his creator left him neither a shelter nor a great fortune.

With that fortune Lester bought the theater where he worked.He lived a carefree and unrestrained life, except that he didn't dare to go back to the people he knew in the past, his life was almost perfect.

Until his mother Cabriere became seriously ill.This is the only relative Leicester can't let go of.He transformed Cabbrielle into a vampire and his lover.Unlike Cabriere's eagerness to leave the mortal world, Lester doesn't want to leave the mortal world at all.He triumphantly displayed his charm and wealth, and lived like a prince in the world!

The next paragraph is all about Armand.Lewell looked at it especially carefully.The book describes in detail how the beautiful boy who was still upholding the Satanic sect confronted Lester head-on, and how he wanted to get rid of Lester, a deviant cancer, and how he was attracted by Lester and brought him into the world. to his secret lair and try to impress him with heartfelt words.But Leicester did not stop for Armand, he left Paris, but gave the theater to Armand, let him learn how to "be a man" in the theater.He himself turned to find Marius, the immortal vampire that Armand claimed.His mother also left him at this time because of different views.

Leicester turned out to be a success!

He left messages in countless temples and churches, asking Marius to meet him.In a certain mysterious realm, he finally received a message from Maris!Not long after, he met Marius, the Roman scholar, and his little temple to those who must be protected.

Those two turned out to be the source of vampire blood, the oldest vampire queen and her husband!

Queens and kings have lived for 7000 years!They were the kings of ancient Egypt, and it was their immortal blood that created all the vampires in the world.But as the years passed, they gradually ceased to move or speak, and they looked like two stone gods.Their stories were gradually lost.Later vampires, knowing the power in their blood, ate their blood like parasites to strengthen themselves.

There was an Egyptian elder who once tried to destroy them.He abandoned the queen and king in the desert to expose them to the scorching sun the next day.But he never expected that the blood of vampires is all closely connected.The sun didn't destroy the queen and king, it just darkened their skin a little.However, all the vampires in the world were burned because of this, and more than [-]% of the vampires were burned to death, and the remaining most powerful ones were also burnt into a ball of charred black and dying.One of them found Maris, made him a vampire, and asked him to go to Egypt to find out the truth of the matter.

At that time, vampires were all regarded as gods by mortals. They were the gods of the night, the god of hunting, and the god of wine... There were groups of beliefs, but they did not interact with each other.Therefore, when a sudden disaster strikes, they don't know what happened, and they can only know from vague telepathy that the cause of all this is in Egypt.

Marius found the queen and king and gained their trust.He promised to take care of them no matter how many years passed.He enshrined them as gods, offering them blood on a regular basis.In fact, the queen and the king drank very little, and they often only needed to sacrifice once a few months. Marius hid them in a secret place and only needed to go there once in a while.This is where the need to be cared for comes in.Since any harm done to the queen and king would be punished by all vampires, Marius decided to devote his life to caring for the temperamental pair of gods.

Lewell was dumbfounded.It turns out that the history of vampires is so long, and his existence must rely on the existence of the queen and king!He sees Queen Akchi showing interest in Lester, she even gives Lester her blood, which her husband Enkir is extremely jealous of.With the help of Marius, Lester escaped from the pair of slow-moving stone statues.Marius told him that because of drinking the Queen's blood, his strength would be greatly enhanced, and he could still survive the fatal injuries for ordinary vampires.This is how he survived after being stabbed by Claudia later.At the same time, Louis, as the third vampire he created in 100 years, is weak but not crazy, and it is also derived from this oldest blood.

Marius suggested that Lester take care of his mortal father and slowly find the purpose of his vampire career.The poor old Marquis was blind by then, and had lost all his property in the French Revolution.Lester took his father to New Orleans, where he fell in love with Louis as if by fate.

The statement that followed was not much different from what Louie had said.It's just that Leicester never showed his full magic in front of Louie.None of the mortals he killed was as innocent as Louis imagined.Although no oath had been made, most of the people Leicester killed had bad deeds, but they were all good at hiding in front of others, so that Louis thought they were all good people.Even the prostitutes who were seduced and brutally killed by Leicester used poison to kill countless sailors who came to have fun with them.

In the last few paragraphs of the book, Lester mentions how, after being badly injured by Claudia, he chased sadly to Europe with a crippled leg.He couldn't find blood that could help him recover, and Cabriere was hard to find, and he didn't want Marius to see his jokes, so he could only seek Armand's help in the end.

However, Armand brutally asked him to identify Claudia, killed the ghost doll and her "mother", then pushed him off the tower, and left Paris with Louis.The reason why he didn't want to help Lester was because he thought that Lester came to him only for the blood he had never given to others, not for even a little bit of friendship.

"What's the matter? Stop reading?" Armand couldn't help asking after Levi stopped for about a minute.

Lewell looked strange: "I was wondering if you still love Lester."

Armand hooked his lips: "What do you think?"

"You see, I might have confidence in someone else. But with Lesterby, this guy seems to be able to please everyone in the world. He has attracted you from the beginning. Think back to the first time we met. At that time, why do I feel that my chances of winning are not high?" There was a sour taste in Lewell's words.

"I don't mind throwing him down again to prove my heart." Armand raised his head and kissed Lewell's chin. "What do you think of the roof of the Empire State Building?"

Lewell laughed loudly: "Don't do this! Louis will be sad! Huh? You seemed to lie to Louis that Lewell had already returned to the United States by boat?"

"Anyway, he will go back to the United States after he recovers from his injuries." Armand shrugged, not denying that he lied to Louis, "I actually don't care about telling a little lie or two for the one I love. If there is One day, if any of your mortal mistresses comes to your door, I will also send her away and hide it from you with lies."

"Amande, they made up all the stories about married women!" Lewell yelled strangely.

Armand shrugged: "Okay, okay. Tell me what is written at the end of the book? Those secrets that must be revealed by the caregivers can be revealed, anyway, it is between Marius and Lester thing."

"Well... the books say that Lester went back to America and had a pretty bad time and then fell into a deep sleep. He just woke up this year, no wonder Louie couldn't find him. Oh my God! He even Played rock and roll, adapted a vampire story to lyrics, and released a record!"

"Ha, what a Leicester! This rebellious kid! And then?" Armand noticed Lewell's weird expression.

"He said he had received threatening phone calls from vampires who wanted to get rid of him as a 'traitor' at his concert. He also said...he also said that he seemed to hear the Queen's voice again."

A burst of phone ringing suddenly interrupted Lewell's words.

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