"It's David." Lewell put down the phone with a strange expression.

"What's wrong?" Armand asked curiously.

"They're at Lester, David and Louie. The vampires are threatening Lester to get rid of him at his concert. Louie is trying to persuade Lester not to go to the concert." Lewell frowned. Frowning, feeling unable to find the right words to describe how he feels now, "As written in the epilogue of this book, many vampires hate Lester for making their secrets public, they call him a traitor , threatened to destroy him. Of course, I doubt whether they really have this ability. If Lester drank the queen's blood, after so many years, his sleeping body should be stronger. I think at least if Only a vampire of your level can subdue him."

"Oh, Lester will teach them a lesson for those happy young children. Just because of this, Louis will persuade Lester to escape? Hasn't Louis understood Lester's nature after so many years? This rebellious The little bastard only knows how to move forward and never backs down." Armand said with a sneer.He is indifferent to the life and death of all but a limited number of vampires.

"Not only that, the number of vampires is decreasing due to unknown reasons, as if someone is hunting us. That's why those vampires are angry at Lester, thinking that his novels exposed our existence. Armand, who Would they do such a thing, kill vampires? Could it be a mortal?" Lewell thought of those mad scientists in novels and movies, and he wasn't sure if anyone would really be interested in studying vampires just because they read Lester's book. Interest multiplied, thus hunting vampires on a large scale.

"It won't be Lester anyway." Armand shrugged, "Never mind him! The fewer annoying chicks the better. Why is David calling you?"

"Uh...David also feels that something is wrong. Vampires have existed for thousands of years, and there has never been a time in history when the number of vampires has dropped sharply. In addition, Louis also heard intermittent messages. There was a warning and a distress signal from far away. David felt the need to inform us and let us go back to San Francisco. Lester's concert was held in San Francisco, and they are all there now." Lewell explained.

"Warning and distress signal?" Armand frowned.If it was a message aimed at all the vampires, unless that place was closer to Louis, he should have received it one step earlier than Louis.

Lewell immediately saw his doubts: "You can't receive the message, because the person who sent the message seems to be...Marius."

Armand couldn't help but widen his eyes.

The last two vampires decided to fly back to America overnight.They had to risk sleeping the entire day on the plane.It wasn't because Armand cared about Marius' safety.The only thing that can make Maris send a distress signal is related to the queen and the king.If these two original vampires fall into the hands of others, it means that the lives of all vampires are in danger.So they had to choose to rush back to San Francisco non-stop.

Levi's private jet.

All the sun visors were lowered, and there were only a few small lights in the entire cabin.Two long boxes were fixed on the ground with the words "handle with care" written on them.It is said that this is a work of art bought by the owner of the plane in Hawaii at a lot of money, and it must be shipped to the designated place before the evening of the next day.

Levi lay in the box.It was less than two hours before dawn when he boarded the plane.Accustomed to falling asleep with Armand, he suddenly realized that he seemed a little insomnia.

What time is it now?Because the plane is flying from west to east, maybe it is daytime outside now?Did Armand fall asleep in the other box?If you can also telepathize yourself, you can chat with Armand for a few more words.But now, if you knock on the box with your hands, I'm afraid it will cause unnecessary trouble, right?

Lewell recalls David's call.He couldn't figure out who would hunt vampires.He wasn't worried that the other party would provoke him. With the strength of him and Armand, any bastard who didn't open his eyes would get the lesson he deserved.But the matter was indeed puzzling.According to Armand, secular religions have never regarded vampires as enemies. Unless it is a hothead, the Pope sitting in Rome will never kill a few vampires to show his holy power.Lewell has heard a little about those secret agencies that belong to the state, but if they want to attack vampires, they should arrest them and study them, and there is no need to kill them.There is also a metaphysical organization similar to Terramasca.If they did it, as the president of Terramasca, David should have been informed.

Because he couldn't think of a reason, in the end Lewell could only think that Lester, who had just woke up from a deep sleep, was indeed a troublemaker, and most of this matter still had something to do with Lester.His mind was in chaos, he grabbed an arm under his head, and simply turned over to imagine that Armand was lying in his arms.

Probably the magic power of the sun finally overwhelmed the regret of not having a beautiful boy in his arms, Lewell finally fell asleep in a daze.He even had a dream...

The dream is very clear.For Lewell, who sleeps so well, he rarely has such a dream that he can clearly realize that it is a dream.

He saw two red-haired women who looked exactly alike, probably twins.They knelt in front of a stone platform, and on the stone platform was a scorched human figure.Around them, there are dozens of people whose skin color is very close to theirs.They were all dressed in ancient costumes, with Asian features on their faces.One of the twins held up a dagger and dug out two pieces from the burned figure.Each of them held a piece in their hands, chanting words in their mouths, while the people around them all knelt on the ground.This situation is very similar to some kind of sacrifice.

At this time, a small group of cavalry rushed up from the hillside.They drove the crowd away from the twins, slapped the twins out of their hands with the shafts of their spears, and scooped them up, laying them on horseback like cattle.

Then there was a bloody massacre.All the people around were stabbed to death with spears and short swords by the cavalry.Some of them escaped hundreds of meters away, and were finally nailed to the ground by javelins thrown by the soldiers.The twins were in agony, and they cried and wanted to save their clansmen, but none of them could be saved, and even they themselves became prisoners.They were tied to horses, transported for several days and nights, and finally came to a magnificent palace.

The later images resemble a trial.The twins were found guilty.They were taken to a square where a man raped them in public.Then they were pardoned and went home.They walked in the desert, alone like two wandering souls, their lips that were once moist had already been ruptured by thirst, and their bare feet stepped on the gravel like boiling oil, and every step they took was suffering.When it was too late to walk, one of them used her long hair to shield the other from the sun.

Just when Lewell thought that the two poor people in the dream were about to die of thirst in the desert, the twins were lucky enough to meet a group of desert people.They kindly helped the twins.An elderly woman pointed to the belly of one of the twins and told her she was pregnant.

It was a shame, but the twins decided to keep the child.One of them gave birth in the desert, a little red-haired baby girl, who was entrusted to be raised by kind people when she was born.The twins wanted to go back, to their hometown.They traveled through mountains and rivers and finally returned to that place.There was no one there, leaving only a piece of scorched earth.

Lewell thought that this realistic dream should have ended here.He even had the spare time to think about who the two characters in the dream were based on.Unexpectedly, when the screen changed, the twins were arrested again.They returned to the magnificent palace again.This time they faced a more terrible punishment.Lewell saw that one of them had their eyes gouged out, the other's open mouth was full of blood, and his tongue was missing.They were put into two sarcophagi and escorted by two teams, one to the east and the other to the west, and finally they were thrown into the sea respectively so that they would never meet again.

This is where the dream really ends.Lewell woke up with a shiver, deeply aware of the cruel meaning contained in this dream.There was silence all around.By this time they should have arrived at their residence in San Francisco.

Lewell reached out to open the box.Sure enough, the two wooden boxes were placed in the center of the basement strictly according to the requirements.He immediately jumped out of the box and opened it for Armand.

The beautiful boy has woken up.There was still a hint of confusion in the eyes. "Twins...twins..." he whispered.

Lewell was taken aback.He gently hugged Armand's body.Armand woke up immediately and smiled at him.

"What twins are you talking about? I just had a dream, I dreamed of a pair of red-haired twins." Lewell put Armand's feet on the ground.

"What?" Armand's eyes widened, and then suddenly let out a low cry, "God! This turned out to be a message! No wonder I think this dream is so real. This dream can affect you, it must come from an extraordinary place. Tell me what you dreamed about."

Lewell told Armand everything he had dreamed about.They walked out of the basement, took out the fastest car from the parking garage, and drove in one direction according to the address David gave.

"Your dream is almost exactly the same as my dream." Armand said after thinking for a moment, "The only difference is that your dream is more clear. The pictures I see are always intermittent, making people unable to distinguish it The true meaning of it." He glanced at the ring Lewell wore on his left ring finger, and he suspected that the water elf's ring enhanced Lewell's ability to receive messages.However, Lewell did not hear Maris' distress signal, indicating that the dream should come from somewhere else, at least not the vampire's telepathy.

"The twins, someone made us dream about them at the same time. But what is the meaning of this dream?" Lewell was very puzzled.First is Lester's awakening, then the secret about the caretaker, the vampire is suddenly hunted down, and this weird dream, who is behind it?

"I don't know." Armand shook his head. "Maybe Lester knows something. We must meet him sooner."

Their car passed another car on the road.Armand shook his head, and after a while, he suddenly told Lewell to turn around.He felt that it was Leicester and Louis who had just passed by.Just when Lewell was about to turn around and drive back, another car caught up.It was David in the car.

At this time, the British gentleman was nearly seventy years old, but his mobility was still extraordinary.He didn't share the same car with Lester. He planned to stay and wait for Lewell and Armand, but then he suddenly remembered that if Lewell came from home, he would meet Lester on the road. The hiding place also lost its meaning, so he drove in a hurry to catch up.

"What happened? What news came from Maris?" Armand asked eagerly.

"Leicester's concert, it's tonight. Louis failed to convince him. In fact, I suspect no one in the world can persuade him." David saw through Leicester's nature at a glance, "Is there any The young vampires are all coming in this direction. Some of them just want to take a look at their 'predecessors', while others are full of resentment towards Leicester and plan to commit a murder in full view. As for the legend of Maris It would be better for Louis to tell you the messages that were sent out. They are too vague, and it will be even more difficult to understand if I repeat them."

"Did vampires really die?" Lewell asked.

David nodded: "Yes, many vampires were burned to death in a few days, and there were six cases confirmed by Terramasca alone. They almost spread all over the world, or they were organized Massacre, or that man can fly."

Lewell couldn't help but glanced at Armand.He didn't forget that Armand had learned the skill of flying after waking up from a deep sleep.Could it be that the one who hunted and killed vampires was also a vampire?

There is already rumbling music coming from my ears, and the concert venue is just around the corner!

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