Yiqi has become a hero in the hearts of everyone in the base!Especially when the mysterious man appeared, he felt that the soldiers admired him even more, and some people even asked him to compete.

Yiqi refused, of course not because he was afraid of losing, but because he was not at the same level, and the ending was already established, so there was no desire to compare.As for the mysterious man, he overheard people calling him Mr. Ming.

This Mr. Ming is not a simple role, and I also wish to know: Compared with their district chief, Ge Xiu, the soldiers in the base respect Mr. Ming more.Because the current state of the base is mostly due to the credit of Mr. Ming.And the appearance of Mr. Ming seems to be quite mythical.The base was completely unprepared when a group of zombies attacked, and when it was about to fall, Mr. Ming appeared.He integrated the existing resources in the base and repelled the zombies with a miraculous layout.After that, he disappeared, but every time there was a crisis in the base, Mr. Ming would come out to save everyone from fire and water.Therefore, every soldier will absolutely execute his orders.

Now that Mr. Ming has recognized Yiqi's status, the blindly worshiping people are naturally relieved.

But the change of unrelated people did not bring Yiqi anything, except the trouble when going out.Therefore, Yiqi now is more homely than when he was in school, and unless it is absolutely necessary, he will not ask for trouble.

But something happened that surprised everyone: Mr. Xiao, who stays at home, brought back a woman after going out once!A real woman!More importantly, a very beautiful woman.

A beautiful woman is always the focus of everyone's topic, so it's like a pot of boiling water, the most popular rumors about that woman in the base!

"I have never seen such a beautiful woman, even more beautiful than Huahua in our village!" This is a peasant woman showing off her knowledge to the neighbors.

"It's as graceful as a swimming dragon, like a frightened bird... Hey! It's not even one ten-thousandth of it!" This is a certain military officer stunned at the door of his house, who forgot his words for a while, but he still managed to make up for it cleverly. .

"How can there be such a beautiful woman in the world! Only Mr. Xiao can match her." woman beating her husband.

In short, everyone agrees that this is Yiqi's wife.

"Deputy District Chief Xiao." Ge Xiu, who hadn't seen the road for a long time, unexpectedly appeared in front of Yi Qi today. "Who is this--"

"Moon God." Yi Qi didn't raise his head, but just looked at the Moon God beside him, and nodded in satisfaction.It's perfect!He thought that creating creatures again would be as strenuous as the first time, but he didn't expect that his mental strength was not the same as before. After finishing this work, he still didn't feel anything wrong. ,

That's right!Moon God is Yiqi's second work.In order to satisfy the marriage urging from his parents in his ears, he simply created a woman to stop their mouths.And since he was out alone, it would be nice to have someone to help with the laundry. After all, it was really embarrassing to bother his mother to do these things.

Soft facial curvature, bright and soft eyes, flowing long hair, tall figure. . .It's just——Yi Qi frowned, compared with the surrounding humans, there was always something lacking, and it was still a defective product!

"So it's Miss Luna," Ge Xiu's gentle smile interrupted Yiqi's temporary thoughts, "Then what's the relationship between him and Xiao Xiao?"

"Husband and wife." Yi Qi glanced at Ge Xiu indifferently, and inadvertently noticed his eyes sinking.

"Xiao Xiao is really lucky." The unhappy look quickly put away, and Ge Xiu put on a smile again.

The next thing is silence, and Yiqi really felt that talking to him was too tired, so he closed his eyes and rested.He felt Ge Xiu's fiery eyes linger on him for a moment and then left.

It's time to take a break, I also pray.Just when he was half asleep and half awake, he heard the knocking sound of the table next door being overturned and Ge Xiu's roar.


Yi Qi feels that sometimes it is really convenient to have another woman by his side, no wonder men always want to be able to hug left and right, and think about the blessings of others.When you get up every day, someone has already dried your dirty clothes for you, washed your face with water, and neatly folded the clothes you want to wear by the pillow.When you go to bed at night, someone has already laid the quilt for you. Of course, Yiqi will not sleep in the same bed with Luna. It is not because of the difference between men and women that people criticize him, but because he faintly refuses to show his cleanliness. .

He knew that although he followed his subconscious mind and left the south, there was still a faint expectation in his heart, and that expectation drew a clear range within the scope of his life. . .

With the help of Yiqi and the help of Mr. Ming, who has made every effort to plan, the migration in District G proceeded without any danger.On this day, I also pray that when the sun rises, I look into the distance and breathe the fresh air after a night of precipitation.At the same time, he is also vigilant about whether there are hidden zombie groups around the observer.

The golden sun is still the same as it was many years ago. It shows its face along a specific track, and then smiles at the creatures in the universe.It is just an indifferent bystander, providing the sunshine that he thinks all living beings need, but it never gives you anything in particular, nor does it pity your suffering. . .

I also prayed that maybe it was God's gaze.Staring at some indifferently, giving their own creatures the necessities of survival, everything that follows will depend on their own efforts.Yiqi also decides the way of development of his spiritual realm.There will be more and more creatures in the spirit realm, and the moon god he created doesn't just exist as a pet or a nanny like a cat, but the mother of elementary creatures.

It's like Pan Gu opened up the world and transformed everything with his body.Then Hongjun and Nuwa were conceived and born between heaven and earth, and Nuwa has long been a human being.The gods are still divided into levels, and they each perform their duties and create their own domains.

My previous self was so innocent!Yiqi laughed at himself, he actually put all the responsibility on himself.Even if he is a god in the spiritual realm, so what?Gods are still evolved from humans, and they have human emotions, why can't they use what they can use?

Take back my thoughts, there are still many things missing in the spiritual realm, even if the moon god can create many human beings like Nuwa, who can teach them to read, depending on the situation, they have to create another one like Fuxi!But—how many years did it take to create words?If left alone, it may take tens of thousands of years.It's better to directly instill his Chinese culture into the brain of the gods and pass it on.

Then his purpose this time is simply to go deep into the crowd?I also wish to think that the most cultural existence is probably certain institutions of the country, and I have to sneak in there to investigate. . .

Just as he was considering whether to infiltrate by himself or send Luna to infiltrate, a burst of noise came from not far away.

someone?Their location is not far from the Huihe Office, which is the Northern Region. Why did humans appear in the wilderness?

Also pray for enough eyesight to look far away.

"What happened?" A flat voice rang in Yiqi's ear, he looked back, and at some point Mr. Ming stood behind him.

"I don't know." Yiqi has always disliked people from Moshang, especially such a person that he can't see through.

"That's..." Yi Qi saw that Mr. Ming's eyes suddenly lit up.That's not the bright eyes of ordinary people when they think of a good idea, but a beam of substantial light shot out from the eye sockets, like a powerful searchlight on a construction site.

It really looks like a robot in a sci-fi movie!Rao Shiyi was used to seeing some strange things, but he was still taken aback by this phenomenon of Mr. Ming.

"Mr. Ming, your eyes?" Although it is not in accordance with the etiquette to go to the bottom of a person who has a close relationship, but thinking of the similarities between the person in front of him and Uncle Zhong, Yi Qi couldn't help it.

Mr. Ming didn't seem to hear Yiqi's words, and stared at the group of small black spots in the sky with his red eyes.Finally, after confirming something, the light that seemed to be substantive gradually dissipated.He turned his bland eyes to look at Yiqi, "It's nothing, it's just talent."

talent?I also pray for deep thinking, is it a supernatural work?But doesn't it mean that the state's institutions still cannot allow the existence of supernatural beings secretly?Presumably, if Mr. Ming belonged to a supernatural person, he wouldn't be able to arrange Ge Xiu's side so aboveboard?What is the unknown relationship between Mr. Ming, Uncle Zhong and the Ouyang family?

"There are people from the military department over there, arrange to rescue them immediately!" Mr. Ming left a faint sentence, turned around and left gracefully.But from this sentence, Yi Qi really couldn't figure out what this Mr. Ming thought of the military personnel who appeared inexplicably.

save?Let them be busy for a while!Thinking of this, Yiqi lay down on the desolate ground, quietly enjoying the time alone.

In the end, the battle ended with Yiqi's performance, but they got an amazing news from those people that the headquarters was attacked and was in danger!

This news made Ge Xiu stand up in disbelief on the spot, "How is this possible? Isn't the headquarters possessing the most powerful weapons and equipment and the most sophisticated detection methods, how could it be attacked for no reason?" His chest was full of anger. There were violent ups and downs, and every time he said a word, he would slap the table heavily, and the loud noise was especially clear in the empty room.

Also pray to know why he is so excited.What is the reason for the migration in the past two days?Isn't it just to seek asylum from the headquarters?Now that the largest umbrella is about to fall apart, their survival in the future can be imagined.

"It said it was a surprise attack by a person with supernatural powers." The survivor with a thick gauze wrapped around his shoulder said.His left arm was torn off by Qi Gen, and his head was lowered heavily, unable to see his expression clearly.

"I heard?" Yi Qi asked deeply.

"That's right," another soldier with blood on his uniform said hoarsely, "Half a month ago, the whole army was suddenly and secretly integrated to encircle and suppress the supernatural beings. Under the circumstance of being attacked by zombies..."

"Pfft—" Yi Qi sneered, thinking that this was a surprise attack by the military department, and stealing secrets was just an excuse for his subordinates.They still don't believe in the importance of zombie evolution!Even at this time, they are not united and engage in infighting. Is this the so-called high-level?

But what does this have to do with him, get what he wants and leave, whether he kills himself or what?

"What's the situation in the general area now?" Ge Xiuyou regained his sanity.

"I don't know. We got lost in the zombie defense battle. We were able to resist at the time, but the situation is no longer optimistic. If there is no foreign aid—" He paused, seemingly sad, "If you go long, you can only last for a month. .”

"It's still half a month away." Ge Xiu suddenly seemed to have injected something, as if he had found his mind again, "Inform the base, hurry on the way immediately. Just say—" Ge Xiu's eyes flashed darkly, "It was detected Zombies are gathering in the back road, there is a big move, and we are eager to seek assistance from the headquarters."

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