It is indeed a feasible way to use people's panic to arouse their motivation to hurry, but when people arrive at the headquarters, what kind of despair will they see when they see the messy scene, and what kind of despair will erupt at that time anger?This is the so-called drinking poison to quench thirst.

But scientific research has shown that human beings' desire for life can stimulate them to explode beyond ordinary energy.For example, in the event of a traffic accident, someone can even jump three meters away from the car and survive the fall from a ten-story building without injury.

This is the case now!Afterwards, there were zombies chasing soldiers, and people not only showed amazing stamina in both mental and physical strength, but relatively speaking, some willful defects were exposed in front of Yiqi.

As the deputy head of the safety zone, he should sit in the command center that is closely guarded, but he is by no means the one who has nothing to do, because as long as the intelligent zombie Yiqi appears, he has to go to the front line.And now, he is listening to the few excerpts performed in the team with relish.

"Husband, your dad is already so old, we will continue to take him with him!" It was a woman's voice.

"What do you mean?" the angry man growled.

"Dad has lived enough, but we still have children, if this continues—"

"Pa——" The slap on the skin was clear and vivid, followed by the crying of a woman, mixed with the crying of a child.

Yi Qi didn't listen any more, in his opinion this is simply a simple ethical drama!

"What are you doing?" This time a panicked female voice was high-pitched, accompanied by the sound of fabric breaking.

"What are you doing?" A wretched laugh, "Your cowardly husband has already sold you to our boss, what do you think we can do?"

"How could he..." He murmured to himself in disbelief.

"Save your life. Of course - if you take good care of our boss, you can live a good life..."

Living in the safe zone some time ago, Yiqi thought that mankind had slowly united, but now it seems that everything seems to be too early.

Beside him, sitting Ge Xiu who always wanted to strike up a conversation with him but was hindered by Yi Qi's Bingshan face, and Mr. Ming who was watching the front through the car window.There are only two helicopters in the base hovering overhead, and they are monitoring all changes around them.

"The current speed is not enough." Ge Xiu suddenly said after a moment of silence, "When will we reach the general area if this continues!"

Yi Qi glanced at him, Ge Xiu seemed to be too nervous, what was there that made him care so much?

"Then what does the major general want to do?" Mr. Ming asked lightly.

Yiqi also found that although this Mr. Ming was able to replace Ge Xiu to give orders at the right moment, he even had a higher status in the army than him, the district chief.But Ge Xiu—Yi Qi thought it was a little strange, even though Ge Xiu didn't like Mr. Ming very much, and sometimes yelled at him, but he didn't care about such a sensitive thing as military power nothing.

Isn't this very contradictory?If you don't trust Mr. Ming very much, then you believe that he has some reason to never betray.Uncle Zhong's silent guarding appearance flashed in his mind, these two people - they are so similar.

"Give it up!" Ge Xiu's eyes flashed with determination, he tightly clenched his hand on the table, and the back of his hand was full of veins.

Neither Yiqi nor Mr. Ming spoke, and acquiesced to the proposal.Some people are cumbersome to keep, so it is better to filter and leave better seeds for mankind.

The fate of most ordinary human beings is decided lightly by their trusted officers in this small carriage.

The fiery red sun is gradually setting to the west, and a bloody screening operation is brewing. . .

When the last ray of light on the horizon disappeared, there were muffled sounds all around the circular team.It was the sound of bullets hitting cotton, and Yi Qi was lying in his tent.Now he was convinced that he had really changed.When he was outside, he became indifferent and on the sidelines, but he feels that life is good now, his family is in a safe place, the spiritual realm is developing normally, and he now has his own goals. . .

A muffled sound means that a life is harvested by death.They didn't even have a chance to leave their last words, so they died lightly.No!Yiqi denied his opinion, at least their death should bring some benefits to the evolution of human beings!Or give some warning to troublesome humans!

Regardless of the changes, the sun will still rise normally.And Yiqi's expected riot did not happen, and everything in the base was still as usual, but there were faint and suppressed cries in some places.

Gathered at the same time as yesterday, departed at the same time, Yiqi noticed that many people left behind some bulging quilts, mattresses or a new mound of dirt on the side of their tents.But there are also some corpses exposed to the sun like this, which shows what their fate is about to be.


With the passage of time, the headquarters is approaching, and Yiqi's spiritual realm has gradually entered the right track.

Now the focus of Yiqi's life has completely shifted to the spiritual realm. In the past, either because he was too busy or he had scruples, he did not dare to "disappear" too presumptuously. The same or more advanced creatures on Earth, then he doesn't need to appear in this place anymore.

Half a year after the moon god appeared, the light god who accompanied her was also born.But from the name, it can be seen that Yiqi used to be addicted to fantasy novels like other boys, so he began to arrange his spiritual realm according to the western continent.

Of course, this is not his whim or whimsy, but based on the characteristics of the spiritual realm——the pool water in the source of the spiritual realm scatters water into eight colors.He thought, the future development of the spiritual world will almost follow the development of fighting spirit and magic in the novel!

Now he is waiting for the two main gods to fill some planets suitable for biological growth in the spiritual realm with biological footprints, while continuing to create gods in mythology!Of course, he will not forget to transfer the knowledge of life in his mind into the sea of ​​consciousness of those main gods. . .

Yiqi no longer knows how strong his mental power is. A few days ago, he was able to cover the entire earth and it was more than enough. Then he discovered that there are many interesting things and some acquaintances on the earth where he lives. However, there are still a few that he cannot detect no matter how strong he becomes, such as Ouyang Zhan and Mr. Ming who is not far from him.As for some galaxies outside the earth, he has not tried it yet, and he feels that it is meaningless now, because he does not have enough spiritual power to support him to escape the gravity of the earth.

"Father," the bright woman came behind Yiqi, she was the moon god.

"En." Yiqi has already stipulated: the front is the father, and the queen is the real father and daughter.When Xiao's parents heard this name, they were really petrified for a long time, and finally Xiao's mother said: "When did I have such a big granddaughter?"

"How is the spiritual realm now?" Yi Qi asked lightly, but at some point, an invisible power had condensed on his body, and he seemed to be transforming into a real god!

"The Sun God has already created the first batch of human beings." The Moon God frowned slightly, "It's just that there are some defective products mixed in." What are defective products?Those with underdeveloped brains and incomplete limbs. "There are still some who didn't control the energy well, and some elementary gods appeared."

"Eliminate defective products, as for the little gods—then make the best use of everything." Yiqi made this decision without even thinking about it. Although he is not a perfectionist, this is the first batch of human beings. Their good and bad decisions future human development. "Tell the sun god, don't patronize the creation of human beings, other species cannot be ignored."

"Yes." Luna's figure gradually faded in the wind.

I'm still not proficient, I have to speed up to get those cultural records.

Also Qi is on Earth, he decided to respect human culture and not do such things as tearing down bridges.So he didn't send Luna to take it without asking.

"Hey!" A slap was unceremoniously patted on Yiqi's back shoulder, "What are you doing here?"

It's Ge Xiu!He had already felt his aura and just didn't want to turn back.But——Yi Qi silently stared at the hand resting on his shoulder, except for his parents, anyone touching his body would make him unhappy.

As if stabbed by the sharp gaze, Ge Xiu quickly withdrew his hand.This is not the first time that this has happened. If he is not the head of the district, he would have used him to gain the right to enter the general district. Now that hand is no longer in place.

Nodding in satisfaction, Yiqi continued to look back at the horizon, calculating the distance.

"There's nothing to see?" Ge Xiu followed his gaze, "Xiao Xiao, why are you getting colder and colder?"

Be suspected!Yiqi was vigilant in his heart, since he was unwilling to do certain things, he could only wrong himself appropriately, "It's nothing, I just don't want to talk."

"Oh—" Hearing Yiqi's voice, Ge Xiu became active. "I was in a hurry recently, and I forgot to treat Xiao Xiao well."

He held Yiqi's hand familiarly: "Go, brother will take you to a big meal."

As soon as he came into contact with the unfamiliar body temperature and smell, Yi Qi tried his best to suppress his thoughts of killing people.He tugged hard to get his hand out of the uncomfortable place, "No need, I still have to inspect the base."

"It's okay, it's okay," Ge Xiu waved his hands again and again, "I'll let Ming come to inspect, and Xiao Xiao can take a good rest." He said with a gentle smile.

It's just a brown candy that can't be shaken off. What's wrong with this person, so "enthusiasm" for him?Have you ever seen him do this to anyone else in the base?If you don't have anything to do, you can either rape or steal, and the experience summed up by your predecessor will never lie.

However, according to Yiqi's emotional "experience", he still can't understand what he has to steal.


"Leader, you are finally back." Xiao Er looked at the man in front of him excitedly and lost his composure.

"En." Ouyang Zhan responded lightly.

"Have you found someone?" Xiao Er asked cautiously.Noticing that the alliance leader seemed to be much more haggard than before he set off, he, who has always been strict, allowed himself to be disheveled in front of his subordinates, and there was a slight stubble on his face.

"I heard that someone took advantage of the fire over there to rob?" Ouyang Zhan didn't answer his question, but started a routine instead.

"Yes!" He was filled with righteous indignation at the mention of this junior, "Leader, there are traitors in our alliance!"

"A traitor?" Ouyang Zhan smiled mockingly, "How do you know?"

"Someone stole our holy medicine!" Xiao Er became excited again, trembling with anger, "There are also zombies attacking the military headquarters, otherwise the alliance may have been wiped out now."

"Leader, why don't we take advantage of them being attacked by zombies now—"

"No need," Ouyang Zhan interrupted Xiao Er's proposal with a wave of his hand, "Now everyone knows that the military department is attacking our superhuman alliance. If once——then I'm afraid others may not think so."

"But—" Xiao Er hesitated to speak, no one could swallow this breath.

"I roughly already know who the traitor is." Ouyang Zhan's eyes darkened, "Now don't say anything about the traitor, just do what you have to do."

"You want to—" Xiaoer's eyes lit up.

"That's right, go out now." Ouyang Zhan showed a rare heavy exhaustion.

"Yes." The sound of the door being closed came from behind Ouyang Zhan. Ouyang Zhan was like a puppet whose thread was cut suddenly in a shadow puppet show and scattered all over the place.

on the desk.

He found that he was no longer as energetic as he used to be when dealing with work, as if a kind of soul had been pulled out of his body, and the pain penetrated into the marrow.The only thing that can support him now is probably the trust and reliance of his brothers on him - the alliance of supernatural beings he established with his own hands, for that person!

Even if he is not around now, he must use all his energy to build!

The author has something to say: look up to the sky and scream. . .Girls who steal texts, please be merciful! ! ! o(╯□╰)o

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