Orc Wolf King

Chapter 3 Is it a favor or a burden?

Lin Yeqiu followed Lemans' ass all the way with the idea of ​​receiving people's drips and springs, thinking about what he could do.

Although the communication about repaying gratitude failed a few minutes ago, he still intends to personally repay his gratitude.

Then you have to do what the other party needs to achieve the effect of repaying the favor, right?But what can I do?

do the laundry?The other party has only a piece of animal fur, and there is no clothes to wash at all. If you forcefully tear it off to wash it, wouldn't it make people wander around naked?

Help me take a shower and rub my back?But he doesn't know how to massage, and it seems that this person is quite shy, and he is afraid that he will be slapped out before he starts rubbing...

prey?With his zero-point field survivability, being beaten by prey is almost the same...

Protect him from harm?Huh, with the physiques of the two of them, I am afraid that it is more realistic for the other party to protect themselves instead...

As Lin Yeqiu thought about it all the way, his face darkened all the way. He raised his eyes to stare at the back of the man in front of him, and bit his lower lip tightly.

The man walked unconsciously, his waist-length white hair glistening in the sun, like fine silk.

Lin Yeqiu looked at it, couldn't help being slightly dazzled, and his thoughts were a little wandering.

I thought it was Shaobai's head before, but now I stand behind him and look at it, there is no variegation in the snow-white, it seems that even the root of the hair is white, and the eyes are still blue, maybe this person is of European descent.

If you take a closer look, you will find that the hair color is bright and shiny, maybe it is more like silver hair, and it looks even straighter and smoother than the long hair of the beauty who uses conditioner and other things to maintain it every day in the advertisement.

Hmm... When I can communicate, I must ask what I use for nursing. If I have the opportunity to go back, I must bring some, maybe it will be a big seller!

Maybe it's not just about nursing, but also about eating...

eat?He suddenly had a flash of inspiration, people depend on food, that's right!Cook, cook!He can cook!Well, it's decided, let's do it!

So someone who had an idea in his heart immediately beamed with joy, sweeping away the previous dark clouds.

Lin Yeqiu happily ran a few steps to catch up with the man in front again, feeling a little out of breath, and couldn't help feeling that it is good for people to walk tall!

Reymans noticed this, deliberately took a small step, and the two walked side by side.

Lin Yeqiu turned his head to the side and smiled gratefully at him. Lemans was slightly stunned seeing this gentle smile, then immediately straightened his head and continued walking without looking sideways.

Lin Yeqiu couldn't help being stunned by his reaction, and didn't think deeply.

As they walked, the two started talking. They said it was a conversation, but in fact it was just that Lemans pointed to the existing things around him and said some simple syllables, and Lin Yeqiu followed suit.

Lehmans pointed to his hand and said a word, and Lin Yeqiu followed suit bluntly.

Next is the head, feet, hair, sky, earth, trees, fruits, water, etc., and uses movements and expressions to express yes or no, fast and slow, pain or not, happiness and sadness, etc. Two different sized fruits and two different sized leaves to indicate big and small...

Lin Yeqiu studied earnestly, taking out the hard work he had done when he memorized English vocabulary for the sixth grade test, and remembered each one with his heart.

Reymans was very patient, speaking each word slowly and clearly, waiting for him to look up each time, knowing that he had memorized it, before pointing to another thing and continuing to teach.

Sometimes Lin Yeqiu forgot what he learned first, and scratched his head and asked again in embarrassment. Lemans was not annoyed, and took the trouble to repeat the second and third times, but felt that the seriousness of this female was unexpected. so cute.

As the time passed, the sun moved from the initial two o'clock direction to the current six o'clock direction. After learning most of the commonly used words, the two of them were still slowly moving forward under the setting sun.

Usually, this distance that Lemans can reach quickly if he walked alone, this time he walked for half a day before arriving. He didn't feel anything, and he wasn't impatient or impatient. Ye Qiu was already out of breath from exhaustion, and silently lamented in his heart that his muscles would definitely be sore when he woke up tomorrow morning.

After another walk, facing this seemingly endless journey, he finally couldn't help but blurted out and asked in his own language: "How long will it be?" None of the few words were included in the newly learned vocabulary, so I changed the wording, and said strangely with my tongue out, "How much is the distance?" while gesticulating.

There were only two endless words, but Lemans saw his tiredness, and after thinking about it for a while, he could figure out some meaning, pointed forward with his finger, and replied, "Hurry up."

Lin Yeqiu understood this sentence, and heaved a sigh of relief, but when he looked up, he saw towering trees, unknown fruit trees, shrubs, and huge vines on the road, and there was not even a shadow of a house. "I don't know whether it means walking for a few more minutes, or a few 10 minutes, or even an hour, and I feel a little weak.

Two legs seemed to be broken, and the 500-meter long-distance run, which was the most annoying thing in the sports meeting before, was not such a tossing person, especially after a long period of overloaded exercise, my stomach was already starting to feel hungry...

Lymans looked at the female so tired that his whole body was sluggish. His face, which was originally fair and refreshing, was now flushed with sweat. Although he never had much contact with the female, he also heard from the elders It is said that females are subject to the relationship of physical fitness itself, they are born to be weak, thin-skinned and tender, and pampered, such long-distance treks are commonplace for me, and I don’t know what it is, but it is far-fetched for females some.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling a little guilty, he was really careless!

But looking at this female who was obviously too tired to walk, she still followed him stubbornly without saying a word, and didn't call for a rest; it was the same at the beginning, she obviously couldn't keep up with her pace, so she kept jogging without saying a word follow...

Some inexplicable emotions were stirring faintly in Lemans's heart for some reason.

In the past, I occasionally heard from my peers that the females they associate with are always willful and domineering. The more beautiful they are, the more they need to be coaxed. Do you like acting like a baby, and you can't bear hardships?Why is this so strong...

Obviously still a crybaby...

Lemans watched Lin Yeqiu wipe his sweaty face again, gasping for breath, moving his steps with difficulty, his steps were already scattered, as if he would fall down at any time, so he stopped and stretched out his hand from the side He picked a big leaf and spread it on the ground, beckoning him to come and sit.

Lin Yeqiu was stunned for a moment, then smiled gratefully, and when he breathed a sigh of relief and was about to sit down, he saw that Lemans was not sitting down, but walked a few steps to the right, so he was going to pick fruit.

Lin Yeqiu looked hesitantly at the attractive green leaves on the ground, and finally sighed and walked towards Lemans to help, but found that he was 1.7 meters tall, and it was far from enough to raise his hands and stand on tiptoes When he reached the fruit-laden branch above his head, he gritted his teeth and jumped up. His center of gravity was unstable and he almost fell on his back. Not to mention, he still didn't even touch the edge of the fruit, and his face was depressed for a moment.

"These are meant for you to eat, here, you go and sit there." Lemans looked at him, thinking that he wanted to eat too, so he handed over the one in his hand.

Lin Yeqiu only understood the word "you". Seeing him handing over the fruit, she thought that she wanted to hold it by herself so that he could pick more, so she stretched out her hands to hold it, but waited in place, thinking of the two of them. We went back to sit and rest together.

Seeing him standing still, Lemans thought he felt that it was not enough, so he picked a lot more, until Lin Yeqiu's hands were so full that he couldn't hold it anymore.

Lemans saw that he was holding it so hard, but still stood still, and then realized whether he had misunderstood something, and asked tentatively: "Let's go sit there?" One, only to signal with the eyes.

Lin Yeqiu followed his gaze and saw that it was a place covered with green leaves. Guessing that the other party was asking him if he wanted to go there, he quickly nodded and agreed.

Lemans switched the fruit from his right hand to his left to hold it close to his body, and took a few more for Lin Yeqiu. Lin Yeqiu immediately relaxed a lot. Otherwise, he would have to arch his shoulders and hunched his back so that the fruit would not roll down. It is undoubtedly inconvenient to walk in that posture with the chin lowered, and there is no guarantee that I can hold so many fruits, large and small.

The two sat on the wide green leaves and put all the fruits in the empty places of the leaves.

Lin Yeqiu had been thirsty and hungry for a long time, and didn't care about being polite. Before Lemans could open his mouth, he immediately grabbed one and gnawed it with all his strength. After three or four gnaws, he finally ate the juice inside. If it goes on like this for a long time, I'm afraid his teeth will loosen and fall off sooner or later, or they will be too soft to bite anything.This kind of primitive life, TM's is really tragic...

Lemans saw that he was biting so hard every time, so he took one, grasped it with his left hand, touched the upper part of the fruit with his right hand, and then gently peeled it off, the head fell to the ground, and stretched out his left hand to eat the fruit. Lin Yeqiu, who looked at him, handed it over.

Lin Yeqiu was a little dumbfounded, and he gnawed on it for a long time, but he opened it with the touch of his hand?Could it be that eating so painfully before was all because of missing the point?Woooo... Thank you and took it over to take a look. The clear juice was gently shaking in the fruit shell, and I drank it in one gulp.

After drinking, he grabbed another one casually, imitating what Lemans did just now, and wanted to follow suit, but he couldn't easily peel off the fruit like the other party, until the peel was smooth and clean. Slippery and bright, the fruit is still intact, and he couldn't help but look up at Lemans with a hint of anger.

At first, Lemans didn't know what strange things this female was doing, but after watching it, he understood a little bit, and couldn't help but feel a little amused in his heart.

Females can't change their sharp claws freely like males. Of course, it is impossible to grab the peel, but this female doesn't know?

Somewhat helplessly and angrily, Lemans cut open the fruit for him again and handed it over, seeing that he finished drinking, he cut another one, until the other party waved his hand and said no, Lemans ate some by himself.

Lin Yeqiu smacked his mouth a few times, savoring the sweet taste, and exhaled contentedly.

This kind of fruit quenches both thirst and hunger. It is cool and sweet, and not greasy. It is really the best in the world!

Lymans couldn't help being slightly dazed when he saw him showing a satisfied smile.

Although this female is not beautiful in appearance, when she smiles, she is... different.

While the two were resting, Lin Yeqiu learned a few new words: thirsty, hungry, full, comfortable, sit down, stand up, rest, tired, human, etc.

Reymans wrapped the leftover six or seven fruits with two long and wide oval leaves, a bit like the ancient way of wrapping, thinking that he would bring them back later.

Lin Yeqiu nodded again and again, the spirit of not wasting is worth promoting and maintaining, especially in this kind of place where birds don't lay eggs, food is mostly in short supply.

He walked all the way, but he didn't see any fertile fields, and all he saw were huge trees and giant plant vines like virgin forests.

He turned his head to look at the person beside him. There are not many such frugal and considerate good men!If it is placed in modern times, it will undoubtedly be a hot item!Moreover, I didn't pay much attention to it just now, but now I found out after a closer look that the man is actually very good-looking, no, he is simply handsome, with a resolute face, deep features, and sharp edges and corners. Whether it is a full forehead or a high nose bridge, Or the resolute chin, full of exquisite delicacy, long and dense eyelashes, especially those royal blue eyes, gentle like the blue sky, deep like the ocean, they are simply superstars at the level of heavenly kings!What a waste to be born in this world!

Lymans noticed his gaze, and wondered in his heart why this female looked at him with that strange look of eagerness but regret...

Although it was strange, he put aside the question and asked the question he had always wanted to know: "Which tribe are you from?" Seeing that he didn't respond, he couldn't help frowning slightly, and asked the question a second time in a good-tempered manner.

Lin Yeqiu wondered why the good-looking beauty suddenly frowned. This time, she realized that the other party was asking him something. After thinking about it carefully, it seemed that she only understood the two words "you" and "tribe" that she had just learned. Although he didn't know the other syllables of the words, he could still hear the questioning tone. It was clear that he was probably asking where his family lived. When he thought of home, he couldn't help but hang his head in frustration.

Not to mention that he still doesn't know how to express such a complicated meaning in the language of this world, even if he could, he doesn't know how to say it. Could it be that he is not from this world, but the god Ma Yunyun from time travel?Who knows if he will be caught, burned, soaked in a pig cage or something...

"It's too unsafe to be outside alone. It's too late today. Show me the way tomorrow, and I'll take you back, okay?"

Such a long sentence, except for "one", "you", "I" and "road", Lin Yeqiu didn't understand anything else.

Lemans said a few more words, Lin Yeqiu just shook his head, slowly bent his knees, hugged him with his hands, resting his chin on his knees.He also wanted to go home, but he couldn't find his way home.

Later, in this world, Lin Yeqiu became a missing person recorded by the police station...

That's all, the key is that I used to call back to my hometown every weekend. Tomorrow is Saturday, and my mother will be worried if I can't wait for his call the day after tomorrow... If I can't find anyone else, what should I do...

But he is stuck in this place, there is nothing he can do... In case he really can't go back...

He couldn't help curling his body up even harder.Thinking of this, I regretted why I was always impatient with my mother and thought she was nagging, why didn't I treat her well, accompany her well, and listen to her well?

Now, even if I want to listen to my mother's nagging, I can't hear it...

Lymans noticed that he was in a much lower mood, as if he was a little sad, and felt a little uncomfortable for some reason.

It seems that this female may have encountered some accident, so she appeared alone in such a dangerous place...

In the future, don't ask...

Although he's not used to having a female by his side, but if it's this one, it doesn't seem to bother him, so let's just leave it at that for now...

For a long time, no one spoke.

Lin Yeqiu curled up motionless, her bangs drooped down, slightly covering her eyes, looking extremely lonely and sad.

From the moment we met, this female has been chattering non-stop, like a noisy bird, and now she suddenly quieted down, which made Reymans a little unaccustomed, hesitantly poked his arm lightly, and asked softly: "Shall we continue on our way?"

Lin Yeqiu raised his slightly red eyes, saw him pointing to the road ahead, understood that he meant to continue on his way, nodded, and was about to stand up, but was stopped by Lemans, looking at the man in front of him in astonishment Crouching down and pointing at his back, did he mean to carry him?

Lin Yeqiu hurriedly shook his head and waved his hands: "No need, no need! I can go by myself, really!" I am a man no matter what, and let my benefactor carry me on my back, how shameful it is...

Lemans saw that he was so persistent, so he didn't say any more, and the two walked side by side in the afterglow of the setting sun, leaving behind a tall and vigorous figure and a crooked figure.

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