Orc Wolf King

Chapter 4 A certain animal with negative survivability in the wild

When the sun was about to set, Lemans finally pointed to a cave ahead and said, "Here we are."

Lin Yeqiu lowered his head and looked over with his fingers. Sure enough, the idea of ​​primitive society flashed by. A tired and paralyzed person just wanted to find a place to lie down quickly. This desire was so strong that he burst out with amazing potential , three steps and two steps, rushed into the cave, sat down on a wide rock, let out a sigh of relief, moaned and rubbed the calf, the two legs were so heavy and painful that it was almost impossible my own.

On the other hand, Lemans didn't feel tired at all, his face wasn't red and he wasn't out of breath, and he went outside the cave without knowing what to do, and didn't take a break.

It seems that the physical fitness of modern people is really not good enough, and they need to strengthen their exercises.

Lin Yeqiu's thoughts were wandering, his eyelids began to fight up and down, and he simply lay down, wanting to take a nap first, and we will talk about everything after enough rest...

After lying on the rock for a long time, I felt a little cold, and unconsciously began to curl up my limbs. The hard rock made my bones ache, but I couldn't beat the sleepiness. I was still thinking in a daze, the act of repaying gratitude, tomorrow Let's get started... I'm too tired today...

After an unknown period of time, when his consciousness was blurred, it seemed that someone was shaking him, Lin Yeqiu grunted, turned over and continued to sleep until the sky was dark and the wind and rain did not stop.

Lymans looked helplessly at the female curled up into a ball of flesh, snoring so much that she couldn't wake up no matter what.

It seems that he was indeed overly frightened today, and after such a long journey, he must be physically and mentally exhausted. If it were another female, I might not be able to bear it, so I stopped trying to wake him up, thinking that if I was hungry, I would be exhausted. , I will wake up by myself, so I put the meat on the bonfire and simmered.

Unexpectedly, when Reymans woke up the next day, he saw that the meat was still completely inserted by the fire that had been extinguished. In the past, I ate it two or three times.

As time passed, when Lin Yeqiu finally had enough sleep and stretched his waist contentedly, he was startled when he saw the strange environment around him, and then remembered yesterday's Oolong crossing, relaxed his nerves, and sighed deeply.

The series of unexpected incidents yesterday made him have no time to think about anything. He looked down at himself: this pair of precious suit pants that he hadn’t worn a few times was wrinkled badly, the off-white fabric was covered with dirt, and the trousers were still scratched. Torn, it seems to be scrapped; the leather shoes seemed to be picked up from the garbage can, and there were many scratches, and the light brown leather inside was turned out; the suit jacket was left on the edge of the bed before I could wear it As for the tie, I don’t know where I left it; a bunch of heavy keys are still hanging on the belt of my trousers, and there are nail clippers newly bought not long ago on the keys; There was no response to the green button either; the hands of the watch had long stopped moving, and the time remained at 35:[-] noon.

He didn't even have a knife or anything, and there was nothing practical about his whole body...

The thin white shirt on his body that has long lost its original color can't keep out the cold at all, and he sweated a lot during the day yesterday, and now it is sticky to his body after drying, and it also emits a strange smell , very uncomfortable.

Lin Yeqiu wanted to stand up, only to notice that his body was covered with a piece of yellow and black fur, which had receded to his thighs. Although the touch under his body was not as soft as the bed in this world, it was not as soft as lying down last night. It turned out that he was sleeping on several mats made of animal skins, the top one was the softest, the lower ones became firmer, and the bottom one was even a bit sticky. Nine sheets were laid out!

He put the furry side of the animal skin that had slipped off his body, and carefully laid it out. He turned his head and looked around. The sun shone in from the hole. It must have been almost noon, and he slept for so long!

It was very quiet in the cave, and Lymans was not there.

Um?etc!Will he leave him alone?But this idea just popped up for a while, and then disappeared.

The fire not far away has not been extinguished, and there is a large piece of roasted meat beside it.

Lin Yeqiu was once again ashamed of his villainous heart at that moment, walked over to pick up the meat, it was still warm, smelled the smell of the meat, his stomach started to growl, and he felt hungry, bowed his head and He began to bite unceremoniously.The meat is a bit old, and it takes a little effort to eat, but it is still very fragrant, much more delicious than the meat with various additives in the present world.

After gnawing and gnawing, I felt a little full, so I began to eat while looking around the situation in the cave.

In fact, this cave is quite spacious, but there is almost nothing there, just the ten animal skins and a few burnt logs.It seems that those ten animal skins are all Lemans' belongings, but he gave them all to himself last night...

Suddenly, he remembered last night when his consciousness was hazy, he seemed to see the man grabbing his leg and kneading it, and he seemed to cry out comfortably?

I hurriedly stood up and moved my legs, it really wasn't too sore, it must be the effect of the massage...

Shocked, looking at the half-eaten barbecue in his hand that was still warm, he was really guilty. He said he wanted to repay the favor, but it turned out that the benefactor was serving him who wanted to repay the favor!

No no no!How can this work?

After nibbling the last bite of meat, he quickly licked his oily fingers, burped, and nodded solemnly: "From now on, I will take care of all your daily life, and I promise to take care of you comfortably. , It doesn’t seem to be in the world! You will definitely not regret saving me back! Mmmm!”

I made a grand ambition and felt a little thirsty. When I turned my head, I saw three fruits on the other side. I picked up one and wanted to bite, but the top skin fell off. It turned out that all three were opened, but I was afraid that the taste would change. And still cover it with leather.

Lin Yeqiu smiled slightly while drinking.

After eating and drinking enough, he rolled up his shirt sleeves and suit trousers, went out of the cave, twisted five or six vines together, tied them with a slipknot, left a big circle in the middle, and dug a hole not far outside the cave with stones. Make a small hole, cover it with a large leaf, put the end of the vine with a slipknot on the leaf, put the leftover tendon that you couldn't bite just now in the center of the big circle, and drag the other end of the vine to climb up. The tree is tied to a strong branch, and a simple trap will do just fine, just waiting for the prey to fall into the net.

Then I started to pick fruits nearby with joy, and if I couldn't reach them, I just climbed the tree to pick them.

Excitedly picked fruits and vegetables, big and small, full of red, green, green, yellow, yellow, purple and purple, and picked up a lot of dry firewood. I stopped when I thought it was enough, and planned to make lunch.

However, here comes the problem. As for the fire, the fire just now still has sparks, which can be ignited with dry dead leaves, but where do you get the spatula? Even if there is a spatula, where are the seasonings and vegetable oil?After thinking about it like this, I came to the conclusion that vegetables can't be cooked at all.And there is no starchy food like rice here, unless there is meat, it will not be able to fill your stomach at all.

Lin Yeqiu dejectedly went to the place where he had set the trap, he couldn't help but stood there blankly for a moment.

What it is?Long ears, short tail, chubby body, especially the three distinctive lips, it should be a rabbit... But rabbits, are there such giants?Visually, it reached his waist height!

The teeth protruding from the three lips were faintly shining, as if they could tear him apart with one bite.

However, rabbits should be herbivores...

But Mao it stared at him with red eyes?Although the rabbit's eyes are originally red...

Lin Yeqiu shuddered subconsciously, and took half a step back. Unexpectedly, the big rabbit kicked its back legs and rushed towards him.

"Help! Help!" Lin Yeqiu ran away.

After running for a long time, I heard a "tearing" sound, and a piece of suit pants was torn at the back of my buttocks, and the heels of my legs suddenly felt chilly, but it is more important to escape than shame.

Lin Yeqiu didn't care to cover his butt with his hands, he just ran forward desperately, but his sore legs couldn't keep up with the instructions of his brain, so he fell like a dog eating shit with a "bang", and said "Lemans help me!" !” shouted and was smothered in the mud, and was choked by the sprayed dust and coughed.

Amid the fear and pain, something touched his right shoulder, he subconsciously waved his hand over, and after Gesteri yelled, what he saw was the familiar long white hair, it was Lymans!

Lin Yeqiu stood up quickly in surprise, clutching his muscular arm tightly with both hands, and shouted in a loud voice: "Lemans! Lemans!"

The person called stretched out his left hand and touched the top of the frightened female's head soothingly, and comforted him in a warm voice: "It's all right! Don't be afraid! It's all right!"

Lin Yeqiu calmed down slowly, only to realize that the giant rabbit was running away, and had already jumped a long distance, while Lemans was holding a skinned and bled animal in his other hand.

"Where does it hurt?" Lemans gently grabbed Lin Yeqiu's palm and looked at it. The palm was just a little red. It hurt for sure, but the skin was not broken. Then he pointed to his leg and asked, "Does the leg hurt?" Does it hurt? Did you get hurt?"

Lin Yeqiu understood the leg and the pain, and understood what the other person meant. He lifted his trousers and rolled them up to his knees. Although it was hot and painful, it was just as red as the palm of his hand. He shook his head and looked at the other person and said, "It doesn't matter, It will be fine in a while." After all, the mud floor is soft, not like a concrete floor.

Only then did he remember that his wonderful dog-eating shit just fell, and he must be ashamed now, so he hurriedly wiped his face with his sleeve, and asked, "What the hell was that just now?" He pointed at the giant creature that had almost disappeared .

Lemans pointed to the direction where the giant creature was fleeing, and said, "It's a carnivorous rabbit, a carnivorous rabbit, it eats meat." He lifted the raw meat in his hand, "Eat, meat."

Lin Yeqiu suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, mother!Fortunately, he subconsciously ran away just now, otherwise he escaped the wolf's mouth by chance yesterday, but today he would be buried in the rabbit's mouth.

Damn it!What the hell is this place!It's all messy and weird!Even a rabbit can eat people!

"Let's go back to the cave?" Lemans pointed in the direction of the cave entrance, walked two steps and then stopped to look at Lin Yeqiu.

Lin Yeqiu nodded: "Okay." Follow him back.

At the entrance of the cave, Lin Yeqiu suddenly remembered a very serious matter, there was still wind leaking behind him!Glanced at Lemans secretly, covered his buttocks when he wasn't paying attention, walked sideways like a crab and pulled ten wide leaves nearby, and then stepped back step by step to face Lemans under cover hole.

In fact, Lemans is also a little unnatural, because he has already seen what should be seen and what should not be seen, but he has been restraining his eyes from glancing at places that should not be glanced. Lin Yeqiu's actions made him He remembered how the other party lay on the ground with his butt pouted not long ago, and the round and firm two petals wrapped in white exposed under the torn fabric...

Lemans quickly stopped, turned around, calmed down slightly, saw all kinds of fruits on the ground among the green leaves and the wood piled on the side, and couldn't help looking at the hole again, this female...

In his tribe, and as far as he knows in many other tribes, females are used as pets. Whether it is hunting, picking fruits or collecting food, it is the responsibility of the males. Because of the limitations of female height and physical fitness, they do Without these, many females are unwilling to do these rough jobs, and are proud of their excellent soft jobs.

But during the short time we got along, many aspects of this female were very different from his previous perception of females...

On the other side, Lin Yeqiu retreated safely into the hole, stretched out his hand and touched the back. Anyway, the shorts were still good, so he quickly took off the suit pants, wrapped the leaves around his waist one by one, and circled them with a belt, forming a grass dress look.

Looking at it this way, it looks like a half-primitive, but with a shirt on the upper body, it looks neither fish nor fowl!

Why don't you just put your pants back on and wrap your shirt around your waist?Anyway, a vest.But the trousers are really dirty, and I can't put them on after taking them off...

never mind!Anyway, there is only one person outside here, and he has already seen all his ugliness, so it is not bad now.

Thinking of this, he folded his pants and put them on the rock, walked out of the cave, and saw that Lemans was carefully arranging the fruits he had picked. Seeing that he seemed to be sorting the fruits, he was a little curious, walked over and squatted down and asked: "What are you doing?"

Lemans looked up at him, his eyes lingered on the grass skirt around his lower body for a second, then moved away as if nothing had happened, while tidying up, he explained slowly, explaining a lot of time with expressions and movements to complete the exchange.

It turned out that some of the fruits that Lin Yeqiu picked were poisonous. Eating them would cause diarrhea, or the skin would swell and hurt if the juice was stained, and in severe cases, they would fester and die. Some were medicines, which could only be applied externally but could not be eaten. Poison is not medicine, it can be eaten, but the taste is very astringent.

Lymans kept the edibles and medicines and placed them separately.

Lin Yeqiu carefully wrote down one by one, and told himself that he would not make a mistake next time. Seeing that Lemans was holding the fruit and putting it on the rock, he wanted to start a fire and roast the meat.

Looking at such a big unknown animal, I couldn't help being a little dazed, turned around and found a clean stick, inserted it from the buttocks to the neck, put it back on the leaf, and started to light a fire.

But what about Tinder?Because he doesn't smoke, he doesn't have the habit of carrying a lighter with him.

Looking at the fire from earlier, I dialed it without hope, but I didn't expect to see hot red stars, which were burning or not, a bit like burning coals.

He was overjoyed, and hurriedly picked a root from the woodpile and put it on the fire. As a result, the flames shot up to half a person's height without warning, and the flames licked straight towards the door.

"Wow!" With a scream, the birds in the forest were startled.

"How? How? Where is it burned?" Reymans asked anxiously, grabbing him up and down and looking carefully.

"It's okay..." It's just another false alarm...

Lin Yeqiu replied with a straight face, and looked down, but it was a little black from the smoke, but her limbs were still intact, and she couldn't help but sigh in her heart: How could such an oolong thing happen?Just now I wanted to hunt animals, but I almost got hunted by them; now I want to barbecue, but I almost roasted myself!

Fortunately, Lemans pulled him away in time.

Huh, now in the eyes of the other party, I must be a useless man!

Lin Yeqiu stared at the fire resentfully and angrily, with a terrifying expression on his face that wanted to kill someone.

Seeing that he was really not hurt, Lemans was slightly relieved, pulled him to sit on the stone beside him, and started to add wood to start the fire himself.

But Lin Yeqiu is not a young master, how can he sit with peace of mind and let his benefactor do this kind of work himself again, and even come to serve him?

So, he adjusted his frightened heart, and moved over again, wondering why it was also a fire, why didn't the situation of the flames soaring up and down in Lemans, and he also gesticulated the question.

"This kind of oily wood usually only needs a short section to ignite. If it is burned, other forest trees are used." Lemans explained while operating. Although Lin Yeqiu couldn't fully understand it, he understood it with his actions. It seems that some understand.

Seeing the fire started, Lemans picked another kind of branch and quickly put it on top of each other, carefully leaving enough gaps between the logs for air to enter. After a while, the dry branches were completely dry. When it was burning, he put the meat that Lin Yeqiu had skewered over the fire, put it on the two wooden racks that had been prepared, and slowly roasted it.

Lin Yeqiu would still be able to do simple things like looking after the fire, and immediately made a positive request.

Lymans couldn't hold him back, he just thought he thought it was fun, so he let it go.

However, a certain person's high ambition finally declared defeat again amidst bursts of burnt smell. The meat was roasted until the corners were burnt, but he couldn't poke it with a sharp wooden stick, which meant that it was still raw.

In the end, in order to prevent both of them from starving, Lemans took over.

Ever since, Lin Yeqiu was so shocked that he had to admit that he didn't seem to be able to help even a favor, and would only become a burden to the other party in the end...

When Lemans roasted the meat, tore off the least charred leg, and called Lin Yeqiu to eat, Lin Yeqiu still looked sluggish.

Lemans was a little puzzled, put the meat back on the shelf, approached him, bent slightly, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry..." Lin Yeqiu looked at the meat on the shelf, "The meat is burnt, and I can't help you with other things... I need you to take care of me... I have saved me several times, but I can't do anything I can't..." The more I talked, the more I felt sad by my own uselessness.Although I knew that the other party didn't understand what he meant, I felt sad and wanted to say sorry.

Lymans looked at him quietly, and somehow thought of the behavior of this female who tried to take care of the fire just now, made a trap that was impossible to catch prey before, picked a lot of fruits, and was obviously tired yesterday. He looked like he really wanted to sit down and rest, but he followed him to pick the fruit, and all kinds of things were connected together. Looking at his sad look now, he seemed to have a little realization of what this female was doing...

If it is as guessed, then this female named "Li Yeqiu" is really...

Seeing the pitiful look of the person in front of him drooping his head, Lymans felt a little soft-hearted, and unconsciously gave him a gentle smile, stretched out his hand to rub his head, and said a short sentence softly.

Lin Yeqiu still didn't fully understand, but looking at his expression and actions, he vaguely understood that the other party was trying to comfort him.

Unexpectedly, this person looks tall, tall and careless, but he is actually very careful, really careful, and very gentle.Although the method of consolation is a bit clumsy...

For some reason, the mood really picked up a bit.

Also, since we met for more than 24 hours, this man smiled for the first time. Although the smile is very light, it gives people a very gentle feeling, and the whole person is much softer. It was like a finely carved ice sculpture before. , exquisite but a little indifferent, but now it is like the ice tip slowly melting under the warm winter sun, shining with a warm light, elegant but gorgeous.

By the way, there is one more thing, I must tell him in the future that it is impolite not to touch a man's head casually, no matter what the situation is or what the reason is.I seem to have been touched more than once...

Thinking of this, Lin Yeqiu felt a little dark.

Reymans noticed that the other party seemed to be in a better mood, so he picked up the leg again and handed it over.

Lin Yeqiu gnawed silently while watching Lemans start to extinguish the fire.

After all, there are extremely flammable oily trees in this forest. Presumably, the fire was not extinguished in the morning because I had to warm the barbecue for myself.

Thinking of this, Lin Yeqiu's eyes softened a lot unconsciously.

The two sat opposite each other and ate the barbecue together. Since there were no knives, they just bit off the charred parts with their teeth, and the taste inside was still as good as ever.

Lin Yeqiu smiled imperceptibly, which belonged to Lemans' skill.

One day, I will definitely be able to roast such delicious meat myself!

Not long after, Lin Yeqiu was amazed that Lemans had such a large appetite. He actually ate all the meat of half a pig, and he couldn't even finish a leg. No wonder this man can grow so big. tall.

Moreover, Lemans ate extremely fast, and the two of them finished eating almost at the same time.

This is called a big stomach king!

Lin Yeqiu sighed at the pile of bones.

Not long after eating, Lin Yeqiu, who was hiccupping and resting, suddenly felt pain in his left hand. He was shocked when he saw it. When did it become like this?It was swollen like a carrot, swollen, painful and itchy, like chilblain, and then it became more and more painful, as if it would only be scrapped, so I couldn't help being frightened, and looked at Lehman for help s.

Lemans said, "It's poison." He turned and went out of the cave, but he came back in the blink of an eye, with a grass in his hand.

"This is a herbal medicine designed to cure this kind of poison. It will be cured after applying it. I'm afraid you accidentally got the juice when you picked the fruit at noon. One of the symptoms of toxicity is like this. The onset is very slow, but the aftereffect It's a lot of force, but as long as it's treated in time, it's fine. Don't worry."

Lin Yeqiu probably guessed that the grass held in the opponent's hand was medicine, and saw that he tore off the stem and leaf to put it in his mouth, so he stopped him immediately.

"I'll do it myself." He took the stems and leaves, put them in his mouth, chewed them up, spat on the red, swollen and stinging back of his hand, and slowly spread it on. The place that was already stinging hurts even more when he touches it. grimace in pain.

Lemans looked a little helpless and distressed, and wanted to say a few words of comfort, but was startled by his sudden thought instead.

Distressed?Is that distressing?

Lymans was startled, and looked at Lin Yeqiu with slightly complicated eyes.

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