Orc Wolf King

Chapter 32 Let's Be Together

The sun is warm and the cool breeze is blowing. The sage flowers are about to wither, and the yard is covered in white snow. It is soft to walk on, and the petals are constantly falling and dancing on the top of the head. It is too beautiful.

Lin Yeqiu sat down under a big tree, bent one leg, put his left hand on his knee, and put his right hand on the ground casually. He leaned against the thick trunk of the tree and looked up at the distant sky. The sky was as blue and clear as washing. The man's eyes.

A sigh sounded, he looked back, looked down at the ground, the sunlight cast mottled golden shadows through the branches and leaves, swaying, and for a moment, he was a little dazed.

Recently, I often feel that the depression in my chest cannot be dissipated, and it seems that I can't go back to this world. This has undoubtedly been a heart disease, but there seems to be something else besides this...

He raised his head, leaned back against the tree, and closed his eyes.

In the blink of an eye, I haven't seen him for another month, and I didn't feel anything when I was with Lemans every day before, but now I feel uncomfortable, as if my days are like years.

Live like a year?

As soon as the word appeared, he couldn't help being startled, and immediately opened his eyes.

No longer in the mood to sit quietly, he got up quickly, took a step and then stopped, but he didn't know where to go for a while. He asked his attendants before, and Lemans went out early in the morning again, and it was not until midnight. is not coming back.

etc!It's not like he's going to find that person!

Such a denial is clearly a bit of an attempt to cover up...

Lin Yeqiu couldn't help moaning.

As a result, he walked back to the side hall and was about to go in when he heard a voice from inside saying with admiration: "Young master is so lucky to be so favored by Prince Lemans."

"Exactly! Although the prince looks scary, but if I can be spoiled like this, I will do anything! I am happy to be frozen every day!"

"Cut! Our prince is only cruel to outsiders. Haven't you seen the expression on his face when he looks at the young master? It's so gentle that it's gone to the bone!"

"The prince never bowed his head to the king before, but he has been away for so many years now, and there is no news. He has not replied to all the letters sent by the king. This time, the prince actually listens to the king for everything!"

Lin Yeqiu was taken aback.

Is that man so busy because of him?

What is still being said inside: "My son is so happy!" and so on.

Lin Yeqiu deliberately made some noise, entered the door, and smiled: "What are you talking about, so happy?"

"Young master! It is Prince Lemans who has done many unexpected things for you!"

"Oh? What's the matter?" Lin Yeqiu guided with a friendly face.

"Huh? Don't you know, my lord? It's just—"

"Cough!" Another waiter tugged at the hem of the quick-talking waiter and winked.

Only then did the latter realize something "ah", and hurriedly lowered his head and fell silent.

Seeing this, Lin Yeqiu didn't ask any more questions. When they retreated, he walked back to the table and poured water, but stopped halfway through pouring. the night before...

It seemed that the fiery heat and the sound of panting were still clearly in my ears, and I couldn't help but blushed slightly, and simply held the big teapot and poured it directly into my mouth.

After taking a breath, he thought of the silent agreement reached between father and son when they met the Wolf King for the first time. It seemed that besides this, Lemans did many other things without his knowledge.

Because the wolf king threatened him?To be against him, or what...

Lin Yeqiu frowned, turned around and wanted to sit down, but suddenly felt something strange under his buttocks, and then the stool seemed to be tilted, and he jumped aside keenly, and sure enough, the upper half of the stone bench fell down with a clang, and he looked carefully. The lower plate was broken by something and then glued back together. As soon as the weight of his body was lifted, it turned over again.

Lin Yeqiu looked at this familiar technique speechlessly, and shook his head slightly. Fortunately, he has gained experience in the past few days, otherwise he would have to fall on his back.

He didn't call an attendant, and chose another stool to sit on. This time, he checked in detail and made sure there was no problem before sitting down at ease.

Small accidents like this happened frequently in the past month. For example, while walking, a bird that was hit by something and fainted suddenly fell from the sky, and it happened to land three steps away from him. He didn't take it seriously. He turned sideways and continued to walk his own way; for another example, when he lifted the quilt while sleeping, he would see a flower petal inside, sometimes mixed with green leaves, and the bright flower mud covered the bed sheet, so he would open the closet next to him nonchalantly to find a clean one. replacement etc.

Who is playing the prank? Lin Yeqiu has gone from being frightened at the beginning, to a helpless habit later, and now to being indifferent now.

He once tentatively asked the waiter if anyone had entered the side hall, but everyone said no, so he didn't mention it anymore.

He also probably knew that Lemans had secretly sent someone to him, but the other party was able to evade Lemans' manpower and made trouble again and again. The hurtful little prank, he didn't make a big deal of it, and after a few times, he was sure that this should not be the person who drugged him first, otherwise, if he really wanted to harm him, with the other party's skill, he would have died thousands of times.

However, he still hesitated whether to tell Lemans or not.

But since the other party seems to have no malicious intentions, there seems to be no need for Lemans to worry...

If the other party really goes too far, he will retaliate back. Now, after a lot of thinking, I decided to let it go for the time being. There is no need to bother, either wait for the person in the dark to show up someday, or wait for the other party to be bored automatically give up such childish behavior.

Lin Yeqiu propped his chin on the stone table and looked out of the window. He suddenly wanted to know what Lemans was doing at the moment, and would the wolf king send him something dangerous?

Lin Yeqiu sat up straight suddenly, stood up awkwardly, and started pacing back and forth a little annoyed as he thought about it.

When he finally calmed down, he realized that he was thinking about him again, his face darkened, and then he was in a trance, absent-mindedly grabbed the teapot, and subconsciously poured water into his stomach again.

As a result, I went to relieve my hands four times in one afternoon.

At night, after eating and washing, he simply sat and waited at the table, swearing not to fall asleep. As a result, during the long and boring wait, he finally met Zhou Gong. When he woke up, he found himself lying on the bed. He clearly remembered sleeping. The front is sitting at the stone table.

Looking around, it was late at night, and there was no sound at all, so I had to sleep again.

On the second night, he didn't wait stupidly anymore. Anyway, he couldn't wait after several attempts. If he was accompanied by a computer in this world, he could easily wait until four or five o'clock in the morning. , but here is so monotonous and boring that there is nothing to relieve boredom, so it's strange not to fall asleep.

As a result, he finally woke up that night, and felt a dark shadow on the head of the bed when he was drowsy. He was startled and drowsy, and at this moment, a gentle and familiar voice came: "Xiaoqiu, is it?" I."

Lin Yeqiu let out a big breath when he heard the words, and stared at the other party with some reproach.

In the darkness, he couldn't actually see Lemans' face, but Lemans could see his expression and behavior clearly.

"You don't sleep in the middle of the night, what are you doing here?"

"...I want to see you." This sentence is extremely simple, but it is also extremely sensational.

Lin Yeqiu hesitated for a while before moving her body inside: "Do you want to come up?"

Of course, Lemans wanted what he wanted, and he didn't even pretend to be embarrassed to refuse, and jumped up without saying a word.

Lin who sent the invitation didn't know whether to be speechless or what to do.

The two fell asleep together, Lin Yeqiu couldn't help sighing, it felt like it hadn't been like this for a long time, she really missed the days in the cave, cuddling tightly under the snow wolf's belly to keep warm.

In the darkness, he whispered: "Hey! Let's transform again."

The snow wolf seemed to hesitate for a while, and finally changed into a wolf according to the words, stretched its limbs to let the man get in, lay down comfortably, and sighed contentedly: "Your fur is more comfortable than any quilt bed... ..."

After a while, he suddenly thought of something, and asked in a weird tone: "You won't tell me that you have come to see me every day these days..."


"Oh." Lin Yeqiu breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's one month and four days."

Lin Yeqiu froze for a moment, and then realized, his expression was extremely funny for a moment.

How dare he not see Lemans for so long, but the other party watches him sleep well every day?Is he still completely ignorant?

Hey, forget it.Anyway, he has no bad habits in his sleep, and he is not afraid of being watched.

"Do you like staying in this castle?" Lin Yeqiu was silent for a moment, stroking the snow wolf's slippery and warm fur, and asked softly.

"It's hard to say whether you like it or not, what's the matter?" Snow Wolf squinted his eyes slightly after being stroked comfortably.

"Then if I say let's get out of here, would you like it?"

Lymans was silent when he heard the words.

Lin Yeqiu actually thought that he would agree, but what he got was silence.

"Xiaoqiu, are you unhappy here?"

Lin Yeqiu was taken aback: "Aren't you unhappy?"

Lemans was silent for a while, then said lightly, "It's okay."

Lin Yeqiu was taken aback again, knowing that the other party was vetoing it, and after a moment of silence, he whispered: "Then you, be careful when you go out." The low and simple words contained so much sincerity!

"Xiaoqiu——" Lemans bowed his head excitedly and arched the opponent's neck, and then stuck out his tongue to lick his cheek, which made him itchy and funny, and he hurriedly avoided begging for forgiveness.

That night, both of them slept extremely peacefully, and the corners of Lin Yeqiu's mouth even had a barely noticeable curvature.

After dawn, Lin Yeqiu woke up and found that Lemans had indeed left.

After eating, I went to the kitchen master to learn the craft again. It took most of the day. When I returned to the side hall in the afternoon, I heard the faint voice of people in the main hall.

In fact, he really didn't want to do such immoral things as eavesdropping, but every time it happened so coincidentally, when he turned to leave, he heard his name and couldn't help but pause.

It seemed that Reymans had rejected that beautiful and weak female, Mo Duo, who was crying sobbingly.

He had heard from others that Mo Duo seemed to be Lymans' childhood sweetheart.

"Is it because of him?"

Lemans didn't answer directly, but said indifferently: "You are my sister."

"I don't want to be your sister! If there is no him, can I be your partner?"

"Moduo!" Lemans yelled angrily in an instant, and then turned his tone cold, "Don't force me to be completely disappointed in you! You know, if there is a next time, I won't show mercy!"

Lin Yeqiu was stunned, and for the first time knew that the man who had always been so plain but was used to being coquettish to him had such a harsh side, not the usual seriousness, but a real chill, his heart was shocked, and immediately Thinking of this is for myself...

He backed away silently.

After the two of them had dinner together at night, Lin Yeqiu asked, "You really like me that much? Even if you know I'm not a female and can't bring you children, do you still like me?"

"I like you, and you are the only one." Lemans looked at him and said softly, rippling with warmth.

Lin Yeqiu said: "Then pursue me! If you catch me, you will be mine." Calmly and domineeringly.

When Lemans heard the previous one, he immediately beamed with joy, and when he heard the latter, his happy expression changed into confusion: "Should I say 'I've caught you, I'm yours'?"

Lin Yeqiu smiled softly: "No, that's right, it's 'you are mine'."


"There is a fundamental difference between the two."


"Good boy." Lin Yeqiu stretched out his hand and touched it affectionately, then turned around and walked to admire the moon.

As a result, in the early morning of the next day, Lin, who was dreaming soundly, suddenly opened his eyes, and was woken up by the noise outside the hall.

"Xiao Qiu! Xiao Qiu!" A certain wolf's energetic and energetic cry came from outside the hall.

Lin Yeqiu turned over and wanted to continue to sleep, but the man rushed in like a whirlwind, calling the other person's name in a series of voices, as if to wake up the soul.

Lin Yeqiu had no choice but to raise his eyes sleepily.In fact, after he said that sentence last night, he almost didn't fall asleep all night. He finally fell asleep when the sky was dark, but he was disturbed in this way, and he suddenly said in a bad mood: "If it wasn't for the big event that the sky was about to fall, you Tighten your skin!"

Dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction, Lin Yeqiu was still dragged up, and came to the outer hall, nine points of sleepiness dissipated immediately!

Looking inside and outside the hall, he rubbed his eyes in disbelief, is he still dreaming?

What's the matter with the large patch of jagged dog's tail grass in this room?

In such a big room, it is so full that there is almost no place to stand!There are also some suspicious fine particles flying in the air...

Is it a seed?

"Orcs send female dogtail grass to express unswerving love, and the more they give, the deeper the love."

"The prince's love for the son is really moving to tears!"

The surrounding attendants sighed enviously, and the gaze they cast on Lin Yeqiu could only be described as fiery, but who could understand Lin Yeqiu's desire to cry without tears?

What to do with such a large pile of dog-tailed grass?He was worried that if he walked into the palace, he would be submerged if he was not careful, and he would become the first human being drowned by the dogtail grass in history!You said you want to send roses or something, right?

Ah, no, roses are for girls...

Ahhh, it's not right at all, in the final analysis, you shouldn't give flowers and such things!

Lemans said excitedly: "Xiaoqiu, if you don't agree to be chased by me, I will send you so much every day!" His eyes were shining, so affectionate and pure.

Lin Yeqiu raised her head abruptly, is this a threat?It's red!bare!Naked threats!

But out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at everyone, his eyes were shining, his face was rosy, and he was very excited, whispering in twos and threes: "The prince picked it all by himself!" "I didn't sleep all night and moved it back!" "In the future I have to pick so much every day!" "Happiness is dead!" "I also want..."

It was whispering, but the volume was clear enough for Lin Yeqiu to hear clearly.

——As a result, Lin once again dug his own grave magnificently——

He suddenly felt powerless!

Forget it, if he can no longer return to the present world, he must be accompanied by someone, and that person must be Lemans.

"Let's be together." He sighed in his heart, raised his head, looked into the other's pure blue eyes, and said with a smile.

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