Orc Wolf King

Chapter 33 The so-called you and me......

Under the tall and sturdy velvet flower tree, the fragrance is striking, the green shade is like an umbrella, and the pompom-shaped plump and round velvet flowers are in full bloom, swaying and graceful, and the thin tidbits are blown by the breeze, falling down and kissing the forest leaves Autumn's black hair is like the intimate touch of a lover.

The person who was quietly half lying under the flower tree with his eyes closed, felt a slight movement of his head, half opened his eyes, and saw Lemans retracting his hand, holding a few velvet flower filaments between his fingertips.

"Wake you up?"

Lin Yeqiu closed his eyes again, and turned over lazily: "No. I didn't fall asleep."

"Xiaoqiu, you can sleep on my lap, it's so comfortable." Reymans changed his sitting position so that it would be convenient for others to rest on his lap, full of hope and flattery.

Not wanting to raise Lin Yeqiu's eyelids, he said lightly: "It's also very comfortable."

Reymans instantly collapsed, looked resentfully at the bewildered someone, and began to feel wronged again.

If he is in wolf shape at this time, then the tail should move from side to side excitedly, to drooping sadly against the tailbone.

Although they were together, they had almost no close contact in the past few days, which was no different from how they used to get along. On the contrary, they got even more intimacy when they were in snow wolf form.

Just like yesterday afternoon, he was lying under the tree in the shape of a wolf, and without even opening an invitation, the other party automatically leaned over and fell asleep on his belly, with a happy and satisfied expression on his face.

Why is there such a big difference today?

Lymans couldn't help but feel jealous of his wolf form again.


"Huh?" He replied lazily.

"Do you really like me?" Carefully.

Lin Yeqiu finally lifted his eyelids, and lazily said, "Why do you ask that?"

"You don't even want to rely on me..."

Lin Yeqiu changed his posture, raised his upper body slightly, lay on his side with his left hand supporting his forehead, raised his eyebrows and looked at Lemans: "If you don't like it, why would I say that?"

Since he said the words "we are together", in the past eighteen days, Lemans has never left him for half a cup of tea, and only replied to the wolf king that he was not feeling well and wanted to take a vacation. He clings to him tightly with peace of mind, as if he wants to make up for the previous month or so. He even gets tired of eating and sleeping every day, so he follows him to observe even when he is about to relieve himself.To be more precise, Lehmans wanted to follow in, but was backed away by someone's menacing murderous stare.

Lin Yeqiu didn't feel helpless about this deep love that was like glue in the eyes of others. Of course, he didn't hate it, but he was not used to it...

I don't know how other couples get along with each other. He seems to have never seen such conjoined twins in this world...

"I won't be the snow wolf, okay?" Lemans said suddenly after a moment of silence.

Lin Yeqiu looked at him strangely: "I didn't make you change!"

"I mean, I won't turn into a snow wolf in front of you from now on."

"What!" The shock was no small matter, Lin, who was lazy just now, immediately stood up and refused firmly, "No!"

After seeing this, Lemans was extremely shocked with such an expression on his face, remained silent, and turned his back aggrieved.

Seeing such a tall and handsome man acting like a little wife, Lin Yeqiu couldn't help but twitched his cheeks, adjusted his mentality, and said softly: "What's wrong? Did I hurt you yesterday? ?”

What responded to him was still the radiant white hair.

"It's me who makes you uncomfortable?" But you obviously enjoy it every time...

Still no response.

"So you think it's a shame to turn into a snow wolf in front of me?" Lin Yeqiu slapped his chest fiercely, "If that's the case, you can rest assured—"

"If you're willing to touch me now, I'll show you how to be a snow wolf in the future." Lemans finally turned around and said quietly.

Lin Yeqiu was stunned for a moment, then grinned: "Why do you think this is so difficult? I'll show you—" Maintaining the smile on his face, he raised his right hand mechanically, and then handed out— —

"I'm talking about the kind you used to touch the snow wolf, not the kind of perfunctory touch..." Lemans looked at his unnatural expression and movements, and slowly added a sentence.

"Uh..." Lin was stiff.

Eyes wide open.

In the end, no one compromised.

"Between my human form and my wolf form, Xiaoqiu, are you looking at it with two mentalities?" Lemans said lightly, but he was unusually incisive and sharp, hitting the nail on the head!

Lin Yeqiuzheng stared at him blankly, and said after a long time, "Please give me time to adapt."

Lemans didn't speak, let alone angry, but there seemed to be some sadness in his pretendingly indifferent eyes.

Lin Yeqiu suddenly felt a little dry in his throat.

Although psychologically he is willing to accept the other party as a partner, but he was straight before, and he really can't get used to it for a while, not to mention taking the initiative to touch a man, he is still a full-fledged man stronger than him.

All he can do is to work hard and get used to it as soon as possible.

It was night, when it was time for the two of them to share the bed, Lin Yeqiu touched one side of the stone table and wiped the other, and poured an unknown number of glasses of water, procrastinating and refusing to come to the bed.

Lymans had already spontaneously laid down on the bed without urging him.

"Well, you can sleep like a snow wolf..."


Lin Yeqiu looked at the occupied bed, looked at the tall and muscular male body on the bed, finally looked at the moon in the sky, finally bit the bullet and rubbed it over, carefully climbed up, avoiding Lemans body, and lay down inside.

Lemans didn't make any moves that exceeded the rules, and he didn't even touch the other party, and he lay obediently on the outer side of the space.

He kept persuading himself not to look at the disappointed and bewildered expression of the other party, tried his best to ignore the faint pity and soft-heartedness in his heart, and resolutely strengthened his determination.Xiaoqiu must learn to accept herself in human form.

And Lin Yeqiu couldn't tell what it was like at this moment. Although the two of them didn't touch each other, the gap between their arms was only about one or two centimeters after they lay down flat, and the heat on each other's body seemed to be gone. It made him a little uneasy, thinking how comfortable it would be to hug if it were soft and refreshing fur.

Facts have proved that Lemans' approach is indeed wise.

Otherwise, Lin Yeqiu, a poor person, might treat him as a pet forever, instead of a real companion.

The two had their own thoughts and slept lightly all night.

Early the next morning, Lemans got up lightly. At that time, Lin Yeqiu had just fallen into a deep sleep and didn't notice it. When he finally woke up from a full sleep, he learned that Lemans was out hunting with other orcs. went.

Lin Yeqiu paced back and forth under the velvet tree, sighing.

Although he agreed, he also knew that his practice of only allowing to see but not to touch was despicable, but...

In fact, he has also secretly made a lot of resolutions. Every time he looks at Lemans' eager eyes, he doesn't understand, but every time he actually implements it, he can't take that first step, and can't cross that threshold.

Lemans is really good, and he has never asked for anything since getting along with him. Instead, he is considerate of him, takes care of him, and takes care of him, and never uses one-sided force to force him to achieve his goal.

Lin Yeqiu sees all kinds of things in his eyes, facing such a sincere, fearless and unfaltering relationship, and feeling the other party's heart, who can really be indifferent?

How many heterosexuals in this world can be as sincere as Lemans?

But is it guilt, gratitude, or love?

Lin Yeqiu really didn't know.

He struggled for nearly an afternoon, but he didn't come to a conclusion, but he saw the waiter running over in a hurry, yelling, "It's not good, it's not good! Young Master, something serious happened! Something happened to Prince Lemans—— "

When Lin Yeqiu heard it, he felt a bang on his forehead, his chest was aching and stuffy, and the scenes of getting along with each other in the past flashed before his eyes, his nose was sour, he didn't care about other things, and he was so anxious that he said nothing. He ran out as soon as he said that he had to run out, and turned back quickly when he reached the gate of the palace, grabbed the waiter and asked, "Where is the person?"

"In the cottage outside the castle."

Lin Yeqiu was about to run again, but then realized that he didn't know him, so he pulled the waiter and ordered, "Take me there!"

The two rushed all the way, running out of breath, Lin Yeqiu's sweat-soaked face was pale, he imagined many scenes on the road, but he didn't dare to go deep, and when he rushed into the lobby of the house, he couldn't wait to lift his head. I glanced around in a hurry, but I didn't see that person, but there were a few females hugging each other and weeping.

Such a scene instantly gave Lin Yeqiu a bad premonition, and he couldn't help stepping back, his pale face turned paler, but he still managed to calm himself down, stepped forward, and asked anxiously, "Lemans What about people?"

"Lying in the inner room." A man raised his tearful eyes and sobbed back.

"How serious the injury is..." Lin Yeqiu said in a hoarse voice with a slight sway in his footsteps.Restraining himself, he took a deep breath desperately and told himself to calm down.

"I've been in a coma all this time..." Before he could finish his sentence, he began to cry in a low voice.

This crying made Lin Yeqiu flustered, his limbs were cold, and his throat became more astringent.

The sentence "unconscious" with a strong crying sound was played back and forth in my mind, and then I thought of life-threatening?


Lin Yeqiu couldn't keep calm any longer, and rushed into the inner room, already mentally prepared, no matter what kind of severe situation he would face, he would not lose his footing, and told himself that if this If Guan can get through it safely, he will agree to all of Lemans' requests.

He rushed in with all kinds of awareness, and the result——

Still stupid.

Eyelids blurred by water vapor, mouth wide open, eyes wide open, coupled with his stupid and stupefied look, whether he is sad or happy at the moment, it is absolutely ridiculous.

But Lin Yeqiu didn't have the extra mental energy to restrain this stupid look.

"Lymans?" He called out tentatively, and it was difficult to turn his mind around for a while.

"Xiaoqiu, why are you here?" The person on the bed had beautiful silver hair flowing down naturally and softly, and there seemed to be surprise on his handsome and boundless face, which was soon replaced by joy, and he quickly stretched out his hand to greet, "Come here quickly! Look at you Sweaty, ugly."

Lin Yeqiu walked over in a daze as he said, and was dragged to sit on the bed, allowing the other party to carefully wipe off sweat or some liquid for him.

Feeling the warm and dry fingers gently brushing over the cheeks, slowly driving away the coldness all over his body.

Lymans is warm and is good.

"Why are you shivering?" Reymans's warm and sweet voice was full of doubts, "Is it cold? Then get in! I'll cover you up."

Lin Yeqiu's mind was muddled, and he suddenly leaned over, but hugged him tightly without leaving any gaps.

It was the first time for Reymans to be treated so warmly in person, and he couldn't help being flattered, and then worried about his abnormality: "Xiao Qiu, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me! What's wrong? Tell me quickly! "Xiaoqiu's complexion is very bad!

Lin Yeqiu buried her head in the warm and broad arms of the other party, and did not move or speak for a long time.

Fear.Lin Yeqiu suddenly realized that he was so scared!Fear of losing this person.

Reymans didn't get an answer, so he didn't ask anymore, and raised his hand to gently pat the back of the person in his arms, again and again, extremely patiently.

In this quiet relief, Lin Yeqiu gradually calmed down his disturbed state of mind.

Seeing that he finally calmed down, Lemans said, "Xiao Qiu, tell me what happened? Why did you—"

"I thought you were seriously injured..." Lin Yeqiu didn't raise his head, but was still buried in his arms, his voice muffled.

Lemans was taken aback when he heard the words, and then laughed. Xiao Qiu ran so sweaty because he was worried about him, so his face turned pale: "I'm fine, I'm intact. Xiao Qiu, raise your head." He said softly Coaxing, he raised his hand and gently dragged the other person's chin. After seeing the other person's expression, his heart was filled with pity, and he couldn't help but bowed his head and kissed him.

Lin Yeqiu was obviously taken aback, but he didn't retreat, but slowly closed his eyes.

Lemans had a taste of it, and after a while, he backed away a little bit, his breathing became disordered, he gasped and looked at the person in his arms, but seeing his attitude of refusal, he became a little hotter on the spot, and when he thought about it further At that moment, Lin Yeqiu opened his eyes again.

"Why did they say you were unconscious?"

"Cough! I haven't slept too much these past few days, and after several fierce battles, my physical strength has been exhausted, and as soon as it's over, as soon as I relax my mind--I fell into a coma."

"That means you're really not hurt anywhere?"

"No! Xiaoqiu, you can come and check right away—"

"Then why are they crying!"

"Crying? Oh, females are less timid..."

Lin Yeqiu opened his mouth and stared, speechless.

This cute look became provocative again in the eyes of Reymans. As his already hot body continued to heat up, his sky-blue eyes were as deep as the sea, and stormy waves were rolling up inside, and he murmured "Xiaoqiu" , leaned over again, still not rejected.

The lips of the two were pressed together, rubbing slowly, very tender and tender, gradually as Reymans breath intensified, he tentatively stretched out the tip of his tongue to sweep the tight line of the other's lips.

Lin Yeqiu couldn't help being startled, and hesitantly slightly opened the slit, and the hot and humid lips that had been waiting for a long time rushed straight in. It seemed a little jerky at first, but after a while, it became familiar, and it swept around unceremoniously, occupying the ground. be king.

Lemans unconsciously hugged each other tightly in his hands, and the two bodies were tightly pressed together. Lin Yeqiu gradually became a little dizzy, and the tongue that was being chased so hard had nowhere to escape, so he gave up dodging. He didn't move, let others pick and choose, and suddenly a subconscious kiss back made Lemans' whole body tremble, and the gentle kiss gradually became wild.

The breathing of the two was disturbed.

With one free hand, Lemans slowly reached under Lin Yeqiu's jacket, touched the cool and slippery skin, but he didn't move away immediately, just stroked it twice, and then put it on his waist and did not move.

Lin Yeqiu felt the heat from his waist, and because he kissed the passionate part, he suddenly let out a muffled snort. This joyful and depressing sound immediately catalyzed the rushing passion that was already on the verge of breaking the embankment.

"Xiaoqiu, I want you..."




"Hmm... take it easy..."

There were intermittent bursts of groans that made people blush and heartbeat, and blood spurted...

Turn off the lights and draw the curtains, not suitable for children.

Afterwards, Lin Yeqiu was very tired and was about to meet Zhou Gong, so he asked vaguely: "You are not in a coma, you are asleep..."

Reymans blushed slightly, leaned down, kissed Lin Yeqiu's red and swollen lips lightly, and said softly, "Mm. Now go to sleep."

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